Professor Jodie Dodd

Professor Jodie Dodd
 Position Professor
 Org Unit Women's and Children's Health
 Telephone 0 8161 7522
 Location Floor/Room 1 ,  WCH - Queen Victoria Building ,   Womens & Childrens Hospital
  • Biography/ Background

    Jodie Dodd is an Obstetrician and Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist at the University of Adelaide and Women's and Children's Health Network. She is the current Chair of the South Australian Maternal and Neonatal Clinical Network, and is editor for the Pregnancy and Childbirth Group of the Cochrane Collaboration.

     The focus of her research is to ensure that care for women and their infant's is effective, and that treatment benefits outweigh harms. Using the evidence generated from randomised trials and systematic reviews, and the subsequent development of clinical practice guidelines, the reliability of treatment recommendations is enhanced, thereby improving health outcomes for women and their babies. Specific areas of research interest include care for women with a multiple pregnancy, care during labour, and obesity in pregnancy.

    Jodie Dodd currently holds a NHMRC Practitioner Fellowship, and prior to that a Neil Hamilton Fairley Fellowship, which enabled post-doctoral work to be undertaken through the University of Toronto, Canada.


  • Qualifications

    • 2005 Doctor of Philosophy
      The University of Adelaide

    • 2004 Certification in Maternal Fetal Medicine (CMFM)
      Royal Australian & New Zealand College Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (RANZCOG)

    • 2003 Diploma in Diagnostic Ultrasound (DDU)
      Australian Society for Ultrasound in Medicine

    • 2002 Fellow Royal Australian & New Zealand College Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (FRANZCOG)
      1994 Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)
      The University of Adelaide
  • Awards & Achievements

    2010-2014 NHMRC Practitioner Fellowship

    2006-2009 NHMRC Neil Hamilton Fairley Clinical Fellowship

    2005 Robert Seamark Postgraduate Award (Discipline Obstetrics & Gynaecology, The University of Adelaide)

    2005 TG Wilson Travelling Fellowship (The University of Adelaide)

    2005 RANZCOG Young Investigator Award (Hobart, RANZCOG Annual Scientific Meeting)

    2004 Beresford Buttery Travel Fellowship (RANZCOG) (to overseas institutions for experience in perinatal ultrasound)


  • Teaching Interests

    Teaching and Training Materials Developed
    • 2008-present Development and co-ordination of course and materials in critical appraisal and study design for RANZCOG Trainees across Australia and New Zealand
    • 2006-2008 Use of an ultrasound model to teach intervention procedures (amniocentesis, chorionic villous sampling and cordocentesis) to medical students, and junior and senior medical staff within the University of Toronto, including an evaluation of performance before and after simulated training sessions
    • 2005 Co-ordinator of teaching course in clinical research methodology and critical appraisal for the South Australian RANZCOG Trainees


    Other Contributions to Teaching and Training

    The University of Adelaide, Discipline of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

    • 2008-present Lecturer/Tutor and Examiner Human Reproductive Health III
    • 2005 Tutor in Perinatal Ultrasound sessions for 5th year medical students, Discipline of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, The University of Adelaide
    • 2001-present Lecturer/Tutor Human Reproductive Health Part 2 (Case Based Learning sessions for 5th year medical students) Discipline of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, The University of Adelaide
    • 2001-present Examiner clinical long cases and OSCE examinations Human Reproductive Health Part 2 (5th year medical students) Discipline of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, The University of Adelaide
    • 2000-present Clinical Tutor Human Reproductive Health Part 2 (5th year medical students), Discipline of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, The University of Adelaide
    • 2000-present Clinical Tutor Human Reproductive Health Part 1 (1st year medical students), Discipline of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, The University of Adelaide


    Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists

    • 2008-present Development and co-ordination of course and materials in critical appraisal and study design for RANZCOG Trainees across Australia and New Zealand
    • 2001-present Lecturer/Tutor South Australian RANZCOG Trainees (research methodology, clinical topics in Maternal Fetal Medicine and High Risk Obstetrics)
    • 2005-present Co-ordinator of teaching course in clinical research methodology and critical appraisal for the South Australian RANZCOG Trainees


    Other Educational Workshops

    • 2008 Data-monitoring and safety for randomised trials workshop, WOMBAT Collaboration, Melbourne
    • 2008 Developing a protocol for a randomised trial, WOMBAT Collaboration, Brisbane
    • 2008 Developing a protocol for a randomised trial, WOMBAT Collaboration, Gold Coast
    • 2008 Interdisciplinary maternal and perinatal clinical trials (IMPACT) workshop, Gold Coast
    • 2007 Developing a protocol for a randomised trial, WOMBAT Collaboration, Melbourne
    • 2007 Interdisciplinary maternal and perinatal clinical trials (IMPACT) workshop, Melbourne



  • Research Funding

    Career total: 28 grants (2 International competitive including NIH; 20 National competitive including 8 NHMRC Project Grants and 1 NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence; 6 State competitive), totalling $13,122,277  


     International Competitive Grants

    • 2008-2011 $1,313,377 (US) National Institute of Health (NIH) (ID R01 HL094235-01)) Gillman M, Dodd J, Crowther C, Owens J Limiting weight gain in pregnancy: effect on mother and child
    • 2007-2008 $121,000 (CAN) (The Physicians Services Incorporated Foundation (PSI) Ontario, Canada) Dodd JM, Kingdom JPC, McLeod A, Windrim RC Does heparin improve pregnancy outcomes for women with evidence of placental dysfunction? - A randomized trial


    National Competitive Grants - NHMRC

    • 2104-2015 $755,934 (NHMRC, ID 1068320) Dodd JM, Owens JA, Grivell RM, Yelland LN, Giles L, Gillman MW, Poston L Causal pathways from maternal obesity to pregnancy, perinatal & childhood health outcomes
    • 2013-2017 $1,710,437 (NHMRC, ID 1043181) Dodd JM, Grivell RM, Hague W Metformin and dietary advice to improve insulin sensitivity and promote gestational restriction of weight in pregnant women who are obese: the GRoW randomised trial
    • 2013-2015 $673,008 (NHMRC, ID 1043178) Dodd JM, McPhee AJ, Moran LJ, Yelland LN, Gillman M, Lawlor D, Robinson JS The contribution of maternal obesity and gestational weight gain to preschool child obesity
    • 2012-2016 $2,500,000 (NHMRC CRE) Makrides M, Gibson R, Ryan P, Zou S, Dodd JM, McPhee AJ, Umberger W, Mulhausler B, Collins C, Penttila I  Food for future Australians
    • 2011 $50,000 (NHMRC Equipment Grant) Dodd JM, Grivell RM, Crowther CA, Robinson JS Establishment of a fetal well being and ultrasound diagnostic unit
    • 2011 $16,000 (NHMRC Equipment Grant) Dodd JM, Grivell RM, Crowther CA, Robinson JS Newborn and infant body composition assessment unit
    • 2010-2012 $433,750 (NHMRC, ID 627195) Dodd JM, Dickinson J, Andersen C, Windrim RC, Ryan G Doppler to time second and subsequent fetal blood transfusions for women with red cell alloimmunisation: a randomised trial
    • 2010-2012 $979,369 (NHMRC, ID 627213) Crowther CA, Dodd JM, McPhee A, Flenady VJ Vaginal progesterone for the prevention of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome: a randomised trial
    • 2010 $33,000 (NHMRC Equipment Grant, ID 640305) Dodd JM, Owens JA, Robinson JS, Crowther CA, Pitcher JB, MacLennan AH Establishment of a biobank and cryogenic storage facility to evaluate mechanistic pathways following interventions during pregnancy to improve maternal, infant and childhood health
    • 2008-2011 $1,466,625 (NHMRC, ID 519240) Dodd JM, Turnbull D, McPhee A, Wittert G, Robinson JS Limiting weight gain in overweight and obese women during pregnancy to improve health outcomes: a randomised trial
    • 2006-2008 $1,202,350 (NHMRC, ID 339137) Crowther CA, Dodd JM, McPhee A, Flenady VJ Vaginal progesterone for the prevention of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome: a randomised trial
    • 2005-2007 $782,250 (NHMRC, ID 349460) Crowther CA, Dodd JM, Hiller JE, Haslam RR Planned vaginal birth or planned elective repeat caesarean for women at term with a single previous caesarean section


