Dr Alex Wawryk

Dr Alex Wawryk
 Position Senior Lecturer
 Org Unit Adelaide Law School
 Email alex.wawryk@adelaide.edu.au
 Telephone 831 35021
 Location Floor/Room 2 ,  Ligertwood ,   North Terrace
  • Qualifications

    B.Ec (Hons) (First Class) University of Adelaide

    LL.B (Hons) (First Class) University of Adelaide

    Ph.D (Law) University of Adelaide

    Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice

    Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of South Australia

  • Awards & Achievements

    2013, Barbara Kidman Research Fellowhip.

    2003, Geoffrey Willoughby Prize, for an article of outstanding merit published in the International Bar Association's Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law.

    2002, University of Adelaide Law School, Bonython Prize for the Best Orginal Postgraduate Thesis.

    1998, Baker Scholarship in Law.

    1997-2000, Australian Postgraduate Award.

  • Teaching Interests

    Contract Law

    Mining and Energy Law

    International Energy Law

    Environmental Law

  • Research Interests

    Laws regulating the development of renewable energy.

    Wind energy and the law.

    Oil and gas law.

    Mining and the environment.

  • Research Funding

    • 2016-17, Member of the Academic Advisory Panel to the Leading Practice Mining Acts Review, South Australian government.
    • 2012: Consultancy, Stakeholder Democracy Network, Nigeria, co-funded by the UK and Nigerian government. Principles of Compensation for Loss and Damage Caused by Oil Pollution Damage.
    • 2003: Small Australian Research Council Grant. Designing a code of conduct for corporate social responsibility in the international oil industry.
    • 2003: Internal Grant Scheme. Analysing South Australia’s planning legislation as it applies to offshore wind energy, including a comparison with the new United Kingdom offshore planning regime.
    • 2002: Small University Research Grant. Analysing the effectiveness of the states’ legal frameworks for developing wind energy facilities.
  • Publications


    Alexandra Wawryk, Carolyn Vigar, Paul Bradley, Tina Hunter, Energy Law in Australia (Wolters Kluwer, 2018).

    Book Chapters 

    "Legal Framework to Develop Offshore Wind in Australia" in Anton Ming-Zhi Gao and Chien-Te Fan (eds), The Development of a Comprehensive Legal Framework for the Promotion of Offshore Wind Power (Kluwer Law International, 2017) 163-190.


    "Solar and Wind" in Richard Ottinger, Adrian Bradbrook, Lal Kurukulasuriya, Karl Rabago and Mark Radka (eds), UN Environment Guide for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Laws (United National Environment Program, 2016) 169-220.


    "Petroleum Regulation in an International Context: the Universality of Petroleum Regulation and the Concept of Lex Petrolea" in Tina Hunter (ed), Regulation of the Upstream Petroleum Sector: A Comparative Study of Licensing and Concession Systems (Edward Elgar Publishers, 2015) 3-35.


    "International Energy Law as an Academic Discipline" in Paul Babie and Paul Leadbeter (eds), Law as Change: Engaging with the Life and Scholarship of Adrian Bradbrook (University of Adelaide Press, 2014) 223-255.


    "The Regulation of Oil Spills from Offshore Installations" in Kim Talus (ed), Research Handbook on International Energy Law (Edward Elgar Publishers, 2014) 548-592.


    "Solar Energy and Wind Energy" in Lal Kurukulasuriya, Mark Radka, Richard L. Ottinger and Adrian Bradbrook (eds), UNEP Handbook for Drafting Laws on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Resources (United National Environment Program, 2007) 139-178.


    "Minimizing the Environmental and Cultural Impacts of Oil Operations in Emerging Economies: Transnational Oil Companies and Voluntary International Environmental Standards" in Barbara Hoffman (ed), Art and Cultural Heritage: Law, Policy and Practice (Cambridge University Press, 2006) 264-282.


    "Green Pricing and Green Power Marketing: Demand-Side Mechanisms for Promoting 'Green Power' in Deregulated Electricity Markets" in Adrian Bradbrook, Rosemary Lyster, Richard Ottinger and Wang Xi (eds), The Law of Energy for Sustainable Development (Cambridge University Press, New York, 2005) 138-155.


