Professor Alan Brook

Professor Alan Brook
  • Biography/ Background

    Alan Brook is a leading figure internatioanlly in the the application of Complexity Science, Network Science and Modelling Influence on the development and functioning of the oral tissues. He has over 225 publications and over 270 abstracts of presentations with some 5,200 citations. Alan's research has ranged from basic science to clinical care to eductional research, arising from the varied aspects of his career as a clinical academic.

    Clinically, hhis research has generated innovative diagnostic and treatment procedures for several oral conditions. This was combined with being Chief Executive Officer for a combined industry/ university research unit. In 2005, Alan was awarded the highest level (Platinum) NHS Clinical Excellence Award.

    His eductaional research arose from curriculum innovations at undergraduate and postgraduate levels while holding the position of Head of Department and Deanship roles at several Universities and being President of the European Commission Dental Education Advisory Committee. 

    The major current and ongoing theme of his research relates to the development of the dentoalveolar complex from genotype to phenotype with an emphasis on the interactions between genetic, epigentic, and environmental factors. In 2014, Alan was awarded a Higher Doctorate, DDSc, of the University of Adelaide based on an international assessment of his published research. Since then, the work on Complexity, Networks and Models has developed with multicentre, multidiscplinary collaborators that Alan has inititated on "Hypodontia from genotype to phenotype" and "Tooth and dental arch variation intercat within a multilayer complex interactive network".


    Achievements and contributions to the University of Adelaide - 2019 -2022

    Positions and Collaborations - 2019 - 2022

    • Adjunct Professor of Dentistry, University of Adelaide
    • Leading and co-ordinating an international multidisciplinary, multicentre (Adelaide, Hong Kong, London, Liverpool, Otago and Philadelphia), research group connecting academics from five countries entitled ‘Hypodontia from Genotype to Phenotype'.
    • Director, International Collaborating Network in Oro-facial Genetics and Development and head of the Multidisciplinary Network on the Dentition as a Complex Adaptive System.
    • Guest Editor - Genes - Journal (impact factor 4.096) ‘Genes, Interactions and Dental Development: Advances in Understanding Genetic, Epigenetic and Environmental Interactions'.
    • Referee - The New Zealand Royal Society - Rutherford Discovery Fellowship 2020, 2021, 2022
    • Referee - Journal of Dental Research
    • Referee - Orthodontics and Craniofacial Research
    • Referee - Biomedical Research International


    Research outputs - Publications: 2019- 2022

    9 research papers published in a wide range of academic journals:

    • ‘Compensatory interactions between developing maxillary anterior teeth in a sample of twins'.M. Tadros, T. Hughes, A.H. Brook S. Ranjitkar, and G. Townsend. Archives of Oral Biology. 2019, 97:198-207
    •  ‘Frequency of occurrence and degree of expression of the parastyle in several modern human populations'. G. Scriven, J. Rogers, A.H. Brook, G.R. Scott, S. Mihalidis, M. Khamis, and G. Townsend. Dental Anthropology. 2019, 31:3-9
    •  ‘Patterns of morphological pleiotrophy in the human diphyodont dentition'. K. Paul, C. Stojanowski, T.Hughes, A.H. Brook, G.C. Townsend. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 2020,172(3):447-461
    • ‘Tooth Morphometry using quasi-conformal theory'. G.P.T. Choi, H.l. Chan, R. Yong, S. Ranjitkar, A.H. Brook, G. Townsend, K. Chen, L, M. Lin. Pattern Recognition 2020, 99.
    •  ‘The genetic architecture of anterior tooth morphology in a longitudinal sample of Australian twins and families'. K. Paul, C.M. Stojanowski, T. Hughes, A.H. Brook. G.C. Townsend. Archives of Oral Biology. 2021, 129: 105168
    •  ‘Dental arch dimensions in a matched pairs study of hypodontia patients and controls'. B. Kerekes-Mathe, K. Martha, M. Brook O'Donnell, A.H. Brook. Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research, 2022, 41:32426-32433
    •  ‘Health effects of European colonisation: An investigation of skeletal remains from 19th to early 20th century migrant settlers in South Australia'. A. Gurr, J. Kumaratilake, A.H. Brook, S. Ioannou, F.D. Pate, M. Henneberg. PLOS ONE. 2022, 17(4):
    • ‘Was it worth migrating to the new British industrialised colony of South Australia? Evidence from demographics and skeletal pathologies and historic records of a sample of 19th Century settlers'.Gurr, A.H. Brook, J. Kumaratilake, T. Anson, D. Pate, M. Henneberg. International Journal of Paleopathology. 2022, 37: 41-52
    •  ‘Genetic correlation, pleiotrophy and molar morphology in a longitudinal sample of Australian Twins and families'. K. S. Paul, C.M.Stojanowski, T.Hughes, A.H.Brook, G.C.Townsend. Genes, 2022, 13(6), 996

    5 Abstracts and presentations to conferences and meetings:

    • Australasian Society for Human Biology. 2020. ‘Large Volume Micro-CT: a new methodology enhances the microscopic study of the dento-alveolar complex in archaeological skull samples'- A. Gurr, A. H. Brook, D. Higgins, J. Kumaratilake, M. Henneberg
    • Australasian Society for Human Biology. 2020. ‘Complex multilayer network interactions occur between the dentitions and the dental during development'- A.H. Brook, B. Kerekes-Mathe, D. Patel, D. Higgins, M. Henneberg, M. Brook O'Donnell
    • American Association of Physical Anthropology. 2021 - ‘Intrauterine hormone effects on tooth morphology in dizygotic opposite sex twins' - R. Feezal, K. Paul, T. Hughes, A. H. Brook
    • International Symposium on Dental Morphology. 2022 - ‘In hypodontia some morphological parameters of premolars and molars vary with different sites of the congenitally missing teeth' -B. Kerekes-Mathe, M. Brooke O'Donnell, A.H. Brook
    • International Association for Dental Research. 2022 - ‘3D measurements of permanent tooth crowns in hypodontia and controls' - A.H. Brook, S. Sassani, T. Hughes, M. Brook O'Donnell, S. Ranjitkar, D. Higgins, M. Farella, M. Henneberg

    Publications in progress - 2022/2023 - 12 research papers



    • Ph.D. (joint supervision) - ‘An investigation of dental and skeletal health parameters in a sample of 19th century migrant settlers to South Australia'- A. Gurr (in progress).
    • Ph.D. (joint supervision) - ‘The longitudinal development of the dental arches in the primary and permanent dentition of twins' - J. Giri (in progress).
    • Ph.D. (joint supervision) - ‘The effect of chemotherapeutic agents on dental development and the oral mucosa' - S. Al-Ansari (in progress).
    • Honours Degree Bachelor of Dental Sciences - ‘Dental morphology as an indicator of migration of an ancient population' - S. Krishna (Completed 2022). First Class Honours.

    Recent Funding 2019 - 2022

    • $37,000 - Paul Kwik Lee Bequest - ‘3D measurements using a new technique of teeth and dental in hypodontia and control patients'
    • $5000 - University of Adelaide - ‘Evaluation of Large Volume Micro-CT for the study of the dento- alveolar complex in archaeological skull samples'




    • 2016 to 2017 Member - International Scientific Panel for Complex Systems
    • 2006 to 2012 Member - Advisory Committee of International Symposium on dental Morphology
    • 1998 to 2005 President - International Symposium on Dental Morphology
    • 1995 to 1999 Chairman - Site Selection Committee, International Association of Paediatric Dentistry
    • 1990 to 1992 Consultant to International Dental Federation (FDI)
    • Commission on Dental Research, Working Group
    • 1978 to 1982 Developmental Defects of Enamel
    • 1985 to 1990 Secretary - International Association of Dentistry for Children


    • 2002 to 2006 EC Dental Expert on Visitations to countries applying for accession
    • 1998 to 2003 President - European Community Advisory Committee on the Training of Dental Practitioners
    • 1994 to 2003 EC Advisory Committee on Training of Dental Practitioners - Representative of UK Universities

    National (UK)

    • 2004 to 2005 Immediate Past Chairman and Executive Member, Council of Deans of Dental Schools
    • 2002 to 2004 Chairman, Council of Deans of Dental Schools
    • 2001 to 2002 Chairman-Elect, Council of Deans of Dental Schools
    • 2000 to 2001 Executive Member, Council of Deans of Dental Schools
    • 1990 to 2000 Executive Secretary, Council of Deans of Dental Schools
    • 1986 to 1987 President - British Society for Dentistry for the Handicapped
    • General Dental Council and Royal College of Surgeons
    • 2004 to 2006 Royal College of Surgeons Regional Specialty Adviser in Paediatric Dentistry
    • 1996 to 1997 Chairman - Speciality in Paediatric Dentistry Task Group
    • 1996 to 2001 Member - General Professional Training Committee and GPT Forum
    • University Committees
    • 2020 to date Member - Health Faculty Titleholders Committee
    • 2016 to date Member - Knowledge Transfer Collaborative, University of Adelaide
    • 2013 to 2016 Member - Transitional Science Task Force Team, University of Adelaide
    • 2006 to 2010 Member - Senate, University of Liverpool
    • 2002 to 2004 Observer - Universities UK Health Committee
    • 2003 to 2005 Chairman - Faculty of Medicine Board, Sheffield University
    • 2000 to 2003 Member - Faculty of Medicine Board, Sheffield University
    • 2003 to 2005 Chairman - Medical Deans Committee, Sheffield University
    • 2000 to 2003 Member - Medical Deans Committee, Sheffield University
    • 1998 to 2005 Member - Council - University of Sheffield
    • 1998 to 2005 Member - Senate - University of Sheffield
    • 1982 to 1983 Chairman - Committee of Management of the Physical Education Unit, Hong Kong University
    • 1994 to 1995 Member - Council of Governors, London Hospital Medical College
    • and 1985 to 1989
    • 1993 to 1995 Chairman - Dental Education Group, London Hospital Medical College
    • 1982 to 1983 Chairman - Research Committee, Dental Faculty, Hong Kong University
    • 1982 to 1983 Chairman - Sports Centre, Hong Kong University
    • 1980 to 1982 Chairman - Dental Library Committee, Hong Kong University
    • 1978 to 1979 Chairman - Fabric Advisory Committee, London Hospital
    • 1975 to 1977 Chairman - Health and Safety Committee, Eastman Dental Hospital

    NHS Committees

    • 2005 to 2010 Member - Advisory Committee on Clinical Excellence Awards - Regional Speciality Committee
    • 2004 to 2005 Regional Specialty Advisor in Paediatric Dentistry - RCS
    • 2004 to 2005 Member - Higher Education Strategic Partnership, South Yorkshire Strategic Health Authority
    • 2003 to 2005 Member - Research Capacity Development Steering Group
    • 2003 to 2005 Member - Regional Advisory Committee on Clinical Excellence Awards - Yorkshire and Humber
    • 2003 to 2004 Member - STLAR HR Plan Key Stakeholder Group
    • 2003 to 2004 Member - NHSU Dental Advisory Board
    • 2002 to 2004 Member - AGMETS A&R
    • 2002 to 2003 Member - National Clinician Scientist Monitoring Committee
    • 2001 to 2003 Chairman North Trent LAC - Regional Advisory Committee on Distinction Awards
    • 2000 to 2003 Trent and North Trent SGUMDER - Member
    • 2000 to 2003 Trent Regional Distinction Awards Advisory Committee - Member
    • 2000 to date Trent Regional Postgraduate Dental Advisory Committee - Member
    • 2000 to 2005 Trent Regional Education Committee for Dental Specialities - Member
    • 2000 to 2005 Trent Regional Committee for Hospital Dental Services - Member
    • 1995 to 2005 Advisory Group to National Purchasing Unit for Dental SIFT - Member
    • 1995 to 2000 Joint Committee for Specialist Training in Dentistry - Member
    • 1996 to 1998 Dental AGMETS - Member
    • 1996 to 1997 Joint Dental Forum - Member
    • 1996 to 2000 Specialist Registrar Training Group, Sub-Group of JCSTD - Member
    • 1993 to 1996 Committee on Vocation Training - Member and Task Group Leader Undergraduate/VT Interface
    • 1994 Chief Dental Officer's Working Group on Specialist Dental Training Chairman - Sub-Group 3
    • 1985 to 1989 District Health Authority, Tower Hamlets - Member Chairm


  • Qualifications

    DDSc (Adelaide), MDS (London), BDS (London), FDS.RCS (England), LDS (RCS England), MHEA, ILTM

  • Awards & Achievements


    • Institute of Dental Surgery, Kelsey Fry Prize (1971)
    • International Association of Dentistry for Children, A B Bofors Prize (1973)
    • International Association for Dental Research (British Division), Colgate Prize (1974)
    • British Society Paediatric Dentistry Dentsply Poster Prize (2004)
    • SAS Award - Visiting Professor to Scandinavian Dental Schools (1987)
    • NHS Clinical Excellence Awards 1987 onwards - Platinum Award (Level 12) (2005)
    • Royal Society of Medicine Frohlich Visiting Professor to USA (2006 2008)

    Travel Fellowships

    • Australia (1989)
    • Finland (1990)
    • Finland (1992)
    • Finland (1995)
    • Denmark (1999)
    • France (2004)
    • New Zealand (2017)


    Visiting Professor - Aarhus (1987)

    Honorary Professor/ Adjunct Professor 

    • Stockholm (1987)
    • Heidelberg (1998)
    • Sheffield (2006-2010)
    • Adelaide (2008-2022)
    • Kings College London (2010-2013)
    • Queen Mary University of London (2010-2018)

    Major Invited Lectures

    • Royal Society of Medicine (1979, 1996, 2012)
    • Finnish Dental Association (1996)
    • International Association for Dental Research (Brit Div) (1997)
    • Royal College of Surgeons (1998)
    • International Association of Paediatric Dentistry (1997, 1999)
    • British Society for Paediatric Dentistry (2002, 2008)
    • International Symposium - Malaysia (2004)
    • Adelaide School of Dental Science (2008)
    • Australian Society of Human Biology (2009, 2014)
    • International Association for Dental Research (ANZ Div) (2013, 2015)
    • Laurie Smart Lecturer Australian Society of Orthodontics (2015)
    • International Association for Dental Research (2016)
    • Sir John Walsh Research Institute (2017)

    Invited Symposia (Presentations)

    • Ciba (1996)
    • Enamel VI (1997); Enamel V11 (2005)
    • Pan European Festival of Oral Science (2002)
    • International Symposium on Dental Morphology (2005, 2008)


    • Dean - 2 Dental Schools and 1 Medical Faculty (5 Health Science Schools)
    • President of European Commission Advisory Committee on Training of Dental Practitioners
    • Chairman of Council of Deans of Dental Schools U.K.
    • President/Secretary of 2 International and 1 National Societies
    • C.E.O. joint university/industry (Sheffield University/ Boots Plc) research unit
    • Director Boots DentalCare Plc


    • Platinum Clinical Excellence Award - These awards to the top 200 Medical Hospital Consultants in the      National Health Service are competed for across and between 35,000 consultants in all disciplines
    • Fellow in Dental Surgery, Royal College of Surgeons of England
    • Led establishment of Paediatric Dentistry as a Speciality in U.K.


    • Developed and established 3 Masters courses and 3 Undergraduate courses
    • Supervised 5 specialist registrars in training in addition to postgraduates and undergraduates (above)

    Staff Development

    • Staff of my departments have gained 4 Deanships, 15 Professorships, 1 Readership/ Associate Professorship and 3 Senior Lectureships



  • Teaching Interests

    Supervision - current students

    • Ph.D. (joint supervision) - " An investigation of dental and skeletal health parameters in a sample of 19th -century migrant settlers to South Australia" - A. Gurr
    • Ph.D. (joint supervision) - "The longitudinal development of the dental arcahes in the primary and permanent dentiton of twins" - J. Giri
    • Ph.D (joint supervision) - " The effect of chemotherapeutic agents on dental development and the oral mucosa" - S. Al-Ansari


  • Research Interests

    Research Interests

    The overarching research theme is the application of Complexity Science, Network Science, and Multimodel approaches to Oro-facial development and function. Publications over the past decade have shown that the development and function of the dentoalveolar tissues are Complex Adaptive Systems based on Interactive Networks.

    Recent publications address how the complex systems of the teeth and dental arches interact during development as a Multilayer Complex Interative Networks. These studies investiagate both modern and archaeological human samples.

