Dr Kate Delaporte

Dr Kate Delaporte
 Position Senior Lecturer
 Org Unit Food Science
 Email kate.delaporte@adelaide.edu.au
 Telephone 831 37405
 Location Coach House ,   Waite
  • Awards & Achievements

    Playford Trust Board Member 2011 to present

    Churchill Fellowship 2000

    Playford Trust PhD Scholarship in Horticulture 1996-2000

  • Research Interests

    Kate’s main interest is improving Australian native plants for horticulture by research into propagation, cultivation, and breeding and selecting new varieties and species.  She also has interests in renewing the Urban Forest, sustainable agriculture and the environment; amenity horticulture (nursery, cut flower, garden design), general horticulture (in particular small fruits and new crops such as essential oils, herbs, spices and Asian vegetables); re-forestation and plant genome conservation.


    Kate regularly attends conferences and workshops in the area of Australian plant development


  • Research Funding

    1999-2004 RIRDC Project "Breeding of eucalypt bud and flower lines" RIRDC Publication No: 04/163

    2004-2007 RIRDC Project "Development of novel eucalypt hybrids" RIRDC Publication No: 08/018

    2008-2011 RIRDC Project "Progress towards commerial release of ornamental eucalypt varieties"

    2010-2013 HAL Project "Gaining a better understanding of Ornamental Eucalypts"

    2013-2015 UA ARI CAS "Field trials for proof-of-concept of novel ornamental eucalypt hybrids produced from tissue culture"

    2013-2014 BioSA Project "Ornametal Eucalypt Development Program"

  • Publications


    Papers - refereed

    Delaporte K.L. A. Klieber and M. Sedgley. 2005.  Effect of sucrose at different concentrations and cold storage on vase life of three ornamental Eucalyptus species.  Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 80(4):471-475.

    Delaporte K.L. and M. Sedgley. 2004. Selection and breeding of Eucalypts for Ornamental Horticulture. In T Fernandez & CG Davidson (eds), 26th International Horticultural Congress, Symposium 18: Nursery Crops, Acta Horticulturae 630:77-84.

    Delaporte, K.L., J. Conran and M. Sedgley. 2001a. Morphological analysis to identify the pollen parent of an ornamental interspecific hybrid Eucalyptus. Scientia Horticulturae 89:55-72.

    Delaporte, K.L., J. Conran and M. Sedgley 2001b. Interspecific hybridisation between three closely related ornamental Eucalyptus species: E. macrocarpa, E. youngiana, E. pyriformis. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology 76(4):384-391.

    Delaporte, K.L., J. Conran and M. Sedgley. 2001c. Interspecific hybridisation within Eucalyptus (Myrtaceae): subgenus Symphyomyrtus, sections Bisectaria and Adnataria. International Journal of Plant Science 162(6):1317-1326.

    Delaporte, K.L., G. Collins, J. Conran and M. Sedgley. 2001d. Molecular analysis of an interspecific ornamental Eucalypt hybrid for parental identification. Euphytica 122:165-170.

    Delaporte, K.L., A. Klieber, A. and M. Sedgley. 2000. Postharvest vase life of two flowering Eucalyptus species.  Postharvest Biology and Technology 19:181-186.

    Glocke, P. Delaporte, K., Collins, G. and M. Sedgley. 2006. Micropropagation of juvenile tissue of Eucalyptus erythronema×Eucalyptus stricklandii cv. ‘Urrbrae Gem’. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology, 42(2):139-143.

    Neaylon, K., K.L. Delaporte, G. Collins, J. Conran and M. Sedgley. 2001. Molecular analysis of hybrids between ornamental Eucalypts E. macrocarpa, E. pyriformis and E. youngiana. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 126(3): 336-339.

    Sedgley, M., M.G. Wirthensohn and K.L. Delaporte. 1996. Interspecific hybridisation between Banksia hookeriana Meisn. and B. prionotes Lindl. (Proteaceae). International Journal of Plant Science 157(5):638-643.


    Papers and Industry reports (un-refereed)

    Kate Delaporte, Cassandra Collins and Michelle Wirthensohn. 2013. Gaining a better understanding of Ornamental Eucalypts”, Final Report for Horticulture Australia Ltd Project NY09023, June 2013.

    Kate Delaporte, Cassandra Collins and Michelle Wirthensohn. 2013. Progress towards commercial release of ornamental eucalypt varieties. Wildflowers Australia March Newsletter. March 2013.

    Kate Delaporte, Narhoja Omarhoja, Cassandra Collins, and Michelle Wirthensohn. 2012. Progress towards commercial release of ornamental eucalypt varieties. Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation Publication No 12/120.

