Professor Helen Marshall

Professor Helen Marshall
 Position Clinical Research Director / Professor in Vaccinology
 Org Unit Women's and Children's Health / Adelaide Medical School
 Telephone 0 8161 8115
 Location Floor/Room 2 ,  WCH - Clarence Rieger Building ,   Womens & Childrens Hospital
WCH - Good Friday Building
  • Qualifications

    MBBS: Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery, University of Adelaide (1988)
    DCH: Diploma in Child Health, Women's and Children's Hospital / University of Adelaide (1999)
    MPH: Master in Public Health, University of Adelaide (2004)
    MD: Doctorate of Medicine, University of Adelaide (2011)

  • Awards & Achievements

    • 2020 Australia Day award; South Australian Inspiring Women award
    • 2019 SA Science Awards Excellence in Research Collaboration
    • 2017 NHMRC "10 of the Best" award
    • 2013 Awarded a national Public Health Association of Australia Fellowship
    • 2010 South Australia Science Award, Excellence in Research for the Public Good
    • 2006 Best Oral Presentation, National PHAA Immunisation Conference
    • 2005 The inaugural Public Health Education and Research Trust Post Masters Scholarship
    • 1988 ANZAME UPJOHN Award for Medical Education
  • Publications


    1. Perrett KP, McVernon J, Richmond PC, Marshall H, Nissen M, August A, Percell S, Toneatto D, Nolan T. Immune responses to a recombinant, four-component, meningococcal serogroup B vaccine (4CMenB) in adolescents: A phase III, randomised, multicentre, lot-to-lot consistency study. Vaccine 2015 In Press
    2. Pearce A, Marshall H, Bedford H, Lynch J. Barriers to childhood immunisation: findings from the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children. Vaccine 2015;33(29):3377-8 
    3. Marshall H, Wang B, Snape M, Pollard A. Eradication of invasive meningococcal disease: is it achievable?” International Journal of Evidence Based Healthcare. In Press 2015
    4. Braunack-Mayer A, Skinner R, Collins J, Tooher R , Proeve C, Burgess T, O’Keefe M, Watson M, Marshall H. Ethical challenges in school-based immunization programs for adolescents: A qualitative study.  Am J Public Health 2015;105(7):1399-1403
    5. McMillan M, Porritt K, Kralik D, Costi L, Marshall H. Influenza vaccination during pregnancy: a systematic  review of foetal safety. Vaccine 2015;33(18):2108-2117
    6. Nissen M*, Marshall H*, Richmond P, Shakib S, Jiang Q, Cooper D, Rill D, Baber J, Eiden J, Gruber W, Jansen KU, Emini E, Anderson AS, Zito ET, Girgenti D. A phase 1 safety and immunogenicity study of 3 ascending dose levels of a 3-antigen Staphylococcus aureus vaccine in healthy adults. Vaccine 2015;33(15):1846-54.
    7. Marshall H, Richmond P, Nissen M, Lambert S, Booy R, Reynolds G, Sebastian S, Pride M, Jansen KU,  Anderson AS, Scully IL. Title: Group A streptococcal carriage, presence of anti-streptococcal C5a peptidase gene and seroepidemiology in children up to 10 years of age in Australia.  PIDJ 2015;May 5 [e-pub ahead of print]
    8. Wong CY, Thomas NJ, Clarke M, Boros C, Tuckerman J, Marshall HS. Maternal uptake of pertussis cocooning strategy and other pregnancy related recommended immunizations. Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics 2015 Apr 15:0. [Epub ahead of print]
    9. Marshall H, Clarke M, Rasiah K, Richmond P, Buttery J, Reynolds G, Andrews R, Nissen M, Wood N, McIntyre P. Predictors of disease severity in children hospitalized with pertussis during an epidemic. PIDJ 2015;34(4):339-45.
    10. Tuckerman J, Collins J, Marshall H.  Factors affecting uptake of recommended immunisations amongst health care workers. Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics 2015;11(3):704-12.
    11. Macartney KK, Gidding H, Trinh L, Wang H, McRae J, Crawford N, Gold M, Kynaston A,  Blyth C, Wood N, Zurynski Y, Elliott E, Booy R, Buttery J, Marshall H, Nissen M, Richmond P, McInytre PB on behalf of PAEDS Network. Febrile seizures following measles and varicella vaccines in young children in Australia. Vaccine 2015;33(11):1412-7.
    12. Khandaker G, Zurynski Y, Ridley G, Buttery J, Marshall H, Richmond PC, Royle J, Gold M, Walls T, Whitehead B, McIntyre P, Wood N, Booy R, Elliott EJ. Clinical epidemiology and predictors of outcome in children hospitalised with influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 in 2009: A prospective national study. Influenza and other Respiratory Viruses 2014; 8(6):636-44
    13. Collins J, Alona I, Tooher R, Marshall H. Increased awareness and Health Care Provider endorsement is required to encourage pregnant women to be vaccinated. Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics 2014;10(10):2922-9.
