Associate Professor Catherine Chittleborough

Associate Professor Catherine Chittleborough
 Position Associate Prof/Reader
 Org Unit Public Health
 Telephone 831 31684
 Location Floor/Room 4 ,  Rundle Mall Plaza ,   North Terrace
  • Biography/ Background

    Catherine Chittleborough is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Public Health. She started here as a postdoctoral researcher in 2011 after spending two years as a research associate in the School of Social and Community Medicine at the University of Bristol in the UK.  Prior to that Cathy was an epidemiologist with SA Health for a decade, where her work focused on population health surveillance and chronic disease epidemiology, including diabetes, respiratory conditions, mental health and obesity. Cathy was awarded her PhD in August 2009, which examined the role of a life course approach to measuring socioeconomic position in population health surveillance systems. Cathy's postdoctoral work has focused on prediction of child and maternal outcomes based on factors measured in pregnancy, and the development of social, behavioural and physiological risk profiles over the life course. She is currently a member of the BetterStart Child Health and Development Research Group.

  • Qualifications

    BHSc(Hons), GDPH, GCertEd(HigherEd), PhD

  • Teaching Interests

    PUB HLTH 1001 Health and Illness in Populations
    HLTH SC 3103 Infant, Child and Adolescent Health
    Public Health Major Convenor, BHlthMedSc and BHlthMedSc(Adv)



    Janet Grant, PhD, "Parental body shape in mid-life and its relationship to adult offspring body shape, chronic disease status and mortality"

    Mumtaz Begum, PhD, "The epidemiology of type 1 diabetes in South Australian children"

    Shae Pryke, MPH, "Inequalities in antenatal visits"

    Yi Wang, MPH, "Vaccine-preventable hospitalisations in children"

    Laura Gough, Master of Counselling and Psychotherapy, "Child protection outcomes for children who are notified to child protection before birth (unborn child concerns) compared to children who are first notified within their first year of life"

    Hannah Whetham, Honours, "Child protection notifications and changes in policy"

    Completions - Primary supervision

    Alicia Montgomerie, MPH, "Physical activity and incidence of obesity among South Australian adults", 2013

    Completions - Co-supervision

    Eleonora Dal Grande, PhD, "Surveillance of Health Status and Health Risk: The Future of Data Collection Using the Telephone in Australia", 2016, Dean's commendation

    Shiau Yun Chong, PhD, "Influence of early childhood temperament and parenting on cognitive, social and health outcomes", 2016, Dean's commendation and 2016 Public Health Association of Australia (SA Branch) Kerry Kirke student award.

    Shiau Yun Chong, MPH, "Parenting influence on the association between temperament and IQ", 2012

    Alexandra Procter, Honours, "Potentially preventable hospitalisaions in children: a more relevant definition", 2017, Fay Fuller/Playford Trust Honours Scholarship in Health Science

  • Research Interests

    Health inequalities
    Life course epidemiology

    Early child development
    Population health surveys and surveillance

  • Research Funding

    Large grants (last 5 years)

    2017 - 2018: Pilkington R, Lynch J, Chittleborough C, Mittinty M, Guthridge S, Petersen J. Child maltreatmet and school outcomes. Channel 7 Children's Research Foundation

    2016 - 2019: Lynch J, Pilkington R, Gialamas A, Chittleborough C. The Early Childhood Data Project, a Government-Academic Partnership. The South Australian Department for the Premier and Cabinet

    2013 – 2015: Lynch J, Chittleborough C, Smithers L, Sawyer M, Brinkman S, Mittinty M, Sawyer A, Bowering K. Child health and development: a South Australian data linkage study. National Health and Medical Research Council Partnership Project.

    2011 – 2015: Lawlor D, Kipping R, Jago R, Peters T, Campbell R, Noble S, Chittleborough C, Mytton J. “Active For Life Year 5: A cluster randomised controlled trial of a primary school-based intervention to increase levels of physical activity, decrease sedentary behaviour and improve diet.” UK National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Public Health Research Programme.

  • Publications

    Journal articles


    Chong SY, Chittleborough CR, Gregory T, Lynch JW, Smithers LG. How many infants are temperamentally difficult? Comparing norms from the Revised Infant Temperament Questionnaire to a population sample of UK infants. Inf Behav Dev 2015; 40: 20-28.

    Dal Grande E, Chittleborough CR, Campostrini S, Tucker G, Taylor AW. The effect of survey raked weighting techniques on health estimates in an Australian population health surveillance system. Am J Epidemiol 2015; 182(6):544-556.