    Kate Delaporte, Sarah Kane, and Prue Mc Michael. 2009. Almond Industry Pest & Disease Control Guide 2009-10, Almond Board of Australia, Berri, SA.

    Cassandra Collins and Kate Delaporte. 2009. Integrating native biodiversity into vineyard production systems. Internal literature review for the Adelaide Hills and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board.

    Kate Delaporte and Margaret Sedgley. 2008. Development of novel hybrid eucalypts. Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation Publication No 08/018.

    Kate Delaporte 2007. Australian plants in Japan – past present and future. Report to the Hyogo Prefecture Awaji Landscape Planning and Horticulture Academy.

    Delaporte K.L. and M. Sedgley. 2006.  Selection of novel hybrid eucalypts.  7th Australian Native Flower Conference Proceedings, Brisbane, Australia, 26-27th May, 2005.

    Delaporte K.L. and M. Sedgley. 2003. Improvement of Ornamental Eucalypts. Australian Plants Society Journal, South Australia. 17(6):210-213.

    Delaporte K.L. and M. Sedgley. 2002. Gumnuts Galore: the pursuit of the ultimate eucalypt. The 6th Australian Wildflower Conference, Sydney, 30th May to 1st June, 2002.

    Delaporte, K.L. and M. Sedgley. 2000. Ornamental Eucalypts: Species for cut flower and bud production.  Australian Plants 20(164) 354-359.

    Delaporte, K.L., G. Collins, J. Conran, A. Klieber and M. Sedgley. 1999. Development of Ornamental Eucalypts. Proceedings of the 5th Australian Wildflower Conference, Melbourne, 14th to 17th April, 1999.  pp:51-52.

    Delaporte, K.L., A. Klieber and M. Sedgley. 1997. To pulse or not to pulse? Improving the vase life of Banksia coccinea. Australian Horticulture 95(8):79-84.

    Delaporte, K.L., Klieber, A. and M. Sedgley. 1997. Improving the vase life of Banksia coccinea by postharvest treatments.  Journal of the International Protea Association 34:17-19.

    Margaret Sedgley and Kate Delaporte. 2004. Breeding of eucalypt bud and flower lines. Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation Publication No 04/163.

    Margaret Sedgley and Kate Delaporte. 2004. Eucalypts for cut bud, flower and foliage production. In S. Salvin, M. Bourke AM & T. Byrne (eds), The New Crop Industries Handbook, Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation Publication No 04/125:428-433.

    Sedgley, M. and K.L. Delaporte. 2002. Selection and breeding of Eucalypts for Ornamental Horticulture. Proceedings of the Australian Society for Horticultural Science Conference, Sydney, 30th September to 2nd October 2002.




    Horsman, C. and K.L. Delaporte. 2002.  Eucalypts for Floriculture: A Grower’s Guide.  RIRDC publication No; 02/132.




    Delaporte, K.L., Wirthensohn, M. and C. Collins. 2012. Gaining a better understanding of Ornamental Eucalypts. NGIA National Conference, Gold Coast, March, 2012.

    Delaporte, K.L., J. Guerin and M. Sedgley. 2002. Eucalypt breeding for Ornamental Horticulture.  12th Australasian Plant Breeding Conference, Perth, Australia, 15-20 September 2002.

    Delaporte, K. L., A. Klieber and M. Sedgley. 2001. Postharvest Vase Life of Ornamental Eucalypt Flowers and Buds.  2001 Australasian Postharvest Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 23-27 September 2001.

    Delaporte, K.L., J. Conran and M. Sedgley. 2000. Hybridisation in Eucalyptus ser. Curviptera: a morphological study. Flowers 2000: The first Australian Flower Conference, Tumbi-Umbi, New South Wales, 2-6 August, 2000.

    Delaporte, K.L., G. Collins, J. Conran, J., A. Klieber and M. Sedgley. 1999. Improvement of Ornamental Eucalypts.  14th National AFPGA Conference, Hahndorf, South Australia, 20-22 August, 1999.

    Neaylon, K., K.L. Delaporte, G. Collins, J. Conran and M. Sedgley. 2000. Hybridisation in Eucalyptus ser. Curviptera: a molecular study. Flowers 2000: The first Australian Flower Conference, Tumbi-Umbi, New South Wales, 2-6 August, 2000.

    Glocke, P., K.L. Delaporte and M. Sedgley. 2005.  Organogenesis and Somatic Embryogenesis of Ornamental Hybrid Eucalypts. 7th Australian Native Flower Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 26-27th May, 2005.

  • Professional Associations

    Australian Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology

    Qualified Person (QP) IP Australia Plant Breeders Rights

    International Plant Propagators Society Australian Region

  • Professional Interests


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Entry last updated: Tuesday, 10 Jan 2023

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