Emerita Professor Carol Johnson
Biography/ Background
Carol is Emerita Professor of Politics and International Relations. She is a graduate of the Universities of Adelaide and Manchester. As well as having taught at the University of Adelaide for over thirty years, she has also taught in Communications at the University of Technology, Sydney and was a Visiting Fellow in the Political Science Program, Research School of Social Sciences, at the Australian National University for two years. Carol retired from teaching at the end of 2018 but remains an active researcher (and postgraduate supervisor). Her main research interests are in Australian (and comparative) politics, the politics of gender and sexuality, the politics of emotion and analyses of ideology and discourse. She has a particular interest in the politics of social democracy. She has published extensively in these areas (see selected publications list and attached file below).
She is a former President of the Australian Political Studies Association (APSA), the peak professional organisation of Australian political scientists. In 2019, Carol joined only 12 other Australian political scientists in being the recipient of a rare APSA Lifetime Achievement Award.
Carol was elected to be a Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia in 2005. She has served on the Academy Panel C Committee (which covers History, Philosophy, Law and Political Science) from 2007-11 and on the Academy's Workshop Committee from 2010. She was Chair of the Academy's Workshop Committee from 2012-14 and a member of the Academy's Executive Committee from 2012-14.
Her applied research interests focus on how Governments govern social, economic and technological change.
Amongst other research projects, Carol's book on Social Democracy and the Crisis of Equality is the major output from her sole-CI grant ARC DP14010016 ($147,000) "Expanding equality: A historical perspective on developments and dilemmas in contemporary Australian social democracy". Her sole-CI grant ARC DP 180100251 ($216,272), "In the frame: Analysing Liberal and Labor government gender equality policy", commenced in 2018 and is still in progress.
Research Interests
- Australian politics and political discourse
- Australian Labor Governments from Curtin to Gillard/Rudd
- Howard, Abbott & Turnbull Governments
- Theories of Ideology and Discourse
- Politics of Identity
- Politics of Sexuality
- Politics of emotion
- Politics of social democracy
- Race/ethnicity and politics
- Gender and Politics
- Politics of technology
- Feminist Theory
- Comparative British/Australian Politics
- Socialist Theory
For a more detailed listing of Carol Johnson's (recent and past) publications, please see the attached file at the end of this list.
Carol Johnson, Social Democracy and the Crisis of Equality: Australian Social Democracy in a Changing World (Springer, 2019). https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-981-13-6299-6#about
Carol Johnson, Vera Mackie and Tessa Morris-Suzuki (eds), The Social Sciences in the Asian Century. (ANU Press, 2015). http://press.anu.edu.au/titles/the-social-sciences-in-the-asian-century/ Contributing Editor.
Carol Johnson and John Wanna, with Hsu-Ann Lee (eds), Abbott's Gambit: The 2013 Australian Federal Election (ANU Press, 2015). Contributing editor. http://press.anu.edu.au/titles/abbotts-gambit/
Amita Singh, with a special Australian contribution by Carol Johnson, A Critical Impulse to e-Governance in the Asia Pacific (Springer, 2014).
The Lesbian and Gay Movement and the State: Comparative Insights into a Transformed relationship (Ashgate, Farnham Surrey, 2011), contributing editor with Manon Tremblay and David Paternotte.
Carol Johnson, Governing Change: From Keating to Howard (2nd edition, Australian Scholarly Classics Series, Network Books, Perth 2007).
Carol Johnson, Governing Change: From Keating to Howard (University of Queensland Press, St Lucia, 2000). Archived electronic copy available at http://espace.library.uq.edu.au/eserv/UQ:195374/JQ4031_J64_2000.pdf
Carol Johnson, The Labor Legacy: Curtin, Chifley, Whitlam, Hawke (Allen and Unwin, Sydney, 1989).
Working It Out: All Her Labours, Vol. One (Hale and Iremonger, Sydney, 1984), contributing editor with Margaret Allen, Jean Blackburn, Margaret King and Alison Mackinnon.
Embroidering the Framework: All Her Labours , Vol. Two (Hale and Iremonger, Sydney, 1984), contributing editor with Margaret Allen, Jean Blackburn, Margaret King and Alison Mackinnon.
Edited journals.
Australian Journal of Political Science, Vol. 45, No 1 (March 2010). Edited with Juanita Elias, Special Issue on Re-engaging Asia.
Journal Articles
(Selected - sole authored unless otherwise stated - see detailed list in attached document below).
