AHMS - Adelaide Health and Medical Sciences

TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
831 37163 Bruening Martin 4-6 Programme Director MBBS [email]
831 33118 Polo Jose Director of Adelaide Centre for Epigenetics [email]
831 33006 Sullivan Adrienne Group Leader, Adelaide Centre for Epigenetics [email]
831 39595 Sweeney Christopher Director, SAiGENCI [email]
831 34893 Thomas Josephine Dean of Medicine & Head of School [email]
0 8313 3116 Holliday Isabelle Associate Lecturer [email]
831 33155 Jenkins Brendan ProgramLead,Tumour Inflammation&Immunotherapy [email]
831 33424 Li Fuyi Group Leader, Computational Systems Oncology [email]
831 37465 Maiolo Suzanne Lab Manager [email]
831 38329 Martelotto Luciano Head, Development Laboratory, ACE [email]
831 31439 Ng Jia Research Development Manager [email]
831 33776 Yang Yannan Group Leader, Biomat & Immune Eng Lab (BIEL) [email]
831 34474 Zeissig Mara Group Head, T Cell Immunotherapy Laboratory [email]
831 33755 Zhang Qi EMBLAus(PLN) Group Leader, Cancer Epigenetics [email]
831 30699 Wennan Velice Senior Precinct Officer [email]
831 33632 Alvino Lawrence Casual Academic [email]
831 34052 Baker Rain School Business Manager [email]
831 31402 Berry Jesia Grant Funded Researcher [email]
831 33407 Bhattacharjee Rudrarup Postdoctoral Researcher [email]
none registered Brooks Tiffany Senior Lecturer Pastoral Care years 4-6 [email]
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