    Research Projects


    • Developmental interactions in human dentition: the relationaship between variation in tooth number, size and shape, with dental arch morphology.
    • 3D measurements using a new technique for teeth and dental arches in hypodontia and control patients. This project includes collaborators in New Zealand, U.S.A, U.K, Romania and Japan. Funding from International collaboration group memebers and from the Paul Kwok Lee Reseach Bequest.
    • Development of teeth and dental arches in twins.
    • Guest Editor for a Special Issue of ythe journal Genes entitled "Genes, Interactions and Dental Development: Advances in Understanding Genetics, Epigenetics and Environmental Interactions". This publication is due for completion in December 2022, with a subsquent book for which Alan will be the Editor.
    Previous projects:
    In Paediactric Dentistry
    • Oro-facial Pathology
    • Prevention of dental disease
    • Patient management and treatment
    Developments in Dental Education
    • New Curricula
    • Outreach in community placements
    Dental Development and Variation
    • Criteria for diagnosis
    • New indices
    • 2D customised image analysis systems
    • 3D laser scanning
    • Hypodontia, Supernumeraries and Amelogenesis Imperfecta
    Modelling Dental Development
    • Unifying model for tooth number and size
    • Development and Testing of Models
    Archaeological projects
    • Romano-Britons - Dorchester, Baldock
    • 19th-century migrant settlers to South Australia from Britain/ Europe


  • Research Funding

    Funding - current application 

    • Paul Kwok Lee Research Funding Bequest - "Development and application of customised software for 3D measurements of human teeth and dental arches"

    Research Funding Awarded:

    • 1970-73 "The aetiology of dental anomalies" - Eastman Research Fund - £12,000
    • 1973-74 "The role of calcium glycerophosphate in remineralisation" - with G. B. Winter Beechams Ltd - £5,000
    • 1978-80 "The prevalence and aetiology of enamel defects in school children in London"- Dental-Eze Ltd - £15,000
    • 1980-83 "The use of image analysis to measure tooth dimensions on study models and dental caries on radiographs" - With C. E. Renson and N. B. Pitts, Hong Kong University - £75,000
    • 1982-83 "A multi-disciplinary study of the dental and oral tissues of 12 year old Hong Kong children" - Hong Kong University - £38,000
    • 1983 "Dental care of the handicapped in Hong Kong" - Colgate Palmolive Plc - £2,000
    • 1987-89 "Clinical trials of anti-plaque and hypersensitivity agents for use in dental products"- Boots Plc - £12,000
    • 1989-91 "Development of x-ray microtomography for the 3D measurement of mineralisation in genetic defects and carious lesions" - With J. C. Elliott, The London Hospital Special Trustees - £17,500
    • 1992 "Clinical trials of anti-plaque agents" - Boots Plc - £15,000
    • 1993-94 "Clinical trials of anti-plaque agents" - Boots Plc - £20,000
    • 1993 "A study of the demineralising and remineralising potential of agents used in mouthwashes" - With P. Anderson, Boots Plc - £7,500
    • 1994 "The use of image analysis for diagnosis of the extent of plaque" - With G. Davis, Boots Plc - £11,000
    • 1995 "Clinical studies of anti-plaque and stain removing agents" - Boots Plc - £10,000
    • 1995 "The measurement of tooth size in hypodontia" - With G. Davis and J. Fearne, Bone, Tooth and Biomaterials Research Group, LHMC - £371
    • 1995 "A study of the demineralising and remineralising potential of a tooth whitening agent" - With J. C. Elliott and P. Anderson, Boots Plc - £7,200
    • 1995-96 "Development of Software to enable a scanning data entry method for the national outpatient audit computer package" - With T. Gregg and F. Wong, Department of Health - £5,650
    • 1995-97 "Collaborative research in the development of new dental products" - With M. Levinkind and J. Elliot, Proctor and Gamble Plc - £200,000
    • 1997 Sheffield study to determine the anti-plaque efficacy of Boots new formulation (toothpaste) - With T. F. Walsh, Boots Plc - £33,600
    • 1997 "Further development of an image analysis systems for dental measurement" - Boots Plc - £6,750
    • 1997 "Dental Occlusion - a laboratory study of potential de-sensitising agents" - With R. van Noort, Boots Plc - £7,500
    • 1997 "A Single Dose Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of 4% Articaine HCl with 1:100,000 Epinephrine Versus 2% Lidocaine HCl with 1:100,000 Epinephrine in the Treatment of General Dental Procedures - Spécialitiés Septodont - £2,500
    • 1997 Tooth Whitening Clinical Trial- With T. F. Walsh and A. Rawlinson, Boots plc - £20,000
    • 1997 Plaque Inhibition - With T. F. Walsh and A. Rawlinson, Boots plc - £15,000
    • 1997 Plaque Inhibition - With T. F. Walsh and A. Rawlinson, Boots plc - £36,000
    • 1999-2004 National Centre for Applied Research in Oral Health - Boots plc - Direct financial contribution
    • (Total value of Centre over 5 years including salaries of seconded Boots staff) - £667,000 (£1,250,000)
    • 1999 A multi-detection microplate reader for the rapid analysis of disease processes and biomaterials
    • BBSRC JREI Grant (50/JE514370) - £29,952
    • 1999 Computer controlled X-Y translation stage with 1 micro repositioning accuracy in both directions and a digital spectometric X-ray detection system - With P. Anderson et al, Queen Mary and Westfield College
    • Wellcome Grant (062850/Z) - $32,629
    • 2001 Development and testing of a strategy for educating the dental team together in community settings
    • National Purchasing Unit - £30,000
    • 2002 Training the dental team together in other primary care settings - National Dental Development Unit - £598,000
    • 2002 The genetics of hypodontia - With P. Patel, C. Elcock, National Institute of Health (USA) - £15,000 (Total value of grant $1,000,000)
    • 2005 Odontogenesis: A paradigm for mammalian biomineralisation and the role of extracellular matrix in the control of crystal deposition and growth - With J. Kirkham, Leeds and M. Dixon, Manchester, Wellcome 5 Year Programme Grant - £950,000 (Personal component £178,000)
    • 2005 The measurement of anti-calculus effect - With A. Rawlinson and T. Walsh, Boots plc - £13,000
    • 2006 The Measurement of Tooth Whiteness, using image Analysis - Development of methodology - With R. N. Smith, Unilever plc - £35,000
    • 2006 The Measurement of Tooth Whiteness using Image Analysis - Clinical trial Unilever plc - £20,000
    • 2006 Evaluation of methods of measurement of tooth colour - Unilever plc - £5,000
    • 2007 Normal and Abnormal Development of the Dentition - University of Adelaide - AU$4,560
    • 2008 The measurement of dental anomalies in twins - University of Adelaide - AU$5,220
    • 2008 3D tooth dimensions on study models of twins - University of Adelaide - AU$2,378
    • 2008 Fluoride concentrations in toothpastes used by children. - Boots plc - £8,000
    • 2008 The effect of prenatal exposure to anticonvulsant drugs measured by variations in Dental Development: A pilot study. - With S. Albadri and G. Baker, University of Liverpool - £1,500
    • 2009 Are dental crown dimensions increased in females from opposite sex dizygotic twin pairs reflecting possible male hormone diffusion in utero? - With D. Ribeiro, G. Townsend, W. Sampson, T. Hughes, A. H. Brook - ADRF Grant No 26-2009 - AU$2,800
    • 2013- 2017 Improving the appearance and mineralisation of lesions in deciduous teeth - With P. Anderson, BBSRC/GSK Case Study- Ph.D. Studentship - £100,000
    • 2013-2015 State-of-the-art imaging of early enamel lesions - With A. Diep, S. Ranjitkar, J. Kaidonis and G. Townsend, Dentsply Research Fund - AU$850
    • 2013-2014 High resolution 3D dental microwear texture analysis - With C. Mann, S. Ranjitkar, J. Kaidonis, D. Lekkas and G. Townsend, Dentsply Research Fund - AU$850
    • 2013-2015 Exploring further the different effects of the Y chromosome and intrauterine male hormones on tooth size and shape by 3D measurement and analysis of twin study models - With F. Lam, S. Ranjitkar, T. Hughes and G. Townsend, ADRF - AU$2,900
    • 2014 Imaging of early enamel erosion in deciduous teeth - With C. Mann, S. Ranjitkar, C. Hall and D. Lekkas, ADRF - AU$7,660
    • 2014 Effects of Y chromosome and male hormones on tooth size - With F. Lam, G. Townsend, S. Ranjitkar, T. Hughes and R. Yong, ADRF - AU$2,200
    • 2014 Dental microwear texture analysis using state-of-the-art imaging. - With C. Mann, S. Ranjitkar, J. Kaidonis, D. Lekkas and G. Townsend, ADRF - AU$2,200
    • 2014-15 Environmental stress and the Romano-British Dentition - With K. Koh, ADRF - AU$2,200
    • 2014-15 Effects of Y chromosome and intrauterine male hormones on primary tooth size - With A. Ahmed, ADRF - AU$1,200
    • 2014-15 Dental asymmetry in twins: the link between tooth dimensions and tooth development - With R. Yong, S. Ranjitkar, A. Evans, G.C. Townsend, ADRF - AU$7,700
    • 2015 MIMICS software for 3D CT and microCT image analysis in craniofacial research - ADRF - AU$4,000
    • 2020 Large volume Micro-CT for the study of archeological skull specimens - University of Adelaide - AU$5000
    • 2020 3D measurement using a new technique of teeth and dental arches in hypodontia and control patients - Paul Kwok Lee Bequest - AU$37,000
  • Publications


    1 An epidemiological study of dental anomalies in English school children with a detailed clinical and genetic study of a selected group. University of London 1974 MDS.

    2 Research contributions to Paediatric Dentistry in the areas of dental development orofacial pathology, prevention, education and patient management. University of Adelaide 2014 DDSc

    REFEREED PAPERS (in date order)

    1 Recurrent Parotitis in Childhood
    A.H. Brook
    Br. Dent. J. 1969, 127: 271-275

    2 Double Teeth, a Retrospective Study of ‘Geminated' and ‘Fused' Teeth in Children
    A.H. Brook and G.B. Winter
    Br. Dent. J. 1970, 129: 123-130

    3 Dental Anomalies in Association with Achondroplasia - Report of Two Cases
    A.H. Brook and G.B. Winter
    Br. Dent. J. 1970, 129: 519-520

    4 Cervico-facial Suppurative Lymphadenitis due to Staphylococcal Infection in Childhood
    A.H. Brook and G.B. Winter
    Br. J. Oral Surg. 1971, 8, No 3: 257-263

    5 The Occurrence of Benign Cystic Lesions of the Jaws in Children
    A.H. Brook. J.A. Osborne and G.B. Winter
    Proc. Br. Paed. Soc. 1971, 1: 16-19

    6 Eruption of Teeth among the Racial Groups of Eastern New Guinea: A Correlation of Tooth Eruption with Calendar Age
    A.H. Brook and D.K. Barker
    Arch. Oral Biol. 1972, 17: 751-759

    7 Staphylococcal Cervico-facial Lymphadenitis in Children
    A.H. Brook, G.B. Winter
    Lancet. 1972 Sep 23, 2(7778): 660-1

    8 The Use of Deciduous Tooth Eruption for the Estimation of Unknown Chronological Age
    A.H. Brook and D.K. Barker
    J. Trop Pediat. & Environmental Child Health 1973, 19: 234-239

    9 The Secular Trend in Permanent Tooth Eruption Times
    A.H. Brook
    J. Trop. Pediat & Environmental Child Health 1973, 19: 206

    10 Acute Herpetic Gingivostomatitis in Children
    A.H. Brook
    J. Dent. Child. 1973, 40: 12-18

    11 The Prevalence of Dental Anomalies in 11-14 Year Old Children
    A Comparison of Continuous and Discontinuous Residents of a Natural Fluoride Area
    A.H. Brook
    Proc. Br. Paed. Soc. 1974, 4: 7-12

    12 A Study of Children Who Presented Management Problems for Routine Dental Treatment
    A.H. Brook and J. Khin Sandar
    J. Inst. Ass. Dent. Child, 1974, 5: 17-26

    13 Dental Anomalies of Number, Form and Size: Their Prevalence in British School Children
    A.H. Brook
    J. Int. Ass. Dent. Child. 1974, 5: 37-53

    14 Enamel Hypoplasia and Anomalies of the Enamel
    A.H. Brook and G.B. Winter
    Dental Clinics of North America 1975, 19: 3-24

    15 Calcium Glycerophosphate and Dental Plaque: Clinical Pilot Study
    A.H. Brook, J. Gawthorpe and G.B. Winter
    Caries Res. 1975, 9: 156-162

    16 Developmental Arrest of Permanent Tooth Germs Following Pulpal Infection of Deciduous Teeth
    A.H. Brook and G.B. Winter
    Brit. Dent. J. 1975, 139: 9-11

    17 Oral Hygiene Instruction and Motivation in Children Using Manual and Electric Toothbrushes
    A.N. Crawford, L.H. McAllen, J.J. Murray and A.H. Brook
    Comm. Dent. Oral Epidemiol. 1975, 3: 257-261

    18 Variables and Criteria in Prevalence Studies of Dental Anomalies of Number, Form and Size
    A.H. Brook
    Comm. Dent. Oral Epidemiol. 1975, 3: 288-293

    19 Oral Hygiene Instruction in Children Using Manual and Electric Toothbrushes: Benefit after Six Months
    L.H. McAllen, J.J. Murray, A.N. Crawford and A.H. Brook
    Br. Dent. J. 1976, 140: 51-56

    20 Idiopathic Cervico-facial Infections in Children
    A.H. Brook and G.B. Winter
    ASDC J. Dent. Child. 1976 Jan-Feb, 43(1): 14

    21 Effect on Plaque Calcium and Phosphorus Concentration of Short Exposure to Deionised Water
    A.H. Brook, S. Duke and G.B. Winter
    Caries Res. 1977, 11: 243-244

    22 The Relationship of Crown Length to Root Length in Permanent Maxillary Central Incisors
    A.H. Brook and R. Holt
    Proc. Brit. Paedodontic Soc. 1978, 8: 17-20

    23 Inhalation Sedation - An Adjunct to Improved Dental Care: Preliminary Communication
    A.H. Brook, E. Major, M. Winder and D.S. Berman
    J. Royal Soc. Med. 1979, 72: 756-760

    24 Lobodontia - A Rare Inherited Dental Anomaly
    A.H. Brook and M. Winder
    Br. Dent. J. 1979, 147: 213-215

    25 The Paedodontic/Orthodontic Interface Part 1
    A.H. Brook, M.S. Cooke
    Dental Update 1979, 6: 233-245

    26 Taurodontism: A Criterion for Diagnosis and its Prevalence in Mandibular First Permanent Molars in a Sample of 11,115 British School Children
    A.H. Brook and R.D. Holt
    J. Int. Ass. Dent. Child. 1979, 10: 41-47

    27 The Paedodontic/Orthodontic Interface Part 2
    A.H. Brook, M.S. Cooke
    Dental Update 1979, 6: 355-365

    28 The Aetiology of Oligodontia: A Family History
    A.H. Brook and N.O. Ekanayake
    J. Int. Ass. Dent. Child. 1980, 11: 32-35

    29 The Management of Patients with Severe Hypodontia
    J.A. Hobkirk and A.H. Brook
    J. Oral Rehabilitation 1980, 7: 289-298

    30 Inhalation Sedation
    D.S. Berman, M. Winder, E. Major, A.H. Brook
    J R Soc. Med. 1980, 73: 153-154

    31 The Developing Dentition: A Brief Review of the Aetiology of Dental Anomalies and a Preliminary Investigation of Enamel Defects in Hong Kong
    A.H. Brook and N.M. King
    J. Hong Kong Soc. Comm. Med. 1981, 12: 21-29

    32 A Preliminary Study of Enamel Defects in Hong Kong
    A.H. Brook and N.M. King
    Scientific Proceedings of the 10th Asian Pacific Dental Congress 1981, 60-63

    33 An Evaluation of Nitrous Oxide in the Dental Treatment of Anxious Children - A Physiological and Clinical Study
    A.H. Brook, E. Major, M. Winder and D.S. Berman
    Br. Dent. J. 1981, 151(6): 186-191

    34 The Role of Stainless Crowns Part 1 - Properties and Techniques
    A.H. Brook, N.M. King
    Dental Update 1982, 9: 25-30

    35 The Role of Stainless Crowns Part 2 - Clinical Applications
    A.H. Brook, N.M. King and R. Bedi
    Dental Update 1982, 9: 81-85

    36 An Epidemiology Index of Developmental Defects of Dental Enamel (D.D.E. Index)
    Int. Dent. J. 1982, 32: 159-167

    37 Determination of Tooth Dimensions from Study Casts Using an Image Analysis System
    A.H. Brook, N.B. Pitts and C.E. Renson
    J. Int. Ass. Dent. Child. 1983, 14: 55-60

    38 Isolation Techniques for Use in Children's Dentistry
    A.H. Brook, N.M. King and R. Bedi
    Dental Update 1984, 11: 91-97

    39 Endodontic Therapy in the Primary Dentition: Diagnosis and Treatment
    A.H. Brook, N.M. King and J. Page
    Dental Update 1984, 11: 154-165

    40 A Prevalence Study of Enamel Defects among Young Adults in Hong Kong: Use of the F.D.I. Index
    A.H. Brook and N.M. King
    N.Z. Dent. J. 1984, 80: 47-49

    41 Local Anaesthesia for Children: Recent Developments
    A.H. Brook, R. Bedi and N.M. King
    Dental Update 1984, 11: 282-288

    42 Changes in General, Craniofacial and Dental Development in Juvenile Hypothyroidism
    R. Bedi and A.H. Brook
    Br. Dent. J. 1984, 157: 58-60

    43 A Unifying Aetiological Explanation for Anomalies of Human Tooth Number and Size
    A.H. Brook
    Arch. Oral Biol. 1984, 29: 373-378

    44 Haemophilic Pseudotumours of the Mandible: Report of a Case in a One Year Old Child
    A.H. Brook, R. Bedi and N. Ma
    Br. J. Oral Surg. 1985, 23: 47-52

    45 Bilateral, asymmetrical, complete oro-ocular facial cleft and supernumerary teeth in a young Chinese Female
    A.H. Brook, D. O'Donnell and G. Ma
    J. Dent Child. 1985, 52: 191-194

    46 The Dental Treatment Needs of Handicapped Children and Young Adults in Hong Kong
    A.H. Brook, P.J. Davis, N.M. King, R.W. Evans, C.E. Taylor and R. Woo
    J. Int. Ass. Dent. Child. 1985, 16: 33-37

    47 The presentation of talon cusp: diagnosis, clinical features, associations and possible aetiology
    P.J. Davis and A.H. Brook
    Br. Dent. J. 1986, 59: 84-88

