Dr Judith Gomersall

Dr Judith Gomersall
 Position Grant-Funded Researcher (B)
 Org Unit Women's and Children's Health
 Email judith.gomersall@adelaide.edu.au
 Telephone 831 30152
  • Biography/ Background

    Judith, who is from South Africa, is currently employed at the University of Adelaide in the School of Translational Health Science and working as a Research Fellow for a five year NHMRC Centre of Excellence program, called CREATE. CREATE  is a collaboration between the SAHMRI Aboriginal Health Unit, NACCHO and University of Adelaide focused on assiting the Aborginal community controlled sector to design and impelemnt knowledge translation activites that improve health outcomes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.  After studying undergraduate history and economics, she obtained a Masters in Economics (1995). After teaching economics at the University of Rhodes and Cape Town, in 2000 Judith move to the Children’s Budget Project at the Institute for Democracy in South Africa where she conducted research, advocacy and capacity building to translate research on the child poverty situation and government spending on child rights into better outcomes for poor children. In 2006 she became a Research Manager in the Human Sciences Research Council in South Africa, where she continued to work in the children’s sector and was involved in a number of research and knowledge translation projects, including in the area of child work and early childhood development programming. In 2010 Judith migrated with her family to Australia and obtained a PhD in Public Management and Development for her research profiling child poverty in South Africa and a review based analysis of the performance of government’s income support program for addressing child poverty. Since May 2011 Judith has worked at the Joanna Briggs Institute, in the School of Translational Science, at the University of Adelaide. In this role she is involved in conducting and supervising systematic reviews as well as various other knowledge translation activities aimed at promoting evidence based health practice. Judith’s passion and interest in research is developing and implementing effective research synthesis and broader knowledge translation activities that enhance policy and programing for vulnerable and discriminated against groups in society, particularly children, and thereby promoting equity.

  • Qualifications

    BA (Economics & History), Hons (History), Hons (Economics), MComm (Economics) PhD (Public Management and Development)

  • Teaching Interests

    Systematic review; Strategies for translating evidence into health policies and practice that improve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health outcomes;  Joanna Briggs Institute Clinical Fellowship Program focused on using evidence based audit to improve health outcomes; Budget monitoring to advance child rights and redcue child poverty.

  • Research Interests

    Systematic review methodology for knowledge translation activities that improve Aborigional and Torres Strait Islander peoples health outcomes; Sustainable funding and service delivery models for the community controlled primary health care sector in Australia; child wellbeing and poverty profiling to support interventions that improve outcomes of marginalised children.

  • Publications

    Dyer M, Streak Gomersall J, Smithers L, Davy C, Coleman D, Street J.  Prevalence and characteristics of overweight and obesity in Indigenous Australian children: A systematic review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. (Forthcoming early 2015)

    Gichuhi M & Gomersall J. Implementation of best practice for dyspepsia management in an outpatient hospital setting in Kenya. Int J Evid Based Health Care. 2013. 11:187-193.

    Gomersall J. The performance of the South African Child Support Grant: Review. Development Southern Africa. 2013. 30(4-5):525-544.

    Porritt K, Gomersall J, Lockwood C. Study selection and critical appraisal. The steps following the literature search in a systematic review. AJN. 2014. 114(6):47-52.

    Streak J, Yu D, & Van der Berg S. Measuring child poverty in South Africa: Sensitivity to the choice of Adult Equivalence Scale and an updated profile. Social Indicators Research, 2009; vol.94(2):183-201.

    Streak J. The GEAR legacy: Did GEAR fail or move South Africa forward in development? Development Southern Africa. 2004;vol.21(2).

    Streak J. The counter-counterrevolution in development theory on the role of the state in development. Development Southern Africa. 1997;vol14(3).

    Streak J, & Dinkleman T. The determinants of foreign direct investment and South Africa's Industrial Development Strategy. Transformation. 1999;no.4.

    Streak J. Cocoa production in the Indian Ocean Rim Region. South African Journal of Economic History. 1996;March.

    Dawes A, Streak J, Levine S, & Ewing D. Child agricultural work in South Africa: A contested space. In Childhood poverty: Multidiciplinary approaches. Edited by Jo Boyden and Michael Bourdillon. 2012; Studies on Children in Development Series Pulgrave Macmillan.  

    Biersteker L, Streak J, & Gwele M. Toward and adequate early childhood development centre subsidy for children under five in South Africa.  In Co-ordinators Notebook of the Consultative Group on Early Childhood Care and Development. 2008;no.30.

    Streak J. Claiming resources for socioeconomic rights in South Africa. In Socioeconomic rights in South Africa - A Resource Book, second edition. 2006; Cape Town; University of Western Cape Community Law Centre.



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Entry last updated: Tuesday, 29 Mar 2022

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