    Dal Grande E, Chittleborough CR, Wu J, Shi Z, Goldney RD, Taylor AW. Effect of social mobility in family financial situation and housing tenure on mental health conditions among South Australian adults: results from a population health surveillance system, 2009 to 2011. BMC Public Health 2015; 15: 675.

    Grant JF, Chittleborough CR, Taylor AW. Parental midlife body shape and association with multiple adult offspring obesity measures: North West Adelaide Health Study. PLoS ONE 2015; 10: e0137534.

    Jago R, Rawlins E, Kipping RR, Well S, Chittleborough C, Peters TJ, Mytton J, Lawlor DA, Campbell R. Lessons learned from the AFLY5 RCT process evaluation: Implications for the design of physical activity and nutrition interventions in schools. BMC Public Health 2015; 15:946.

    Sawyer ACP, Chittleborough CR, Mittinty MN, Miller-Lewis L, Sawyer MG, Lynch JW. Are trajectories of self-regulation abilities from ages 2-3 to 6-7 associated with academic achievement in the early school years? Child Care Health Dev 2015; 41: 744-54.

    Smithers LG, Searle AK, Chittleborough CR, Scheil W, Brinkman S, Lynch JW. A whole-of-population study of term and post-term gestational age at birth and children's development. BJOG 2015; 122: 1301-11.


    Chittleborough CR, Mittinty MN, Lawlor DA, Lynch JW. Effects of simulated interventions to improve school entry academic skills on socioeconomic inequalities in educational achievement. Child Dev 2014; 85(6): 2247-62.

    Kipping RR, Howe LD, Jago R, Campbell R, Wells S, Chittleborough CR, Mytton J, Noble SM, Peters TJ, Lawlor DA. Effect of intervention aimed at increasing physical activity, reducing sedentary behaviour, and increasing fruit and vegetable consumption in children: Active for Life Year 5 (AFLY5) school based cluster randomised controlled trial. BMJ 2014; 348: g3256.

    Montgomerie AM, Chittleborough CR, Taylor AW. Physical inactivity and incidence of obesity among South Australian adults. PLoS ONE 2014; 9(11):e112693.

    Page A, Lewis G, Kidger J, Heron J, Chittleborough C, Evans J, Gunnell D. Parental socio-economic position during childhood as a determinant of self-harm in adolescence. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 2014; 49(2): 193-203.

    Sawyer ACP, Chittleborough CR, Lynch JW, Baghurst P, Mittinty MN, Kaim ALE, Sawyer MG. Can screening 4-5 year olds accurately identify children who will have teacher-reported mental health problems when children are aged 6-7 years? Aust N Z J Psychiatr 2014; 48(6):554-63.

    Smithers L, Chittleborough CR, Stocks N, Sawyer M, Lynch J. Can items used in 4-year-old well-child visits predict children's health and school outcomes? Matern Child Health J 2014; 18:1345-53.


    Chittleborough CR, Nicholson AL, Bell S, Young E, Campbell R. Implementation of an educational intervention to improve hand washing in primary schools: process evaluation within a randomised controlled trial. BMC Public Health 2013; 13: 757.


    Chittleborough CR, Nicholson AL, Basker E, Bell S, Campbell R. Factors influencing hand washing behaviour in primary schools: process evaluation within a randomised controlled trial. Health Educ Res 2012; 27(6):1055-68.

    MacArthur G, Kipping R, White J, Chittleborough C, Lingam R, Pasch K, Gunnell D, Hickman M, Campbell R. Individual-, family-, and school-level interventions for preventing multiple risk behaviours in individuals aged 8 to 25 years. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2012, Issue 6. Art. No.: CD009927. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009927.

    Chittleborough CR, Lawlor DA, Lynch JW. Prenatal prediction of poor maternal and offspring outcomes: implications for selection into intensive parent support programs. Matern Child Health J 2012; 16:909-20.

    Taylor AW, Chittleborough CR, Gill TK, Winefield H, Baum F, Hiller J, Goldney R, Tucker G, Hugo G. Relationship of social factors including trust, control over life decisions, problems with transport and safety, to psychological distress in the community. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 2012; 47:465-73.


    Lawlor DA, Jago R, Noble SM, Chittleborough CR, Campbell R, Mytton J, Howe LD, Peters TJ, Kipping RR. The Active for Life Year 5 (AFLY5) school based cluster randomised controlled trial: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials 2011; 12:181.

