Professor Amanda Nettelbeck
Position | Professor |
Org Unit | School of Humanities | | |
Telephone | 831 35621 |
Location |
North Terrace
Biography/ Background
In addition to the University of Adelaide, Amanda Nettelbeck has taught at the University of Western Australia, the Flinders University of South Australia, the University of Missouri-St Louis (as visiting lecturer) and University College Dublin (as Keith Cameron Chair in Australian History). Her research focus is colonial history, the relationship of indigenous people to colonial law, and the legacies of colonialism in social memory. Her collaborations with Robert Foster have centred on the history and memory of frontier violence, the history of colonial policing, and the rule of law in comparative settler colonial history. Her teaching areas include or have included Australian studies, nineteenth century and colonial cultures, the history of life writing and the history of violence. She has been Associate Dean (International and Academic Standards) for the Faculty of Arts, Deputy Head of the School of Humanities and Interim Head of the School of Social Sciences. She is a Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia and of the Australian Academy of the Humanities.
Awards & Achievements
2020, Winner, ANZLHS annual prize for legal history, for Indigenous Rights and Colonial Subjecthood (Cambridge UP, 2019)
2018, Winner, LSAANZ publication prize (article category) for 'Creating the Aboriginal Vagrant', Pacific Historical Review 87. 1 (2018)
2018, Shortlisted, Australian Historical Studies Patricia Grimshaw Prize for 'Proximate Strangers and Familiar Antagonists', Australian Historical Studies 47. 2 (2016)
2008, Honourable Mention, John Barrett Awards for Australian Studies for 'Practices of Violence/Myths of Creation', Journal of Australian Studies 32. 1 (2008)
2008, Shortlisted, Chief Minister's Northern Territory History Book Award for In the Name of the Law (Wakefield Press, 2007)
2002, Winner, John Tragenza National Community History Award for Fatal Collisions (Wakefield Press, 2001)
2002, Shortlisted, NSW Premier's Award (non fiction) for Fatal Collisions (Wakefield Press, 2001)
2005, Inaugural winner, the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences' Award for Teaching Excellence
2005, High Commendation in the Stephen Cole the Elder Award for Excellence in Teaching
Research Funding
ARC Discovery, 2020-2023 (DP200100088). CIs Jane Lydon, Amanda Nettelbeck, Melissa Miles, Fay Anderson. 'Envisaging Australian Citizenship.
ARC Linkage, 2020-2023 (LP190100561). CIs Robert Foster, Amanda Nettelbeck, John Carty. Partners: SA Museum, History Trust SA, State Library SA, State Records SA, Reconciliation SA. 'Reconciling with the Frontier'.
ARC Discovery, 2015-2018 (DP150100914). CIs Lyndall Ryan, Amanda Nettelbeck, Anna Johnston, Penelope Edmonds, Victoria Haskins, PI Angela Wanhalla. 'Intimacy and Violence in Anglo Pacific Rim Settler Colonial Societies, 1830-1930'.
ARC Discovery, 2014-2016 (DP140103049). CI Amanda Nettelbeck. 'Protection & Punishment: the Legal Reform of Indigenous People, Australia 1837-1911'.
ARC Discovery, 2010-2012 (DP 1095363). CIs Amanda Nettelbeck & Robert Foster, PIs Russell Smandych and Louis Knafla. 'The Rule of Law in History and Memory: Australian and Canadian Settler Frontiers'.
International Council for Canadian Studies Research Program, 2010. Amanda Nettelbeck. 'Policing the Frontiers of Settlement: Canada & Australia'.
International Council for Canadian Studies International Research Linkage Program, 2007. 'The Rule of Law on Canadian & Australian Frontiers'.
ARC Linkage (LP0560550), 2005-2007. CIs Robert Foster & Amanda Nettelbeck, linkage partners SA Museum & State Records. 'Frontier Conflict in History and Memory: South & Central Australia from European Settlement to the Present'.
Amanda Nettelbeck, 2019. Indigenous Rights and Colonial Subjecthood: Protection and Reform in the 19th Century British Empire (Cambridge University Press).
Amanda Nettelbeck, Russell Smandych, Louis Knafla & Robert Foster, 2016. Fragile Settlements: Aboriginal Peoples, Law & Resistance in south-west Australia & prairie Canada (UBC Press, 'Law and Society' series).
Robert Foster & Amanda Nettelbeck, 2012. Out of the Silence: South Australia's Frontier Wars in History and Memory (Wakefield Press).
Amanda Nettelbeck & Robert Foster, 2007. In the Name of the Law: William Willshire and the Policing of the Australian Frontier (Wakefield Press).
Robert Foster, Rick Hosking & Amanda Nettelbeck, 2001. Fatal Collisions: the South Australian Frontier and the Violence of Memory (Wakefield Press).
