Professor Paul Reynolds

Professor Paul Reynolds
  • Biography/ Background

    Current Appointment and Address


    Current Rank/Title:                      Clinical Director – Medical Specialties

                                                     Central Adelaide Local Health Network


                                                     Senior Consultant Respiratory and Sleep Physician

                                                     Department of Thoracic Medicine

                                                     Royal Adelaide Hospital



                                                     Basic and Translational Research Program

                                                      Lung Research Laboratory, Hanson Institute


                                                      Professor and NHMRC Practitioner Fellow

                                                      Department of Medicine

                                                      University of Adelaide


    Business Address:                     Royal Adelaide Hospital Chest Clinic

                                                     275 North Terrace


                                                     South Australia, 5000

    Phone:                                      (08) 8222 5487

    Fax:                                          (08) 8222 5957


  • Qualifications

    Academic Qualifications

    Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) University of Adelaide 1980-1985. 

    Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (FRACP). 1987-92 (Respiratory Medicine)

    Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) University of Adelaide 1993-6 (conferred 2000) Thesis titled “The role of tachykinins in airway inflammation and bronchial hyper-responsiveness

    Doctor of Medicine (2009) “The Development of Targeted Adenoviral Vectors for Gene Therapy of Vascular Disease, with Emphasis on the Pulmonary Vasculature”.

    Accredited Sleep Physician, RACP, 2006.

  • Awards & Achievements

    Honours and Awards

    Young Investigator Award – Thoracic Society of Australian and New Zealand, 1993, a single prestigious award open to investigators in both countries.

    Respiratory Research Fellowship - Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand and Allen and Hanburys, 1997-8, a two year research fellowship, only one offered on a competitive basis per year and open to investigators in both countries.

    Young Investigator Grant-in-Aid Award - AstraZeneca / Australian Lung Foundation, 2003, a single Australasian Award for researchers returning to Australia after training overseas.

    Clinical Career Development Award, NHMRC, 2003-7. A highly prestigious national award to foster the development of Physician-Scientists.

    Practitioner Fellowship, NHMRC 2007-11. Renewed 2012-16. A highly prestigious fellowship aimed at integrated research into clinical translation.

  • Professional Associations

    Scientific Discipline / Professional Service (selected)

    President, Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand (2011-12, President-Elect 2010, Immediate Past President 2013)

    Chairman, Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) Respiratory/Sleep Specialist Training Committee (2008-11)

    Member, RACP STC / TSANZ Respiratory Medicine Curriculum Development Committee (2007-9)

    Chairman, RAH Research Committee (2010-)

    Chairman, Central Program Committee, Thoracic Society of Australia and NZ (2004-8)

    Chairman, Asthma Foundation SA MASAC and Vice President / Board Member (2006-11)

    Chairman, RAH Physicians Committee (2009-)

    Trustee, RAH Special Purposes Fund (2006-)

    Vice-President (2008-9) and Executive Member (2009-10) SA Salaried Medical Officers Association

    Executive Member, Asian Pacific Society of Respirology (APSR) (2007-)

    Principal Convenor APSR/ACCP International Congress 2007

    Member NHMRC Respiratory/Sleep GRP (2005,6,8,9,10)

    Member IMVS Animal Ethics Committee (2006-8)

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Entry last updated: Thursday, 20 Jun 2013