Dr Jennie Gardner

Dr Jennie Gardner
 Position Grant-Funded Researcher (B)
 Org Unit School of Agriculture, Food and Wine
 Email jennie.gardner@adelaide.edu.au
 Telephone 831 30402
 Location Floor/Room 3 ,  Wine Innovation Central ,   Waite
  • Research Interests

    Investigation and optimisation of desirable fermentation characteristics of wine yeast


    1. Identification and classification of yeast genes specifically important for the efficiency of wine fermentation; the Fermentome

    • We have approached this field of study from numerous angles including:

      • screening of readily available laboratory and wine yeast deletion library collections for those genes that when deleted disrupt or enhance fermentation performance. Particular genes of interest are further explored to gain an in-depth understanding of the specific roles of such genes in a fermentation context

      • with the use of directed evolution to produce fermentation efficient yeast strains and subsequent genome sequence analysis to determine which genetic elements confer this phenotype.

    2.Yeast cell-cell communication of over-crowding and nutrient limitation: Novel signalling systems and their impact on fermentation

    • We are interested in determining if and how both known and novel signalling molecules may impact fermentation and other related yeast metabolism

    3. Isolation and characteristaion of wine yeast with improved fermentation capabilities through bioprospecting, adaptive evolution and recombinant gene technologies



  • Publications

    Tam A, Green E, Balasuriya S, Tek E, Gardner J, Sundstrom J, Jiranek V, Binder B. (2018) ‘Nutrient-limited growth with non-linear cell diffusion as a mechanism for floral pattern formation in yeast biofilmsJournal of Theoretical Biology, vol. 448, pp.122-141 doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2018.04.004

    Tronnolone H, Tam A, Szenczi Z, Green J, Balasuriya S, Tek E, Gardner J,  Sundstrom J, Jiranek V, Oliver S & Binder B (2018) ‘Diffusion-Limited Growth of Microbial ColoniesScientific Reports Vol 8, 5992 doi:10.1038/s41598-018-23649-z

    Peter JJ, Watson TL, Walker ME, Gardner JM, Lang TA, Borneman A, Forgan A, Tran T, Jiranek V (2018) ‘Use of a wine yeast deletion collection reveals genes that influence fermentation performance under low nitrogen conditions’, FEMS Yeast Research, Published online: Feb 7 2018. DOI: 10.1093/femsyr/foy009.


    Tek EL, Sundstrom JF, Gardner JM, Oliver SG, Jiranek V (2018) ‘Evaluation of the ability of commercial wine yeasts to form biofilms (mats) and adhere to plastic: implications for the microbiota of the winery environmentFEMS Microbiology Ecology, vol. 94(2). DOI: 10.1093/femsec/fix188


    Nguyen, T., Walker, M., Gardner, J., & Jiranek, V. (2018). Appropriate vacuolar acidification in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is required for efficient high sugar fermentation. Food Microbiology, 70, 262-268.


    Zhang, J., Astorga, M. A., Gardner, J. M., Walker, M. E., Grbin, P. R., & Jiranek, V. (2018). Disruption of the cell wall integrity gene ECM33 results in improved fermentation by wine yeast. Metabolic engineering. vol. 45, pp. 255-264


    Tronnolone, H., Gardner, J., Sundstrom, J., Jiranek, V., Oliver, S., & Binder, B. (2017). Quantifying the dominant growth mechanisms of dimorphic yeast using a lattice-based model. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 14 (134), 20170314-1-20170314-16.



    Sundstrom, J., Gardner, J., Whiteside, M., Kraaijeveld, K., Kiers, T., Ellers, J., & Jiranek, V. (2016). Insecten als wijnmakers. entomologische berichten, 76(4), 122-125.


    Binder, B., Sundstrom, J., Gardner, J., Jiranek, V., & Oliver, S. (2015). Quantifying two-dimensional filamentous and invasive growth spatial patterns in yeast colonies. PLoS Computational Biology, 11(2), e1004070-1-e1004070-15.


    Walker, M., Nguyen, T., Liccioli, T., Schmid, F., Kalatzis, N., Sundstrom, J., Gardner,J., Jiranek, V. (2014). Genome-wide identification of the Fermentome; genes required for successful and timely completion of wine-like fermentation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. BMC Genomics, 15(1), 552-1-552-17.


    Jiranek, V., Walker, M. E., Gardner, J., Sundstrom, J., & Liccioli, T. (2014). Tackling microbial failure in problematic wine fermentations using a holistic approach. Australian and New Zealand Grapegrower and Winemaker, (603), 76-79.


    Liccioli, T., Walker, M. E., Sundstrom, J. F., Gardner, J. M., & Jiranek, V. (2013). Novel wine yeast for improved performance in fermentation. Wine and Viticulture Journal, 28(6), 26, 28, 30-31, 33.


    Gardner J., C. McBryde, W. Dunn, M. Brown, S. Oliver and V. Jiranek (2011) Using metabolomics to probe the impact of an adaptively evolved wine yeast on oenological fermentation. Poster presentation at the 7th International Conference of the Metabolomics Society, Cairns.


    Gardner J., C. McBryde, W. Dunn, M. Brown, S. Oliver and V. Jiranek (2010) Using metabolomics to probe the impact of an adaptively evolved wine yeast on oenological fermentation. Poster presentation at the 14th Australian Wine Industry Technical Conference, Adelaide.