Edited Books
Samuel Furphy & Amanda Nettelbeck, eds., 2019. Aboriginal Protection and its Intermediaries in Britain's Antipodean Colonies (Routledge).
Penelope Edmonds & Amanda Nettelbeck, eds., 2018. Intimacies of Violence in the Settler Colony: Economies of Dispossession across the Pacific Rim (Palgrave Macmillan).
Philip Dwyer & Amanda Nettelbeck, eds., 2017. Violence, Colonialism and Empire in the Modern World (Palgrave Macmillan).
Heather Kerr & Amanda Nettelbeck, eds., 1998. Australian Women Writing Fictocriticism (University of Western Australia Press).
Refereed journal articles (last 10 years only):
Amanda Nettelbeck, 2018. "Creating the Aboriginal Vagrant: protection, mobility and indigenous governance in colonial Australia", special issue of Pacific Historical Review vol. 87. 1: 79-100.
Amanda Nettelbeck & Lyndall Ryan, 2018. "Salutary Lessons: Native police and the ‘civilising’ role of legalised violence in colonial Australia", The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History vol. 46. 1: 47-68.
Amanda Nettelbeck, 2017. "Interracial Exchange and the Limits of Legal Regulation in Two Settler Colonial Societies", special issue of law&history vol. 4. 2: 103-24.
Amanda Nettelbeck, 2017. "Colonial Protection and the intimacies of indigenous governance", History Australia, vol 14.1: 32-47.
Amanda Nettelbeck, 2016."Proximate Strangers and Familiar Antagonists: Violence on an Intimate Frontier", Australian Historical Studies, vol 47. 2: 209-224.
Amanda Nettelbeck, 2016. '"We are Sure of your Sympathy: Aboriginal Uses of the Politics of Protection in 19th Century Australia and Canada' in Penny Edmonds and Anna Johnston, eds. 'Empire, Humanitarianism and Violence in the Colonies', special issue of Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History, vol 17, no 1.
Amanda Nettelbeck, 2014. '"Keep the Magistrates Straight": Magistrates and Aboriginal Management on Australia's North West Frontiers', Aboriginal History, vol 38: 19-37.
Amanda Nettelbeck, 2014. '"On the Side of Law & Order": Indigenous Aides to Mounted Police on the settler frontiers of Australia and Canada', Journal of Colonialism & Colonial History, vol 15. 2.
Amanda Nettelbeck, 2013. '"Equals of the White Man": Prosecution of Settlers for Violence against Aboriginal Subjects of the Crown, colonial Western Australia', Law & History Review, vol 31. 2: 355-390.
Amanda Nettelbeck, 2013. 'Phillips' Brief: The Severest Provocation', 37 Criminal Law Journal 267
Amanda Nettelbeck, 2012. ‘"A Halo of Protection"': Colonial Protectors and the policy of Aboriginal protection as punishment', Australian Historical Studies, vol 43. 3: 396-411.
Amanda Nettelbeck, 2012. ‘Indigenous Dispossession in the National Museum: the National Museum of Australia and the Canadian Museum of Civilization'. Time and Society, special Issue ed. Kate McGregor & Klaus Neumann, vol 21. 1: 39-54.
Amanda Nettelbeck & Robert Foster, 2012. ‘Food and Governance on the settler frontiers of colonial Australia and Canada', Aboriginal History vol 36: 21-41.
Amanda Nettelbeck & Robert Foster, 2012. ‘As Fine a Body of Men: How the Canadian Mountie brought Law and Order to the Memory of the Australian Frontier', Journal of Australian Studies vol 36.2: 125-140.
Robert Foster & Amanda Nettelbeck, 2012. ‘Proclamation Day and the Rise and Fall of South Australian Nationalism', Turning Points in South Australian History, ed. Robert Foster & Paul Sendzuick, Wakefield Press, 48-62.
Amanda Nettelbeck, 2011. ‘The Australian Frontier in the Museum'. Journal of Social History, vol 44. 4: 1115-1129.
Amanda Nettelbeck & Russell Smandych, 2010. ‘Policing Indigenous Peoples on Two Colonial Frontiers', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, vol 43. 2: 356-375.
Amanda Nettelbeck & Robert Foster, 2010. ‘Colonial Judiciaries, Aboriginal Protection and SA's Policy of Punishing with "Exemplary Severity"', Australian Historical Studies vol 41. 3: 319-336.
Amanda Nettelbeck & Robert Foster, 2010. ‘Commemorating Foundation: A Study in Regional Historical Memory', History Australia, vol 7. 3: 53.1-53.18.
Robert Foster & Amanda Nettelbeck, 2009. ‘The Rule of Law on the Australian Frontier', Legal History, vol 13. 2: 34-52.
Amanda Nettelbeck, 2008. ‘Practices of Violence/Myths of Creation', Journal of Australian Studies vol 31. 1: 5-17.
