Dr Ayse Kizilersu

Dr Ayse Kizilersu
 Position Grant-Funded Researcher (B )
 Org Unit Physics
 Email ayse.kizilersu@adelaide.edu.au
 Telephone 831 33549
 Location Floor/Room 108A ,  Physics ,   North Terrace
  • Biography/ Background

    I received my Bachelor of Science degree, majoring in physics from the University of Istanbul (Turkey’s oldest university). I graduated at the top of the class for which I received an award. I also received a scholarship from the BARUT Foundation for scientists and was made an honorary fellow. I completed my Master of Science in high energy physics at the University of Istanbul. The MSc degree was a combination of course work and a thesis. My research was conducted at both the ICTP (International Centre for Theoretical Physics) in Trieste Italy and at the University of Istanbul. Once again I graduated at the top of the class.

    During my master’s degree I became an Honour Fellow of the TUBITAK (The Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council). This position is highly prestigious and it is only offered to a few scientists in each discipline throughout Turkey.

    I won a scholarship to do my PhD with the particle theory group at the University of Durham in England under the supervision of Professor Michael R. Pennington. My PhD was a combination of course work and a thesis. During my PhD I published a number of papers and one of them is considered a “TOPCITE” according to High-Energy Physics literature database (SPIRES). This citation record is unusual for a student as the paper is not a review article.

    On the 9th of February 1998 following a rigorous review by a senior academic panel and an oral defence I was awarded the title of Associate Professor which is Turkey’s highest academic qualification and is equivalent to Habilitation in other European countries.

    According to HEP SPIRES my top five articles have been cited over 200 times with these articles appearing in the most influential particles and fields physics journals: Phys. Rev D impact factor=5.05 (the most cited journal in this area), J. High Energy Phys. impact factor=5.375 (the third most cited journal in this area), Phys. Lett. B impact factor=4.034 (the highest impact factor for a physics letter journal). My most recent article was published in May 2009 in Phys. Rev. D and has already been cited five times.

  • Qualifications

    PhD in Theoretical Particle Physics Course work and Thesis: Gauge Theory Constraints on the Fermion-Boson Vertex.
    Centre for Particle Theory
    University of Durham, England.
    MSc in High Energy Physics Course work and Thesis: A String Model with Spinor Interactions Including Dynamical Geometry and Torsion.
    Istanbul University
    Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Awards & Achievements

    • ARC (Australian Research Council) Linkage International Grant -

      “Advances in Nonperturbative Studies of Subatomic Physics”
      with: A. G. Williams, D. B. Leinweber and L. von Smekal. (2007).

    •  ARC Large Grant - “Advanced Studies of Non-Perturbative Quantum Electrodynamics and Relation to the Standard Model”
      with A.G. Williams (2004).

    • ARC Large Grant - “Studies of Nonperturbative Quantum Electrodynamics”
      with A.G. Williams (2001).

    •  Research Scholarship from CSSM, University of Adelaide, (1998)

    • British Council Research Scholarship (1997).

    •  “Award for Successful Researchers” in University of Istanbul, Research Foundation (1996)

    • Scholarship to study PhD overseas (1991).

    •  Honour-Fellow of the TUBITAK-The Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council.

    • Honour-Fellow of the BARUT Foundation for scientists.

    •  Award for receiving the highest marks in the MSc, Department of Physics, University of Istanbul

    • Award for receiving the highest marks in the BSc, Department of Physics, University of Istanbul

  • Teaching Interests

    I have lectured in England, Turkey and Australia which has made me familiar with many different styles of teaching. 

    After my PhD I held a lecturing position as an Associate Professor at the University of Istanbul in Turkey. I taught General Physics I (Mechanics and Electromagnetism) and II (Optics and Fluid Dynamics), Particle Physics, Quantum Field Theory, Nuclear Physics, Advanced Graduate Lectures on Renormalization, Advanced Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Electrodynamics.

    After arriving in Australia I continued to teach postgraduate courses in “Gauge Field Theories” and “An Introduction to Quantum Computing” in the physics department of the University of Adelaide.

    I have always enjoyed teaching and get good feedback from the students. I teach using both the “chalk and talk” method and when possible multi-media presentations such as movies and animations.