    National Competitive Grants - Other

    • 2012-2013 $79,474 (Foundation for Children) Moran LJ, Dodd JM Cardioinflammatory markers in neonates born to overweight or obese women
    • 2012-2013 $158,385 (Diabetes Australia Research Trust Millenium Grant) Owens JA, Dodd JM Identifying epigenetic pathways from maternal obesity to type 2 diabetes in offspring
    • 2012 $34,318 (Diabetes Australia Research Trust Millenium Grant) Moran L, Dodd JM Glucose intolerance among overweight and obese women: maternal 3-year follow-up from the LIMIT randomised trial
    • 2010-2011 $50,000 (Clive and Vera Ramaciotti Foundation ID2882/2009) Dodd JM, Owens JA, Robinson JS Do maternal and infant obesity related genotypes influence efficacy of interventions to limit weight gain in obese pregnant women and obesity in their offspring?
    • 2009-2011 $120,000 (Federal Department of Health and Ageing) Crowther CA, Dodd JM, Flenady V, Middleton P The Australian Satellite Group, Cochrane Pregnancy & Childbirth Review Group
    • 2005-2008 $120,000 (Federal Department of Health and Ageing) Crowther CA, Dodd JM, Middleton P The Australian Satellite Group, Cochrane Pregnancy & Childbirth Review Group
    • 2003-2004 $80,000 (Federal Department of Health and Ageing) Crowther CA, Dodd JM, Smith CA The Australian Satellite Group, Cochrane Pregnancy & Childbirth Review Group
    • 2001-2002 $78,000 (Federal Department of Health and Ageing) Crowther CA, Dodd JM, Smith CA, Mohammed K The Australian Satellite Group, Cochrane Pregnancy & Childbirth Review Group


    State Competitive Grants

    • 2010-2011 $115,000 (Channel 7 Children's Research Foundation ID292) Robinson JS, Dodd JM, Owens JA Do maternal and infant obesity related genotypes influence efficacy of interventions to limit weight gain in obese pregnant women and obesity in their offspring?
    • 2009-2010 $70,000 (Channel 7 Children's Research Foundation) Grivell R, Dodd JM Limiting weight gain in pregnancy: effect on ultrasound assessment of fetal growth
    • 2004 $45,000 (Women's and Children's Hospital Research Foundation) Dodd JM, Crowther CA, Robinson JS, Haslam RR Birth After Caesarean Study
    • 2004 $45,000 (Women's and Children's Hospital Research Foundation) Dodd JM, Crowther CA, Robinson JS, Haslam RR Twins: Timing of Birth at Term
    • 2004 $45,000 (Women's and Children's Hospital Research Foundation) Crowther CA, Dodd JM, McPhee AJ Management of Preterm Premature Ruptured Membranes
    • 2002 $45,000 (Women's and Children's Hospital Research Foundation)  Dodd JM, Crowther CA, Robinson JS Misoprostol for the induction of labour at term



