Ms Jane Drake-Brockman

  • Biography/ Background

    Jane Drake-Brockman is an expert on international trade and regional integration and widely recognized as Australia’s foremost industry expert on services competitiveness and trade in services.  She joined IIT in 2015 after 3 years with the International Trade Centre (Geneva).

    Jane teaches Trade in Services in the MITD programme and has previously taught Macroeconomics for Business Executives in the MBA programme at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Current research includes the impact of new technologies and digital trade. Recent publications include “Potential Benefits of an Australia-EU Free Trade Agreement: Key Issues and Options”, The University of Adelaide Press, Oct 2018 (co-edited with Patrick Messerlin) and 'Services', Global Value Chains Policy Series, World Economic Forum White Paper, Geneva, June 2018.

    Jane is the Founder of the Australian Services Roundtable, the peak business body for the services industries and co-convenor of the Asia Pacific Services Coalition. She has served on the Board of the International Chamber of Commerce in Australia, on the Executive Committee of the Hong Kong Coalition of Services Industries and as convenor of the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC) Taskforce on Services. She was a central architect of the APEC Services Competitiveness Roadmap and is credited in the literature with the original business-driven idea behind the plurilateral TISA negotiations in Geneva.

    Jane is a former senior Australian diplomat, serving as Chief Economist in DFAT, as Assistant Secretary, Services & Intellectual Property Branch and Minister/Charge d’Affaires at the Australian Delegation to the EU in Brussels.  She studied Economics at the Australian National University as a National Undergraduate Scholar and started her career as the first female cadet with the Australian Treasury.  Before joining DFAT, she spent 8 years at the OECD Secretariat (Paris) and 2 years with the Commonwealth Secretariat (London). 


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Entry last updated: Saturday, 30 Mar 2019