Ms Amanda Grigg

Ms Amanda Grigg
 Position Head, Brass & Percussion
 Org Unit Elder Conservatorium of Music
 Telephone 831 33666
 Location Floor/Room G ,  Madley ,   North Terrace
  • Biography/ Background

    Amanda Grigg is a graduate of the South Australian College of Advanced Education where she studied percussion under the tutelage of James Bailey. In 1995 Amanda was a recipient of an Australia Council grant to study in New York with renowned marimba soloists William Moersch and Nancy Zeltsman. On her return to Adelaide she completed her Masters Degree in Performance at the Elder Conservatorium of Music.

    Since then, Amanda has enjoyed a diverse musical career. She has worked regularly as a percussionist with the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra, highlights including tours to Asia and the US and the Australian premiere of Wagner's Ring Cycle. She has also performed with the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra and numerous opera and ballet productions. Her chamber music credits include performances with Graham Ashton, The Australia Ensemble, N-Tet and Kegelstatt Ensemble. She has also recorded for television with the Australian Dance Theatre and for national radio broadcast as a marimba soloist.

    As an educator, Amanda has taught percussion at primary, secondary and tertiary levels. She first joined the staff of the Elder Conservatorium as a part-time lecturer, teaching in the Jazz and Classical areas in 1991. After many years of teaching privately and in secondary schools, Amanda completed her Graduate Diploma in Education and is currently the Head of Percussion Studies at the University of Adelaide.

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Entry last updated: Tuesday, 25 Jul 2023

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