  • Publications

    Book Chapters
    Joint Author Works

    1. Dodd JM, Crowther CA Multiple pregnancy - obstetric management. In High-risk pregnancy management options 2010 James D, Steer P, Weiner C, Crowther CA, Gonik B (eds) WB Saunders
    2. Svigos J, Dodd JM, Robinson JS Actual and Threatened Preterm Labour 2010 James D, Steer P, Weiner C, Crowther CA, Gonik B (eds) WB Saunders
    3. Svigos J, Dodd JM, Robinson JS Preterm premature rupture of membranes 2010 James D, Steer P, Weiner C, Crowther CA, Gonik B (eds) WB Saunders
    4. Grivell R, Dodd JM, Robinson JS The prevention and treatment of intrauterine growth restriction. Best Practice and Research Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology: Evidence Based Obstetrics Dornan J (Editor) 2009 July 15 (E-pub) (Impact Factor 2.260)
    5. Dodd JM, Crowther CA Risks and morbidity associated with previous caesarean section. Journal Women's Health 2007;3(1):55-61. (Impact Factor 1.935)
    6. Dodd JM, Crowther CA Cochrane reviews in pregnancy: the role of perinatal randomized trials and systematic reviews in establishing evidence. Semin Fetal and Neonatal Med Doyle L (Editor) 2006;11(2):97-103.
    7. Dodd JM, Crowther CA Evidence based care for women with a multiple pregnancy. Best Practice and Research Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology: Evidence Based Obstetrics Neilson J (Editor) 2005;19(1):131-153. (Impact Factor 2.260)
    8. Crowther CA, Dodd JM Multiple pregnancy - obstetric management. In High-risk pregnancy management options 2005 James D, Steer P, Weiner C, Gonik B (eds) WB Saunders.
    9. Dodd JM, Crowther CA Should we deliver twins electively at 37 weeks' gestation? Current Opinion in Obstetrics and Gynecology Gubby A & Aquilina J (Editors) 2005;17(6):579-583. (Impact Factor 2.279)