    While I held my lectureship position at Istanbul University I sat on many administrative boards including course coordination for undergraduate and postgraduate students, timetable scheduling, teaching evaluation, staff and student statistics, course advice, etc.

  • Research Interests

    My primary research interests are: To obtain the non-perturbative infrared behaviour of the QCD propagators, to develop a quantitative description of Dynamical Chiral Symmetry Breaking (DCSB) for full unquenched QCD, and to gain a quantitative understanding of confinement for full unquenched QCD. The way that I approach this research is by solving the Schwinger-Dyson equations to obtain the quark, gluon and ghost propagators for unquenched/full QCD. I formulate these equations using the regularization independent technique that I and my colleagues have developed. This technique enables me to solve the renormalized SDE for the full QCD propagators. The resulting equations are extremely complex and contain four coupled integral equations. The complexity of these equations means that they can not be put straight into numerical code. Our previous experience has taught us that the results will not converge unless the equations are reformulated in such a way that there are no spurious numerical singularities. This process is time consuming and requires considerable experience in numerical studies of the SDE.

    The complexity of these equations they must be solved iteratively. Obtaining convergent solutions that agree to a specified accuracy requires very high performance CPU processing. To find a convergent solution for such a complex system takes days, even on the fastest computers. Code testing and optimization takes thousands runs hence a supercomputer is needed to be complete them in a reasonable time. These computations could be done using the advanced supercomputers available at Adelaide University. Adelaide University has recently upgraded its supercomputer facilities making it an ideal time to compare the SD and lattice calculations.

    After developing an efficient computer code, the testing and running stage will start. We will have state of an art working code for the unquenched QED, which will be used as a skeleton for the more complex QCD code.

  • Publications

    According to HEP SPIRES my top five articles have been cited over 200 times with these articles appearing in the most influential particles and fields physics journals: Phys. Rev D impact factor=5.05 (the most cited journal in this area), J. High Energy Phys. impact factor=5.375 (the third most cited journal in this area), Phys. Lett. B impact factor=4.034 (the highest impact factor for a physics letter journal). My most recent article was published in May 2009 in Phys. Rev. D and has already been cited seven times.

    1 A. Kizilersu and M. R. Pennington, "Building the full fermion-photon vertex of QED by imposing multiplicative renormalizability of the Schwinger-Dyson equations for the fermion and photon propagators," Physical Review D 79 (12), 125020 (125025 pp.)-125020 (125025 pp.) (2009).

    2 A. Kizilersu, D. B. Leinweber, J. I. Skullerud, and A. G. Williams, "Quark-gluon vertex in general kinematics," European Physical Journal C 50 (4), 871-875 (2007).

    3 J. I. Skullerud, P. O. Bowman, A. Kizilersu, D. B. Leinweber, and A. G. Williams, "Quark-gluon vertex in arbitrary kinematics," Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements 141, 244-249 (2005).

    4 A. Kizilersu, A. W. Thomas, and A. G. Williams, "QCD down under - Proceedings of the Workshop on Quantum Chromodynamics - Adelaide, Australia, 10-19 March 2004 - Preface," Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements 141, V-V (2005).

    5 J. I. Skullerud, A. Kizilersu, P. O. Bowman, D. B. Leinweber, and A. G. Williams, "Looking inside the quark-gluon vertex," Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements 128, 117-124 (2004).

    6 J. Skullerud, P. O. Bowman, A. Kizilersu, D. B. Leinweber, and A. G. Williams, "Nonperturbative structure of the quark-gluon vertex," JHEP-Journal of High Energy Physics (2003).

    7 J. Skullerud, P. Bowman, and A. Kizilersu, "The nonperturbative quark-gluon vertex," Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum V, 270-272|xviii+526 (2003).

    8 A. Kizilersu, T. Sizer, and A. G. Williams, "Can Schwinger-Dyson equations be solved independently of the regulator?," Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum V, 364-366 (2003).

    9 J. Skullerud, A. E. Kizilersu, and A. G. Williams, "Quark-gluon vertex in a momentum subtraction scheme," Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements 106, PII S0920-5632(0901)01861-01868 (2002).