    48 An image analysis system for the determination of tooth dimensions from study cast: comparison with manual measurements of mesio-distal diameter
    A.H. Brook, N.B. Pitts and F. Yau
    J. Dent. Res. 1986, 65: 428-431

    49 Regional Odontodysplasia: a clinical and histological evaluation
    A.H. Brook, J.M. Fearne and D.M. Williams
    J. Int. Assoc. Dent. Child. 1986, 17: 21-25

    50 Consent for Dental Care of Handicapped Patients
    A.H. Brook
    J. Med. Defence Union 1988, 2: 43

    51 Enamel Defects in primary dentition of children born weighing less than 2000g
    J.M. Fearne and A.H. Brook
    Br. Dent. J. 1990, 168: 433-437

    52 A Review of the Developmental Defects of Enamel Index (D.D.E. Index)
    Int. Dent. J. 1992, 42: 411-426

    53 Small Primary Tooth-crown Size in Low Birthweight Children
    J.M. Fearne and A.H. Brook
    Early Human Development 1993, 33: 81-90

    54 SSCP detection of a nonsense mutation in exon 5 of the amelogenin gene (AMGX) causing X-linked amelogenesis imperfecta (AIH1)
    N.J. Lench, A.H. Brook and G.B. Winter
    Hum. Molecular Genetics 1994, 3: 827-828

    55 Dental Anomalies of Number and Size in a Romano-British Population
    A.H. Brook, C.C. Johns
    Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Dental Morphology 1995, Brünne GbR, Berlin, pp 177-180

    56 Indications for the use of inhalation sedation
    G. Roberts, J. Page, E. Davenport and A.H. Brook
    Int. J. Paed. Dent. 1996, 6: 63-66

    57 Changing curricula - An Evaluation from Dentistry
    H. Fry, A. Jones, E. Davenport and A.H. Brook
    Medical Teacher 1997, 19: 108-113

    58 Environmental Causes of Enamel Defects
    A.H. Brook, J.M. Fearne and J.M. Smith
    CIBA Foundation Symposium No 205 - 1997, Dental Enamel, Wiley, Chichester pp 212-225

    59 DNA diagnosis of X-linked amelogenesis imperfecta (AIH1)
    N. Lench and A.H. Brook
    J Oral Pathol Med 1997, 26: 135-7

    60 Planning future general anaesthetic services in paediatric dentistry on the basis of evidence: an analysis of children treated in the Day Stay Centre at the Royal Hospitals NHS Trust, London between 1985-95
    F.S.L. Wong, J.M. Fearne and A.H. Brook
    Int Dent J 1997, 47: 285-292

    61 The aetiology of enamel defects: a prevalence study and a family study in East London schoolchildren
    A.H. Brook and J.M. Smith
    Conn. Tissue Res 1998, 39(1-3): 151-156(455-460)


    62 Timing of permanent tooth eruption in London School children
    J.M. Smith, R.N. Smith, C. Elcock and A.H. Brook
    Dental Morphology 1998, Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium, Oulu University Press 1999, 187-191

    63 A unifying model for the aetiology of enamel defects
    A.H. Brook
    Dental Morphology 1998, Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium, Oulu University Press 1999, 128-132

    64 The measurement of tooth morphology: Development and validation of a new image analysis technique
    A.H. Brook, R.N. Smith, C. Elcock, M. Al-Sharood, A. Shah and M. Karmo
    Dental Morphology 1998, Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Dental Morphology, Oulu University Press 1999, 380-387

    65 Dimensional measurements of enamel lesions by computerised image analysis and processing
    D.R. Willmot, R.N. Smith and A.H. Brook
    Dental Morphology 1998, Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Dental Morphology, Oulu, University Press 1999, 398-405

    66 Reproducibility of Quantitative Measurement of White Enamel Demineralisation by Image Analysis
    D.R. Willmot, P.E. Benson, N. Pender and A.H. Brook
    Caries Res 2000, 34: 175-181

    67 Detection of a Novel Mutation in X-Linked Amelogenesis Imperfecta
    S.A. Kindelan, A.H. Brook, L. Gangemi, N. Lench, F. Wong, J. Fearne, Z. Jackson, G Foster and B. Stringer
    J Dent Res 2000, 79(2): 1978-1982

    68 Production of immobilised penicillin acylase using aqueous polymer systems for enzyme purification and in situ immobilisation
    H. Guan, T. Lilley and A.H. Brook
    Enzyme Microbiol Technology 2001, 28: 218-224

    69 Selection of oral microbial adhesion antagonists using biotinylated streptococcus sanguis and a mixed oral microflora
    Y.H. Guan, T. de Graaf, D.L. Lath, S.M. Humphreys, I. Marlow and A.H. Brook
    Arch. Oral. Biol. 2001, 46: 129-138

    70 Planar Procrustes analysis of tooth shape
    D.L. Robinson, P. Blackwell, E. Stillman and A.H. Brook
    Arch Oral Biol 2001, 46: 191-199

    71 The Quantification of Dental Plaque using an Image Analysis System: reliability and validation
    R.N. Smith, A.H. Brook and C. Elcock
    J. Clin. Periodontol 2001, 28: 1158-1162

    72 Oral Findings in Carpenter Syndrome
    R. Blankenstein, A.H. Brook, D. Patrick and R.N. Smith
    Int. J. Paed. Dent. 2001, 11: 193-200

    73 A quantitative study of the effect of pumicing and etching on the remineralisation of enamel opacities
    K. Peariasamy, P. Anderson and A.H. Brook
    Int. J. Paed. Dent. 2001, 11: 352-360

    74 The Development of a New Index to Measure Enamel Defects
    A.H. Brook, C. Elcock, A. Hallonsten, S. Poulson, J. Andreasen, G. Koch, C.A. Yeung,
    T. Dosanjh
    Dental Morphology 2001, 59-65

    75 Development of a Coherent Methodology for the Analysis of Tooth Shape
    D.L. Robinson, P.G. Blackwell, E.C. Stillman, A.H. Brook
    Dental Morphology 2001, 219-227

    76 Comparison of Colorimetry and Image Analysis for Quantifying Tooth Whiteness -
    a Preliminary Study
    D. Lath, Y.H. Guan, T. Lilley, A.H. Brook
    Dental Morphology 2001, 229-237

    77 The Use of Computerised Image Analysis to Measure the Form and Dimensions
    of the Maxillary Dental Arches in Subjects with Hypodontia
    T.A.B. Nelson, D.R. Willmot, C. Elcock, R.N. Smith, D.L. Robinson, A.H. Brook
    Dental Morphology 2001, 239-253

    78 Relationship Between Lower Incisor Crowding and the Facio-Lingual Widths of Incisors at the Contact Point Level Using a New Image Analysis System
    A.A. Shah, A.H. Brook, C. Elcock, R.N. Smith
    Dental Morphology 2001, 299-306

    79 Determination and Comparison of Size Variables of Upper Central Incisors in Patients with Supernumerary Teeth
    K. Khalaf, D.L. Robinson, C. Elcock, R.N. Smith, A.H. Brook
    Dental Morphology 2001, 343-350

    80 The quantification of dental plaque using an image analysis system: reliability and validation.
    R.N. Smith, A.H. Brook, C. Elcock
    J. Clin. Perio. 2001, 28: 1158-1162

    81 Tooth dimensions in hypodontia patients, their unaffected relatives and a control group measured by a new image analysis system
    H.F. McKeown, D.L. Robinson, C. Elcock, M. Al-Sharood and A.H. Brook
    Eur. J. Ortho. 2002, 24: 131-141

    82 Further Studies of a Model for the Aetiology of Anomalies of Tooth Number and Sizein Humans
    A.H. Brook, C. Elcock, M. Al-Sharood, H.F. McKeown, K. Khalaf and R.N. Smith
    Conn. Tiss. Res. 2002, 43: 289-295

    83 Impact of landmark reliability: on the planar Procrustes analysis of tooth shape.
    D.L. Robinson, P.G. Blackwell, E.C. Stillman and A.H. Brook
    Arch. Oral Biol. 2002, 47: 545-554

    84 Novel Missence Mutations and a 288-bp Exon Insertion in PAX9 in Families with Autosomal Dominant Hypodontia
    P. Das, M. Hai, C. Elcock, S.M. Leal, D.T. Brown, A.H. Brook, P.I. Patel,
    Am. J. Med. Genet. 2003, 118A: 35-42

    85 Synergy of Binary Poly (Oxyprepylene-Oxygthllene) Copolymers in Reducing Retention of Streptococcus Sangius to Hydroxyapatitie
    Y.H. Guan, T.H. Lilley, D.L. Lath, I. Marlow, A.H. Brook
    Caries Res. 2003, 37 71-78

    86 Moderation of Oral Bacterial Adhesion on Saliva-coated Hydroxyapatite by Polyaspartate.
    Y.H. Guan, D.L. Lath, T. de Graaf, T.H. Lilley, A.H. Brook
    J. Applied Microbiology 2003, 94: 456-461

    87 Relationship between incisor crown shape and crowding.
    A. Shah, C. Elcock, A.H. Brook
    Am. J. Ortho. & Dentofacial Ortho 2003, 123: 562-567

    88 The Quantification of Dental Plaque on Lingual Tooth Surfaces using Image Analysis : Reliability and Validation.
    R.N. Smith, A. Rawlinson, C. Elcock, T.F. Walsh, A.H. Brook
    J. Clin. Periodont. 2004, 31: 569-573

    89 Developmental Dental Defects in the Child of a Methadone User.
    J.C. Harris, C. Elcock, G.T. Craig and A.H. Brook
    Int. J. Paediatr. Dent. 2004, 14: 396-400

    90 The measurement of tooth whiteness by image analysis and spectrophotometry : a Comparison.
    Y. H. Guan, D.L. Lath, T.H. Lilley, D.R. Willmot, A.H. Brook
    J. Oral Rehabil. 2005, 34: 1-9

    91 Fluctuating Dental Asymmetry of Multiple Crown Variables Measured by Image Analysis.
    K. Khalaf, R.N. Smith, C. Elcock and A.H. Brook
    Arch. Oral Biol. 2005, 50: 249-253

    92 Tooth Size in Patients with Supernumerary Teeth and a Control Group Measured by a
    New Image Analysis System.
    K. Khalaf, D.L. Robinson, C. Elcock, R.N. Smith and A.H. Brook
    Arch. Oral Biol. 2005, 50: 243-248

    93 The Patterning of Hypodontia in a Group of Young Adults in Sheffield, UK.
    J. Kirkham, R. Kaur, E.C. Stillman, P.G. Blackwell, C. Elcock and A.H. Brook
    Arch. Oral Biol. 2005, 50: 287-291

    94 Posterior Tooth Morphology and Lower Incisor Crowding.
    A.A. Shah, C. Elcock and A.H. Brook
    Dental Anthropology 2005, 18: 37-42

    95 Further consideration of the aetiology of developmental defects of the dentition.
    A.H. Brook, D. Lath, B.J. Brook and R.N. Smith
    Current Trends in Dental Morphology Research 2005, 467-474.

    96 The measurement of tooth morphology: Validation of an image analysis system.
    A.H. Brook, R.N. Smith, C. Elcock, M.H. Al-Sharood, A.A. Shah, K. Khalaf, P.G. Robinson, D.L. Lath and M. Karmo
    Current Trends in Dental Morphology Research 2005, 475-482.

    97 Rotational principle component analysis to show relationships of descriptive labial surface variables on maxillary anterior teeth.
    R.N. Smith, M. Karmo and A.H. Brook
    Current Trends in Dental Morphology Research 2005, 541-584

    98 Approximal Attrition and Permanent Tooth Crown Size in a Romano-British Population.
    A.H. Brook, M. Hector, C. Underhill and L.K. Foo
    Dental Anthropology 2006, 19: 23-28

    99 Hypoplastic Enamel Defects and Environmental Stress in a Homogeneous Roman-British
    A.H. Brook and J.M. Smith
    Euro. J. Oral Sci. 2006, 114: 370-374

    100 The new Enamel Defects Index: testing and expansion.
    C. Elcock, D.L. Lath, J.D. Luty, M.G. Gallagher, A. Abdellatif, B. Bäckman and A.H. Brook
    Euro. J. Oral Sci. 2006, 114: 35-38

    101 Comparison of methods for measurement of hypoplastic lesions.
    C. Elcock, R.N. Smith, J. Simpson, A. Abdellatif, B. Bäckman and A.H. Brook
    Euro. J. Oral. Sci. 2006, 114: 365-369

    102 Perspectives of Staff on Student Outreach Placements.
    M. Smith, M.A. Lennon, A.H. Brook and P.G. Robinson
    Eur. J. Dent. Educ. 2006, 10: 44-51

    103 Student perspectives on their recent dental outreach placement experiences.
    M. Smith, M.A. Lennon, A.H. Brook, L. Ritucci and P.G. Robinson
    Eur. J. Dent. Educ. 2006, 10: 80-86

    104 A randomized controlled trial of outreach placement's effect on dental students' clinical confidence.
    M. Smith, M.A. Lennon, A.H. Brook and P.G. Robinson
    J. Dent. Educ. 2006, 70: 566-570

    105 Comparison of a digital camera and a digital Intra-Oral camera by reproducibility to determine the most reliable method of acquiring dental images for the quantification of dental plaque area on upper central incisors.
    R.N. Smith, A. Rawlinson, D.L. Lath and A.H. Brook
    J. Perio. Res. 2006, 41: 55-61

    106 Variation of Tooth Root Morphology in a Romano-British Population.
    A.H. Brook and M. Scheers
    Dental Anthropology 2006, 19:33-8

    107 A new Technique for Symmetry Determination in Tooth Morphology Using Image Analysis: Application in the Diagnosis of the Solitary Maxillary Median Central Incisor.
    A.T. DiBiase, C. Elcock, R.N. Smith and A.H. Brook
    Arch. Oral Biol. 2006, 51: 870-875

    108 A randomised controlled trial of the Effect of Outreach Placement on Treatment Planning by Dental Students.
    M. Smith, M.A. Lennon, A.H. Brook, F.A. Blinkhorn, A.S. Blinkhorn and P.G. Robinson
    Br. Dent. J Education Suppl. 2006, 27-31

    109 Visual whiteness ranking of a Vitapau 3-D Master shade guide by untrained assessors.
    D. Lath, D. Wildgoose, H. Guan, T. Lilley, R.N. Smith and A.H. Brook
    J. Clin. Dent. 2006, 17: 10-13

    110 Measurement of stain removal in vitro: a comparison of two instrumental methods.
    D. Lath, C. Johnson, R.N. Smith and A.H. Brook
    Int. J. Dent Hygiene 2006, 4: 129-132

    111 A digital image analysis system for the assessment of tooth whiteness compared to
    visual shade matching.
    D. Lath, D. Wildgoose, H.Guan, T. Lilley, R.N. Smith and A.H. Brook
    J. Clin. Dent. 2007, 18: 17-20

    112 Measurement of stain on extracted teeth using spectrophotometry and digital image analysis.
    D.L. Lath, H. Guan, R.N. Smith, M. Karmo and A.H. Brook
    Int. J. Dent. Hyg. 2007, 5: 174-179

    113 The clinical measurement of tooth colour and stain.
    A.H. Brook, D.L. Lath and R.N. Smith
    Int. Dent. J. 2007, 57: 324-330

    114 The variability of the curvature of the labial surface of upper anterior teeth along the FACC.
    R.N. Smith, M. Karmo, J. Russell and A.H. Brook
    Arch. Oral. Biol. 2007, 52: 1037-1042

    115 Genetic, epigenetic and environmental influences on dental development.
    G. Townsend and A.H. Brook
    Ortho Tribune 2008, 3: 3-6

    116 The in vitro and in vivo validation of a mobile non-contact camera based digital imaging system for tooth colour measurement.
    R.N. Smith, L.Z. Collins, M. Naeeni, A. Joiner, C.J. Philpotts, I. Hopkinson, C. Jones, T. Coxon, J. Hibbard and A.H. Brook
    J. Dent. 2008, 36 (supp 1): 15-20

    117 Assessment of gingival inflammation using image analysis.
    R.N. Smith, A. Rawlinson, D. Lath, M. Karmo and A.H. Brook
    Int. J. Dent. Hyg. 2008, 6:137-142

    118 Variation in the human dentition: some past advances and future opportunities.
    G. Townsend, L. Alvesalo and A.H. Brook
    J. Dent. Res. 2008, 87: 802-805

    119 Enamel defects in extracted and exfoliated teeth from patients with Amelogenesis Imperfecta measured using the extended enamel defects index and image analysis.
    R.N. Smith, C. Elcock, A. Abdel-Latif, B. Bäckman, J.M. Russell and A.H. Brook
    Arch. Oral. Biol. 2009, 54(S1): 86-92

    120 Morphogenetic fields within the human dentition: a new clinically-relevant synthesis of an old concept.
    G.C. Townsend, E.F. Harris, H. Lesot, F. Clauss and A.H. Brook
    Arch. Oral. Biol. 2009, 54(S1): 34-44

    121 Genetic and environmental influences on human dental variation: a critical evaluation of studies involving twins.
    G.C. Townsend, T. Hughes, M. Luciano, M. Bockmann and A.H. Brook.
    Arch. Oral. Biol. 2009, 54(S1): 45-51

    122 Tooth size patterns in patients with supernumerary teeth and hypodontia.
    A.H. Brook, R.C. Griffin, R.N. Smith, G.C. Townsend, G. Kaur, G.R. Davis and J. Fearne.
    Arch. Oral. Biol. 2009, 54(S1): 63-70