    Refereed Journal Articles
    Joint Author Works

    1. Sui Z, Turnbull D, Dodd JM Barriers and enablers to making healthy changes in pregnancy. Australasian Medical Journal 2013
    2. Dorniak-Wall T, Grivell RM, Dekker GA, Hague W, Dodd JM. The role of L-arginine in the prevention and treatment of pre-eclampsia: a systematic review of randomised trials. J Hum Hypertens. 2013 Oct 31. doi: 10.1038/jhh.2013.100
    3. Dodd JM, Jones L, Flenady V, Cincotta R, Crowther CA Prenatal administration of progesterone for preventing preterm birth in women considered to be at risk of preterm birth. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2013 Jul 31;7:CD004947. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD004947.pub3
    4. Dodd JM, McLeod A, Windrim RC, Kingdom J. Antithrombotic therapy for improving maternal or infant health outcomes in women considered at risk of placental dysfunction. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2013 Jul 24;7:CD006780. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD006780.pub3.
    5. Sui Z, Dodd JM. Exercise in obese pregnant women: positive impacts and current perceptions. Int J Womens Health. 2013 Jul 3;5:389-98. doi: 10.2147/IJWH.S34042.
    6. Eames AJ, Grivell RM, Deussen AR, Hague W, Dodd JM. Metformin for women who are obese during pregnancy for improving maternal and infant outcomes (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2013, Issue 6. Art. No.: CD010564. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD010564.
    7. Jozwiak M, Dodd JM. Methods of term labour induction for women with a previous caesarean section. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2013 Mar 28;3:CD009792. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009792.pub2.
    8. Kannieappan LM, Deussen AR, Grivell RM, Yelland LN, Dodd JM Developing a tool for obtaining maternal skinfold thickness measurements and assessing inter-observer variability among pregnant women who are overweight and obese. BMC Pregnancy & Childbirth 2013; Feb 14 (E-pub)
    9. Sui Z, Turnbull DA, Dodd JM. Overweight and Obese Women's Perceptions About Making Healthy Change During Pregnancy: A Mixed Method Study. Matern Child Health J. 2012 Dec 22 (E-pub)
    10. Dodd J, Crowther C, Haslam R, Robinson J. Authors' response to: Elective birth at 37 weeks of gestation versus standard care for women with an uncomplicated twin pregnancy at term: the Twins Timing of Birth Randomised Trial. BJOG. 2012 Dec;119(13):1676-7
    11. Dodd JM, Crowther CA, Middleton P. Oral betamimetics for maintenance therapy after threatened preterm labour. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012 Dec 12;12:CD003927. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD003927.pub3. Review.
    12. Grivell RM, Dodd JM Associated risks of inducing labor at term in an uncomplicated pregnancy Expert Rev Obstet Gynecol 2012; 7(5):403-405
    13. Dodd JM, Crowther CA. Reduction of the number of fetuses for women with a multiple pregnancy. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012 Oct 17;10:CD003932. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD003932.pub2. Review
    14. Dodd JM, Windrim RC, van Kamp IL. Techniques of intrauterine fetal transfusion for women with red-cell isoimmunisation for improving health outcomes. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012 Sep 12;9:CD007096. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD007096.pub3. Review
    15. Dodd JM, Crowther CA. Specialised antenatal clinics for women with a multiple pregnancy for improving maternal and infant outcomes. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012 Aug 15;8:CD005300. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD005300.pub3. Review.
    16. Moran L, Sui Z, Cramp C, Dodd JM A decrease in diet quality occurs during pregnancy in overweight and obese women which is maintained post-partum. International Journal of Obesity 2012 Aug 7. doi: 10.1038/ijo.2012.129. [Epub ahead of print]
    17. Crowther CA, Hague WM, Middleton PF, Bahgurst PA, McPhee AJ, Tran TS, Yelland LN, Ashwood P, Han S, Dodd JM, Robinson JS The IDEAL study: investigation of dietary advice and lifestyle for women with borderline gestational diabetes: a randomised controlled trial - study protocol. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2012 Oct 9;12(1):106. [Epub ahead of print]
    18. Dodd JM, Crowther CA, Haslam RR, Robinson JS; For the Twins Timing of Birth Trial Group. Elective birth at 37 weeks of gestation versus standard care for women with an uncomplicated twin pregnancy at term: the Twins Timing of Birth Randomised Trial BJOG 2012;119:964-974
      Dodd JM, Catcheside B, Scheil W Can shoulder dystocia be reliably predicted? ANZJOG 2012;52(3):248-252
    19. Crowther CA, Dodd JM, Hiller JE, Haslam RR, Robinson JS for the BAC Study Group. Planned vaginal birth or elective repeat caesarean - patient preference restricted cohort with nested randomised trial PLoS Medicine 2012 9(3)e1001192 doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001192
    20. Dodd JM, Crowther CA. Elective repeat caesarean section versus induction of labour for women with a previous caesarean birth. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012 May 16;5:CD004906. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD004906.pub3. Review.
    21. Sui Z, Grivell RM, Dodd JM. Antenatal exercise to improve outcomes in overweight or obese women: a systematic review. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2012;91(5):538-545
    22. Moran LJ, Dodd JM, Nisenblat V, No545rman RJ Obesity and Reproductive Dysfunction in Women. Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics 2011; 40(4):895-906
