Dr Alexander Francke
Position | Senior Lecturer |
Org Unit | School of Physics, Chemistry and Earth Sciences |
alexander.francke@adelaide.edu.au | |
Telephone | 831 30894 |
Location |
North Terrace
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Professional Interests
I am working on paleoclimate and -environmental reconstructions by applying a variety of sedimentary and geochemical proxies to Quaternary lake sediment records across the Mediterranean, Australia, Asia, and the High Arctic realm. In my research, I use element geochemical and stable isotope proxies to reconstruct paleoclimate variability. I use a new approach based on uranium isotope geochemistry applied to fine-grained (lacustrine) sedimentary achieves to quantify Quaternary catchment erosion. The obtained information shall be directly compared to information derived on paleoclimate conditions and information about human activity to obtain a comprehensive picture about climate-human-landscape interactions. I work on Quaternary (last 1.3Ma, Lake Ohrid) to Holocene timescales.
I am Editor for Quaternary International (IF: 1.99), the in-house journal of INQUA (International Quaternary Association)
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Entry last updated: Friday, 17 Jan 2025
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