    "Regulating Transnational Coroporations Through Corporate Codes of Conduct" in Scott Pegg and George Frynas (eds), Transnational Corporations and Human Rights (Palgrave, 2003) 53-78.


    "Green Pricing and Green Power Marketing: Demand-Side Mechanisms for Promoting 'Green Power' in Deregulated Electricity Markets" in Adrian Bradbrook and Richard Ottinger (eds), Energy Law and Sustainable Development (IUCN, 2003) 203-215.


    A Bradbrook and A Wawryk, "Legal Issues Relating to Electricity Production by Offshore Wind Turbines" in Catania P, Golchert B and Zhou C (eds), Energy 2000: The Beginning of a New Millenium (Technomic Publishing Co Ltd, Pennsylvania and Balaban International Science Publishers, L'Aquila, Italy) 1069-1080.


    Journal Articles 

    A Wawryk and P Leadbeter, "Deepwater Drilling off the Coast of South Australia: Liability for Offshore Oil and Gas Pollution" (2016) 33 Environmental and Planning Law Journal 555.


    A Wawryk and J Podgorelec, "The Establishment of a Radioactive Waste Facility in Australia: the Need for Free, Prior and Informed Consent" (2016) 31(6) Australian Environment Review 220.


    A Wawryk, J Podgorelec and P Burdon, "Siting a Nuclear Waste Facility and Matters of Consent" (2016) 38(3) Law Society Bulletin 20.


    A Wawryk and K Van Hende, "Civil Liability for Spill from Oil Rigs: the Development of Bilateral and Regional Principles" [2015] Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 216.


    A Wawryk and K Van Hende, "The Internationalisation of Liability Regimes for Offshore Oil Exploration and Production" (2014) 54 APPEA Journal 209.


    "Conservation and Access to Land in Protected Areas: the Conflict over Mining in South Australia's Arkaroola Wilderness Sanctuary" (2014) 26 Oxford Journal of Environmental Law 291.

    Journal Commentary, "The 2013 Australian Federal Election: Implications for Mining, Energy and Natural Resources" (2014) 32 Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law 81.

    "Recent Changes to the Commonwealth Offshore Petroleum Legislation: Stengthening Environmental Liability, Compliance and Enforcement Provisions" (2013) 27 Australia and New Zealand Maritime Law Journal 49.

    P Leadbeter and A Wawryk, "Is the Fox Still Guarding the Henhouse? Mining and Environmental Protection in South Australia" (2013) 30 Environmental and Planning Law Journal 3.

    "The Montara Oil Spill: Implications and Future Challenges for the Offshore Petroleum Regulatory Regime" (2012) 3 Oil Gas and Energy Law, www.ogel.com.

    Legislating for Offshore Wind Energy in South Australia" (2011) 28 Environmental and Planning Law Journal 265.

    A Wawryk and A Bradbrook, "Australian Initiatives Promoting Renewable Energy Resources in Electricity Generation" (2005) Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law 188.

    "Planning for Wind Energy: Controversy over Wind Farms in Coastal Victoria" (2004) 9 Australasian Journal of Natural Resources Law and Policy 103.

    "The Development Process for Wind Farms in South Australia" (2002) 19 Environmental and Planning Law Journal 333.

    "The Adoption of International Standards by Transnational Oil Companies: Reducing the Impact of Oil Operations in Emerging Economies" (2002) 20 Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law 402.

    A Bradbrook and A Wawryk, "Government Initiatives Promoting Renewable Energy for Electricity Generation in Australia (2002) 25 University of New South Wales Law Journal 124.

    A Bradbrook and A Wawryk, "The Legal Regime Governing the Exploitation of Offshore Wind Energy in Australia" (2001) 18 Environmental and Planning Law Journal 30.

    A Bradbrook and A Wawryk, "Energy, Sustainable Development and Motor Fuels: Legal Barriers to the Use of Ethanol" (1999) 16 Environmental and Planning Law Journal 196.

    A Bradbrook and A Wawryk, "Legislative Implementation of Financial Mechanisms to Improve Motor Vehicle Fuel Efficiency" (1998) 22 Melbourne University Law Review 537.