Amanda Nettelbeck, 2008. ‘The Transfigured Body and the Ethical Turn in Australian Illness Memoir', Journal of Medical Humanities, vol 29. 3: 153-172.
Amanda Nettelbeck & Robert Foster, 2007. ‘Reading the Elusive Letter of the Law: Policing the Australian Frontier', Australian Historical Studies, vol 38. 130: 296-311.
Amanda Nettelbeck, 2007. ‘Forgotten but not Gone: Refractions of the Great Australian Silence,' Australian Studies, vol 19. 2: 103-130.
Amanda Nettelbeck, 2007. ‘Contact History, Social Memory and the Construction of White Belonging', Australian Cultural History, vol 26: 195-211.
Book chapters (last 10 years only)
Samuel Furphy & Amanda Nettelbeck, 'Imagining Protection in the Antipodean Colonies: Actors, Agency and Governance', Aboriginal Protection and its Intermediaries in Britain's Antipodean Colonies, Routledge, 3-19.
Amanda Nettelbeck, 'Protective Governance and Legal Order on the Colonial Frontier', Aboriginal Protection and its Intermediaries in Britain's Antipodean Colonies, Routledge, 77-94.
Penelope Edmonds & Amanda Nettelbeck, 2018. "Precarious Intimacies: Cross-Cultural Violence and Promixity in Settler Colonial Economies", Intimacies of Violence in the Settler Colony: Economies of Dispossession across the Pacific Rim, eds. Penny Edmonds & Amanda Nettelbeck, Palgrave Macmillan, 1-23.
Amanda Nettelbeck, 2018."Intimate Violence in the Pastoral Economy: Aboriginal Women's Labour and Protective Governance", Intimacies of Violence in the Settler Colony: Economies of Dispossession across the Pacific Rim, eds. P. Edmonds & A. Nettelbeck, Palgrave Macmillan, 67-88.
Amanda Nettelbeck, 2017. "Flogging as Judicial Violence: the colonial rationale of corporal punishment", Violence, Colonialism and Empire in the Modern World, eds. P. Dwyer & A. Nettelbeck, Palgrave Macmillan, 111-127.
Philip Dwyer & Amanda Nettelbeck, 2017. "'Savage Wars of Peace': Violence, Colonialism and Empire in the Modern World", Violence, Colonialism and Empire in the Modern World, eds. P. Dwyer & A. Nettelbeck, Palgrave Macmillan.
Robert Foster & Amanda Nettelbeck, 2017. "From Protectorate to Protection, 1936-1911', Colonialism and its Aftermath: An Aboriginal History of South Australia, eds. Peggy Brock and Tom Gara, Wakefield Press, 23-36.
Amanda Nettelbeck, 2016. 'Bracelets, Blankets and Badges of Distinction: Aboriginal Subjects and Queen Victoria's Gifts', Mistress of Everything: Queen Victoria and Indigenous History, Politics and Imagination, eds. Sarah Carter and Maria Nugent, Manchester University Press, 210-227.
Amanda Nettelbeck, 2015. '"We Should Take Each Other by the Hand": Conciliation & Diplomacy in colonial Australia and North West Canada', Conciliation on Colonial Frontiers: Conflict, Performance and Commemoration in Australia and the Pacific Rim, eds. Kate Darian-Smith and Penelope Edmonds, Routledge, 36-53.
Amanda Nettelbeck, 2014. 'Queen Victoria's Aboriginal Subjects', Changing the Victorian Subject, ed. Maggie Tonkin et al, Adelaide University Press.
Amanda Nettelbeck & Robert Foster, 2013. ‘On the Trail of the Great March: The NWMP in Canadian Historical Memory', Place and Replace: Essays on Western Canada, ed. Leah Morton & Adele Perry, University of Manitoba Press, 128-152.
Amanda Nettelbeck & Robert Foster, 2010. ‘The Central Australian Frontier and the Struggle to Remember' in Jim Aulrich, et al, eds, The Politics of Cultural Memory, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 183-196.
Recent reviews
Settler Colonial Governance in Nineteenth-Century Victoria, ed. Leigh Boucher and Lynette Russell. Aboriginal History 40 (2016): 345-48.
Colonization and the Origins of Humanitarian Governance by Alan Lester and Fae Dussart. Australian Historical Studies 46. 1 (2015): 149-150.
Conspiracy of Silence: Queensland’s Frontier Killing Times by Timothy Bottoms. Journal of Australian Studies 38. 2 (2014): 252-253.
A Wild History: Life and Death on the Victoria River Frontier by Darrrell Lewis. History Australia 10. 2 (2013): 259-261.
Indigenous Crime and Settler Law by Heather Douglas and Mark Finnane. Journal of Settler Colonial Studies 4. 4 (2013): 459-61.
The Secret War: The True History of Queensland's Native Police by Jonathan Richards. Australian Historical Studies 40. 2 (2009): 263-64.
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