Dr Laura Marquez-Ramos
Biography/ Background
Dr. Laura Márquez-Ramos is a Full Professor at Universitat Jaume I (Spain). She joined the University of Adelaide in September 2016, when she worked at the Institute for International Trade, where she taught Research Methods in International Trade and Research Project in International Trade, coordinated the research projects (12 units) of the students in the Master of International Trade and Development, supervised interns and PhD students, and was the Associate Head of Research and Higher Degree by Research coordinator. Later, she was an ARC Grant-Funded Researcher at the School of Economics and Public Policy (October 2020 - August 2021). She was awarded with a Faculty of the Professions Executive Dean's Award for Excellence in Research in 2016 and 2017. Her research appears in refereed journals such as Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Applied Economics, Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, Ecological Indicators, Economic Modelling, Journal of African Economies, Papers in Regional Science, Review of World Economics, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, and The World Economy. She has participated in a wide number of research projects, including an Australian Research Council Discovery Project about trade and investment in Australia.
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Entry last updated: Wednesday, 7 Feb 2024