    A Bradbrook and A Wawryk,"Constitutional Implications for the Restructuring of the Australian Electricity Industry" (1996) 3 Australasian Journal of Natural Resources Law and Policy 179.


    Conference Papers and Seminar Papers

    "The Legislative Regime for Offshore Wind Energy in the UK", presented to the Third International Workshop on National Policy and Laws for Offshore Wind Energy, Taipei, 12 December 2017.


    Kirsty Braybon, Dan Woodyatt and Alex Wawryk, "2016-17 Review of the Mining Act 1971 (SA)", presented to the Law Society of South Australia and the Adelaide Law School Continuing Professional Development Seminar Series, Wednesday 30 November 2017, Adelaide.


    "Fishing and the Development of Offshore Wind Farms in Australia", presented to the Second International Conference on National Laws and Policy for Offshore Wind Energy, Taipei, Taiwan, 26-27 October 2016.


    "The Legal Framework for the Development of Offshore Wind Power in Australia", presented to the International Conference for a Comprehensive Legal Framework for the Development of Offshore Wind Power Around the World", Taipei, Taiwan, 21-23 August 2016.


    "The Establishment of a Legal Regime for Offshore Wind Energy in Australia: Major Issues and Challenges", presented to the International Workshop on National Laws and Policy for Offshore Wind Energy, Taipei, Taiwan, 15 December 2015.


    A Wawryk and K Van Hende, 'The Internationalization of Liability Regimes for Offshore Petroleum  Exploration and Production', presented to the Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration (APPEA) Annual Conference, Perth, Wednesday 9 April 2014.

    "The Mining Act 1971 (SA)", presented to the Law Society of South Australia and the Adelaide Law Masters Program Mining Law Conference, Friday May 2011, Adelaide.

    "Planning for Offshore Wind Energy in South Australia: A Comparative Review with the United Kingdom", presented to the conference Law and Policy to Advance Renewable Energy: A Comparative Colloquium, 29-30 November 2010, ANU Centre for European Studies, Canberra.

    "The Legal Framework for Developing Wind Farms in South Australia", National Planning Congress, Adelaide 2003.



    Panelist, 'Recent Developments on the Study of the Lex Petrolea', Second Houston Annual Conference on Oil and Gas Investment Arbitration, University of Houston Law Centre, 30 October 2015.

    Adelaide Law School Public Law and Policy Research Unit, Submission to the Senate Inquiry into the Environment and Biodiversity Amendment (Standing) Bill 2015, September 2015, written by Dr Peter Burdon, Dr Alex Wawryk, Dr Judith Bannister and Mr Paul Leadbeter, of the Adelaide Law School, and Mr David Cole, Adjunct Senior Lecturer in Law, Flinders University Law School.

    Adelaide Law School Public Law and Policy Research Unit, Submission to the SA Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission, July 2015, Issues Paper Four: Management, Storage and Disposal of Nuclear and Radioactive Waste, Topic C: Risks and Opportunities, written by Mr John Podgorelec, with contributions by Dr Peter Burdon and Dr Alex Wawryk.

    K Van Hende and A Wawryk, Case Note, "Gross Negligence under the US Clean Water Act and General Maritime Law: In re: Oil Spill by the Oil Rig "Deepwater Horizon" in the Gulf of Mexico, on April 20, 2010, (MDL 2179) 'Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law Phase One Trial', Rec Doc 13,355, --- F Supp @d --, 2014 WL 4375933 (ED La, 4 September 2014)" (2014) Australia and New Zealand Maritime Law Journal 124-136.

    A Wawryk and K Van Hende, "Trends in Liability and Compensation for Oil Spills from Offshore Installations", PESA News, October-November 2014, 2-5.



  • Professional Associations

    Law Society of South Australia

    Australian Natural Resources and Energy Law Association (AMPLA)

    Environmental Defenders Office (SA) Inc

    World Conservation Union (IUCN) Member of the Commission of Environmental Law Specialist Group on Energy and Energy Law and Climate Change

    Member, Institute of Mining and Energy Resources, University of Adelaide

    Fellow, Indo-Pacific Governance Research Centre, University of Adelaide

    Associate Editor, Oil Gas and Energy Law (OGEL), www.ogel.com


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Entry last updated: Tuesday, 29 Mar 2022

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