Professor Lucie Walters

Professor Lucie Walters
 Position Director
 Org Unit Adelaide Rural Clinical School
 Telephone 0 0409692359
 Location ,   Mount Gambier
  • Biography/ Background

    Lucie Walters, PhD, MBBS (UoA), DCH, DRANZCOG, FRACGP, FACRRM is Director of Adelaide Rural Clinical School. Her experience in rural medical educational leadership spans across the continuum from vocational, and prevocational arenas to medical school longitudinal integrated clinical placements. She was instrumental in developing Australia's reputation for longitudinal integrated clerkships, making important early contributions to Flinders University, Otago University and University of Northern Ontario programs.

    Lucie has worked as a rural generalist in Mount Gambier since 1993 with clinical scope during this time covering: general practice, emergency medicine and inpatient care. She currently works in Aboriginal health at Pangula Mannamurna. With a PhD in medical education, Lucie recognises the importance in educational scholarship and context relevant rural clinical research. She has demonstrated research expertise in the fields of work-integrated learning, adult education pedagogies, learner wellbeing, rural training pathways and workforce, and more recently rural health service research.

    Lucie is passionate about improving the health outcomes of rural people through the education, training and professional support of rural doctors. She is a past President of the Australian College or Rural and Remote Medicine and still serves on the Selection and Assessment Committees for the College. As a graduate of the Company Director’s course and member of the National Medical Workforce Strategy Steering Committee she has a clear commitment to clinical governance.



  • Awards & Achievements

    2021   Rural Doctors Association of South Australia Lifetime Achievement Award.

    2015   South Australian Regional Awards, Murraylands and Riverland – ReturnToWorkSA Health Award. Presented to Flinders University Rural Clinical School for creating and developing quality health care outcomes and health education across rural South Australia through training, research and community engagement. 

    2013   Advantage Regional Development Awards, Limestone Coast - Award in Innovation. Presented to Flinders University Rural Clinical School for developing standardised patient clinical training program to support health professional student training and professional development rural health services across rural South Australia.

    2013  Advantage Regional Development Awards, Limestone Coast - Finalist Health. Presented to Flinders University Rural Clinical School Parallel Rural Community Curriculum for attracting medical students to a career in rural medicine and providing them with a training pathway to make this happen.

    2013   Louis Arotti Award for Innovation and Excellence in Rural Health

    2008   South Australian Women’s Honour Roll

    2007   Carrick Institute Award for Programs which Enhance Learning. Category:  Educational partnerships and collaborations with other organisations encompassing partnerships between universities and other organisations. Presented to Flinders University Rural Clinical School. Prof Paul Worley, Dr Lucie Walters, Dr David Rosenthal, Ms Heather Brimson


  • Publications

    1.       Ventres WB , Stone L, Akhtar R, Ring JM, Candib LM, Messias E, Epstein R, Tunzi M, Lee AL, Morley C, Brown CM, Slawson D,Konkin J, Campbell DG, Couper I, Williams S, Brooks R, Walters L. Storylines of family medicine IV: perspectives on practice - lenses of appreciation. Fam Med Com Health 2024;12:e002791. doi:10.1136/fmch-2024-002791

    2.       Shepherd N, Wilson Gray R, Hu W, Hyde S, Partanen R, Pena Vargas A, Walters L, Olsen R.  I’m not “fake rural”: Rural student negotiation of identity and place in medical school. Sociologia Ruralis 2024. DOI: 10.1111/soru.12473

    3.       Pellegrini D, Davies E, Walters L, White L, Montagu A, Padley J. Insights into Rural Generalist therapeutic reasoning using a simulated multi-patient emergency scenario. Rural and Remote Health. 2023

    4.       Graham P, Padley J, Williams S, GonzalezChica D, Isaac V, Walters L. Australian rural medical students' perceived readiness for work as a junior doctor: A crosssectional national survey. Australian Journal of Rural Health. 2023 :

    5.       Campbell D, Williams S, Konkin J, White I, Couper I, Stewart R, Walters L. New insights on rural doctors’ clinical courage in the context of the emerging COVID-19 pandemic. Can J Rural Med.