    123 Defining new dental phenotypes using 3D image analysis to enhance discrimination and insights into biological processes.
    R.N. Smith, H. Zaitoun, T.L. Coxon, M. Karmo, G. Kaur, G.C. Townsend and A.H. Brook.
    Arch. Oral. Biol. 2009, 54(S1): 118-125

    124 Epithelial histogenesis during tooth development.
    H. Lesot and A.H. Brook
    Arch. Oral. Biol. 2009, 54(S1): 25-33

    125 Tooth Dimensions in Hypodontia with a known PAX9 Mutation.
    A.H. Brook, C. Elcock, M. Aggarwal, D. Lath, P. Patel, J. Russel and R.N. Smith
    Arch. Oral. Biol. 2009, 54(S1): 57-62

    126 The Aetiology of Hypodontia: The prevalence, severity and location of hypodontia within families.
    N. Parkin, C. Elcock, R.N. Smith, R.C. Griffin and A.H. Brook
    Arch. Oral. Biol. 2009, 54(S1): 52-56

    127 Multi-level complex interactions between genetic epigenetic and environmental factors in the aetiology of anomalies of dental development.
    A.H. Brook.
    Arch. Oral. Biol. 2009, 54(S1): 3-17

    128 Multiple crown size variables of the upper incisors in patients with supernumerary teeth measured by an image analysis system.
    K. Khalaf, R.N. Smith, C. Elcock and A.H. Brook.
    Arch. Oral. Biol. 2009, 54(S1): 71-78

    129 Variability and patterning in permanent tooth size of four human ethnic groups.
    A.H. Brook, R.C. Griffin, G. Townsend, Y. Levisianos, G. Russell and R.N. Smith
    Arch. Oral. Biol. 2009, 54(S1): 79-85

    130 A Large X-Chromosomal Deletion is Associated with Microphthalmia with Linear Skin Defects (MLS) and Amelogenesis Imperfecta (AI).
    G.M. Hobson, C.W. Gibson, M. Aragon, Z. Yuan, A. Davis-Williams, J. Kirkham and A.H. Brook
    Am. J. Med. Genet. 2009; 149A: 1698-1705

    131 Variation of the most prominent point location on anterior teeth.
    R.N. Smith, M. Karmo and A.H. Brook
    Open Dent. J 2009, 3: 167-172

    132 Clinical Aspects of Dental Morphology: An Introduction
    A.H. Brook
    Comparative Dental Morphology, Front. Oral Biol. 2009, 13: 134-135

    133 How studies of twins can inform our understanding of dental morphology.
    G.C. Townsend, T. Hughes, R.N. Smith and A.H. Brook
    Comparative Dental Morphology, Front. Oral Biol. 2009, 13: 136-141

    134 The use of a 3D laser scanning system to compare the modifying effects of the familial genetic contribution on the dentition in Turner's syndrome.
    L.R. Saunders, A.H. Brook, L. Alvesalo and R.N. Smith
    Comparative Dental Morphology, Front. Oral Biol. 2009, 13: 148-152

    135 Synetic Superimposition of Dental 3D data Application in Twin Studies.
    R.N. Smith, G.C. Townsend, K. Chen and A.H. Brook
    Comparative Dental Morphology, Front. Oral Biol. 2009, 13: 142-147

    136 The structure and composition of deciduous enamel affected by local hypoplastic autosomal dominant amelogenesis imperfecta resulting from an ENAM mutation.
    R.C. Shore, B. Backman, C. Elcock, A.H. Brook, S.G. Brookes and G Kirkham
    Cells Tissues Organs 2010, 191: 301-306

    137 The Dentition: A Complex System Demonstrating Self* Principles.
    A.H. Brook and M. Brook O'Donnell
    2011 Fifth International Conference on Self Adaptive and Self-Organising Systems. C.P.S. Washington IEEE p 208-209. DOI 10.1109/SASO.2011.41

    138 Inequality at late Roman Baldock, UK. The impact of social factors upon health and diet.
    R. Griffin, M. Pitts, R.N. Smith and A.H. Brook
    Anthropological Res 2011. 67(4): 533-556

    139 Genetic environmental and epigenetic influences on variation in human tooth size and shape.
    G. Townsend, M. Bockman, T. Hughes and A.H. Brook
    Odontology. DOI.10.1007/s10266-011-052-z Epub Dec 3 2011.
    Odontology 2012, 100: 1-9

    140 Modelling the Complexity of Dentition
    A.H. Brook and M. Brook O'Donnell
    New Directions in Dental Anthropology. University of Adelaide Press 2012, pp1-9

    141 New approaches to Dental Anthropology based on the study of twins.
    G. Townsend, M. Bockmann, T. Hughes, S. Mihailidis, W.K. Seow and A.H. Brook
    New Directions in Dental Anthropology. University of Adelaide Press 2012, pp10-21

    142 Sexual dimorphism in the primary and permanent dentition of twins: an approach to clarifying the role of hormonal factors.
    D. Ribeiro, W. Sampson, T. Hughes, A.H. Brook and G. Townsend
    New Directions in Dental Anthropology. University of Adelaide Press 2012, pp46-64

    143 Phenotype-genotype correlations in mouse models of Amelogenesis Imperfecta caused by Amelx and Enam mutations
    T.L. Coxon, A.H. Brook , M.J. Barron and R.N. Smith
    Cells Tissues Organs 2012, 196: 420-430

    144 Intrauterine Hormone Effects on Tooth Dimensions
    D. Ribeiro, A.H. Brook, T. Hughes, W. Sampson and G. Townsend
    J. Dent. Res. 2013. 92: 425-431 doi: 10.1177/00220345134849

    145 Genetic, epigenetic and environmental influences on dentofacial structures and oral health: Ongoing studies of Australian twins and their families
    T. Hughes, M. Bockmann, S Mihailidis, C Bennett, A Harris, W.K. Seow, D. Lekkas, S. Ranjitkar, L. Rupinskas, S. Pinkerton, A.H. Brook and G. Townsend
    Twin Res. Hum. Genet. 2013, 16: 43-51 doi: 10.1017/thg2012.78

    146 Dental Phenomics: High tech scans reveal similarities and differences in monozygotic twins.
    S. Mihailidis, A. Ashar, T. Hughes, M. Bockmann, A.H. Brook and G. Townsend
    Dental Tribune. U.S. April 2013, A4-5

    147 Genetic, epigenetic and environmental influences on human tooth number, size and
    G.C. Townsend and A.H. Brook
    eLS John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Chichester 2013 doi:10.1002/9780470015902a0024858

    148 The development of the mammalian dentition as a complex adaptive system
    A.H. Brook, T. Hughes, G.C. Townsend, R.N. Smith and M. Brook O'Donnell
    Dental Anthrop. 2014. 26: 3-7

    149 The face, the future, and dental practice: how research in craniofacial biology will influence
    patient care.
    G.C. Townsend and A.H. Brook
    Aust. Dent. J. 2014, 59 (S1): 1-4 doi: 10.1111/adj.12157

    150 General and craniofacial development are complex adaptive processes influenced by diversity.
    A.H. Brook, M Brook O'Donnell, A. Hone, E. Hart, T.E. Hughes. R.N Smith and G.C. Townsend
    Aust. Dent. J. 2014, 59(S1): 13-22 doi: 10.1111/adj.12158

    151 Epigenetics: a new frontier in dentistry.
    S.D. Williams, T. Hughes, C.J. Adler, A.H. Brook, and G.C. Townsend
    Aust. Dent. J. 2014, 59(S1): 23-33 doi: 10.1111/adj.12155

    152 Dental Phenomics: enhancing genotype-phenotype correlations.
    R. Yong, S. Ranjitkar, G.C. Townsend, R.N. Smith, A.R. Evans, T.E. Hughes, D. Lekkas and A.H. Brook
    Aust. Dent. J. 2014, 59(S1): 34-47 doi: 10.1111/adj.12156

    153 The teeth and faces of twins: providing insights into dentofacial development and oral health for practicing health professionals.
    T.E. Hughes, G.C. Townsend, S.K. Pinkerton, M.R. Bockmann, W.K. Seow, A.H. Brook, L.C. Richards. S. Mihailidis S. Ranjitkar and D. Lekkas
    Aust. Dent. J. 2014, 59(S1): 101-106 doi:10.1111/adj.12101

    154 The dentition: the outcomes of morphogenesis leading to variations in tooth number, size and shape.
    A.H. Brook, J. Jervall, R.N. Smith, T.E. Hughes and G.C. Townsend
    Aust. Dent. J. 2014, 59(S1): 131-142 doi: 10.1111/adj.12160

    155 Functional dental occlusion: an anthropological perspective and implications for practice.
    J.A. Kaidonis, S. Ranjitkar, D. Lekkas, A.H. Brook and G.C. Townsend
    Aust. Dent. J. 2014, 59(S1): 162-173 doi: 10.1111/adj.12133

    156 Under your nose: a rare finding during dissection provides insights into maxillary supernumerary teeth
    C. Redwood, G.C. Townsend, M. Ghabriel and A.H. Brook
    Aust. Dent. J. 2014, 59(3): 379-385 doi: 10.1111/adj.12194

    157 Three-dimensional prolifometric assessment of early enamel erosion in permanent teeth simulating gastric regurgitation.
    C. Mann, S. Ranjitkar, D. Lekkas, C. Hall, J.A. Kaidonis, G.C. Townsend and A.H. Brook.
    J. Dent. 2014, 42(1):1411-1421

    158 Diagnosis of Helicobacter Pylori by non-invasive carbon 13 urea breath test using a portable mass spectrometer.
    J. Sreekumar, N. France, S Taylor, T. Matthews, P. Turner, P. Bliss, A.H. Brook and A.J.M. Watson.
    SAGE Open Medicine 2015, 3: 2050312115569565 doi: 10.1177/2050312115569565

    159 Infraocclusion: dental development and associated dental anomalies in singletons and twins.
    R. Odeh, G.C. Townsend, S. Mihailidis, R. Lähdesmäki, T.E. Hughes, and A.H. Brook.
    Arch. Oral Biol. 2015, 60(9): 1394-1402 doi: 10.1016/j.archoralbio.2015.06.010.

    160 Influences in a biological complex adaptive system: environmental stress affects dental development in a group of Romano-Britons.
    A.H. Brook, K.S.B. Koh and V.K.L. Toh
    Int. J. Des. Nat. Ecodyn. 2016, 11(1): 33-40 doi: 10.2495/DNE-V11-N1-33-40

    161 Mild hypodontia is associated with smaller tooth dimensions and cusp numbers than in controls.
    B. Kerekes-Mathe, A.H. Brook, K. Martha, M. Szekely and R.N. Smith
    Arch. Oral Biol. 2015, 60(9): 1442-1449 doi:10.1016/j.archoralbio.2015.06.005

    162 Prevalence and clinical patterns of infraocclusion of primary molars in singletons and twins determined using a new 2D image analysis methodology.
    R. Odeh, S. Mihailidis, G.C. Townsend, R. Lähdesmäki, T.E. Hughes, and A.H. Brook
    Aust. Dent. J. 2016, 61(2): 183-189 doi: 10.1111/adj.12349

    163 Health research, teaching and provision of care: applying a new approach based on complex systems and a Knowledge Translation Complexity Network model.
    A.H. Brook, H.M. Liversidge, D. Wilson, Z. Jordan, G. Harvey, R. Marshall and A. Kitson
    Int. J. Des. Nat. Ecodyn. 2016, 11(4): 663-669

    164 The mature stomatognathic system is a dynamically changing Complex Adaptive System.
    J. Kaidonis, S. Ranjitkar, M. Brook O'Donnell, G.C. Townsend, K. Koh, V. Toh and A.H. Brook
    Int. J. Des. Nat. Ecodyn. 2016, 11(4): 670-675

    165 Complex systems in human development: sexual dimorphism in fingerprints of Australian twins.
    R.J. Taduran, S. Ranjitkar, T. Hughes, G.C. Townsend, and A.H. Brook
    Int. J. Des. Nat. Ecodyn. 2016, 11(4): 676-685

    166 A Complex Adaptive System in which Environmental Stress affects Gene Expression during Development.
    K. Koh, V. Toh, M. Brook O'Donnell, S. Ranjitkar and A.H. Brook
    Int. J. Des. Nat. Ecodyn. 2016, 11(4): 686-695.

    167 Agents within a developmental Complex Adaptive System: intrauterine male hormones influence human tooth size and shape. Felicity Lam
    F. Lam, R. Yong, S. Ranjitkar, G.C. Townsend and A.H. Brook
    Int. J. Des. Nat. Ecodyn. 2016, 11(4): 696-702.

    168 Agents within a developmental Complex Adaptive System: intrauterine male hormones and human dental arch size and shape.
    P. Patel, R. Yong, S. Ranjitkar, G.C. Townsend, and A.H. Brook
    Int. J. Des. Nat. Ecodyn. 2016, 11(4): 703-711.

    169 Surface-sensitive microwear texture analysis of attrition and erosion.
    S. Ranjitkar, A. Turan, C. Mann, G.A. Gully, M. Marsman, E. Edwards, J.A. Kaidonis, C. Hall, D. Lekkas, P. Wetselaar, A.H. Brook, F. Lobbezoo and G.C. Townsend
    J. Dent. Res. 2017, 96(3): 300-307.

    170 Using complexity and network concepts to inform healthcare knowledge translation.
    A. Kitson, A.H. Brook, G. Harvey, Z. Jordan, R. Marshall, R. O'Shea and D. Wilson
    Int. J. Health Policy Manag. 2017, 6: 1-13.

    171 Sex variation in fingerprint ridge counts in Filipinos.
    R.J.O. Taduran, A.H. Brook and G.C. Townsend
    Eur. J. Forensic Sci. 2017, 4(3): 1-6.

    172 Variation in tooth crown size and shape are outcomes of the complex adaptive system associated with the tooth number variation of hypodontia.
    S. Sassani, D. Patel, M. Farella, M. Henneberg, S. Ranjitkar, R. Yong, S. Swindells and A.H. Brook
    Int. J. Des. Nat. Ecodyn. 2018, 13(1): 114-120.

    173 Two complex adaptive systems in human development: further studies of dental and fingerprint parameters.
    R.J.O. Taduran, S. Ranjitkar, T. Hughes, G.C. Townsend and A.H. Brook
    Int. J. Des. Nat. Ecodyn. 2018, 13(1): 93-100.

    174 Delay in dental development and variations in the root morphology are outcomes of the complex adaptive system associated with numerical variation of hypodontia.
    L. Chen, H. Liversidge, K. Chen, M. Farella, S. Sassini, D. Patel, A. Al-Ani and A.H. Brook
    Int. J. Des. Nat. Ecodyn. 2018, 13(1): 101-106.

    175 Variations in dental arch morphology are outcomes of the complex adaptive system associated with the developmental variation of hypodontia.
    D. Patel, S. Sassani, M. Farella, S. Ranjitkar, R. Yong, S. Swindells and A.H. Brook
    Int. J. Des. Nat. Ecodyn. 2018, 13(1): 107-113.

    176 Three-dimensional (3D) geometric morphometric analysis of human premolars to assess sexual dimorphism and biological ancestry in Australian populations.
    R. Yong, S. Ranjitkar, D. Lekkas, D. Halazonetis, A. Evans, A.H. Brook, G. Townsend
    Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 2018, 166(2): 373-385.

    177 Frequency of occurrence and degree of expression of the parastyle in several modern human populations.
    G. Scriven, J. Rogers, A.H. Brook, G.R. Scott, S. Mihalidis, M. Khamis, and G. Townsend
    Dental Anthropol. 2019, 31: 3-9

    178 Compensatory interactions between developing maxillary anterior teeth in a sample of twins.
    M. Tadros, T. Hughes, A.H. Brook S. Ranjitkar, and G. Townsend
    Archs. Oral Biol. 2019, 97: 198-207.

    179 Patterns of morphological pleiotrophy in the human diphyodont dentition.
    K. Paul, C. Stojanowski, T.Hughes, A.H. Brook, G.C. Townsend
    Amer. J. Phys. Anthrop. 2019

    180 The Knowledge Translation Complexity Network (KTCN) Model: The whole is greater than the
    Sum of the parts - A response to recent commentaries
    A. Kitson, A.H. Brook, G. Harvey, Z. Jordan, R. Marshall, R. O'Shea, and D. Wilson
    Int .J. Health Policy Manag. 2018, 7(8): 768-770

    181 Tooth Morphometry using quasi-conformal theory
    G.P.T. Choi, H.l. Chan, R. Yong, S. Ranjitkar, A.H. Brook, G. Townsend, K. Chen, L,M. Lin
    Pattern Recognition 2020, 99: 107064

    182 Patterns of Heritability across the human diphyodont dental complex: crown morphology of Australian twins and families
    K.S. Paul, C.M. Stojanowski, T. Hughes, A.H. Brook and G.C. Townsend
    Am. J. Phys. Anthrop. 2020, 172(3): 447-461 doi: 10.1002/ajpa.24019

    183 The genetic architecture of anterior tooth morphology in a longitudinal sample of Australian twins and families
    K. Paul, C.M. Stojanowski, T. Hughes, A.H. Brook. G.C. Townsend
    Arch. Oral. Biol. 2021, 129: 105168

    184 Dental arch dimensions in a matched pairs study of hypodontia patients and controls
    B. Kerekes-Mathe, K. Martha, M. Brook O'Donnell, A.H. Brook
    Biomed. Sci & Tech Res 2022, 41: 32426-32433

    185 Health effects of European colonisation: An investigation of skeletal remains from 19th to early 20th century migrant settlers in South Australia
    A. Gurr, J. Kumaratilake, A.H. Brook, S. Ioannou, F.D. Pate, M. Henneberg
    PLoS One 2022, 17(4): e0265878 doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0265878

    186 Was it worth migrating to the new British industrialised colony of South Australia? Evidence from demographics and skeletal pathologies and historic records of a sample of 19th Century settlers
    A. Gurr, A.H. Brook, J. Kumaratilake, T. Anson, D. Pate, M. Henneberg
    Int. J. Paleopath. 2022, 37: 41-52

    187 Genetic correlation, pleiotrophy and molar morphology in a longitudinal sample of Australian Twins and families.
    K. S. Paul, C.M.Stojanowski, T.Hughes, A.H.Brook, G.C.Townsend
    Genes, 2022, 13(6), 996:

    In Press

    188 Tooth formation as experimental model to study chemotherapy on tissue development: Effect of temozolomide/veliparib
    Sali Al-Ansari, Rozita Jalali, Ton AL Bronckers, Olaf van Tellingen, Judith Raber-Durlacher, Nasser Nadjmi, Alan Henry Brook, Jan de Lange, F. R. Rozema
    Submitted to Genes

    In Preparation

    189 Use of a 3D profile laser and novel image analysis software to assess the effect of familial genetic input on tooth morphology in 45XO Turner Syndrome.
    L.R. Horrocks, A.H. Brook, L. Alvesalo and R.N. Smith

    190 Enhancing anthropological investigations of dental material using recent advances in quantitative techniques.
    A.H. Brook, S. Ranjitkar, R. Yong, R. Griffin, R.N. Smith, G. Townsend and M. Henneberg.

