Associate Professor Paul Pezanis-Christou

  • Qualifications

    PhD in Economics, European University Institute, 1997

  • Research Interests

    Experimental and Behavioural Economics, Applied Game Theory, Auction markets, Market Design

  • Research Funding

    2014: ARC Discovery Project Grant: "Information quality in auctions of multiple objects" (DP140102949)

  • Publications

    Observational and reinforcement pattern learning: An exploratory study (with N. Hanaki and A. Kirman), European Economic Review, 104,1-21.  

    Believing in correlated types in spite of independence: An indirect evolutionary analysis (with W. Güth), Economics Letters, 134,1-3.  

    Loss aversion and learning to bid (with D. Dittrich, W. Güth and M. Kocher), Economica, 2012, 79(314), 226-257.

    Organisational structure, communication and group ethics (with M. Ellman),  American Economic Review, 2010, 100(5), 2478-2491. 

    Competition with forward contracts: A laboratory analysis motivated by electricity market design (with J. Brandts and A. Schram), Economic Journal, 2008, 118, 192-214.

    Bidding behavior at sequential first-price auctions with(out) supply uncertainty: A laboratory analysis (with T. Neugebauer), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2007, 63(1), 55-72.

    Auctions for  government securities: A  laboratory  comparison of the  discriminatory,  uniform and Spanish designs (with K. Abbink and J. Brandts), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2006, 61(2), 284-303.

    An  experimental  test of  design  alternatives for the British 3G/UMTS  auction (with K. Abbink, B. Irlenbush, B. Rockenbach, A. Sadrieh and R. Selten), European Economic Review, 2005, 49 (2), 505-530. 

    On the impact of Low-Balling: Experimental results in asymmetric auctions, International Journal of Game Theory, 2002, 31(1), 69-89.

    Pareto’s compensation principle (with Murray Kemp), Social Choice and Welfare, 1999, 16(3), 441-444.  

  • Files

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Entry last updated: Thursday, 29 Aug 2019