    10 J. Skullerud and A. E. Kizilersu, "Quark-gluon vertex from lattice QCD," JHEP-Journal of High Energy Physics (2002).

    11 A. Kizilersu, T. Sizer, and A. G. Williams, "Regularization-independent study of renormalized nonperturbative quenched QED," Physical Review D 65 (8), 085020/085021-085012 (2002).

    12 A. Kizilersu, A. W. Schreiber, T. Sizer, and A. G. Williams, "Nonperturbative field theory with regularization-independent method," Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Non-Perturbative QCD, 275-282 (2002).

    13 A. Kizilersu, A. W. Schreiber, T. Sizer, and A. G. Williams, "Regulator-free Schwinger-Dyson equation studies of the non-perturbative field theory," Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements 109, PII S0920-5632(0902)01411-01411 (2002).

    14 "Proceedings of the Workshop on Physics at the Japan Hadron Facility (JHF)," Proceedings of the Workshop on Physics at the Japan Hadron Facility (JHF), ix+317 (2002).

    15 A. Kizilersu, A. W. Schreiber, and A. G. Williams, "Regularization-independent studies of nonperturbative field theory," Physics Letters B 499 (3-4), 261-269 (2001).

    16 A. Kizilersu, A. W. Schreiber, T. Sizer, and A. G. Williams, "Regulator free Dyson-Schwinger equation studies of nonperturbative field theory," Proceedings of the Workshop on Lepton Scattering, Hadrons and QCD, 236-243 (2001).

    17 A. Bashir, A. Kizilersu, and M. R. Pennington, "Does the weak coupling limit of the Burden-Tjiang deconstruction of the massless quenched three-dimensional QED vertex agree with perturbation theory?," Physical Review D|Physical Review D 62 (8), 085002/085001-085008 (2000).

    18 A. Bashir, A. Kizilersu, and M. R. Pennington, "Nonperturbative three-point vertex in massless quenched QED and perturbation theory constraints," Physical Review D 57 (2), 1242-1249 (1998).

    19 A. Kizilersu, M. Reenders, and M. R. Pennington, "ONE-LOOP QED VERTEX IN ANY COVARIANT GAUGE - ITS COMPLETE ANALYTIC FORM," Physical Review D 52 (2), 1242-1259 (1995).

    20 K. G. Akdeniz, O. F. Dayi, and A. Kizilersu, "CANONICAL DESCRIPTION OF A 2-DIMENSIONAL GRAVITY - REPLY," Modern Physics Letters A 8 (30), 2905-2905 (1993).

    21 K. G. Akdeniz, O. F. Dayi, and A. Kizilersu, "CANONICAL DESCRIPTION OF A 2-DIMENSIONAL GRAVITY," Modern Physics Letters A 7 (19), 1757-1764 (1992).

    22 K. Gediz Akdeniz, A. Kizilersu, and E. Rizaoglu, "Fermions in a two-dimensional theory of gravity with dynamical metric and torsion," Letters in Mathematical Physics|Letters in Mathematical Physics 17 (4), 315-320 (1989).

    23 K. G. Akdeniz, A. Kizilersu, and E. Rizaoglu, "FERMIONS IN A TWO-DIMENSIONAL THEORY OF GRAVITY WITH DYNAMICAL METRIC AND TORSION," Letters in Mathematical Physics 17 (4), 315-320 (1989).

    24 E. Rizaoglu, K. G. Akdeniz, and A. Kizilersu, "New solutions in a string model with dynamical geometry and torsion," Review of Faculty of Science University of Istanbul, Serie C|Review of Faculty of Science University of Istanbul, Serie C 53, 13-17 (1988).

    25 K. G. Akdeniz, A. Kizilersu, and E. Rizaoglu, "INSTANTON AND EIGENMODES IN A TWO-DIMENSIONAL THEORY OF GRAVITY WITH TORSION," Physics Letters B 215 (1), 81-83 (1988).


  • Professional Associations

    • Australian Institute of Physics, (AIP)

    • Institute of Physics, (IOP)

    • Women in Physics (WIP)

    • Turkish Physical Society, (TFD)

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Entry last updated: Saturday, 19 Aug 2023

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