    23. Dodd JM, Turnbull DA, McPhee AJ, Wittert G, Crowther CA, Robinson JS Limiting weight gain in overweight and obese women during pregnancy to improve health outcomes: the LIMIT randomised controlled trial. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2011 Oct 26;11(1):79.
    24. Grivell RM, Reilly AJ, Oakey H, Chan A, Dodd JM Maternal and neonatal outcomes following induction of labor: a cohort study. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2011 Oct 13. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0412.2011.01298.x.
    25. Grivell RM, Pinto MB, Dodd JM The influence of intrapartum factors on risk of uterine rupture and successful vaginal birth after caesarean. Clinics in Perinatology 2011; 38(2):265-275
    26. Kingdom JPC, Walker M, Proctor LK, Keating S, Shah PS, McLeod A, Keunen J, Windrim RC, Dodd JM Un-fractionated heparin for second trimester placental insufficiency: a pilot randomized trial. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2011; June 20 (e-pub)
    27. Grivell RM, Dodd JM Short term and long term outcomes after caesarean section. Expert Review in Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2011 6(2):205-215
    28. Dodd JM, Robinson JS. Gestational weight loss in overweight and obese women is associated with an increased risk of small for gestational age infants. Evid Based Med. 2011 Mar 29.
    29. Dodd JM, Grivell RM, Nguyen AM, Chan A, Robinson JS. Maternal and perinatal health outcomes by body mass index category.Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol. 2011 51(2):136-40.
    30. Dodd JM, Crowther CA. Misoprostol for induction of labour to terminate pregnancy in the second or third trimester for women with a fetal anomaly or after intrauterine fetal death. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2010 Apr 14;(4):CD004901. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD004901.pub2. Review.
    31. Dodd JM, Crowther CA, Haslam RR, Robinson JS. Timing of birth for women with a twin pregnancy at term: a randomised controlled trial. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2010, 10:68
    32. Drewlo S, Walker M, McLeod A, Dodd J, Kingdom J. Heparin in human placental development and the prevention of placental complications of pregnancy. Fetal and Maternal Medicine Review 2010;21(3):1-19
    33. Dodd JM, Grivell RM, Crowther CA, Robinson JS Antenatal interventions for overweight or obese pregnant women: a systematic review of randomised trials. BJOG 2010;117(11):1316-26 (Impact Factor 3.101)
    34. Dodd JM, Crowther CA. Misoprostol for induction of labour to terminate pregnancy in the second or third trimester for women with a fetal anomaly or after intrauterine fetal death. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2010 Apr 14;(4):CD004901. Review. (Impact Factor 5.182
    35. Grivell RM, Dodd JM Is the growing trend for caesarean section a cause for concern? Expert Review Obstetrics and Gynecology 2010 (March 2010)
    36. Dodd JM, Crowther CA, McPhee AJ, Flenady VJ, Robinson JS Progesterone after previous preterm birth for prevention of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome (PROGRESS): a randomised controlled trial (protocol) BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2009
      Dodd JM The role of progesterone in the prevention of preterm birth. International Journal Women's Health 2009 (Impact Factor 1.935)
    37. Costa SL, Proctor LK, Dodd JM, Toal M, Okun N, Johnson J, Windrim R, Kingdom JPC Screening for placental insufficiency in high-risk pregnancies: is earlier better? Placenta 2008 29(12):1034-1040 (Impact Factor 3.238)
    38. Dodd JM, Sahi K, McLeod A, Windrim RC, Kindgom JPC. Heparin therapy for complications of placental dysfunction: A systematic review. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2008;87(8):804-811 (Impact Factor 1.699)
    39. Dodd JM, Crowther CA, Robinson JS Dietary and lifestyle interventions to limit weight gain during pregnancy for obese of overweight women: a systematic review. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2008;87(7):702-706 (Impact Factor 1.699)
    40. Dodd JM, Anderson ER, Gates S. Surgical techniques for uterine incision and uterine closure at the time of caesarean section. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2008 Jul 16;(3):CD004732. Review. (Impact Factor 5.182)
    41. Dodd JM, Flenady VJ, Cincotta R, Crowther CA Progesterone for the prevention of preterm birth: A systematic review. Obstet Gynecol 2008; 112(1):127-134. (Impact Factor 4.819)
      Toal M, Keating S, Machin G, Dodd J, Adamson SL, Windrim RC, Kingdom JCP. Determinants of adverse perinatal outcome in high-risk women with abnormal uterine artery Doppler images. AmJOG 2008; 198(3):e1-7. (Impact Factor 3.572)
    42. Farine D, Mundle WR, Dodd JM, Basso M, Delisle MF, Grabowska K, Hudon L, Menticoglou SM, Murphy-Kaulbeck LC, Ouellet A, Pressey T, Roggensack A, Gagnon R The use of progesterone for prevention of preterm birth. J Obstet Gynaecol Can 2008;30(1):67-71
      Cyna AM, Dodd JM Clinical Update: Obstetric Anaesthesia. Lancet 2007;370(9588):640-642. (Impact Factor 28.409)
    43. Dodd JM, Crowther CA, Hiller JE, Haslam RR, Robinson JS Birth after caesarean study - planned vaginal birth or planned elective repeat caesarean for women at term with a single previous caesarean birth: protocol for a patient preference study and randomised trial. BMC Pregnancy & Childbirth 2007;7:17 (htpp://
    44. Dodd JM, Crowther CA, Antoniou G, Baghurst P, Robinson JS Screening for gestational diabetes: the effect of varying blood glucose definitions in the prediction of adverse maternal and infant health outcomes. ANZJOG 2007;47:307-12. (Impact Factor 1.139)
    45. Dodd JM, Ashwood P, Flenady V, Jenkins-Manning S, Cincotta R, Crowther CA A survey of clinician and patient attitudes towards the use of progesterone for women at risk of preterm birth. ANZJOG 2007;47:106-109. (Impact Factor 1.139)


