Dr Jessica Ford

Dr Jessica Ford
  • Biography/ Background

    I am a feminist media studies scholar who specialises in how, when and why feminism happens on television. My research appears in academic journals, such as Feminist Media Studies and The Journal of Popular Culture, academic anthologies and in journalistic outlets. I write about a wide-range of television series, including Girls, Orange is the New Black, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend and Better Things. 

    I have presented my research at conferences including, the Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS) and Console-ing Passions and been invited to give seminars at the University of British Columbia, Canada and at Sorbonne Université, Paris 1, France.

    Prior to joining the team at The University of Adelaide, I was a Lecturer in Screen and Cultural Studies at The University of Newcastle (2019-2023), and in 2017 I completed my PhD in Film and Media Studies at the University of New South Wales. In 2022, I was awarded Advance Higher Education Fellowship (UK), an internationally recognised qualification in university teaching excellence and innovation.

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Entry last updated: Monday, 3 Jul 2023