    6.       McGrail MR, Doyle Z, Fuller L, Gupta TS, Shires L, Walters L. The pathway to more rural doctors: the role of universities. Medical Journal of Australia. 2023 Aug 7;219:S8-13.

    7.       Conn VM, Gabryelska M, Toubia J, Kirk K, Gantley L, Powell JA, Cildir G, Marri S, Stringer WB, Townley S, Webb S, Samaraweera SE, Moore AS, Maybury M, Liu D, Chataway T, Wallington-Gates CT, Walters L, Selth LA, Tergaonkar V, D’Andrea RJ, Pitson SM, Goodall GJ and Conn SJ. Circular RNAs drive oncogenic chromosomal translocations within the MLL recombinome in leukemia. Cancer Cell. 2023

    8.       Williams S, Morgan K, Risley D, McArthur L, Walters L, Gonzalez-Chica D. (2023) Evaluating the impact of the Adelaide Rural Clinical School longitudinal clinical placement on the rural medical workforce: a longitudinal study of graduates, 2004-2019. Australian Journal of Rural Health

    9.       Brooks R, White I, Waters L, Williams S, Couper I, Konkin J, Campbell D. (2023) Developing a conceptually sound questionnaire of clinical courage for Rural and Remote Doctors. Rural and Remote Health:    

    10.    Williams S, Gonzalez-Chica D, Morgan K, McArthur L, Walters L (2023). Undergraduate rural medical training experiences and uptake of rural practice: a retrospective cohort study in South Australia. BMC Medical Education 23(1) Article number 217

    11.    Sanchez J, Maiden J, Barton E, Walters L, Quinn D, Jones N, Doyle AK, Lim D (2023). Factors that sustain indigenous youth mentoring programs: a qualitative systematic review. BMC public health. 2023 Mar 6;23(1):429.

    12.    Phillips H, Sukheja N, Williams S, La Forgia A, Nixon G, McArthur LA, Gonzalez-Chica DA, Walters L (2023).  Point-of-care ultrasound in general practice: an exploratory study in rural South Australia. Rural and Remote Health 2023; 23: 7627.

    13.    Gilchrist P, Walters L, Ward P (2023).  The safety of anaesthesia delivered by Rural Generalist Anaesthetists: A scoping review of the literature. Rural and Remote Health

    14.    Padley J, Gonzalez D, Worley P, Morgan K, Walters L. (2022) Contemporary Australian socio-cultural factors and their influence on medical student rural career intent. Australian Journal of Rural Health. 2022 Apr 5.

    15.    White I, Benson J, Elliott T, Walters L. (2022) Australian general practice registrars’ experiences of training, well-being and support during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study. BMJ open. 1;12(6):e060307.

    16.    Couper I, Walters L. Williams S, Campbell D, White I, Stewart R, Konkin J. (2021) Exploring rural doctors’ early experiences of coping with the emerging COVID-19 pandemic. The Journal of Rural Health

    17.    Walters L, Couper I, Stewart RA, Campbell DG, Konkin J. (2021) The impact of interpersonal relationships on rural doctors’ clinical courageRural and Remote Health: 6668.