    Manuscripts Submitted or In Press

    1. Sui Z, Turnbull DA, Dodd JM. Perception of and satisfaction with body image among pregnant women who are overweight or obese. Women and Birth 2013, in press
    2. Sui Z, Chapple L, Moran LJ, Dodd JM. Agreement between a food frequency questionnaire and the Willett questionnaire in overweight or obese pregnant women. Journal of Nutritional Therapeutics, 2013 in press

    Refereed Conference Publications

    1. Sui Z, Turnbull DA, Dodd JM Making healthy changes during pregnancy: enablers and barriers identified by overweight and obese women. The Obesity Society Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, USA. September 2012
    2. Martin KE, Grivell RM, Dodd JM GDM among women who are overweight and obese: the effect of BMI category. The Obesity Society Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, USA. September 2012
      Moran LJ, Sui Z, Cramp C, Dodd, JM A decrease in diet quality occurs during pregnancy in overweight and obese women. The Obesity Society Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, USA. September 2012
    3. Sui Z, Turnbull DA, Dodd JM Perception of and satisfaction with body image among pregnant women who are overweight or obese. The Obesity Society Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, USA. September 2012
    4. Sui Z, Moran LJ, Dodd JM Determinants of physical activity during and after pregnancy in overweight and obese women. The Obesity Society Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, USA. September 2012
    5. Deussen AR, Mohamad I, Yelland LN, Grivell RM, McPhee AJ, Dodd JM Neonatal Body composition in infants born to women who are overweight or obese. The Obesity Society Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, USA. September 2012
    6. Moran LJ, Sui Z, Cramp C, Dodd, JM A decrease in diet quality occurs during pregnancy in overweight and obese women which is maintained post-partum. Nutrition in Medicine, Melbourne, Victoria. May 2012
    7. Sui Z, Turnbull DA, Dodd JM Overweight and obese women's perception about making healthy change during pregnancy: A mixed-method study. Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand, Sydney, New South Wales. March 2012
    8. Sui Z, Moran LJ, Dodd JM Agreement between a devised food frequency questionnaire and the Willett food frequency questionnaire in overweight or obese pregnant women. Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand, Sydney, New South Wales. March 2012
    9. Sui Z, Dodd JM Self reported activity levels over the course of pregnancy among women who are overweight or obese. Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand, Sydney, New South Wales. March 2012