    Chittleborough CR, Lawlor DA, Lynch JW. Young maternal age and poor child development: predictive validity from a birth cohort. Pediatrics 2011; 127(6):e1436-44.

    Chittleborough CR, Winefield H, Gill TK, Koster C, Taylor AW. Age differences in associations between psychological distress and chronic conditions. Int J Public Health 2011; 56:71-80.


    Lynch JW, Law C, Brinkman S, Chittleborough C, Sawyer M. Inequalities in child healthy development: some challenges for effective implementation. Soc Sci Med 2010; 71:1244-8.

    Chittleborough CR, Baldock KL, Phillips PJ, Taylor AW, and the North West Adelaide Health Study Team. Achievement of management targets associated with incident and long-term diagnosed diabetes among a representative population sample. Diabetes Res Clin Pract 2010; 88:322-7.

    Chittleborough CR, Baldock KL, Taylor AW, Hague WM, Willson T, Martin W, Wood J, Phillips PJ. Long-term follow-up of women with gestational diabetes mellitus: the South Australian Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Recall Register. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol 2010; 50:127-31.

    Chittleborough CR, Taylor AW, Dal Grande E, Gill TK, Grant JF, Adams RJ, Wilson DH, Ruffin RE. Gender differences in asthma prevalence: variations with socioeconomic disadvantage. Respirology 2010; 15:107-14.


    Adams RJ, Howard N, Tucker G, Appleton S, Taylor AW, Chittleborough C, Gill T, Ruffin RE, Wilson DH. Effects of area deprivation on health risks and outcomes: a multilevel, cross-sectional, Australian population study. Int J Public Health 2009; 54:183-92.

    Adams RJ, Appleton SL, Wilson DH, Taylor AW, Chittleborough CR, Gill TK, Ruffin RE. Cholesterol lowering therapy and the Australian Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme: a population study. Aust Health Rev 2009; 33:325-33.

    Dal Grande E, Gill T, Wyatt L, Chittleborough CR, Phillips PJ, Taylor AW. Population attributable risk (PAR) of overweight and obesity on chronic diseases: South Australian representative, cross-sectional data, 2004-2006. Obes Res Clin Pract 2009; 3:159-68.

    Adams RJ, Appleton SL, Hill CL, Wilson DH, Taylor AW, Chittleborough CR, Gill TK, Ruffin RE. Independent association of HbA1c and incident cardiovascular disease in people without diabetes. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2009; 17:559-63.

    Grant JF, Hicks N, Taylor AW, Chittleborough CR, Phillips PJ. Gender-specific epidemiology of diabetes: a representative cross-sectional study. Int J Equity Health 2009; 8:6.

    Chittleborough CR, Taylor AW, Baum FE, Hiller JE. Monitoring inequities in self-rated health over the life course in population surveillance systems. Am J Public Health 2009; 99:680-9.

    Chittleborough CR, Burke MJ, Taylor AW, Wilson DH, Phillips PJ, Adams RJ, Ruffin RE. Medicare-related service use and costs among a representative sample of people with diagnosed and undiagnosed diabetes and respiratory conditions. Aust Health Rev 2009; 33:107-16.


    Chittleborough CR, Baum F, Taylor AW, Hiller JE. Missing data on retrospective recall of early life socioeconomic position in surveillance systems: an additional disadvantage. Public Health 2008; 122:1152-66.

    Chittleborough CR, Taylor AW, Baum FE, Hiller JE. Non-response to a life course socioeconomic position indicator in surveillance: comparison of telephone and face-to-face modes. BMC Med Res Methodol 2008; 8:54.

    Collins JE, Gill TK, Chittleborough CR, Martin AJ, Taylor AW, Winefield H. Mental, emotional and social problems among school children with asthma. J Asthma 2008; 45:489-93.

    Howard NJ, Taylor AW, Gill TK, Chittleborough CR. Severe obesity: Investigating the socio-demographics within the extremes of body mass index. Obes Res Clin Pract 2008; 2:51-9.


    Chittleborough CR, Grant JF, Phillips PJ, Taylor AW. The increasing prevalence of diabetes in South Australia: the relationship with population ageing and obesity. Public Health 2007; 121:92-9.


    Chittleborough CR, Baum FE, Taylor AW, Hiller JE. A life course approach to measuring socioeconomic position in population health surveillance systems. J Epidemiol Community Health 2006; 60:981-92.

