Dr Lan Phuong Nguyen

Dr Lan Phuong Nguyen
 Position Lecturer
 Org Unit Adelaide Business School
 Email lanphuong.nguyen@adelaide.edu.au
 Telephone 831 32076
 Location Floor/Room Twelfth Floor ,  10 Pulteney Street - Nexus 10 Tower ,   North Terrace
  • Biography/ Background

    Lan Phuong (Phuong) Nguyen is a Lecturer at the Adelaide Business School, with the research focus on empirical Corporate Finance. Phuong teaches Takeovers & Corporate Restructuring and does empirical research on executive compensation, capital raising decision, institutional investment, corporate disclosures, and corporate governance. Her research has been published in top academic journals such as the Journal of Corporate Finance. Her teaching experience includes courses in Advanced Corporate Finance, Case Studies in Finance, and Mergers & Value Enhancing Strategies. Before joining Adelaide Business School, Phuong was a Senior Analyst at Mercer Australia, managing and analyzing executive remuneration projects for ASX listed companies, cross-border acquisitions, Australia University Chancellor Council and many other Australian government agencies. 

  • Qualifications

    Phuong holds a PhD in Business and Economics (Finance Discipline) and a Master in Commerce from the University of Melbourne, a MSc in Financial Economics from BI Norwegian Business School, and a Bachelor in Finance (honours) from Foreign Trade University - Vietnam.

  • Teaching Interests

    Phuong currently teaches Takeovers, Corporate Restructuring & Governance to undergraduate students.

  • Research Interests

    Phuong's rearch utilizes self-collected non-commercialized empirical data to examine topics at the interaction of Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance. Her current working papers aim to explore the relations between executive debt-like compensation and various corporate decisions, including annual disclosures, effort signalling, and choice of CEOs. 

    Working papers:

    • Nguyen, Lan Phuong; Galpin, Neal E.; Jung, Hae Won and Twite, Garry J., "Disclosures of CEO inside debt and the timing of new bond issuance" (SSRN link) Working paper
    • Nguyen, Lan Phuong, "CEO inside debt and the use of leverage as a takeover defense" (SSRN link) Working paper
    • Nguyen, Lan Phuong, "The removals of anti-takeover provisions and CEO inside debt-equity ratio changes" (SSRN link) Working paper
    • Nguyen, Lan Phuong, "CEO risk-aversion incentives and within-firm vertical integration" (SSRN link) Under review


  • Publications


    • Nguyen, Lan Phuong; Galpin, Neal E. and Twite, Garry J., "New Active Blockholders and Adjustment of CEO relative incentive ratios", Journal of Corporate Finance. (SSRN link)

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Entry last updated: Friday, 21 Jun 2024

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