    14. Nolan T, Izurieta P, Lee BW, Chan PC, Marshall H, Booy R, Drame M, Vaughn DW. Heterologous prime-boost vaccination schedule using an AS03B-adjuvanted influenza A(H5N1) vaccine in infants and children under 3 years of age. Journal of Infectious Diseases 2014;210(11):1800-10
    15. McMillan M, Kralik D, Porritt K, Marshall H. Influenza vaccination during pregnancy: a systematic review of effectiveness and safety. The JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports. 2014;12(6): 281-381
    16. O’Grady K-A, McHugh L., Nolan T, Richmond P, Wood N, Marshall H, Lambert S, Chatfield M, Andrews R. FluMum: A Prospective cohort study of mother-infant pairs assessing the effectiveness of maternal influenza vaccination in prevention of influenza in early infancy. BMJ Open 2014;4(6):e00567
    17. Taylor K, Stocks N, Marshall H. The missing link: family physician perspectives on barriers and enablers to prescribing a new Meningococcal B vaccine and other recommended, non-government funded vaccines. Vaccine 2014;32(33):4214-9
    18. Marshall H, Proeve C, Collins J, Tooher R, O’Keefe M, Burgess T, Skinner SR, Watson M, Ashmeade H, Braunack-Mayer A. Eliciting youth and adult recommendations through citizens’ juries to improve school based adolescent immunization programs. Vaccine 2014;32( 21):2434–2440
    19. Wang B, Afzali HHA, Marshall H. The inpatient costs and hospital service use associated with invasive meningococcal disease in South Australian children. Vaccine 2014;32(37):4791-479
    20. Wang B, Clarke M, Afzali HHA, Marshall H. Community, parental and adolescent awareness and knowledge of meningococcal disease. Vaccine 2014;32(18):2042-9.
    21. Webb H, Street J, Marshall H. Incorporating immunizations into routine obstetric care to facilitate Health Care Practitioners in implementing maternal immunization. Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics 2014;10(4):1114-21
    22. Wang B, Clarke M, Thomas N, Howell S, Afzali HH, Marshall H. The clinical burden and predictors of sequelae following invasive meningococcal disease in Australian children. PIDJ 2014;33(3):316-318.
    23. Wood N, Marshall H, White OJ, Holt PG, McIntyre P. Antibody and cell mediated immunity to pertussis 4 years after monovalent acellular pertussis vaccine at birth. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2014;33(5):511-7
    24. Marshall H, Clarke M, Sullivan T. Parental and community acceptance of benefits and risks associated with meningococcal B vaccines.  Vaccine 2014;32(3):338-344.
    25. Lam C, Octavia S, Ricafort L, Sintchenko V, Gilbert L, Wood N, McIntyre P, Marshall H, Guiso N, Keil AD, Lawrence A, Robson J, Hogg G, and Lan R. Rapid increase in pertactin-deficient Bordetella pertussis isolates, Australia.  Emerging Infectious Diseases 2014;20(4):626-33.
    26. Parrella A, Gold M, Braunack-Mayer A, Baghurst P, Marshall H. Consumer reporting of Adverse Event Following Immunisation (AEFI): indentifying predictors of reporting an AEFI.  Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics 2014;10(3):747-54.
    27. Dodd CN, Romio SA, Black S, Vellozzi C, Andrews N, Sturkenboom M, Zuber P, Hua W, Bonhoeffer J,  Buttery J, Crawford N, Deceuninck G, Melker H, de Vries C, Wals P, Garman P,  Gutierrez Gimeno VM, Heijbel H, Hur K,  Hviid A, Kelman J, Kilpi T, Wing Lau K, Macartney  K, Rett M, Richardson Lopez-Callada V, Gimenez Sanchez F, Sanz N, Silverman B, Storsaeter J, Thirugnanam U, Yih K, Zhang T, Izurieta H, and the Global H1N1 GBS Consortium (includes H Marshall). International Collaboration to Assess the Risk of Guillain Barré Syndrome Following Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccines. Vaccine 2013;31(40):4448-58.
    28. Parrella A, Braunack-Mayer A, Gold M, Marshall H, Baghurst P. Healthcare providers’ knowledge, experience and challenges of reporting adverse events following immunisation: A qualitative study. BMC Health Services Research 2013;13(1):313.
    29. Marshall HS, Collins J, Sullivan T, Tooher R, O’Keefe M, Skinner R, Watson M, Burgess T, , Ashmeade H, Braunack- Mayer A. Parental and societal support for adolescent immunization through school based immunization programs. Vaccine 2013;31(30):3059-64.
    30. Marshall HS, Clarke M, Evans S, Piotto L, Gent R. Randomized trial using ultrasound to assess intramuscular vaccination     at a 60° or 90° needle angle. Vaccine 2013;31(23):2647-52.
    31. Lambert SB  Chuk LM, Nissen MD, Nolan TM, McVernon J, Booy R, Heron L, Richmond PC, Walls TC, Marshall HS,  Reynolds GJ, Hartel GF, Hu W, Lai MH. Safety and tolerability of a 2009 trivalent inactivated split virion influenza vaccine in infants, children, and adolescents. Influenza Other Respi Viruses 2013; 7(5):676-685.