  • Professional Associations

    National and International Committees
    •  2011-present Member National Maternity Council
    • 2009-present Member World Health Organisation (WHO) Integrated Management of Pregnancy and Childbirth (IMPAC) Review Group
    • 2011, 2012 Member NHMRC Practitioner Fellowship Review Group
    • 2009-2012 Member NHRMC Grant Review Panel (Perinatology, Paediatrics, Obstetrics, Reproduction; Clinical Trials)
    • 2008-present Secretary and Member of the Executive Committee of the Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand (PSANZ)
    • 2008-present Chair Executive Committee of the Interdisciplinary Maternal and Perinatal Australasian Clinical Trials (IMPACT) Network
    • 2005-2006 Maternal Fetal Medicine Committee - Trainee Representative (Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists)
    • 2002-2003 Obstetric representative on the Executive Committee of the Interdisciplinary Maternal and Perinatal Australasian Clinical Trials (IMPACT) Network


    State Committees

    • 2011-present Chair South Australian State-wide Maternal and Neonatal Clinical Network Steering Committee (Government of South Australia, Department of Health)
    • 2011-present Chair South Australian Maternal, Perinatal, and Infant Mortality Committee (Government of South Australia, Department of Health)
    • 2011-present Chair South Australian Abortion Reporting Committee (Government of South Australia, Department of Health)
    • 2011-present Member Women's and Children's Health Network (Government of South Australia, Department of Health)
    • 2009-present Chair SA Maternity and Neonatal Clinical Reference Work Group developing guidelines for care of bariatric pregnant patients
    • 2008-2011 Member South Australian State-wide Maternal and Neonatal Clinical Network Steering Committee (Government of South Australia, Department of Health)
    • 2004-2006 South Australian RANZCOG representative, SA Pregnancy Website Working Group
    • 2004-2006 South Australian RANZCOG representative, SA Neonatal Screening Programme


    Peer Review Activities

    • 2008-present Editor, Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Group
    • 2008-2013 Associate Editor, Australian and New Zealand Journal Obstetrics & Gynaecology
    • 2002-present Internal Reviewer for the Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Review Group
    • 2002-present Regular peer reviewer for general medical journals, including the British Medical Journal, JAMA, Journal of the Canadian Medical Association, PLos Medicine, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, and the Medical Journal of Australia; and specialty journals in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, including Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology; European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology; British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Acta Scandinavica Obstetrica et Gynecologica; Archives of Obstetrics and Gynaecology; American Journal of Perinatology; and Birth


    Conference and Workshop Organisation

    • 2012-2013 Member, Scientific Committee Perinatal Society Australia & New Zealand, Adelaide, March 2013
    • 2009 Course convenor, Critical Appraisal Workshop, RANZCOG ASM, Auckland, New Zealand, March 2009
    • 2009 Invited Chair, International Society of Fetus as a Patient, Sydney, NSW, March 2009
    • 2009 Invited Chair, PSANZ, Darwin, Northern Territory, April 2009
    • 2008-2010 Chair Scientific Committee RANZCOG ASM, Adelaide 2010
    • 2008-present Development of course and materials in critical appraisal and study design for health RANZCOG Trainees across Australia and New Zealand
    • 2008 Invited Chair PSANZ, Gold Coast, Queensland, April 2008
    • 2002 Member organising committee International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians, Adelaide, November 2002


    Professional Training and Accreditation (RANZCOG)

    • 2008-present Subspecialty training supervisor Maternal Fetal Medicine - Rosalie Grivell
    • 2008-present Supervision of registrar research projects - Aimee Reily, Adele Crowley, Casey Steahr, Nicola Denton, Anthea Rallis, Asha Short, Nicole Dreyer,


    Referee for Funding Bodies

    • 2004-present Canadian Institute of Health Research; Scottish Chief Medical Officer; Health Research Council of New Zealand; Auckland Medical Research Foundation
    • 2006-present National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC); Channel 7 Research Foundation


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Entry last updated: Wednesday, 18 May 2022

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