    18.    La Forgia A, Williams M, Williams S, Walters L, McArthur L, Gonzalez-Chica D. Are Australian rural clinical school students' career choices influenced by perceived opinions of primary care? Evidence from the national FRAME survey. (2021) Australian Journal of Rural Health

    19.    Walker L, Walters L, Craig J, Isaac V (2021). Flinders University Rural Clinical School Program Outcomes Australian Journal of General Practice May 1;50 (5):319-21

    20.    Gonzalez-Chica D, Gillam M, Williams S, Bishop L, Leach M, Jones M, Walters L, Gardiner F. (2021) Pregnancy-related aeromedical retrievals in rural and remote Australia: national evidence from the Royal Flying Doctor Service. BMC Health Services Research 21:390

    21.    Padley J, Boyd S, Jones A, Walters L. (2021) Transitioning from university to postgraduate medical training: a narrative review of work readiness of medical graduates. Health Science Reports Available at

    22.    Kerr L, Kealy B, Lim D, Walters L. (2021) Rural emergency departments: A systematic review to develop a resource typology relevant to developed countries.  Australian Journal of Rural Health. Feb;29(1):7-20. DOI: 10.1111/ajr.12702

    23.    Raftery D, Isaac V, Walters L. (2021) Factors associated with medical students’ interest in remote and very remote practice in Australia: A national study. Australian Journal of Rural Health.

    24.    Howard J, Jeffery, J, Walters L, Barton E (2021) Rural Aboriginal high school students’ views of their future tertiary education. The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education: 50(2) 293-303 01

    25.    Vogel JP, Tendal B, Giles M, Whitehead C, Burton W, Chakraborty S, Cheyne S, Downton T, Fraile Navarro D, Gleeson G, Gordon A, et al. Clinical care of pregnant and postpartum women with COVID19: Living recommendations from the National COVID19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2020 Dec;60(6):840-51.

    26.    Konkin J , Grave L, Cockburn E,  Couper I, Stewart R, Campbell D, Walters L. (2020) Exploration of rural physicians’ lived experience of practicing outside their usual scope of practice to provide access to essential medical care (clinical courage): an international phenomenological study BMJ Open

    27.    Walters L.,Worley P (2020). Call to expand teaching opportunities in rural family medicine. Medical Education 2020

    28.    Risk J, Mohammadi L, Rhee J, Walters L, Ward PR (2019). Barriers, enablers and initiatives for uptake of advance care planning in general practice: a systematic review and critical interpretive synthesis. BMJ open. 2019;9(9). doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030275

    29.    Isaac V, McLachlan CS, Walters L, Greenhill J (2019). Screening for burn-out in Australian medical students undertaking a rural clinical placement. BMJ Open 2019; 9(7).

    30.    Bentley M, Dummond N, Isaac V, Hodge H, Walters L. Doctors’ rural practice selfefficacy is associated with current and intended small rural locations of practice. Aust J Rural Health. 2019;00:1–7.

    31.    Somporn P, Walters L, Ash J. (2018) Expectations of Rural Community-Based Medical Education: A case study from Thailand. Rural and Remote Health    

    32.    Walters L, Walker L. (2018) Rural medicine ‘cooking up’ Longitudinal Integrated Clerkships Rural and Remote Health

    33.    Witney M, Isaac V, Playford D, Walker L, Garne D, Walters L. (2018) Block versus longitudinal integrated clerkships: students’ views of rural clinical supervision Medical Education    

    34.    Somporn P, Ash J, Walters L. (2018) Stakeholder Views of Rural Community-Based Medical Education: A Narrative Review. Medical Education

    35.    Barton, E.B., Twining, L.D. and Walters, L.K. (2017). Understanding the decision to commence a dose administration aidAustralian Family Physician, 46(12) pp. 943-947.

    36.    Campbell D, Walters L, Couper I, Greacen J. (2017) What are they thinking? Facilitating clinical reasoning through longitudinal patient exposure in rural. Rural and Remote Health 2017 Available at:

    37.    Greenhill J, Richards J, Mahoney S, Campbell N, Walters L. (2017) Transformative learning in medical education: context matters, a South Australian Longitudinal Study. Journal of Transformative Education 16(1) pp. 58-75. DOI: 10.1177/1541344617715710

    38.    Walters LK, McGrail MR, Carson DB, et al. (2017) Where to next for rural general practice policy and research in Australia? The Medical Journal of Australia 2017;207:56-8.