- "The 2019 Australian Election", Asian Journal of Comparative Politics. Forthcoming April 2020, Online first version, https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/2057891119886053
- "The Australian Right in the ‘Asian Century': Inequality and the Implications for Social Democracy." Journal of Contemporary Asia, 48 (4), 2018, pp. 622-648. DOI: 10.1080/00472336.2018.1441894
- Carol Johnson and Manon Tremblay, "Comparing Same-Sex Marriage in Australia and Canada: Institutions and Political Will", Government and Opposition, 53 (1), 2018, pp. 131-158.
- "Sexual Citizenship in a Comparative Perspective: Dilemmas and Insights." Sexualities, 20 (1-2), 2017, pp. 151-175.
- Women, Gender and Feminism in the Australian Journal of Political Science: A Review," Australian Journal of Political Science, Vol 50, No 4 (2016), pp. 695-706.
- "Playing the Gender Card: The Uses and Abuses of Gender in Australian Politics", Politics & Gender, 11 (2015), 291-319.
- "Hard Heads and Soft Hearts: The Gendering Of Australian Political Science", Australian Feminist Studies, Special Issue on Gendered Excellence in the Social Sciences, Vol, 29, Issue 80, 2014, pp. 121-136.
- "From Obama to Abbott: Gender Identity and the Politics of Emotion", Australian Feminist Studies, Vol. 28, Issue 75, 2013, pp. 14-29.
- 'Fixing the Meaning of Marriage: Political Symbolism and Citizen Identity in the Same-Sex Marriage Debate", Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, Vol. 27, No. 2, 2013, pp. 242-253.
- "The Politics of Broadband: Labor and New Information technology from Hawke to Gillard", Australian Journal of Political Science, Vol. 46, No. 1 (2011), pp. 3-19.
- "Gillard, Rudd and Labor Tradition", The Australian Journal of Politics and History, Vol. 57, No 4, 2011, 562-579.
- "The Politics of Affective Citizenship: From Blair to Obama", Citizenship Studies, Vol. 14 , No. 5 (2010), pp. 495-509.
- "Howard's values and Australian Identity", Australian Journal of Political Science, Vol 2, No. 2 (June2007), pp. 195-210.
- "Narratives of identity: Denying empathy in conservative discourses on race, class and sexuality." Theory and Society, Vol. 34, No. 1 (February 2005), pp. 37-61.
- "Mark Latham and the Ideology of the ALP." The Australian Journal of Political Science, Vol. 39, No. 3, November 2004, pp. 535-553.
- "Heteronormative Citizenship and the Politics of Passing", Sexualities, Vol 5, No. 3 (August 2002), pp. 316-336.
- "The dilemmas of ethnic privilege: A comparison of constructions of ‘British', 'English' and ‘anglo-celtic' identity in contemporary British and Australian political discourse", Ethnicities, Vol. 2 (2), 2002, pp. 163-188.
- with Fran Tonkiss, "The Third Influence: The Blair Government and Australian Labor", Policy and Politics, Vol. 30, No. 1, (2002), pp. 5-18.
Chapters in Edited Collections (Selected - sole authored unless otherwise stated - see detailed list in attached document below).
- Carol Johnson, "Ideology and Populism" in Anika Gauja, Marian Sawer and Marian Simms eds, Morrison's Miracle: The 2019 federal Election (ANU Press, 2020), pp. 91-106. DOI: http://doi.org/10.22459/MM.2020
- Carol Johnson, "Gender, Emotion and Political Discourse: Masculinity, Femininity and Populism" in Ofer Feldman ed., The Rhetoric of Political Leadership: Logic and Emotion in Public Discourse. (Edward Elgar, 2020), pp. 16-33.
- Carol Johnson and Vera Mackie, "Sexual citizenship in comparative perspective", in Nancy Naples ed., A Companion to Sexuality Studies (Wiley Blackwell, Oxford, 2020), pp. 337-356.
- "Gender research and discursive policy framing", in Marian Sawer and Kerry Baker eds, Gender Innovation in Political Science: New Norms, New Knowledge (Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2019), pp. 195-217.
- "Australian Social Democracy: Capitalist constraints and the challenges of equality." In Rob Manwaring and Paul Kennedy eds, Why the Left Loses: Social Democracy in a State of Flux (Policy Press, Bristol, 2018), pp. 69-84.