    191 The genetic basis of infraocclusion
    R. Odeh, G.C. Townsend, S. Mihailidis, T.E. Hughes, A.H. Brook.

    192 The effect of intra-uterine male hormones in female dizygotic opposite-sex twins: evidence for the Twin Testosterone Transfer Hypothesis from tooth and dental arch dimensions and shape.
    F. Lam, P. Patel, R. Yong, G.C. Townsend, E. Sherratt, S. Ranjitkar, T.E. Hughes and A.H. Brook.

    193 Associations between supernumeraries, increased tooth size and shape invaginations, megadontia and double teeth.
    A.H. Brook and R.N. Smith.

    194 Dental development as a complex adaptive system: the evidence of motifs, multilevel networks and multilevel models.
    A.H. Brook, and M. Brook O'Donnell.

    195 The phenotype of hypodontia is more than tooth agenesis.
    A.H. Brook, R.Yong, S. Sassani, D. Patel, L. Chen. M. Henneberg, S. Ranjitkar and M. Farella.

    196 New 3D technique for measurement of dental arch and tooth dimensions.
    A.H. Brook, D. Patel, S.Sassani, S. Ranjitkar and M. Henneberg.

    197 Regional genetic influences involving anterior maxillary supernumeraries: variations of the clinical crowns of mandibular incisors.
    K. Khalaf, R.N. Smith and A.H. Brook.


    1 Developmental Anomalies and Periodontal Disease
    in The Periodontal Ligament in Health and Disease
    A.H. Brook
    Eds. B.K. Berkovitz, B.J. Moxham and H.N. Newman
    Pergamon Press Oxford, New York 1982, pp 291-306

    2 Tooth Abnormalities
    in A Companion to Dental Studies
    A. H. Brook
    Eds. A.H. Rowe, A.G. Alexander and R.B. Johns
    Blackwell Scientific Pub. Oxford 1986, Vol 3 pp 55-103

    3 Injuries (Traumatic)
    in A Companion to Dental Studies
    A.H. Brook and G.B. Winter
    Eds. A.H. Rowe, A.G. Alexander and R.B. Johns
    Blackwell Scientific Pub. Oxford 1986, Vol 3 pp 104-111

    4 Tooth Abnormalities
    in A Comprehensive Guide to Clinical Dentistry
    G.B. Winter and A.H. Brook
    Ed. A.H. Rowe, Class. Pub. London
    A.H. Brook and G.B. Winter, 1989 Vol 3 3: 55-103

    5 Injuries
    in A Comprehensive Guide to Clinical Dentistry
    G.B. Winter and A.H. Brook
    Ed. A.H. Rowe, Class. Pub. London
    A.H. Brook and G.B. Winter, 1989 pp 104-111

    6 Caries Prediction: Implications for Individual Patient Care
    in Risk Markers for Oral Diseases
    A.H. Brook
    Ed. N. W. Johnson
    Cambridge University Press, 1991, Vol. 1 pp 424-444

    7 Dental Anomalies and Periodontal Disease
    in Periodontal Ligament in Health and Disease 2nd Edition
    A.H. Brook
    Eds. B.G. Berkovitz et al, Mosby, London 1995, 279-292

    8 Developmental defects of the dental hard tissues and their treatment
    S. Alaluusia, B. Bäckman, A.H. Brook and P.L. Kukinmaa
    in Pedodontics, Chapter 14 Ed. G Koch and S Poulsen
    Munksgaard, Copenhagen 2001 pp 273-298

    9 Tooth classes, field concepts and symmetry
    in A Companion to Dental Anthropology
    G.C. Townsend, A.H. Brook, R. Yong, T.E. Hughes,
    Eds. Irish and Scott
    John Wiley and Sons Inc. Hoboken, N.J 2016 pp 172-188

    10 Health research, teaching and provision of care: applying a new approach based on complex systems and a Knowledge Translation Complexity Network model
    in Complex Systems: Theory and applications
    A.H. Brook, H.M. Liversidge, D. Wilson, L. Jordan, G. Harvey, R. Marshall and A. Kitson
    WIT Press, Ashurst, Southampton, 2017

    11 The mature stomatognathic system is dynamically changing Complex Adaptive Systems
    in Complex Systems: Theory and applications
    J. Kaidonis, S. Ranjitkar, M. Brook O'Donnell, G.C. Townsend, K. Koh, V. Toh and A.H. Brook
    WIT Press, Ashurst, Southampton, 2017

    12 Complex systems in human development: sexual dimorphism in fingerprints of Australian twins
    in Complex Systems: Theory and applications
    R.J. Taduran, S. Ranjitkar, T. Hughes, G.C. Townsend and A.H. Brook
    WIT Press, Ashurst, Southampton, 2017

    13 A Complex Adaptive System in which environmental stress affects gene expression during development
    in Complex Systems: Theory and applications
    K. Koh, V. Toh, M. Brook O'Donnell, S. Ranjitkar, and A.H. Brook
    WIT Press, Ashurst, Southampton, 2017

    14 Agents within a developmental Complex Adaptive System: intrauterine male hormones influence human tooth size and shape
    in Complex Systems: Theory and applications
    F. Lam, R. Yong, S. Ranjitkar, G.C. Townsend and A.H. Brook
    WIT Press, Ashurst, Southampton, 2017

    15 Agents within a developmental Complex Adaptive System: intrauterine male hormones and human dental arch size and shape
    in Complex Systems: Theory and applications
    P. Patel, R. Yong, S. Ranjitkar, G.C. Townsend and A.H. Brook
    WIT Press, Ashurst, Southampton, 2017

    16 Two Complex Adaptive Systems in human development: further studies and fingerprint parameters.
    R.J.O. Taduran, S. Ranjitkar, T. Hughes, G. Townsend and A.H. Brook
    WIT Press, Ashurst, Southampton, 2018

    17 Delay in dental development and variations in root morphology are outcomes of the Complex Adaptive Systems associated with the numerical variation of hypodontia.
    L. Chen, H. Liversidge, K. Chen, M Farella, S. Sassani, D. Patel, A. Al-Ani and A.H. Brook
    WIT Press, Ashurst, Southampton, 2018

    18 Variations in dental arch morphology are outcomes of the Complex Adaptive System associated with the developmental variation of hypodontia.
    D. Patel, S. Sassani, M. Farella, S. Ranjitkar, R. Yong, S. Swindells and A.H. Brook
    WIT Press, Ashurst, Southampton, 2018

    19 Variations in tooth crown size and shape are outcomes of the Complex Adaptive System associated with the tooth number variation of hypodontia.
    S. Sassani, D. Patel, M. Farella, M. Henneberg, S. Ranjitkar, R. Yong, S. Swindells and A.H. Brook
    WIT Press, Ashurst, Southampton, 2018

    Accepted books not yet published

    20 Dental Anomalies
    in Pedodontics
    A.H. Brook
    Ed. F. Garcia-Godoy
    Springer Heidelberg

    21 Periodontal Diseases
    in Dental Genetics
    A. Rawlinson and A.H. Brook
    Eds. M. Koch, M. Dixon, A.H. Brook
    Springer Heidelberg

    22 Amelogenesis Imperfecta: Classification and X-linked forms
    in Dental Genetics
    A.H. Brook
    Eds. M. Koch, M. Dixon, A.H. Brook
    Springer Heidelberg

    23 Amelogenesis Imperfecta: Autosomal Forms and Associated Syndromes
    in Dental Genetics
    A.H. Brook
    Eds. M. Koch, M. Dixon, A.H. Brook
    Springer Heidelberg

    In Press

    24 Complexity, Networking and Many Model Thinking Enhance Understanding of Patterning, Variation and Interactions of Human Teeth and Dental Arches
    A.H. Brook and M. Brook O'Donnell
    Section 4 in Odontodes: The Developmental and Evolutionary Building Blocks of Dentitions
    Eds D.Chen and P. Ahlberg
    CRC Press (accepted)



    1 Dental Morphology 2001 - Sheffield Academic Press

    Journal Special Issues

    1 International Dental Journal 1996 - International Association of Dentistry for the Handicapped

    2 Archives of Oral Biology 2009 - International Workshop on Oral Growth and Development

    3 Australian Dental Journal 2014 - Craniofacial Biology - with G.C. Townsend

    4 Genes 2022 - Genes, Interactions and Dental Development


    Comparative Dental Morphology 2009 - Frontiers of Oral Biology, Karger


    1 Research Collaboration Initiative
    Archives Oral Biology 2009, 54: 51:1-2

    2 Clinical Dental Morphology
    Front Oral Biol 2009, 13: 134-135

    3 The Face, The Future and Dental Practice: How Research in Craniofacial Biology will Influence Patient Care.
    Aust. Dent. J. 2014, 59(Suppl 1): 1-5


    1 Dental Specialisation - Chief Dental Officers Task Force

    2 The Paediatric Dentistry Task Force - General Dental Council 1996

    3 An epidemiological index of developmental defects of dental enamel (D.D.E. Index)
    Int. Dent. J. 1982, 32: 159-167

    4 A review of the developmental defects of enamel index (D.D.E. Index)
    Int. Dent. J. 1992, 42: 411-426


    1 Using Complexity and Network Concepts to Inform Healthcare KT #1JHPM#Health Policy


    1 Preliminary Review of Ethnic Variation in Eruption Times in Eastern New Guinea
    A.H. Brook and D.K. Baker
    J. Dent. Res. 1971, 50: 1978

    2 A Clinical Pilot Study of the Effect of Calcium Glycerophosphate
    A.H. Brook, J. Gawthorpe and G.B. Winter
    Helv. Odont. Acta 1973, 17: 55

    3 Dental Anomalies of Number, Form and Size: Their Prevalence and Aetiology in British Children
    A.H. Brook
    J. Dent. Res. 1974, 53: 1046

    4 Oral Hygiene Instruction in Children using Manual and Electric Toothbrushes
    L.H. Allen, A.N. Crawford, J.J. Murray and A.H. Brook
    J. Dent. Res. 1975, 54: (Special Issue A) 1139

    5 A Study of the Clinical Features and Aetiology of Amelogenesis Imperfecta
    A.H. Brook A.R Isaac
    J. Dent. Res. 1976, 55: (Special Issue D) (Br. Div.) D121

    6 The Prevalence and Association of Two Root Anomalies in British School Children
    A.H. Brook and R.D. Holt
    J Dent Res 1979 (Br. Div.) 89

    7 An Aetiological Model for Anomalies of Human Tooth Number and Size
    A.H. Brook
    J. Dent. Res. 1980, 59: (Special Issue B) 1996

    8 A Preliminary Study of Enamel Defects in Hong Kong
    N.M. King and A.H. Brook
    Scientific Proceedings of the 10th Asian Pacific Dental Congress 1981: 126

    9 Further Evidence Concerning an Aetiological Model for Anomalies of Tooth Number and Size
    A.H. Brook
    IADC Congress, Davos, Switzerland, July 1981: 28

    10 Development of an Image Analysis System for Measurement of Tooth Size and Form
    A.H. Brook, N. Pitts, C.E. Renson
    9th IADC Congress 1983 - 29

    11 The Dental Treatment Needs of Handicapped Children and Young Adults in Hong Kong
    P.J. Davis and A.H. Brook
    9th IADC Congress, 1983-67

    12 Preliminary Study of Permanent Tooth Size in Southern Chinese
    A.H. Brook, P. Khin Sandar and P.K-J Yen
    J. Dent. Res. 1983, 62: 660

    13 Further Software Development of Image Analysis Determination of Tooth Dimensions
    A.H. Brook and N.B. Pitts
    J. Dent. Res. 1983, 62: 660

    14 Pseudotumours of the Jaws in Haemophilia
    A.H. Brook, R. Bedi and N. Ma
    7th Congress of the Int. Ass. Dent. Handicapped 1984

    15 Enamel Defects in the Deciduous Dentition of Low Birthweight Infants
    J. M. Fearne, E. Bryan, A. Elliman and A.H. Brook
    Paediatric Research 1985, 19: 117

    16 Regional Odontodysplasia affecting both Jaws and Deciduous and Permanent Dentition
    A.H. Brook, J.M. Fearne and D.N. Williams
    10th Congress of Int. Ass. Dent. Child. 1985: 56

    17 Low Birthweight Infants: Enamel Defects in the Primary Dentition
    J.M. Fearne, E. Bryan, A. Elliman and A.H. Brook
    8th Congress of Int. Ass. Dent. Handicapped 1986: 7

    18 Permanent Tooth Size in a Romano-British population
    A.H. Brook and L.K. Foo
    J. Dent. Res. 1986, 65: 743

    19 The Permanent Dentition in Romano-Britons: Comparative and Aetiological Considerations
    A.H. Brook, J.M. King, C.C. Johns, M. Scheers and L.K. Foo
    J. Dent. Res. 1987, 66: 854

    20 The effect of calcium on the development of the deciduous dentition
    J.G. Clement, J.M. Fearne and A.H. Brook
    J. Dent. Res. 1987, 66: 880

    21 Recent Studies on the Determination of Tooth Dimensions
    A.H. Brook
    11th Congress of the Int. Ass. of Dent. Child. 1987

    22 Dental Histology in Children with Williams Beuren Syndrome
    J.M, Fearne, J.G. Clements, G.J. Snodgrass and A.H. Brook
    11th Congress of the Int. Ass. of Dent. Child. 1987

    23 X-linked Dominant Hypoplastic Amelogenesis Imperfecta
    A.H. Brook, J.M. Fearne and J.M. Smith
    11th Congress of the Int. Ass. of Dent. Child. 1987

    24 Enamel Defects in Low Birthweight Children at Five and Seven Years
    J.M. Fearne, E.M. Bryan, A.M. Elliman and A.H. Brook
    12th Congress of the Int. Ass. of Dent. Child. 1989

    25 Reduced mesiodistal dimensions of deciduous teeth in low birthweight children
    J.M. Fearne and A.H. Brook
    J. Dent. Res. 1989, 68: 583

    26 Treatment Pattern of Primary Teeth in the Royal London Hospital Day Care Unit
    F.S.L. Wong, J.M. Fearne and A.H. Brook
    J. Dent. Res. 1992, 71: 1012

    27 Controlled acid-etching and pumicing on the remineralisation of enamel opacities
    K. Peariasamy, P. Anderson and A.H. Brook
    J. Dent. Res. 1993, 72: 715

    28 The relative contribution of dental services to caries experience of 5 year olds
    F.S.L. Wong, J.M. Fearne and A.H. Brook
    J. Dent. Res. 1993, 72: 724

    29 The Dental Treatment of Adult Handicapped Patients in the Royal London Hospital Day Care Unit
    F.S.L. Wong, J.M. Fearne and A.H. Brook
    J. Dent. Res. 1993, 72: 724

    30 The Dental Treatment of Children and Adolescents in the Royal London Hospital Day Care Unit
    F.S.L. Wong, J.M. Fearne and A.H. Brook
    J. Dent. Res. 1993, 72: 725

    31 Longevity of Restorations and Subsequent Replacements in Primary Molars
    F.S.L. Wong, J. Page and A.H. Brook
    Int. J. Paed. Dent. 1994, 4: 183

    32 Efficacy of a Potassium Nitrate Toothpaste in Dental Hypersensitivity
    A.H. Brook and C. Francis
    J. Dent. Res. 1994, 73: 935

    33 Molecular Pathology of X-linked Amelogenesis Imperfecta
    N.J. Lench, A.H. Brook and G.B. Winter
    7th Congress of Int. Ass. Oral Pathology 1994

    34 Quantitative Analysis of mineralisation in hypoplastic primary incisors
    J.M. Fearne, F.S. Wong, S.J. Jones, A. Boyde and A.H. Brook
    Int. Assn. Paed. Dent. Congress 1995

    35 An image analysis system for direct measurement of dental plaque
    G.R. Davis, I Marlow, A.H. Brook and S.P. Barton
    Int. Assn. Paed. Dent. Congress 1995