    32. Tooher R, Collins J, Street J, Braunack-Mayer A, Marshall H. Community knowledge, behaviours and attitudesabout the 2009 H1N1 Influenza pandemic: A systematic review. Influenza Other Respi Viruses 2013; 7(6):1316-27.

    33. Braunack-Mayer A, Tooher R, Collins J, Street J, Marshall H. Understanding the school community’s response to school closures during the H1N1 2009 Influenza Pandemic. BMC Public Health 2013; 13(1):344.

    34. Parrella A, Gold M, Marshall H, Braunack-Mayer A, Baghurst P. Parental perspectives of vaccine safety and experience of  adverse events following immunisation. Vaccine 2013; 31(16):2067-74

    35. Marshall HS, Richmond PC, Nissen MD, Wouters A, Baber J, Jiang Q, Anderson AS, Jones TR, Harris SL, Jansen KU, Perez JL. A Phase 2 Open-label Safety and Immunogenicity Study of a Meningococcal B Bivalent rLP2086 Vaccine in Healthy Adults. Vaccine 2013 ;31(12):1569-77

    36. Booy R, Richmond P, Nolan T, McVernon J, Marshall H, Nissen M, Reynolds G, Ziegler J, Stoney T, Heron L, Lambert S,   Mesaros N, Peddiraju KMiller JM.  Three-year antibody persistence and safety after a single dose of combined haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)-neisseria meningitidis serogroup c-tetanus toxoid conjugate vaccine in Hib-primed toddlers. PIDJ 2013; 32(2):169-174.

    37. Nissen M D, Marshall HS, Richmond PC, Jiang Q, Harris SL, Jones TR, Jansen KU, Perez JL. A Randomized, Controlled, Phase 1/2 Trial of a Neisseria Meningitidis Serogroup B Bivalent rLP2086 Vaccine in Healthy Children and Adolescents. PIDJ 2013; 32 (4):364-37

    38. Zurynski Y, McIntyre P, Booy R, Elliott EJ, on behalf of the PAEDS Investigator Group (includes H Marshall). Paediatric Active Enhanced Disease Surveillance (PAEDS): a new surveillance system for Australia. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health 2013:49(7):588-94.

    39. Marshall H, McIntyre P, Richmond P, Buttery J, Royle JA,  Gold, M, Wood N, Elliott E, Zurynski Y, Toi C, Dwyer D and Booy R. Changes In Patterns Of Hospitalised Children with Varicella  And Of Associated Varicella Genotypes after Introduction Of Varicella Vaccine In Australia  PIDJ 2013; 32(5):530-537.

    40. Clarke M, Rasiah K, Copland J, Watson M, Koehler A, Dowling K, and Marshall H. The Pertussis Epidemic:  informing strategies for prevention of severe disease. Epidemiology and Infection 2013; 141(3):463-471.

    41. Seale H, Trung L, Mackie F, Kennedy S, Boros C, Marshall H, Tidswell J, Shaw P, Montgomery K, MacIntyre R. A qualitative study investigating knowledge and attitudes regarding human papillomavirus (HPV) and the HPV vaccine among parents of immunosuppressed children.  Vaccine 2012; 30(49):7027-703

    42. Khandaker G, Rashid H, Zurynski Y, Richmond PC, Buttery J, Marshall H, Gold M, Walls T, Whitehead B, Elliott EJ, Booy R. Nosocomial versus community-acquired pandemic influenza A (H1N1) 2009: a nested case-control study. Journal of Hospital Infection 2012; 82(2):94-100

