Professor Leonie Heilbronn

Professor Leonie Heilbronn
 Position Professorial Research Fellow (E)
 Org Unit Medical Specialties
 Telephone 0 8128 4838
 Location Floor/Room Level 7 ,  SAHMRI - South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute ,   West End Health Precinct
  • Biography/ Background

    Current Appointments:

    Research Leader, Discipline of Medicine

    and Robinson Institute, Research Centre for Reproductive Health

    Past Appointments:

    Senior Research Officer, Garvan Institute, Sydney, Australia

    Post-doctoral Researcher, Pennington Biomedical Research Centre, Baton Rouge, LA, USA

  • Qualifications

    2001: Doctor of Philosophy, University of Adelaide, "Gene/Environment Interactions in Obesity".

    1997: Bachelor of Science (Hons), University of Adelaide, "Effects of altering diet composition on glucose metabolism during weight loss in type 2 diabetes."

    1996-4: Bachelor of Science, University of Adelaide.

  • Awards & Achievements

    2012 - 2016: ARC, Future Fellow

    2008 - 2012: NHMRC, Career Development Award I

    2004 - 2008: NHMRC, Peter Doherty Biomedical Fellowship

    2007: ANZOS, Young Investigator

  • Research Interests

    Dr. Heilbronn is an investigator in the field of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus with a focus on understanding the molecular and physiological basis of obesity and its co-morbidities in humans. In particular, she examines mechanisms of insulin resistance in skeletal muscle and in adipose tissue during environmental perturbations in humans (e.g. overfeeding, calorie restriction, hyperbaric oxygen therapy). She is also interested in the role of nutrition in healthy ageing. 

  • Research Funding

    2014: Diabetes Australia Research Trust (DART) "Effects of periodic fasting on the inflammatory profile in serum and adipose tissue." LK Heilbronn, $60,000

    2012-2014: NHMRC Project APP1023401 "Does periodic fasting improve insulin sensitivity and metabolic health in humans?" LK Heilbronn, GA Wittert $809,130.
    2012: Diabetes Australia Research Trust (DART) "Does hyperbaric oxygen therapy alter insulin sensitivity in humans?" LK Heilbronn, $60,000
    2012: Channel 7 Foundation "Does IVF impair insulin sensitivity in humans?" LK Heilbronn, RJ Norman, M Davies, $75,000.
    2011: Mary Overton New Investigator Project Grant "Is insulin sensitivity improved by hyperbaric oxygen therapy?" LK Heilbronn, $50,000.

  • Publications

    Selected Publications:

    1. Samocha-Bonet D, Tam CS, Campbell LV, Heilbronn LK. Raised circulating fetuin-A following 28 days of overfeeding in healthy humans. Diabetes Care, Sept 2, 2013.
    2. Heilbronn LK, Coster ACM, Lange K, Christopher M, Meikle P, Greenfield J, Campbell LV, Samocha-Bonet D. Plasma lipidomic profiles in response to high fat overfeeding. Obesity, Accepted Apr 28, 2013.
    3. Chen MX, Norman RJ, Heilbronn LK. Does IVF increase risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease? Curr Diab Rev, 7(6):426-32, 2011.
    4. Wilkinson D, Chapman IM, Heilbronn LK. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases insulin sensitivity in humans. Diabetic Med, 29(8):986-9, 2012
    5. Samocha-Bonet D, Campbell LV, Mori TA, Croft KD, Christopher M, Meikle P, Greenfield JR, Viardot A, Turner N, Heilbronn LK. Overfeeding induces oxidative stress, but not markers of mitochondrial dysfunction in humans. PLoS One, Jan 30, 2012
    6. Tam CS, Viardot A, Clement K, Tjordman J, Greenfield J, Campbell LV, Samocha-Bonet D, Heilbronn LK. Overfeeding induces insulin resistance without altering subcutaneous adipose tissue macrophages in humans. Diabetes 59:1011-8; 2010 [Impact Factor 8].
    7. Samocha-Bonet D, Campbell LV, Viardot A, Tam CS, Freund J, Tonks K, Greenfield JR, Heilbronn LK. A family history of type 2 diabetes increases metabolic risk factors associated with overfeeding. Diabetologia; 53:1700-1708, 2010 [Impact Factor 6]
    8. Albu J, Heilbronn LK, Kelley DE, Azuma K, Smith SR, Berk E, Pi-Sunyer FX, Ravussin E. Metabolic improvements following 1-year diet and exercise intervention in patients with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes, 59:627-33, 2010 [Impact Factor 8]
    9. Larsen-Meyer, de Jonge L, Heilbronn LK, Ravussin E. Ghrelin and PYY in postpartum lactating and non-lactating women. Am J Clin Nutr, 42:152-9, 2010 [Impact Factor 8]
    10. Samocha-Bonet D, Lichtenburg D, Heilbronn LK, Campbell LV. Does oxidative stress initiate insulin resistance in humans? Trends Endo Metab, 21:83-88, 2010. [Impact Factor 7.9]
    11. Heilbronn LK, Campbell LV. Adipose Tissue Macrophages, Low Grade Inflammation and Insulin Resistance in Human Obesity. Curr Pharm Design 14(12):1225-30, 2008. [Impact Factor, 5.2].
    12. Galgani JE, Heilbronn LK, Azuma K, Albu JD, Pi-Sunyer X, Kelley DE, Smith SR, Ravussin E. Metabolic flexibility in response to glucose is not impaired in type 2 diabetes after controlling for glucose uptake. Diabetes; 57: 841-845, 2008 [Impact Factor 8.0]
    13. Heilbronn LK, Gregersen S, Shirkhedkar D, Hu D, Campbell LV. Mechanisms of impaired fatty acid oxidation following a single high fat meal in insulin sensitive relatives of subjects with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes, 56:2046 -2053, 2007. [Impact Factor 8.0]
    14. Azuma K, Heilbronn LK, Albu JB, Smith SR, Ravussin E, Kelley DE and the Look AHEAD Adipose Research Group. Effect of Type 2 Diabetes on adipose tissue distribution. Am J Physiol Endocrinol and Metab; 293(1):E435-42, 2007. [Impact Factor, 4.5]
    15. Civitarese AE, Carling S, Heilbronn LK, Hulver M, Deutsch WA, Smith SR, Ravussin E. Calorie restriction increases muscle mitochondrial biogenesis in humans. PLoS Med;4(3): 485-494, 2007 [Impact Factor, 13.8]
    16. Heilbronn LK, Gan SK, Turner N, Campbell LV, Chisholm DJ. Markers of mitochondrial biogenesis and metabolism are impaired in overweight and obese insulin resistant subjects. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 92(4):1467-73, 2007 [Impact Factor 6.0]
    17. Larson-Meyer DE, Heilbronn LK, Redman LM, Newcomer BR, Frisard MI, Smith SR, Anton S, Alfonso A, Ravussin E. Six months of calorie restriction with or without exercise on insulin sensitivity, fat cell size and ectopic lipid in overweight subjects: results from the CALERIE trial. Diabetes Care, 29(6):1337-44, 2006 [Impact Factor 8]
    18. Heilbronn LK, de Jonge L, Frisard MI, Deutch A, DeLany JP, Larson-Meyer DE, Martin CK, Volaufova J, Smith SR, Williamson DA, Ravussin E and the Pennington CALERIE team. Effect of 6-mo. calorie restriction on biomarkers of longevity, metabolic adaptation and oxidative stress in overweight subjects. JAMA,295(13):1539-48, 2006 [Impact Factor 23]
    19. Heilbronn LK, Civitarese AE, Bogacki I, Smith SR, Hulver M, Ravussin E. Glucose tolerance and skeletal muscle gene expression in response to alternate day fasting in non-obese humans. Obes Res, 13(3):574-81, 2005 [Impact Factor 4]
    20. Heilbronn LK, Smith SR, Anton S, Martin CK, Ravussin E. Alternate day fasting in non-obese subjects: effects on body weight, body composition and energy metabolism. Am J Clin Nutr, 2005, 81:69-73 [Impact Factor 6.4]
    21. Heilbronn LK, Clifton PM. C-reactive protein and coronary artery disease: influence of obesity, caloric restriction and weight loss. J Nutr Biochem. 2002 Jun; 13(6):316-321. [Impact Factor 2.5]
    22. Heilbronn LK, Noakes M, Clifton PM. Energy restriction and weight loss on very low fat diets reduce C reactive protein concentrations in healthy obese women. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, 21:968-70, 2001 [Impact Factor 7]
    23. Heilbronn LK, Kind K, Pancewicz E, Morris AM, Noakes M, Clifton PM. Association of -3826G variant in uncoupling protein-1 with increased BMI in overweight Australian women. Diabetologia,43(2):242-244, 2000 [Impact Factor 5.3]
    24. Heilbronn LK, Noakes M, Clifton PM. The effects of energy restriction, weight loss and diet composition on plasma lipids and glucose control in non insulin dependent diabetes. Diabetes Care 22(6): 889-95, 1999 [Impact Factor 7.9]
  • Media Expertise

    CategoriesMedicine & Medical Research
    ExpertiseObesity; fasting; weight loss; nutrition; diabetes risk; developmental origins of disease; fat cells
    NotesARC Future Fellow
    Mobile0424 187 880

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Entry last updated: Thursday, 9 Jun 2022

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