Carmel Williams
Position | Senior Lecturer |
Org Unit | Public Health | | |
Telephone | 831 33591 |
Location |
Rundle Mall Plaza
North Terrace
Biography/ Background
Carmel Williams is a Senior Leturer in the School of Public Health in the Faculty of Health and Medical Science and is also the Director of the Centre for Health in All Policies Research Translation jointly based at the School of Public Health Univeristy of Adelaide and Health Transaltion SA, South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute. Carmel has recently transition out of the public sector to work in academia. She has a strong history of working in the field of healthy public policy, and the determinants of health and equity. Carmel is the foundational Director for the World Health Organzation Collaborating Centre for Advancing Health in All Policies. She and has overseen the establishment and sustainabiluty of South Austrlaia's Health in All Polices approach from its commencement in 2007 unitl 2021. The approach works across government to influecne public policy decisions to improve health, wellbeing and equity. Carmel has led numerous collaborative projects on the social and environmental determinants of health, drawing research, policy and practice together to deliver improved public policy outcomes. Carmel works extensively with WHO and has recently led development of a new WHO guidence and Model: Working Togther to address equity and healthier populations, the HiAP 4 Pillars Model. In 2023 she has earned the full academic status of Associate Professor with the College of Medicine and Public Health, Flinders University and has previously been awarded honorary academic staus of Assocaite Professor with the University of Adelaide and the University of South Australia.
Awards & Achievements
in 2021 Carmel was been awarded the Individual Health Promotion award and 2017 the Primary Health Care award by the Public Health Assocaition of Australia.
In 2018 Carmel was awarded or with the School of Public Health, University of Adelaide until she was appointed as a senior lecturer with the University.
in 2019 Carmel was awarded honorary status as Assocaite Professor with the Buisness School in the University of South Australia.
Teaching Interests
Carmel has development and delivered a range of professional courses at the local and International level on the topic of Health in All Polices and Multisectoral Action.
As the course convenor and faculty lead, Carmel has created and delivered the The Maximising Impact from Research Policy Partnerships Masterclass 2021, 2022 and 2023.
Within the School of Public Health Carmel is Course Convenpor for Professional Practice Placement and Making Healthy Publc Policy as part of the Master of Public Health
Carmel co-convenes Health Promotion 3 part of the 3 Year Bachelor of Health and Medical Science degree
Research Interests
Public Health and Health Promotion
Multisectoral action and Health in All Policies
Social, Environment, Political, Commercialand Economic Determinants of Health
The Wellbeing Economy
Green space and tree canopy
The built environment
Housing, homes and homelesness
Public Policy and Public Adminstration
Research - Policy translation
Boundary Spanners and Boundary Spanning
Professional Associations
Carmel is a member of the Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA). From 2014-2021 Carmel was convenor of the PHAA Health Promotion Special Interest Group, where in addition to revising multiple health promotion policies and mentoring early career professionals, Carmel joined with the Australian Health Promotion Assocaition to co-author the PHAA and APHA Illness Prevention and Health Promotion Policy.
Carmel has been a long standing member of the Australian Health Promotion Association and the International Union of Health Promotion and Education
In 2023 Carmel was appointed Editor in Chief for the Health Promotion Journal of Australia.
Carmel is a founding member of the Global Network for Health in All Policies Executive Committee
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Entry last updated: Sunday, 9 Jul 2023
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