    43. Richmond PC, Nissen MD, Marshall HS, Lambert SB, Roberton D, Gruber WC, Jones TR, Arora A.  A Bivalent Neisseria meningitidis Recombinant Lipidated Factor H Binding Protein Vaccine in Young Adults: Results of a Randomised, Controlled, Dose-Escalation Phase 1Trial. Vaccine 2012; 30(43):6163-6174

    44. Marshall HS, Richmond PC, Nissen M, Jiang Q, Anderson AS, Jansen KU, Reynolds G, Ziegler JB, Harris S, Jones TR, Perez JL. Safety and Immunogenicity of a Meningococcal B Bivalent rLP2086 Vaccine in Healthy Toddlers Aged 18 to 36 Months: A Phase 1 Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial. PIDJ 2012;31(10):1061-68

    45. Richmond PC, Marshall HS, Nissen MD, Jiang Q, Jansen KU, Garces-Sanchez M, Martinon-Torres F, Beeslaar J,  Szenborn L, Wysocki J, Eiden J,  Harris SL,Jones TR, Perez JL,  on behalf of the study investigators. Safety, immunogenicity, and tolerability of meningococcal serogroup B bivalent recombinant lipoprotein 2086 vaccine in healthy adolescents: a randomised, single-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 2 trial. Lancet Infect Dis. 2012;12(8):597 - 607

    46. Bryant KA, McVernon J, Marchant CD, Nolan T, Marshall GS, Richmond P, Marshall H,  Nissen M,  Lambert S, Aris E, Mesaros N,  Miller J. Immunogenicity and safety of measles-mumps-rubella and varicella vaccines coadministered with a fourth dose of Haemophilus influenzae type b and Neisseria meningitidis serogroups C and Y-tetanus toxoid conjugate vaccine in toddlers: A pooled analysis of randomized trials. Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics 2012;8(8):1036-1041.  

    47. Kessels SJM, Marshall HS, Watson M, Braunack-Mayer AJ, Reuzel  R, Tooher RL. Factors associated with HPV vaccine uptake in teenage girls: a systematic review. Vaccine 2012; 30(24):3546-3556.

    48. Clarke M, Marshall H. Rotavirus vaccination for prevention of serious acute gastroenteritis and the importance of post-licensure safety monitoring. Editorial Commentary. Journal of Infectious Diseases 2012; 206(1):3-5

    49. Khandaker G, Zurynski Y, Buttery J, Marshall H, Richmond PC, Dale RC, Royle J, Gold M, Snelling T, Whitehead B, Jones C, Heron L, McCaskill M, Macartney K, Elliott EJ, Booy R. Neurologic complications of influenza A (H1N1)pdm09: surveillance in 6 pediatric hospitals. Neurology 2012; 79(14): 1474-148

    50. Parrella A, Gold M, Marshall H, Braunack-Mayer A, Watson M, Baghurst P. Parental views on vaccine safety and future vaccinations of children who experienced an adverse event following routine or seasonal influenza vaccination in 2010. Human vaccines and Immunotherapeutics, 2012;8(5):662-667

    51. Marshall H, Tooher R, Collins J, Mensah F, Braunack-Mayer A, Street J, Ryan P.  Awareness, anxiety, compliance: Community perceptions and response to the threat and reality of an influenza pandemic. American Journal of Infection Control 2012;40(3):270-272

    52. McVernon J, Nolan T, Richmond P, Reynolds G, Nissen M, Lambert S, Marshall H, Papa T, Rehm C. A randomised trial to assess safety and immunogenicity of alternative formulations of a quadrivalent meningococcal (A, C, Y and W-135) tetanus protein conjugate vaccine in toddlers. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 2012;31(1):e15-e23.

    53. Clarke M, Davidson G, Gold M and Marshall H. Direct and indirect impact on rotavirus positive and all-cause gastroenteritis hospitalisations in South Australian children following the introduction of rotavirus vaccination. Vaccine 2011; 29(29-30):4663-4667.

    54. Quinn P, Gold M, Royle J, Buttery J, Richmond P, McIntyre P, Wood N, Lee SS, Marshall H. Recurrence of extensive injection site reactions following DTPa or dTpa vaccine in children 4-6 years old. Vaccine 2011;29(25): 4230-4237

    55. Khandaker G, Marshall H, Peadon E, Zurynski Y, Burgner D, Buttery J, Gold M, Nissen M, Elliott E, Burgess M,  Booy R. Congenital and neonatal varicella: Impact of the national varicella vaccination programme in Australia. Archives of Disease in Childhood 2011;96(5):453-456

    56. Buttery J, Danchin M, Lee K, Carlin J, McIntyre P, Elliott E, Booy R, Bines J for the PAEDS/APSU Study Group (includes H Marshall). Intussusception following rotavirus vaccine administration: Post-marketing surveillance in the National Immunization Program in Australia. Vaccine 2011;29(16): 3061-3066. 

