Dr Camille Mellin

Dr Camille Mellin
 Position ARC Externally-Funded Research Fellow (C)
 Org Unit Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
 Email camille.mellin@adelaide.edu.au
 Telephone 831 33577
 Location Floor/Room 112 ,  Darling ,   North Terrace
  • Biography/ Background

    Camille is an ARC Future Fellow within the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Adelaide, and a quantitative ecologist and ecological modeller with a strong interest in marine ecosystems. Her research aims to improve our understanding of ecosystem potential to resist and recover from cumulative disturbance impacts, and to identify the social-ecological factors that are associated with the sustainable provision of ecosystem services in support of human health and well-being.




  • Qualifications

    • ARC Future Fellowship, University of Adelaide, 2020-present.
    • ARC Discovery Early Career Research Award, Australian Institute of Marine Science, 2014-2018.
    • Postdoctoral fellowships (Ecological Modelling), Australian Institute of Marine Science / National Environment Research Program (NERP) Marine Biodiversity Hub, supervised by J. Caley (AIMS), M. Meekan (AIMS) & C. Bradshaw (University of Adelaide), 2008-2011 and 2011-2014.
    • Postdoctoral fellowship (Ecological Modelling), Institut de Recherche pour le Développement of Nouméa, New Caledonia supervised by S. Andréfouët, Mar-May 2008.
    • PhD Thesis, University Pierre & Marie Curie (UPMC, Paris VI) and Ecole Pratique des hautes Etudes (EPHE), performed at Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) of Nouméa, New Caledonia, supervised by D. Ponton & R. Galzin. Obtained on 2007, Dec 11th with the Highest Grade.
    • Master’s Thesis in Oceanology and Marine Environment, UPMC Paris VI. 2004.
    • Engineering diploma in Food and Life Sciences, AgroParisTech, previously Institut National Agronomique de Paris-Grignon (INA P-G). 2004.

    Scuba diving: ADAS Part I, HSE Scuba Diver, CMAS 4*, CAH (Institut National de Plongée Professionnelle)


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Entry last updated: Thursday, 18 Jan 2024

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