    39.    Charlton S, Schoo A, Walters L (2017) Early dynamic ultrasound for neonatal hip instability to optimise conservative management: A systematic review. BMC Paediatrics

    40.    Walters L, Seal A, McGirr J, Stewart R, Dewitt D, Playford D. (2016) The effect of medical student preference on rural clinical school experience and career intentions. Rural and Remote Health  Available at:

    41.    Worley P, et al A typology of longitudinal integrated clerkships. Medical education. 2016 Sep;50(9):922-32.(Cited by 68)

    42.    Eley DS, Laurence C, David M, Cloninger CR, Walters L.(2016) Rethinking registrar attributes for Australian rural general practice training. Australian Journal of Rural Health. doi:10.1111/ajr.12319

    43.    Laurence CO, Eley DS, Walters L, Elliott T, Cloninger CR. Personality characteristics and attributes of international medical graduates in general practice training: Implications for supporting this valued Australian workforce. Australian Journal of Rural Health. 2016;24(5):333-9.

    44.    Walters L, Brooks K. Integration, continuity and longitudinality: the ‘what’ that makes patient-centred learning in clinical clerkships. Medical Education. 2016; 50 (9):889-91.

    45.   King K, Purcell R, Quinn S, Schoo A, Walters L. (2016) Supports for medical students during rural clinical placements: factors associated with intention to practice in rural locations. Rural and Remote Health (online); 16: 3791 Available at:

    46.    Isaac V, Walters L, McLachlan C. (2015) Association between self-efficacy, career interest and rural career intent in Australian medical students with rural clinical school experience. BMJ Open. 2015;5:e009574.doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-009574: Available at

    47.    Shahi R, Walters L, Ward H, Woodman RJ, Prideaux D. (2015) Clinical participation of medical students in three contemporary training models. Medical Education. 49(12):1219-28.

    48.    Eley DS, Laurence C, Cloninger CR, Walters L. (2015) Who attracts whom to rural general practice? Variations in temperament and character profiles of GP registrars across difference vocational training pathways. Rural and Remote Health 15:3426 (online) 2015. Available at:

    49.    Law I, Walters L. (2015) Career influence of international medical electives in low and middle income countries.  BMC Medical Education, 15:202 URL:

    50.    Gladman J, Ryder C, Walters L. (2015) Measuring and improving cultural safety in a rural clinical school. Rural and Remote Health 15: 3050. (Online) 2015 Available at: 

    51.    Greenhill J, Fielke K, Richards J, Walker L Walters L. (2015) Towards an understanding of medical student resilience in longitudinal integrated clerkships. BMC Medical Education 15:137 URL:

    52.    Walters L,   Laurence C,  Dollard J,  Elliott T, Eley D. (2015) Exploring resilience in rural GP registrars – implications for training. BMC Medical Education 15:110 DOI: 10.1186/s12909-015-0399-x    Available at:

    53.    Heddle W, Roberton G, Mahoney S, Walters L, Ash J, Strasser S, Worley P. (2014) Challenges in transformation of “traditional block rotation” medical student clinical education into a longitudinal integrated clerkship model Education for Health: change in learning & practice 2014;27: 138-42

    54.    Kelly L, Walters L, Rosenthal D.(2014) Community-based Medical Education: is success a result of meaningful personal learning experiences? Education for Health 27(1): p. 47.

    55.    Kleinitz, A., Campbell D, Walters L. (2014) General practice registrar perceptions on training medical students. Australian Family Physician, 43: p. 64-67.