    57. Booy R, Richmond P, Nolan T, McVernon J, Marshall H, Nissen M, Reynolds G, Ziegler JB, Heron L, Lambert S, Caubet M, Mesaros N, Boutriau D. Immediate and longer term immunogenicity of a single dose of the combined haemophilus influenzae type B-Neisseria meningitidis serogroup C-tetanus toxoid conjugate vaccine in primed toddlers 12 to 18 months of age. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 2011;30(4):340-342

    58. Nolan T, Richmond P, Marshall H, McVernon J, Alexander K, Mesaros N, Aris E, Miller J, Poolman J, Boutriau D. Immunogenicity and safety of an investigational combined  Haemophilus influenza type b - Neiseria meningitidis serogroups C and Y – tetanus toxoid candidate vaccine. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 2011;30(3):190

    59. Carbonell-Estrany X, Simões EA, Dagan R, Hall CB, Harris B, Hultquist M, Connor EM, Losonsky GA; Motavizumab Study Group (includes H Marshall). Motavizumab for prophylaxis of respiratory syncytial virus in high-risk children: a non-inferiority trial. Pediatrics 2010;125(1):e35-51.

    60. Medina D, Valencia A, de Velasquez A, Huang L, Prymula R, Garcia-Sicilia J, Rombo L, David M,  Pierre P, Descamps D, Hardt K, Dubin G for the HPV-013 study group (includes H Marshall). Safety and Immunogenicity of the HPV-16/18 ASO4-adjuvanted vaccine: A randomized, controlled trial in adolescent girls. Journal of Adolescent Health 2010; 46(5):414-421

    61. Marshall H, Nolan T, Diez-Domingo J, Rombo L, Sokal E, Mares J, Casanovas J, Kuriyakose S, Leyssen M, J Jacquet. Long-term (5 year) antibody persistence following two and three dose regimens of a combined hepatitis A and B vaccine in children aged 1 – 11 years. Vaccine 2010;28(27):4411-4115

    62. Nolan T, McVernon J, Skeljo M, Richmond P, Wadia U, Lambert S, Nissen M, Marshall H, Booy R, Heron L, Hartel G, Lai M, Basser R, Gittleson C, Greenberg M. Immunogenicity of a monovalent 2009 influenza A (H1N1) vaccine in infants and children – a randomized trial. Journal of the American Medical Association 2010;303(01):37-44

    63. White OJ, Rowe J, Richmond P, Marshall H, McIntyre P, Wood N, Holt PG. Th2-polarisation of cellular immune memory to neonatal pertussis vaccination. Vaccine 2010;28(14):2648-2652

    64. Wood N, McIntyre P, Marshall H, Roberton D. Acellular pertussis vaccine at birth and one month induces antibody responses by two months of age. Paediatric Infectious Disease Journal 2010;29(3):209-21

    65. Marshall H, McIntyre P, Roberton D, Dinan L, Hardt K. Primary and booster immunization with a diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, hepatitis B (DTPa-HBV) and Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccine administered separately or together is safe and immunogenic. International Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2010;14(1):e41-49.


  • Professional Associations

    • Director, Vaccinology and Immunology Research Trials Unit, VIRTU
    • Women's and Children's Hospital, Women's and Children's Health Network
    • Associate Professor (Level D), Discipline of Paediatrics, School of Paediatrics and Reproductive Health, University of Adelaide
    • NHMRC Career Development Fellow, University of Adelaide
    • Research Priority Leader, Child and Adolescent Health, Robinson Institute, University of Adelaide
    • NHMRC Research Translation Faculty member
    • South Australian Representative, Steering Committee, Paediatric Trials Network Australia
    • Member of the Australian Influenza Vaccine Committee, Therapeutic Goods Administration
    • Director, Adelaide Medical Students Foundation Board
    • Clinical Research and Drug Development Pillar committee member, South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute
    • Member, National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveilance Scientific Advisory Committee
    • Member of the Australian Society of Infectious Diseases
    • Member of the European Society of Paediatric Infectious Diseases
    • Member of the Association of Clinical Research Professionals
    • Member of the Public Health Association of Australia
    • Member of the Medical Insurance Group Australia
    • Executive Member of the South Australian Immunisation Forum
    • Member of the Australian Medical Association of Australia

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Entry last updated: Tuesday, 13 Sep 2022

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