    Taylor AW, Dal Grande E, Gill TK, Chittleborough CR, Wilson DH, Adams RJ, Grant JF, Phillips PJ, Appleton S, Ruffin RE. How valid are self reported height and weight? A comparison between CATI self-report and clinic measurements using a large representative cohort study. Aust N Z J Public Health 2006; 30:238-46.

    Grant JF, Chittleborough CR, Taylor AW, Dal Grande E, Wilson DH, Phillips PJ, Adams RJ, Cheek J, Price K, Gill T, Ruffin RE, and the North West Adelaide Health Study Team. The North West Adelaide Health Study: detailed methods and baseline segmentation of a cohort for selected chronic diseases. Epidemiol Perspect Innov 2006; 3:4.

    Chittleborough CR, Baldock KL, Taylor AW, Phillips PJ. Health status assessed by the SF-36 along the diabetes continuum in an Australian population. Qual Life Res 2006; 15:687-94.

    Taylor AW, Dal Grande E, Gill T, Chittleborough CR, Wilson DH, Adams RJ, Grant JF, Phillips P, Ruffin RE. Do people with risky behaviours participate in biomedical cohort studies? BMC Public Health 2006; 6:11.


    Adams R, Appleton S, Wilson D, Taylor A, Dal Grande E, Chittleborough C, Gill T, Ruffin R. Population comparison of two clinical approaches to the metabolic syndrome: Implications of the new International Diabetes Federation Consensus Definition. Diabetes Care 2005: 28:2777-9.

    Dal Grande E, Gill T, Taylor AW, Chittleborough C, Carter P. Obesity in South Australian adults - prevalence, projections and generational assessment over 13 years. Aust N Z J Public Health 2005: 29:343-8.


    Wilson DH, Chittleborough CR, Kirke K, Grant JF, Ruffin RE. The health-related quality of life of male and female heavy smokers. Soz Praventivmed 2004; 49:406-12.

    Appleton S, Adams R, Wilson D, Taylor A, Dal Grande E, Chittleborough C, Ruffin R, and the North West Adelaide Health (Cohort) Study team. The biomedically assessed cumulative burden of chronic disease risk factors on health related quality of life in an urban population. Health Promot J Austr 2004; 15:55-62.

    Avery JC, Gill TK, MacLennan AH, Chittleborough CR, Grant JF, Taylor AW. The impact of incontinence on health-related quality of life in a South Australian population sample. Aust N Z J Public Health 2004; 28:173-9.


    Adams RJ, Wilson DH, Appleton S, Taylor A, Dal Grande E, Chittleborough CR, Ruffin RE. Underdiagnosed asthma in South Australia. Thorax 2003; 58:846-50.

    Gill T, Chittleborough C, Taylor A, Ruffin R, Wilson D, Phillips P. Body mass index, waist hip ratio, and waist circumference: which measure to classify obesity? Soz Praventivmed 2003; 48:191-200.


    Wilson D, Tucker G, Chittleborough C. Rethinking and rescoring the SF-12. Soz Praventivmed 2002; 47:172-7.


    Wilson D, Taylor A, Chittleborough C. The Second Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI) Forum: The state of play of CATI survey methods in Australia. Aust N Z J Public Health 2001; 25:272-4.


    Ruffin RE, Wilson DH, Chittleborough CR, Southcott AM, Smith B, Christopher DJ. Multiple respiratory symptoms predict Quality of Life in Chronic Lung Disease: a population-based study of Australian adults. Qual Life Res 2000; 9:1031-9.

    Valadian J, Chittleborough C, Wilson D. Aboriginal Cross-cultural Awareness Perceptions among Staff Employed in the Health Sector. Health Promot J Austr 2000; 10:156-158.

    Wakefield M, Ruffin R, Wilson D, Campbell D, Chittleborough C, Farmer E. Over-The-Counter Purchase of Inhaled b2 Agonists: A Qualitative Study of Asthma Patients. Health Promot J Austr 2000; 10:38-42.

    Book chapter

    Wilson DH, Chittleborough CR, Ruffin RE, Tucker G. Comparison of rural and urban health status: asthma in South Australia as an example. In: Wilkinson D, Blue I (eds). The New Rural Health. Oxford University Press, Australia, 2002.


  • Professional Associations

    Member, Australasian Epidemiological Association

    Member, International Epidemiological Association

    Member, Public Health Association of Australia

    Executive Committee, Public Health Association of Australia SA Branch, 2007-08

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