    36 Further evidence concerning the aetiology of dental anomalies of number and size
    A.H. Brook, N. Kassim, G.R. Davis and J.M. Fearne
    J. Dent. Res. 1996, 75(5): 22

    37 Eruption patterns of primary incisors in twins: Intra-pair comparisons
    J.M. Fearne, F Marenah, A.H. Brook and E.M. Bryan
    J. Dent. Res. 1996, 75(5): 167

    38 Quantative microradiographic in vitro testing of the effects of dental products on enamel and dentine
    I. Marlow, J. Pullen, P. Anderson, J.C. Elliott, J.L. Haywood and A.H. Brook
    J. Dent. Res. 1996, 75(5): 356

    39 Plaque area measurement by image analysis and a clinical index
    With I Marlow and G.R. Davis
    J. Dent. Res. 1996, 75(5): 482

    40 The prevalence of enamel defects in the permanent dentition of East London school children
    A.H. Brook and J.M. Smith
    J. Dent. Res. 1996, 75(5): 266

    41 A new data capture system for patient records
    E.S. Davenport, P. Anderson and A.H. Brook
    J. Dent. Res. 1996, 75(5): 579

    42 Ten year audit on the treatment for paediatric patients under GA in the Royal London Hospital Day Care Unit
    F.S.L. Wong, M.H. Ahluwalia, A.H. Brook and J.M. Fearne
    J. Dent. Res. 1996, 75(5): 430

    43 The association of supernumerary and invaginated teeth in a prevalence study of British school children
    A.H. Brook
    EAPD 3rd Congress, 1996, Abstract

    44 Enamel hypoplasia in a Romano-British population
    J.M. Smith, A.H. Brook and T. Mölleson
    EAPD 3rd Congress, 1996, Abstract

    45 Dental development in low birth weight (LBW) children
    J.M. Fearne, E.M. Bryan, A.M. Ellman and A.H. Brook
    EAPD 3rd Congress, 1996, Abstract

    46 Ten year study of the treatment for adult patients with special needs under GA in the Royal London Hospital Day Care Unit
    F.S.L. Wong, J.M. Fearne and A.H. Brook
    Int. Dent. J. 1996, 46: 422

    47 Review of Williams Syndrome and the dental findings
    J.M. Fearne, M.A. Collins, G. Snodgrass, A. Boyde, S. Jones and A.H. Brook
    Int. Dent. J. 1996, 46: 429

    48 The aetiology of enamel defects: A family study in East London schoolchildren
    A.H. Brook and J.M. Smith
    Sixth International Symposium on Tooth Enamel 1997

    49 The aetiology of abnormalities of dental development: an update and an overview.
    A.H. Brook
    IAPD Congress 1997

    50 X-linked Amelogenesis Imperfecta: Intra-allelic heterogeneity and DNA diagnoses.
    A.H. Brook
    19th International Congress of the French Paedodontic Society 1997, Abstract

    51 Eruption of permanent teeth in schoolchildren in East London UK
    A.H. Brook, J.M. Smith and R.N. Smith
    J Dent Res 1998, 77: 1012

    52 Tooth size in subjects with supernumerary teeth compared with controls
    A.H. Brook, R. Parekh, G. Davis and J.M. Fearne
    J. Dent. Res. 1998, 77: 907

    53 An investigation of the relationship between supernumerary teeth and tooth size
    A.H. Brook, R. Parekh, G. Davis and J.M. Fearne
    Brit. Soc. Paed. Dent. 1998, Congress

    54 Timing of permanent tooth eruption in London School children
    A.H. Brook, J.N. Smith, R.N. Smith and C. Elcock
    Proceedings 11th Int Symp. Dent. Morph. 1998, 28

    55 A unifying model for the aetiology of enamel defects
    A.H. Brook
    Proceedings 11th Int. Symp. Dent. Morph. 1998, 14

    56 Dimensional measurements of enamel lesions by computerised image analysis and processing
    D.R. Willmot, R.N. Smith and A.H. Brook
    Proceedings 11th Int. Symp. Dent. Morph. 1998, 55

    57 The measurement of tooth morphology: Development and validation of a new image analysis system
    A.H. Brook, R.N. Smith, C. Elcock, M. Al-Sharood, A. Shah and M. Karmo
    Proceedings 11th Int. Symp. Dent. Morph. 1998, 53

    58 Quantitative measurement by Image Analysis of white enamel demineralisation
    D.R. Willmot, P.E. Benson and N. Pender and A.H. Brook
    J. Dent. Res. 1998, 77: 766

    59 Carpenter Syndrome - oral and dental findings in an informative family
    R. Blankenstein and A.H. Brook
    IADH Congress, 1998

    60 Accurate tooth morphology measurement using a new image analysis system
    A.H. Brook, R.N. Smith, C. Elcock, M.H. Al-Sharood, A.A. Shah, M. Karmo, K. Khalaf and D.L. Robinson
    BSDR 1999 J. Dent. Res. 1999, 78: 336

    61 A new Index for the clinical measurement of Developmental Defects of Enamel
    A.H. Brook, C. Elcock, C.A. Yeung, T. Dosanjh, S. Livesey, D.L. Robinson
    BSDR 1999 J. Dent. Res. 1999, 78:335

    62 Detection of a new mutation in a family with X-linked Amelogenesis Imperfecta (XAI)
    S.A. Kindelan, A.H. Brook, B. Stringer, N. Lench, F. Wong, J. Fearne
    BSDR 1999 J. Dent. Res. 1999, 78

    63 A new method for determination of anterior tooth taper
    M.H. Al-Sharood, D. L. Robinson, C. Elcock, R.N. Smith and A.H. Brook
    BSDR 1999 J. Dent. Res. 1999, 78: 336

    64 The incidence of post-orthodontic demineralised enamel lesions in an orthodontic clinic
    D.R. Willmot and A.H. Brook
    BSDR 1999 J. Dent. Res. 1999, 78

    65 Further findings concerning abnormal oral development and Carpenter Syndrome
    R. Blankenstein, R.N. Smith, D. Patrick, J.M. Russell and A.H. Brook
    BSDR 1999 J. Dent. Res. 1999, 78

    66 Quantitative plaque analysis using a new Image Analysis system
    R.N. Smith, C. Elcock, I. Marlow and A.H. Brook
    BSDR 1999 J. Dent. Res. 1999, 78: 352

    67 A new measurement system for enamel defects
    A.H. Brook, C. Elcock, R.N. Smith, A. Abdel-Latif and J. Simpson
    Int. J. Paed. Dent. 9 (Supp 1): 10.01

    68 Acid-Etch and Pumicing Effects on the Remineralisation of Enamel Opacities
    K. Peariasamy, P.Anderson, A.H. Brook
    Int. J. Paed. Dent. 9 (Supp 1): 10.02

    69 Dental age assessment in Pakistani children
    C. Elcock, J. Pickup, D.L. Robinson and A.H. Brook
    Int. J. Paed. Dent. 9 (Supp 1): 1.30

    70 A new method for quantitative analysis of dental plaque
    R.N. Smith, C. Elcock, I. Marlow and A.H. Brook
    Int. J. Paed. Dent. 9 (Supp 1): 88

    71 Further studies of an Index for measurement of enamel defects
    C. Elcock, T. Dosanjh, J. Luty, D.L. Robinson and A.H. Brook
    Int. J. Paed. Dent. 9 (Supp 1): 5.41

    72 Paediatric Dentistry into the 21st Century - Specialisation in the United Kingdom and Europe
    A.H. Brook
    Int. J. Paed. Dent. 9: (Supp 1): 20.04

    73 A new Image Analysis System to determine tooth dimensions in orthodontic patients
    M. Al-Sharood, R.N. Smith, C. Elcock, A.A. Shah, K. Karmo, K. Khalaf and A.H. Brook
    American Association of Orthodontics Meeting, 1999

    74 Reliability of a New Image Analysis Technique in Orthodontic Research
    M. Al-Sharood, C. Elcock, R.N. Smith, D. Robinson and A.H. Brook
    Proceedings of 75th Congress of the European Orthodontic Society, Strasbourg, France
    Eur. J. Orthod. 1999, 21 (5):569

    75 Distinguishing post-orthodontic demineralised white enamel spots from developmental white opacities by luminance profile analysis
    D.R. Willmot and A.H. Brook
    Am. Assoc. Orthod. 1999

    76 A new image analysis system to determine tooth dimensions in orthodontic patients
    M. Al-Sharood, R.N. Smith, C. Elcock, A.A. Shah, M. Karmo, K. Khalaf and A.H. Brook
    Am. Assoc. Orthod 1999

    77 Acid-Etch and Pumicing Effects on Remineralisation of Enamel Opacities
    K. Peariasamy, P. Anderson and A.H. Brook
    BSDR 1999, J. Dent. Res.

    78 Developmental factors in anomalies of tooth number in man
    A.H. Brook, C Elcock and R.N. Smith
    COST WG2 Meeting, Marseille 1999

    79 Investigations of tooth size and shape
    A.H. Brook, K. Khalaf, D.L. Robinson, C. Elcock, R.N. Smith, P.G. Blackwell and E.C. Stillman
    COST WG2 Meeting, Berlin 1999

    80 Paediatric Dentistry into the 21st Century - Specialisation in the United Kingdom and Europe
    A.H. Brook
    IAPD Congress 1999

    81 A new method for determination of lower anterior tooth taper
    M.H. Al-Sharood, D. Robinson, C. Elcock, R.N. Smith and A.H. Brook
    Int. J. Paed. Dent. 1999, 9 (Supp 1): 104

    82 Evaluation of the Validity of Crown Robustness
    A.A. Shah, D.L. Robinson, A.H. Brook and C. Elcock
    BSDR 2000 J. Dent. Res. 2000, 79(5): 278

    83 Evaluation of New Methods of Macroscopic Measurement of Enamel Hypoplasia
    J. Simpson, C. Elcock, A.H. Brook and R.N. Smith
    BSDR 2000 J. Dent. Res. 2000, 79(5): 277

    84 Lower Incisor Crown Midpoint Symmetry using Image Analysis
    A.A. Shah, C. Elcock and A.H. Brook
    BSDR 2000 J. Dent. Res. 2000, 79(5): 279

    85 Tooth Size and Shape in Patients with Supernumerary Teeth
    K. Khalaf, C. Elcock, D.L. Robinson, R.N. Smith and A.H. Brook
    BSDR 2000 J. Dent. Res. 2000, 79(5): 286

    86 Methods for describing and comparing variations in tooth shape
    D.L. Robinson, P.G. Blackwell, E.C. Stillman and A.H. Brook
    BSDR 2000 J. Dent. Res. 2000, 79(5): 287

    87 Tooth-taper in hypodontia and control subjects
    M.H. Al-Sharood, D.L. Robinson, C. Elcock and A.H. Brook
    BSDR 2000 J. Dent. Res. 2000, 79(5): 68

    88 The Assessment of Accuracy of Enamel Defect Measurement
    A.H. Brook, C. Elcock, R.N. Smith, A. Abdellatif and J. Simpson
    IADR J. Dent. Res. 2000, 79 (Special Issue): 3354

    89 A new method for the quantification of dental plaque validation
    R.N. Smith, C. Elcock, A.H. Brook, I. Marlow and D.L. Lath
    IADR J. Dent. Res. 2000, 79 (Special Issue): 470

    90 New tooth dimension measurements for morphology of supernumerary tooth patients
    K. Khalaf, D.L. Robinson, C. Elcock, A.H. Brook and R.N. Smith
    IADR J. Dent. Res. 2000, 79 (Special Issue): 612

    91 In vitro screening of antimicrobial adherence components for oral care
    De Graaf T., Y.H. Guan, D.L. Lath, S. M. Humphreys, I. Marlow, T.H. Lilley and
    A.H. Brook.
    BSDR 2000 J. Dent. Res. 2000, 79(5): 118

    92 A comparison of endogenous and exogenous inhibitors of dental calculus
    Y.H. Guan, S.M. Humphreys, I. Marlow, H.M. Harrison, J.L. Haywood, T.H. Lilley and A.H. Brook
    BSDR 2000 J. Dent. Res. 2000, 79(5): 193

    93 Comparison of plaque area determination using image analysis against the Turesky and Addy systems
    R.N. Smith, C. Elcock, A.H. Brook, I. Marlow and D.L. Lath
    Brit. Soc. Paed. Dent. 2000

    94 Development and testing of a new enamel index
    C. Elcock, A.H. Brook and D.L. Robinson
    Brit. Soc. Paed. Dent. 2000

    95 An improved method to describe the facial surface of upper central incisors
    M. Karmo, C. Elcock, R.N. Smith, D.L. Robinson, D.G. Patrick and A.H. Brook
    Brit. Ortho. Soc. Meeting 2000

    96 Macroscopic quantification of enamel hypoplastic lesions
    C. Elcock, J. Simpson, A.H. Brook and R.N. Smith
    COST WG2 Meeting, Stockholm 2000

    97 Problems in describing and comparing variation in tooth shape
    D.L. Robinson, P.G. Blackwell, E.C. Stillman and A.H. Brook
    Leeds Annual Stats Research Workshop, 2000

    98 Further studies of a model for the aetiology of anomalies of tooth number and size
    A.H. Brook, C. Elcock, D.L. Robinson, R.N. Smith
    Proceedings 7th Int Conf on Tooth Morphogenesis Differentiation, France 2001

    99 Anomalies of tooth number and size: further studies of aetiology
    A.H. Brook and C. Elcock
    J. Dent. Res. 2001, 80(4): 97

    100 Upper central incisor morphology variation in relation to bracket position
    M. Karmo, C. Elcock, R.N. Smith and A.H. Brook
    J. Dent. Res. 2001, 80(4): 188

    101 Tooth shape assessment in supernumerary tooth patients
    K. Khalaf, C. Elcock, D.L. Robinson, R.N. Smith and A.H. Brook
    J. Dent. Res. 2001, 80(4): 189

    102 The role of multicomponent polymer systems in reducing dental plaque.
    Y.H. Guan, T.H. Lilley and A.H. Brook
    J. Dent. Res. 2001, 80:1159

    103 Symmetry assessment of the normal human dentition
    K. Khalaf, C. Elcock, D.L. Robinson, R.N. Smith and A.H. Brook
    J. Dent. Res. 2001, 80(4): 193

    104 Reduction in permanent tooth dimensions following premature birth
    A.H. Brook, J. Brady, C. Elcock, K. Khalaf, R.N. Smith
    J. Dent. Res. 2001, 80(4): 190

    105 Validation of a dental cast duplication system using image analysis
    D.G. Patrick, D.L. Robinson, R.N. Smith, C. Elcock and A.H. Brook
    J. Dent. Res. 2001, 80(4): 191

    106 Testing enamel defects index on exfoliated Amelogenesis Imperfecta teeth
    A. Abdellatif, C. Elcock, D.L. Robinson, R.N. Smith and A.H. Brook
    J. Dent. Res. 2001, 80(4): 192

    107 Tooth whiteness measurement using a novel digital camera system
    Y.H. Guan, D.L. Lath, T.H. Lilley and A.H. Brook
    J. Dent. Res. 2001, 80: 694

    108 The Development of a New Index to Measure Enamel Defects
    A.H. Brook, C. Elcock, A-L. Hallonsten, S. Poulsen, J. Andreasen, G. Koch, C.A. Yeung, and T. Dosanjh
    Proc. of 12th Int. Symp. Dent Morph. Sheffield, 2001, P59

    109 Development of a Coherent Methodology for the Analysis of Tooth Shape
    D.L. Robinson, P.G. Blackwell, E.C. Stillman and A.H. Brook
    Proc. of 12th Int. Symp. Dent Morph. Sheffield, 2001, P219

    110 Comparison of Colorimetry and Image Analysis for Quantifying Tooth Whiteness -
    a Preliminary Study
    D.L. Lath, Y.H. Guan, T.H. Lilley and A.H. Brook
    Proc. of 12th Int. Symp. Dent Morph. Sheffield, 2001, P229

    111 The Use of Computerised Image Analysis to Measure the Form and Dimensions
    of the Maxillary Dental Arches in Subjects with Hypodontia
    T.A.B. Nelson and A.H. Brook
    Proc. of 12th Int. Symp. Dent Morph. Sheffield, 2001, P239

    112 Relationship Between Lower Incisor Crowding and the Facio-Lingual Widths
    of Incisors at the Contact Point Level Using a New Image Analysis System
    A.A. Shah, A.H. Brook, C. Elcock and R.N. Smith
    Proc. of 12th Int. Symp. Dent Morph. Sheffield, 2001, P299

    113 A Method of dental cast duplication: validation using image analysis
    D.G. Patrick, D.L. Robinson, R.N. Smith, C. Elcock and A.H. Brook
    12th International Symposium on Dental Morphology, Sheffield 2001

    114 In-vitro investigation of macroscopic enamel defects in a sample of amelogenesis
    Imperfecta teeth
    A. Abdellatif, C. Elcock, A.H. Brook, B. Bäckman and J. Russell
    International Association Paediatric Dentistry Annual Conference, Paris 2001

    115 The variability of the curvature of the labial surface of upper anterior teeth along the
    FACC line.
    R.N. Smith, M. Karmo, J. Russell and A.H. Brook
    Proc. Of 12th Int. Symposium Dental Morphology 2001, P18

    116 An improved method to describe the facial surface of upper central incisors
    M. Karmo, C. Elcock, R.N. Smith, D.L. Robinson, D.G. Patrick and A.H. Brook
    British Orthodontic Society Meeting, Brighton 2000