- "Gough Whitlam and the re-imagined citizen-subject of Australian social democracy", in Jenny Hocking ed., The Whitlam Government's Agenda for the 21st Century: Equality, Opportunity, Justice. (Monash University Publishing, Melbourne, 2017), pp. 153-180.
- Hans-Georg Betz and Carol Johnson, "Against the Current-Stemming the Tide: The Nostalgic Ideology of the Contemporary Radical Populist Right" in Cas Mudde (ed) The Populist Radical Right: A Reader (Routledge, London, 2016), chapter three. Reprinted.
- Vera Mackie, Carol Johnson and Tessa Morris-Suzuki. "Australia, the Asia-Pacific and the Social Sciences", in Johnson, Mackie and Morris-Suzuki eds, The Social Sciences in the Asian Century (ANU Press, 2015), pp. 1-30. http://press.anu.edu.au/titles/the-social-sciences-in-the-asian-century/
- "Sexual Minorities and Sexual Citizenship" in James D. Wright (editor-in-chief), International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioural Sciences (2nd edition, Elsevier, Oxford, 2015), Vol 21, pp. 728-733.
- Carol Johnson, John Wanna and Hsu-Ann Lee, "Introduction: Analysing the 2013 Australian election" in Carol Johnson and John Wanna, with Hsu-Ann Lee (eds), Abbott's Gambit: The 2013 Australian Federal Election (ANU Press, 2015), pp. 1-16. http://press.anu.edu.au/titles/abbotts-gambit/
- "The Battle for Hearts and Minds" in Carol Johnson and John Wanna, with Hsu-Ann Lee (eds), Abbott's Gambit: The 2013 Australian Federal Election (ANU Press, 2015), pp. 35-48. http://press.anu.edu.au/titles/abbotts-gambit/
- Carol Johnson and John Wanna, "Conclusion: Reflections on Abbott's Gambit - mantras, manipulation and mandates" in Carol Johnson and John Wanna, with Hsu-Ann Lee (eds), Abbott's Gambit: The 2013 Australian Federal Election (ANU Press, 2015), pp. 425-436. http://press.anu.edu.au/titles/abbotts-gambit/
- "The Credit She Deserved: Julia Gillard and the Labor Legacy", in Samatha Trenoweth ed., Bewitched and Bedevilled: Women Write the Gillard Years (Hardie Grant Books, Melbourne and London, 2013), pp. 139-151.
- "Gough Whitlam and Labor Tradition", in Troy Bramston ed., The Whitlam Legacy (The Federation Press, 2013).
- With Sarah Maddison and Emma Partridge, "The LGBT Movement and the State in Australia" in Manon Tremblay, David Paternotte and Carol Johnson eds, The Lesbian and Gay Movement and the State (Ashgate, 2011), pp. 27-42.
- "Radical Approaches" in R.A.W. Rhodes ed., The Australian Study of Politics (Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills Basingstoke, 2009), pp. 305-314.
- "The ideological context" in Marian Simms and John Warhurst eds, Mortgage the Nation? : The 2004 Australian Election (API Network, Nedlands, 2005).
- with Steve Patten and Hans-Georg Betz, "Identarian Politics and Populism in Canada and the Antipodes" in Jens Rydgren (ed.). Movements of Exclusion, Radical Right-wing Populism in the Western World (Hauppauge/N.Y, Nova Science, 2005), pp. 85-100. Also published as a journal article in Current Politics and Economics of Europe, Vol 13, No. 4 (2004), pp. 335-355.
- "Anti-elitist discourse in Australia: International influences and comparisons" in Marian Sawer and Barry Hindess eds, Us and Them: Anti-Elitist Discourse in Australia (API Network, Nedlands, 2004), pp 117-136.
Recent refereed Conference papers.
"From Morality to Equality: Labor's Sexuality Conundrum". Refereed paper for the Australian Political Studies Association Conference, University of Sydney, September 2014. http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2440135
Working Papers.
Carol Johnson, "Incorporating gender equality: Tensions and synergies in the relationship between feminism and Australian social democracy." In Anna Yeatman ed., Feminism, Social Liberalism and Social Democracy in the Neo-Liberal Era, Working Papers in the Human Rights and Public Life Program , Whitlam Institute, University of Western Sydney, No 1: June 2015, ISBN 978-1-74108-357-6
Available at:
Media Expertise
Categories Politics & Government, History Expertise Labor Party including Kevin Rudd, past Labor governments, Federal Australian politics, especially Liberal Party and Labor Party, women and politics, republic debate. Gay and lesbian issues at both federal and state level.
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