    56.    Eley D, Cloninger R, Walters L, Laurence C, Synnott R, Wilkinson D.(2013)  The relationship between resilience and personality traits in doctors: implications for enhancing wellbeing. Peer J Available at:

    57.    Burton H, Walters L. (2013) Access to Medicare-funded annual comprehensive health assessments for rural people with intellectual disability. Rural and Remote Health 13: 2278. (Online) Available:  

    58.    Gum, L., J. Richards, L. Walters, J. Forgan, M. Lopriore and C. Nobes (2012). Immersing Undergraduates into an Interprofessional Longitudinal Rural Placement.  Rural and Remote Health 12 2271: Available:

    59.    Walters L, Greenhill J, Richards J, Ash J, Campbell N, Schuwirth L (2012) Outcomes of Longitudinal Integrated Clinical Placements for students, clinicians and society Medical Education 46(11): 1028-1041 PMID: 23078680  

    60.    Charlton S, Muir L, Skinner T, Walters L, (2012) Pilot Evaluation of Anterior Dynamic Ultrasound Screening for Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip in a Regional Hospital Rural and Remote Health 12 (online) 2091. Available:  

    61.    Mahoney S, Ash J, Walters L, (2012) Urban Community Based Medical Education - General practice at the core of a new approach to teaching medical students Australian Family Physician 41(8)631-636

    62.    Hirsh D, Walters L, Poncelet A, (2012) Better learning, better doctors, better delivery system: Possibilities from a case study of longitudinal integrated clerkships Medical Teacher 34(7):548-54. PMID: 22746961   

    63.    Ash J, Walters L, Prideaux D, Wilson I (2012). The Context of clinical teaching and learning in Australia. Medical Journal of Australia 196(7): doi: 10.5694/mja5610.11488.

    64.    Walters L, Stagg P, Conradie H, Halsey J, Campbell D, D’Amore A, Greenhill J (2011) Community Engagement by two Australian Rural Clinical Schools. Australasian Journal of University-Community Engagement. 6(2): p. 27-56.

    65.    Walters L, Hirsh D. (2011) Teaching in general practice: considering conceptual lenses. Medical Education 45:660-662 PMID: 21649697

    66.    Young L, Kent L, Walters L. (2011) The John Flynn Placement Program: Evidence for repeated rural exposure for medical students. Aust J Rural Health 19(3):147-53. PMID: 21605228   

    67.    Walters L, Prideaux D, et al. (2011) Demonstrating the value of longitudinal integrated placements for general practice preceptors. Medical Education; 45: 455-63 PMID: 21486321

    68.    Farry P, Adams J, Walters L, Worley P, Dovey S. (2010) Development of the Rural Immersion Programme for 5th Year medical students at the University of Otago. NZ Med J; 123 (1323) PMID: 20930906.

    69.    Walters, L. (2009). How and why rural general practitioners commit the time to precept medical students. Health Professional Education. Adelaide, Flinders University. PhD.

    70.    Walters L, Prideaux D, et al. (2009) What do general practitioners do differently when consulting with a medical student? Medical Education (43)268-273 PMID: 19250354

    71.    Walters L, Worley P, et al. (2008) Do consultations in rural general practice take more time when precepting medical students? Medical Education (42)69-73 PMID: 18181846

    72.    Walters L, Prideaux D, Worley P, Kupa A. (2007) Designing a curriculum for rural interns in South Australia Focus on Health Professional Education 9(3) 57 – 64

    73.    Ranmuthugala G, et al. (2007). Where is the evidence that rural exposure increases uptake of rural medical practice? Aust J Rural Health 15(5), 285–288 PMID: 17760911  

    74.    Walters L, Worley P. (2006). Training in rural practice: Time for integration? Aust J Rural Health 14,Pg 171 – 172 PMID: 17032290 

    75.    Walters L, Worley P, et al. (2005). The impact of medical students on Rural General Practitioner preceptors. Education for Health Vol 18, Nov, Pg 338 – 355. PMID: 16236582

    76.    Walters L, Worley P, et al. (2005). The impact of medical students on Rural General Practitioner preceptors.  Also available at

    77.    Walters L, Worley P., et al. (2003). The parallel rural community curriculum: is it a transferable model? Rural and Remote Health 3 (online), 2003: no 236.

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