    117 Determination and comparison of size variables of upper incisors in Patients with Supernumerary Teeth
    K. Khalaf, D.L. Robinson, C. Elcock, R.N. Smith and A.H. Brook
    Proc. 12th Int. Symp. Dent. Morph. Sheffield, 2001, P343

    118 Further studies of a mode for the aetiology of anomalies of tooth number and size in humans.
    A.H. Brook, C. Elcock, D. Robinson and R.N. Smith
    Roc. Of 7th Int. Conf on Tooth Morphogenesis and differentiation. France, 2001

    119 Correlation between clinical and microstructural defects in amelogeneisis imperfecta
    R.C. Shore, B. Bäckman, A. Abdellatif, C. Elcock, A.H. Brook, S.J. Brookes, C. Robinson, J. Kirkham
    J. Dent Res. 2002, 81(a): 3180

    120 Macroscopic enamel defects in a sample of amelogenesis imperfecta teeth
    A. Abdellatif, C. Elcock, A.H. Brook, B. Bäckman, J. Russell
    J. Dent Res. 2002, 81(a): 3586

    121 Factors describing the variability of the curvature of the labial surface of upper anterior teeth along the FACC line
    R.N. Smith, M. Karmo, J. Russell, A.H. Brook
    J. Dent Res. 2002, 81(a): 2188

    122 Changes in area of post-orthodontic enamel lesions measured by polarized illumination and Image analysis
    D.R. Willmot and A.H. Brook
    J. Dent Res. 2002, 81(a)

    123 The enamel defects index: use and further expansion.
    A. Abdellatif, C. Elcock, A.H. Brook, B. Bäckman, J. Russell
    BSPD 2002. Int. J. Paed. Dent. 12: 384

    124 In vitro evidence for plaque reduction by polyaspartate
    Y.H. Guan, T.H. Lilley and A.H. Brook
    Journal of Dental Research, 2002 81 A474

    125 The Aetiology of Dental Anomalies
    A.H. Brook
    BSPD Annual Conference Sheffield, UK 2002

    126 Image analysis reproducibility of lingual and labial surface plaque measurement
    R.N. Smith, D. Lath, A. Rawlinson, I. Marlow, C. Elcock, A.H. Brook
    BSPD 2002 Int. J. Paediatr. Dent. 2002, 12(5): 384

    127 The enamel defects index: use and further expansion
    A. Abdellatif, C. Elcock, A.H. Brook, B. Bäckman, and J.Russell
    J. Dent Res. 2002, 12(5): 385

    128 Keynote Lecture: Congenital anomalies of the dentition
    A.H. Brook
    European Festival of Oral Science, Cardiff, UK 2002 115

    129 Anomalies of human tooth number and size: further aetiological studies
    C. Elcock, A.H. Brook
    European Festival of Oral Science, Cardiff, UK 2002 116. J. Dent. Res. 82: 116

    130 Tooth whiteness measurement by image analysis, Colorimetry and subjective assessment
    D. Lath, Y.H. Guan, T.H. Lilley, I. Marlow, A.H. Brook
    European Festival of Oral Science, Cardiff, UK 2002, 401

    131 Tooth colour measurement by image analysis system development
    Y.H. Guan, D.L. Lath, T.H. Lilley, A.H. Brook
    European Festival of Oral Science, Cardiff, UK 2002, 402

    132 Variation of the most prominent point location on anterior teeth
    R.N. Smith, N. Karmo, J. Russell, A.H. Brook
    European Festival of Oral Science, Cardiff, UK 2002, 548

    133 Validation of a dental cast duplication system using image analysis
    D.G. Patrick, C. Elcock, R.N. Smith, D.L. Robinson, A.H. Brook
    European Festival of Oral Science, Cardiff, UK 2002, J. Dent. Res. 82: 735

    134 A 288 bp exonic insertion and novel Missense mutations in PAX9 in families with autosomal dominant hypodontia.
    D. Pas, M. Hai, C. Elcock, S.M. Lea, D.T. Brown, A.H. Brook, P.I. Patel
    American Society of Human Genetics Conference, Baltimore, USA 2002

    135 Dimensions of Maxillary Dental Arches in Subjects with Supernumerary Teeth
    B. Gulubane, C. Elcock, A.H. Brook
    International Association of Dental Research 2003, J. Dent. Res. 82: B-165; 1228

    136 Further studies of tooth size and shape in patients with hypodontia
    J. Dando, C. Elcock, R.N. Smith, D.L. Robinson, A.H. Brook
    IADR 2003, J. Dent. Res. 82: B-145;1062

    137 Predictors of Lower Incisor Crowding
    A.A. Shah, C. Elcock, D.L. Robinson, A.H. Brook
    IADR 2003, J. Dent. Res. 82: B-165; 1229

    138 The reliability of dental plaque quantification on lingual tooth surfaces
    R.N. Smith, C. Elcock, A.H. Brook
    IADR 2003, J. Dent. Res. 82: B-84; 573

    139 Tooth absence patterning in hypodontia in white Caucasians
    R. Kaur, C. Elcock, E.C. Stillman and A.H. Brook
    British Society of Paediatric Dentistry 2003, Int. J. Paediat. Dent. 13: 387

    140 Dental attendance patterns of children with hypodontia
    H.D. Rodd, R. Shah, R. Kaur, C. Elcock and A.H. Brook
    British Society of Paediatric Dentistry 2003, Int. J. Paediat. Dent. 13: 389

    141 Dental students' experience of interdisciplinary outreach training
    P.G. Robinson, L. Ritucci, A.H. Brook and M. Smith
    IADR 2004, J. Dent. Res.

    142 Supervisors' perceptions of interdisciplinary outreach training in the dental curriculum
    M. Smith, A.H. Brook and P.G. Robinson
    IADR 2004, J. Dent. Res

    143 Training the Dental Team Together in Outreach Placements
    M. Smith, M. Tomlinson, A.H. Brook, P.G. Robinson
    Interprofessional Learning and Working Conference 2003-8

    144 Training the Dental Team Together - Initial Findings from Pilot
    M. Smith, M. Tomlinson, A.H. Brook, P.G. Robinson
    Interprofessional Learning and Working Conference 2003

    145 Training the Dental Team Together in Primary Care Settings
    A.H. Brook, M. Lennon, M. Smith, M. Tomlinson, P.G. Robinson
    Interprofessional Learning and Working Conference 2003-6

    146 Symmetry determination of solitary maxillary median central incisor tooth morphology
    A.T. DiBiase, C. Elcock, R.N. Smith and A.H. Brook
    International Association of Dental Research 2004

    147 Developmental dental defects in the child of a methadone user
    J.C. Harris, C. Elcock, G.T. Craig and A.H. Brook
    Int. J. of Paed Dent 2004, 14(5): 379

    148 Clinical phenotyping of anomalies of dental development.
    A.H. Brook, C. Elcock, R.N. Smith, D.R. Willmot and D.L. Robinson
    Facing Challenges in Oral Facial Development, COST B23, Oral Facial Development and Regeneration WG1-WG3 Meeting, Ghent March 2004

    149 Patterns of congenital tooth absence in man
    J. Kirkham, R. Kaur, E.C. Stillman, P.G. Blackwell, C. Elcock and A.H. Brook
    8th International Conference on Tooth Morphogenesis and Differentiation 2004, 78

    150 Fluctuating dental asymmetry of multiple crown variables measured by an image analysis system
    K. Khalaf, R.N. Smith, C. Elcock and A.H. Brook (2004)
    8th International Conference on Tooth Morphogenesis and Differentiation 2004, 80

    151 Tooth size in patients with supernumerary teeth compared to a control group
    K. Khalaf, D.L. Robinson, C. Elcock, R.N. Smith and A.H. Brook
    8th International Conference on Tooth Morphogenesis and Differentiation 2004, 138

    152 Solitary maxillary median central incisor tooth morphology associated with holoprosencephaly
    A.T. DiBiase, C. Elcock, R.N. Smith and A.H. Brook
    British Society of Orthodontics Annual Conference 2004

    153 Intra-oral and digital SLR camera: plaque image quality assessment
    R.N. Smith, A. Rawlinson, D. Lath, A.H. Brook
    IADR 2004

    154 Clinical phenotyping of anomalies of dental development
    A.H. Brook, C. Elcock and R.N. Smith
    International Conference on Oral Health, Malaysia 2004

    155 Student placements in dental education: stakeholder perceptions
    M. Smith, A.H. Brook and P.G. Robinson
    Learning and Teaching Conference 2004

    156 Tooth dimensions in hypodontia with a known PAX9 mutation
    C. Elcock, M. Aggarwal, P.I. Patel and A.H. Brook
    IADR 2005

    157 Gingival inflammation: assessment by image analysis of redness and area
    R.N. Smith, A. Rawlinson, C. Elcock and A.H. Brook
    IADR 2005

    158 The Enamel Defects Index: Testing and further expansion
    C. Elcock and A.H. Brook
    Enamel VII 2005

    159 Methods and applications for the measurement of Hypoplastic lesions
    R.N. Smith, C. Elcock, J. Simpson, A. Abdel-Latif and A.H. Brook
    Enamel VII 2005

    160 Hypoplastic Enamel Defects in Romano-British Population
    A.H. Brook and J.M. Smith
    Enamel VII 2005

    161 Permanent Tooth Crown Size and Attrition in a Romano-British Population
    A.H. Brook, M. Hector, C. Underhill and L.K. Foo
    IADR 2005 J. Dent. Res.

    162 Outreach placements increase student's confidence to plan treatment
    M. Smith, M.A. Lennon, A.H. Brook and P.G. Robinson
    IADR 2005 J. Dent. Res.

    163 Outreach placements increase undergraduates' treatment planning ability
    M. Smith, M.A. Lennon, A.H. Brook, F.A. Blinkhorn, A.A. Blinkhorn and P.G. Robinson
    IADR 2005

    164 The aetiology of developmental defects of the dentition
    A.H. Brook
    13th International Symposium on Dental Morphology

    165 Rotational principle component analysis to show relationships of descriptive labial surface variables on maxillary anterior teeth
    R.N. Smith, M. Karmo and A.H. Brook
    13th International Symposium on Dental Morphology

    166 The measurement of tooth morphology : validation of an image analysis system
    A.H. Brook, C. Elcock, D.L. Robinson, R.N. Smith, A.A. Shah, M. Al-Sharood,
    K. Khalaf and M. Karmo
    13th International Symposium on Dental Morphology

    167 Line profile analysis of luminance and dimensional measurements of the labial dental enamel surface.
    D.R. Willmot, A.H. Brook, R.N. Smith

    168 Image analysis of tooth whiteness compared to tab shade matching
    D.L. Lath, D.G. Wildgoose, R.N. Smith and A.H. Brook
    IADR 2006 J. Dent. Res.

    169 Measurement of stain removal in vitro: a comparison of two instrumental methods
    D.L. Lath, C.J. Johnson, R.N. Smith and A.H. Brook
    IADR 2006 J. Dent. Res.

    170 Mid - point and most prominent - point relationship relevance to orthodontic treatment.
    M. Karmo, A.H. Brook, R.N. Smith
    IADR 2006 J. Dent. Res.

    171 Torque angle: mid and most - prominent point correlation on anterior teeth
    M. Karmo, A.H. Brook, T.L. Coxon, R.N. Smith
    IADR 2006 J. Dent. Res.

    172 The aetiology of dental anomalies.
    A.H. Brook
    IADR (Pan European) 2006

    173 Environmental factors and dental anomalies in a Romano-British population.
    A.H. Brook, R.N. Smith
    IADR (Pan European) 2006

    174 Symmetry determination of teeth using image analysis: a new technique
    A.T. DiBiase, C. Elcock, R.N. Smith, J.H. Hibbard and A.H. Brook.
    IADR (Pan European) 2006

    175 Meta-analysis: variable significance confirmation between controls and a PAX 9 group.
    A.H. Brook, C. Elcock, M. Aggarwal, D.L. Lath, J.M. Russell, P.I. Patel and R.N. Smith.
    IADR (Pan European) 2006

    176 The Measurement of tooth colour and stain.
    A.H. Brook, D.L. Lath and R.N. Smith.
    FDI 2006 Shenzhen

    177 A new methodology for 2D imaging of murine dentition.
    R.N. Smith, M. Karmo, T. Coxon, H. Peters, A.H. Brook.
    BSDR 2007

    178 Validation and applications of a 3D laser scanner for odontometry.
    H. Zaitoun, T. Coxon, M. Karmo, G. Kaur, A.H. Brook, R.N. Smith.
    BSDR 2007

    179 Torque angle: mid and most-prominent point non-coincidence effect.
    M. Karmo, A.H. Brook, R.N. Smith.
    BSDR 2007

    180 Anomalies of tooth number and tooth size patterns.
    A.H. Brook, R.C. Griffin and R.N. Smith
    EAPD 2008

    181 Morphometric macro-measurement of murine mandibles and incisors
    T. Coxon, J. Hibbard, A.H. Brook and R.N. Smith.
    Postgraduate Research Meeting. Liverpool, 2008.

    182 Tooth size patterns in patients with hypodontia and supernumerary teeth.
    A.H. Brook, R.C. Griffin, R.N. Smith, G.C. Townsend, G. Kaur, G.R. Davis and J. Fearne.
    IADR 2008

    183 Automated calibrated measurement of murine tooth colour and whiteness.
    R.N. Smith, A. Stretton, T.L. Coxon and A.H. Brook
    IADR 2008

    184 Morphometric macro-measurement of murine mandibles and incisors.
    T.L. Coxon, J.H. Hibbard, M. Karmo, R.N. Smith and A.H. Brook
    IADR 2008

    185 Use of a 3D laser scanning system to compare the modifying effects of familial genetic contribution on dentition in Turner Syndrome.
    L.R. Saunders, A.H. Brook, L. Alvesalo and R.N. Smith
    ISDM 2008

    186 How studies of twins can inform our understanding of dental morphology.
    G.C. Townsend, T. Hughes, R.N. Smith and A.H. Brook
    ISDM 2008

    187 Approaches to synetic superimposition of dental 3D data from mono and dizygotic twins.
    R.N. Smith, G.C. Townsend, K. Chen and A.H. Brook
    ISDM 2008

    188 Murine Oro-Facial Morphology: a model for human dental anomalies.
    T.L. Coxon, J.H. Hibbard, A.H. Brook and R.N. Smith
    Pan European Federation (PEF) British Society for Dental Research (BSDR) 2008

    189 Studying the dentitions of Australian twins: new insights.
    G.C. Townsend, T. Hughes, R.N. Smith and A.H. Brook
    IAA China 2008

    190 The aetiology of hypodontia and supernumerary teeth: further evidence from tooth size patterning.
    R.N. Smith, G.C. Townsend and A.H. Brook
    IAA China 2008

    191 Exploring genetic-epigenetic-environmental interactions using dental development as a model.
    A.H. Brook, R.N. Smith and G.C. Townsend
    IAA China 2008

    192 Accurate determination of variations in tooth morphology.
    A.H. Brook and R.N. Smith
    ASHB 2008

    193 Measuring genotype-phenotype relationships in the murine dentition.
    T.L. Coxon, P. Anderson, P. Adams, A.H. Brook and R.N. Smith
    IADR 2009

    194 Patterned variations in crown diameters of four ethnic groups.
    A.H. Brook, R.C. Griffin, Y. Levisianos, J.M. Russell, G.C. Townsend and R.N. Smith
    IADR 2009

    195 The accurate determination of variations in tooth morphology.
    A.H. Brook. and R.N. Smith
    ASHB 2009

    196 Are dental crown dimensions increased in females from opposite-sex dizygotic twin pairs reflecting possible male hormone diffusion in utero?
    D. Ribeiro, W. Sampson, T. Hughes, A.H. Brook and G. Townsend
    ASMR Adelaide 2009

    197 Phenotyping Mouse Models of Amelogenesis Imperfecta using Amelx and Enam candidate genes
    T.L. Coxon, A.H. Brook and R.N. Smith
    BSDR Glasgow 2009

    198 Health status and social inequality at late Roman Baldock
    R.C. Griffin, M. Pitts, R.N. Smith and A.H. Brooks
    British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology 2009

    199 Towards Synethic Superimposition of dental 3D data
    R.N. Smith, K. Chen, G. Townsend and A.H. Brook
    AADR 2010

    200 Quantifying phenotyping variation in mice with Amelx and Enam mutations
    T.L. Coxon, A.H. Brook and R.N. Smith
    AADR 2010

    201 Integrating osteological and archaeological approaches to funerary remains: identity and health at late Roman Baldock
    R. Griffin, M. Pitts, R.N. Smith and A.H. Brook
    BABAO 2010

    202 Happloinsufficiency and oral morphology in 45XO Turners Syndrome
    L.R. Horrocks, A.H. Brook, L. Alvesalo and R.N. Smith
    IADR, Barcelona 2010

    203 Phenotype-Genotype Correlations in mice with Amelx and Enam mutations
    T.L. Coxon, A.H. Brook, P. Anderson and R.N. Smith
    IADR, Barcelona 2010 (Conference poster and abstract)

    204 Are dental crown dimensions altered in opposite-sex dizygotic twin pairs reflecting possible hormone diffusion in-utero?
    D. Ribeiro, W. Sampson, T. Hughes, A.H. Brook and G. Townsend
    IOC, Sydney 2010

    205 Modelling Complexity in the development of the dentition
    A.H. Brook and M.D. Brook O'Donnell
    IUAES Perth 2011

    206 The Dentition: A Complex System demonstrating Self*Principles
    A.H. Brook and M.D. Brook O'Donnell
    SASO, IEEE, Ann Arbor 2011