    Walker M. E., T. Liccioli, F. Schmid, N. Kalatzis, J. M. Gardner, P. R. Grbin, Vladimir Jiranek  (2010) The identification of genes with the potential to influence wine colour and fermentation duration. Poster presentation at the 14th Australian Wine Industry Technical Conference, Adelaide


    Poole K, E Walker M, Warren T, Gardner J, McBryde C, de Barros Lopes M, Jiranek V. (2009) Proline transport and stress tolerance of ammonia-insensitive mutants of PUT4-encoded proline-specific permease in yeast. Journal of General Applied Microbiology, Dec;55(6):427-39

    Gardner JM, C McBryde, M Walker and V Jiranek (2009). Progress towards characterisation of an adaptively evolved wine yeast strain. Poster presentation at the 4th Australian conference on Yeast Products and Discovery, Adelaide.


    McBryde C, JM Gardner, M Walker, V Jiranek (2009). Adaptive Evolution strategies for the generation of novel wine yeast Poster presentation at the 4th Australian conference on Yeast Products and Discovery, Adelaide.


    Astorga M, JM Gardner, ME Walker, M de Barros Lopes and V Jiranek (2007). Screening of a Mutagenic Transposon Library in a Wine Yeast Background to Identify Genes Contributing to Successful Fermentation. Poster presentation at the XXIIIrd International Conference of Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology, Melbourne, Australia.


    McBryde CM, JM Gardner, V Jiranek (2007) Using adaptive evolution to enhance wine yeast. Poster presentation at the XXIIIrd International Conference of Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology, Melbourne, Australia.


    Walker ME, JM Gardner, CM McBryde, F Schmid, A McIntyre, A Bishop, V Jiranek (2007). Strategies for the generation of new wine yeast with novel fermentation traits. Poster presentation at the XXIIIrd International Conference of Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology, Melbourne, Australia.


    Astorga M, JM Gardner, ME Walker and V Jiranek (2007) Screening of yeast libraries to identify genes contributing to successful fermentation. Poster presentation at the XXIIIrd International Conference of Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology, Melbourne, Australia. 


    McBryde CM, JM Gardner, V Jiranek (2007) Characterisation of adaptively evolved wine yeast under pilot conditions. Poster presentation at the XXIIIrd International Conference of Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology, Melbourne, Australia. 


    Walker ME, JM Gardner, CM McBryde, F Schmid, A McIntyre, V Jiranek (2007). Strategies for the generation of new wine yeast with novel fermentation traits. Poster presentation at the 13th Australian Wine Industry Technical Conference, Adelaide


    McBryde, C, JM Gardner, M de Barros Lopes & V Jiranek (2006) Generation of novel wine yeast strains by adaptive evolution. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 57:423-30.


    Gardner, JM, C McBryde, A Vystavelova, M de Barros Lopes & V Jiranek (2005) Identification of genes affecting glucose catabolism in nitrogen limited fermentation. FEMS Yeast Research, 5:791-800.


    Gardner, JM, CM Mcbryde, M de Barros Lopes and V Jiranek (2004). Identification of genes that contribute to a high nitrogen efficiencey (HNE) phenotype in yeast. Poster presentation at the 3rd Australian Conference on Yeast, Products and Discovery, Barossa Valley. 


    Keough RA, Macmillan EM, Lutwyche JK, Gardner JM, Tavner FJ, Jans DA, Henderson BR, Gonda TJ. (2003) Myb-binding protein 1a is a nucleoctoplasmic shuttling protein that utilizes CRM1-dependent and independent nuclear export pathways. Experimental Cell Research, 289(1):108-23.


    Walker, ME, JM Gardner, A Vystavelova, C McBryde, M de Barros Lopes & V Jiranek (2003) Application of the reuseable, KanMX selectable marker to industrial yeast: construction and evaluation of heterothallic wine strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, possessing minimal foreign DNA sequences. FEMS Yeast Research, 4:339-47.


    James K, Hosking B, Gardner J, Muscat GE, Koopman P. (2003) Sox18 mutations in the ragged mouse alleles ragged-like and opossum. Genesis. May;36(1):1-6.


    Gardner, JM, K Poole & V Jiranek (2002) Practical significance of relative assimilable nitrogen requirements of yeast: a preliminary study of fermentation performance and liberation of H2S. Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research, 8:175-9.


    Poole K, JM Gardner, M de Barros Lopes and V Jiranek (2002). Strategies for avoiding problems associated with nitrogen limitation during wine fermentation. Oral presentation at the 2nd Australian conference on Yeast Products and Discovery,Victoria


    Pennisi D, Gardner J, Chambers D, Hosking B, Peters J, Muscat G, Abbott C, Koopman P. (2000) Mutations in Sox18 underlie cardiovascular and hair follicle defects in ragged mice. Nature Genetics, Apr;24(4):434-7.


    Gardner JM, M Wenk, M de Barros Lopes and V Jiranek (2000). Identification of genes contributing to a "High Nitrogen Efficiency" (HNE) Phenotype in a modified wine yeast. Oral presentation at the 1st Australian conference on Yeast, Products and Discovery, Stradbroke Island.


    Gardner JM, M Wenk, M de Barros Lopes and V Jiranek (2000). Identification of genes contributing to a "High Nitrogen Efficiency" (HNE) Phenotype in a modified wine yeast. Poster presentation at the 21st Annual conference on the organisation and expression of the genome, Lorne.




  • Professional Interests

    Links to the Wine Industry:

    Current co-director of Adelina Wines and wines by Some Young Punks, Clare Valley, SA

    Member of the Australian Society for Viticulture and Oenology


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Entry last updated: Friday, 18 Aug 2023

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