    207 New approaches to Dental Anthropology based on the study of twins.
    G. Townsend, T. Hughes, M. Bockmann and A.H. Brook
    IUAES Perth 2011

    208 Intrauterine hormonal effects on tooth size in opposite-sexed dizygotic twins.
    D. Ribeiro, T. Hughes, A.H. Brook, W. Sampson and G. Townsend
    IUAES Perth 2011

    209 Mesio-distal and bucco-lingual tooth diameters in opposite-sexed dizygotic twins.
    D. Ribeiro, T. Hughes, A.H. Brook, W. Sampson and G. Townsend
    ISDM Newcastle 2011

    210 Investigating the Dentition as a Complex Adaptive System produces implications for modelling Development and Computer Engineering
    A.H. Brook and M.D. Brook O'Donnell
    William Harvey Day, QMUL London 2011 (Conference poster and abstract)

    211 2D Image Analysis of tooth dimensions in opposite-sexed twins
    D. Ribeiro, T. Hughes, A.H. Brook, W. Sampson and G. Townsend
    AOC Perth 2012

    212 Oral Health Inequalities - National and International: the challenge of dental anomalies.
    A.H. Brook, A, Hone, E. Hart, G. Townsend, T. Hughes and M.D. Brook O'Donnell
    R.S.M. Symposium 2012

    213 Increased dental crown dimensions in opposite-sex dizygotic twin pairs as a possible result of intrauterine hormone diffusion.
    D. Ribeiro, W. Sampson, T. Hughes, A.H. Brook, and G. Townsend
    Aust. Orthodont. Congress 2012

    214 Diversity and Complexity: Dental anomalies and health inequalities
    A.H. Brook, A, Hone, E. Hart, G. Townsend, T. Hughes and M.D. Brook O'Donnell
    ANZ Div. IADR Fiji 2012

    215 Genes, teeth and faces: 30 years of studying twins.
    G. Townsend, T. Hughes, M. Bockmann, S. Mihailidis, A.H. Brook, A. Harris, C. Bennett and S. Pinkerton.
    ANZ Div. IADR Fiji 2012

    216 Are dental crown dimensions increased in females from opposite-sex dizygotic twin pairs reflecting possible male hormone diffusion in utero?
    D. Ribeiro, W. Sampson, T. Hughes, A.H. Brook, and G. Townsend
    Aust. Dent. J. 2012, 57: Special Res. Suppl. S31

    217 Genetic and environmental causes and variation in expression of infraoccluded primary teeth in twins and singletons.
    R. Odeh, G. Townsend, A. H. Brook, T. Hughes and S. Mihailidis
    Colgate Aust. Clinical Research Centre Research Conference 2012

    218 The development of the dentition as a Complex Adaptive System.
    A.H. Brook, T. Hughes, G. Townsend and M.D. Brook O'Donnell
    Am. J. A. Phys. Anthrop. 150(S56):89 doi:10.1002/ajpa22247f Epub 2013 Feb 20.

    219 State-of-the-art profilometric assessment of early enamel lesion.
    C. Mann, S. Ranjitkar, D. Lekkas, C. Hall, J.A. Kaidonis, G.C. Townsend and A.H. Brook.
    Asia- Pacific Div. ANZ Div. I.A.D.R Bangkok 2013.

    220 State-of-the-art imaging of early enamel erosion in permanent teeth simulating gastric regurgitation.
    C. Mann, S. Ranjitkar, D. Lekkas, J.A. Kaidonis, G.C. Townsend and A.H. Brook.
    Colgate Australian Clinical Research Centre Research Day, Adelaide 2013.

    221 Assessment of early enamel erosion in permanent teeth simulating gastric regurgitation.
    C. Mann, S. Ranjitkar, C. Hall, D. Lekkas, J. Kaidonis, G. Townsend and A.H. Brook.
    Aust. Dent. J 2013, 58:S42-43.

    222 Infraocclusion of primary molars and associated dental anomalies in twins and singletons: what is the underlying aetiology?
    R. Odeh, G. C. Townsend, S. Mihailidis, T. Hughes, R. Lahdesmaki and A. Brook.
    Colgate Australian Clinical Research Centre Research Day, Adelaide, August 2013

    223 Genetic and environmental causes of variation in the expression of infraoccluded primary teeth.
    R. Odeh, G. C. Townsend, S. Mihailidis, R. Lahdesmaki and A. Brook.
    Aust. Dent. J 2013, 58:S28

    224 Assessment of early enamel erosion using profilometry and nanoscratch testing.
    S. Ranjitkar, C. Mann, S. Kwek, Z. Xie, C. Hall, D. Lekkas, J.A. Kaidonis, G.C. Townsend and A.H. Brook.
    Biomouth 2013 Symposium, Otago.

    225 Is tooth size altered in opposite-sex dizygotic twin pairs, reflecting possible hormone diffusion in utero?
    D.C. Ribeiro, W. Sampson, T. Hughes, A. Brook and G. Townsend.
    Bulletin of the International Association for Paleodontology 7:121

    226 Mild hypodontia is associated with reduced tooth dimensions and cusp numbers compared with controls in a Romanian sample
    B. Kerekes-Mathe, A.H. Brook, K. Martha, M. Szekely and R.N. Smith.
    Int. Symp. Dent. Morph. Zagreb, 2014.

    227 Three dimensional imaging of mircowear texture in human teeth.
    C. Mann, S. Ranjitkar, A.H. Brook, J.A. Kaidonis, D. Lekkas and G.C. Townsend.
    Colgate Research Day, Adelaide, 2014.

    228 Infraocclusion: clinical features and associated anomolies
    R. Odeh, G.C. Townsend, S. Mihailidis, T. Hughes, R. Lahdesmaki and A. Brook.
    ANZ IADR, Brisbane, 2014.

    229 Three dimensional imaging of microware texture in human teeth.
    C. Mann, S. Ranjitkar, A.H. Brook, J.A. Kaidonis, D. Lekkas and G.C. Townsend.
    ANZ IADR, Brisbane, 2014.

    230 Environmental stresses affect development: evidence from dental development in a Romano-British sample.
    K. Koh and A.H. Brook
    ASHB, Glenelg, SA, 2014.

    231 Enhancing interpretation: exploring the dentition as a Complex Adaptive System increases understanding of the outcomes of genetic/epigenetic/environmental interactions during dental developments.
    A.H. Brook
    ASHB, Glenelg, SA, 2014.

    232 The effects of the Y chromosome and intrauterine male hormones on human tooth size and shape.
    F. Lam, G. Townsend, S. Ranjitkar, R. Yong, T. Hughes and A Brook.
    ASHB, Glenelg, SA, 2014.

    233 The effect of the Y chromosome and intrauterine male hormones on human dental arch dimensions.
    P. Patel, A. Brook, R. Yong, G. Townsend, T.Hughes and S. Ranjitkar
    ASHB, Glenelg, SA, 2014.

    234 High-resolution three-dimensional texture analysis of attrition and erosion in human teeth.
    S. Ranjitkar, A. Turan, C. Mann, S. Edwards, M. Marsman, R. Yong, J. Kaidonis, P. Wetselaar, F. Lobbezoo, C. Hall, D. Lekkas, A. Brook and G. Townsend.
    ASHB, Glenelg, SA, 2014.

    235 3D techniques in dental phenomics: new opportunities for physical anthropology.
    R. Yong, S. Ranjitkar, A. Brook, W. Loftus and G. Townsend.
    ASHB, Glenelg, SA, 2014.

    236 Three dimensional imaging of microwear texture in anterior human teeth.
    C. Mann, S. Ranjitkar, A.H. Brook, J.A. Kaidonis, D. Lekkas and G.C. Townsend.
    Aust. Dent. J. 2014, 59(4):S35.

    237 The effects of the Y chromosome and intrauterine male hormones on tooth size and shape.
    F. Lam, A Brook, S. Ranjitkar, R. Yong, T. Hughes and G. Townsend.
    Aust. Dent. J. 2014, 59(4):S32.

    238 Influences in a biological complex adaptive system: environmental stress affects dental development in a group of Romano-Britons.
    A.H. Brook, K.S.B. Koh and V.K.L. Toh.
    Complex Systems 2015. Wessex Institute of Technology.

    239 The effects of the Y chromosome and intrauterine male hormones on human tooth size and shape.
    F. Lam, G. Townsend, S. Ranjitkar, R. Yong, T. Hughes T and A.H. Brook
    Colgate Australian Clinical Research Centre Research Day, Adelaide, July 10, 2015

    240 Three-dimensional high-resolution surface texture analysis of early enamel erosion.
    A. Diep, S. Ranjitkar, C. Hall, A. Brook, J. Kaidonis and G. Townsend
    Colgate Australian Clinical Research Centre Research Day, Adelaide, July 10, 2015

    241 Three-dimensional high-resolution surface texture analysis of early enamel erosion.
    A. Diep, S. Ranjitkar, C. Hall, A. Brook, J. Kaidonis and G. Townsend
    IADR ANZ Div. 2015, Abstract 2335558.

    242 Dental development is a Complex Adaptive System affected by environmental street.
    A.H. Brook, K.S.B. Koh, V.K.L Toh, S. Ranjitkar S and M. Brook O'Donnell
    IADR ANZ Div. 2015, Abstract 2343078.

    243 The effects of the Y chromosome and intrauterine male hormones on human tooth size and shape.
    F. Lam, G. Townsend, S. Ranjitkar, R. Yong, T. Hughes T and A.H. Brook
    IADR ANZ Div. 2015, Abstract 2333198.

    244 Analysis of the human mandibular canal using high-resolution three-dimensional imaging.
    K. Shah, S. Ranjitkar, R. Yong, S. Mihailidis, A.H. Brook and G.C. Townsend.
    IADR ANZ Div. 2015,

    245 Human development as a Complex Adaptive System: Further evidence from association of tooth number, size and shape.
    A.H. Brook, K. Khalaf and R.N. Smith
    ASHB, Brisbane, QLD, 2016.

    246 Sexual dimorphism in dermatoglyphic and dental characteristics in Australian twins.
    R.J. Taduran, S. Ranjitkar, T. Hughes, G.C. Townsend, and A.H. Brook
    ASHB, Brisbane, QLD, 2016.

    247 A Complex Adaptive System in which Environmental Stress affects Gene Expression during Development.
    K. Koh, M. Brook O'Donnell, S. Ranjitkar and A. Brook
    Complex Systems 2016, New Forest, UK, June 2016

    248 Agents within a developmental Complex Adaptive System: intrauterine male hormones influence human tooth size and shape. Felicity Lam
    F. Lam, R. Yong, S. Ranjitkar, G.C. Townsend and A.H. Brook
    Complex Systems 2016, New Forest, UK, June 2016

    249 Agents within a developmental Complex Adaptive System: intrauterine male hormones and human dental arch size and shape.
    P. Patel, R. Yong, S. Ranjitkar, G.C. Townsend, and A.H. Brook
    Complex Systems 2016, New Forest, UK, June 2016

    250 The mature stomatognathic system is a dynamically changing Complex Adaptive System.
    J. Kaidonis, S. Ranjitkar, M. Brook O'Donnell, G.C. Townsend, K. Koh, V. Toh and A. Brook
    Complex Systems 2016, New Forest, UK, June 2016

    251 Complex systems in human development: sexual dimorphism in fingerprints of Australian twins.
    R.J. Taduran, S. Ranjitkar, T. Hughes, G.C. Townsend, and A.H. Brook
    Complex Systems 2016, New Forest, UK, June 2016

    252 Health research, teaching and provision of care: applying a new approach based on complex systems and a Knowledge Translation Complexity Network model.
    A.H. Brook, H.M. Liversidge, D. Wilson, Z. Jordan, G. Harvey, R Marshall and A. Kitson
    Complex Systems 2016, New Forest, UK, June 2016

    253 Genetic - epigenetic - environmental interactions begin the complex adaptive system of craniofacial development
    A.H. Brook
    IADR Seoul, Korea, June 2016

    254 The modern human dentition: insights from three decades of studies in twins.
    T. Hughes, G. Townend, A. Brook, M. Bockmann and S. Mihailidis
    Am. Assoc Phys. Anthropol. Atlanta, 2016

    255 A complex Communication Network enhanced disaster victim age research.
    A.H. Brook, M Brook O'Donnell and H.M. Liversidge
    ASHB, Dunedin, New Zealand, December 2016

    256 Mild Hypodontia is associated with reduced tooth dimensions and cusp numbers compared to controls in a Romanian sample.
    B. Kerekes-Mathe, A.H.Brook, K. Mathe, M.Szekely, R.N.Smith
    ISDM Zagreb, Croatia 2016

    257 The complex adaptive systems in human development: further studies of tooth and fingerprint parameters.
    R.J. Taduran, S. Ranjitkar, T. Hughes, G. Townsend and A.H. Brook
    Complex Systems 2017, New Forest, UK, May 2017

    258 Variation in tooth crown size and shape are outcomes of the complex adaptive system associated with the tooth number variation of hypodontia.
    S. Sassani, D. Patel, M. Farella, S. Ranjitkar, R. Yong, S. Swindells and A.H. Brook
    Complex Systems 2017, New Forest, UK, May 2017

    259 Delay in dental development and variations in root morphology are outcomes of the complex adaptive system associated with the numerical variation of hypodontia.
    L. Chen, H. Liversidge, K. Chen, M. Farella, S. Sassani, D. Patel and A.H. Brook
    Complex Systems 2017, New Forest, UK, May 2017

    260 Variations in dental arch morphology are outcomes of the complex adaptive system associated with the developmental variation of hypodontia.
    D. Patel, S. Sassini, M. Farella, S. Ranjitkar, R. Yong, S. Swindells and A.H. Brook
    Complex Systems 2017, New Forest, UK, May 2017

    261 How to teach interdisciplinary Knowledge Translation in a Health Faculty.
    A. Kitson, R. Wiechula, D. Wilson, G. Harvey, R, O'Shea and A.H. Brook
    Connecting Higher Education: international perspectives on research-based education.
    London, UK, June 2017

    262 The emerging fields of complex systems and networks have major implications for health research.
    A.H. Brook
    Sir John Walsh R.I. Research Day, Otago, September 2017

    263 Compensatory interactions between developing teeth: an analysis of tooth size and number.
    M. Tadros, S. Ranjitkar, T. Hughes, A.H. Brook and G. Townsend
    IADR ANZ Div., September 2017

    264 Patterns of morphological pleiotropy in the human diphyodont dentition.
    K. Paul, C. Stojanowski, T. Hughes, A.H. Brook and G. Townsend
    Southwestern Assn. Biological Anthropologists, November 2017

    265 Translating evidence into practice: A conceptual complex network Knowledge Translational Model.
    M.M. Mittinity, A.H. Brook, G. Harvey, L. Jordan, R. Rogers, G. Rossi-Fedele, I. Symonds, R. Tavella, R. Wiechula, and D. Wilson
    Aust. Soc. Med. Res. 2017

    266 Development and Validation of an innovative 3D Scanning methodology for tooth crowns and dental arches
    D. Patel, M. Henneberg, S. Sassani, T. Hughes, S. Ranjitkar, R. Yong, A. Brook
    IADR, London 2018

    267 Quantitative genetic analyses of human crown morphology: heritability and genetic integration in a longitudinal Australian twin sample.
    K. Paul, C. Stojanowski, T. Hughes, A.H. Brook and G. Townsend
    Am. Assn. Phys. Anthropol. Austin Texas, USA 2018

    268 Large Volume Micro-CT: a new methodology enhances the microscopic study of archaeological skull samples
    A. Gurr, A.H. Brook, D. Higgins, J. Kumaratilaki, M. Henneberg
    ASHB 2020

    269 Complex multilayer network interactions occur between the dentition and the dental arches during development.
    A.H. Brook, B. Kerekes-Mathe, D. Patel, D. Higgins, M. Henneberg and M. Brook O'Donnell.
    ASHB 2020

    270 Intrauterine hormone effects on tooth morphology in dizygotic opposite sex twins
    R. Feezall, K. Paul, T. Hughes, A.H. Brook
    Am. Ass. Phys. Anthrop. 2021

    271 In hypodontia some morphological parameters of premolars and molars vary with different sites of the congenitally missing teeth.
    B. Kerekes-Mathe, M. Brook O'Donnell and A.H. Brook
    ISDM 2022

    272 3D measurement of permanent tooth crowns in hypodontia and controls.
    A.H. Brook, S. Sassani, T. Hughes, M. Brook O'Donnell, S. Ranjitkar, D. Higgins, M. Farella, M. Henneberg
    I.A.D.R 2022


  • Professional Associations

    Academic Memberships and Affiliations

    • Australasian Society for Human Biology
    • Dental Anthropology Association
    • Faculty of Health and Medical Science 


    Titleholders Committee

    • International Association of Dental Research
    • Royal College of Surgeons (England)

  • Community Engagement

    Public and Community Outreach/Engagment

    • 2020/21/22 - presentations to the Internatioanl Association of Dental Research and Australasian Society of Human Biology.
    • 2020 - Walkerville Community Group, Adelaide.
    • 2022 - Articles in the Adelaide Advertiser, in the Archaeology magazine and in Current World Archaeology magazine.
    • 2022/23 - five future community and professional organisations presentaions are planned.

The information in this directory is provided to support the academic, administrative and business activities of the University of Adelaide. To facilitate these activities, entries in the University Phone Directory are not limited to University employees. The use of information provided here for any other purpose, including the sending of unsolicited commercial material via email or any other electronic format, is strictly prohibited. The University reserves the right to recover all costs incurred in the event of breach of this policy.

Entry last updated: Thursday, 21 Jul 2022