Professor Pavel Bedrikovetski
Position | Professor |
Org Unit | Mining and Petroleum Engineering | | |
Telephone | 831 33082 |
Location |
Santos Petroleum Engineering
North Terrace
Biography/ Background
After defending PhD at Applied Mathematics Department of Moscow Gubkin Petroleum University in 1982, Pavel worked at the Oil-Gas Fluid Mechanics Department of this University until 1991, holding position of Research Professor (DSc) in Petroleum Engineering. During this period he was a project manager of reservoir studies in gas-condensate, volatile oil and oil-gas-condensate fields Vuktyl, Astrakhan (Russia), Karachaganak, Tengiz (Kazakhstan), Sovetabad, Gugurtly, Balkui (Turkmenia), Western Barch, Sekhalom-1 and Ulesh (Hungary). Practical reservoir management activity was accompanied by research in phase behaviour, fractured-porous reservoirs and inverse problems of reservoir characterisation and EOR.
In 1991-1994 Pavel was a Visiting Professor at Delft University of Technology and at Imperial College of Science and Technology, where he wrote a book (Kluwer Academic, London, 1993) and consulted BP, British Gas, Chevron, Total, Shell and Statoil on EOR and reservoir characterisation. From 1994 and since now he is a Senior Staff Consultant to Petrobras in formation damage, waterflooding and IOR. The current Petrobras projects are on low salinity waterflooding, fines migration, drilling-induced formation damage and well injectivity.
Pavel joined ASP at University of Adelaide in 2007 and works on coal bed methane and shale gas fields, nano-technologies, EOR and formation damage in close co-operation with Santos and with European oil companies.
BEng in Applied Mathematics, Moscow Gubkin Petroleum University MING, 1975
MSc in Applied Mathematics and Petroleum Engineering, MING, 1977
PhD in Fluid Mechanics, MING, 1982
DSc in Reservoir Engineering, MING, 1990
Teaching Interests
·· Formation damage, its prevention and mitigation;
· Waterflooding;
· EOR and IOR;
· Environmental fluid mechanics;
· Mathematical modelling and fluid mechanics for petrleum engineers and geo-scientists;
· Transport in porous media;
· Non-linear waves in continuous mechanics;
· Systems of conservation laws;
· Reservoir Simulation
Research Interests
Mathematical modelling, laboratory studies and field projects in coal seam gas reservoirs; shale gas fields; geothermal fields; waterflooding; Low-Sal and Smart waterflood; EOR; formation damage.
Formation damage includes fines migration, sand production and control, horizontal and fractured wells, gravel pack, oilfield scaling, drilling fluid invasion and cake formation
Fines migration in oil, gas and unconventional reservoirs. Fines-assisted methods for improved gas and oil production.
Suspension/colloid transport in porous media with applications to environmental engineering, aquifer and soil contamination, artesian wells, water cleaning and treatment, industrial filtering, membrane science, size exclusion chromatography, medical applications
Well stimulation and nano technologies in Unconventional Energy Resources (CBM, shale gas, geothermal reservoirs)
Derivation of basic equations for two-phase multi-component flow in porous and fractured media with geo-mechanics using methods of continuous mechanics and non-equilibrium thermodynamics (Onzager, Couri), Boltzmann’s and random walk micro scale equations.
Exact and asymptotic solutions of non-linear equations of mathematical physics. Riemann problems for systems of conservation laws. Interaction between non-linear waves.
Research Funding
Mounting laboratory on Formation Damage and Improved Oil Recovery, 2009-2012
Modeling the capillary entrapment phenomena and integrity of geological reservoirs for clean energy, water and waste management technologies, ARC Discovery Grant, 2010-2013
Development of innovative technologies for oil production based on the advanced theory of suspension flows in porous media, ARC Linkage Grant, 2010-2013
Determination of rates from different layer from the temperature profile in gas wells, 2010-2011 and 2013
Using nano technology for improved gas and oil recovery, 2013
Novel technology for enhanced coal seam gas production utilizing mechanisms of stimulated cleat permeability through graded particle injection, ARC Linkage grant, 2011-2014
Prediction of well injectivity during PWRI, 2013, 2014
Low-Salinity Smart Fines-Migration-Assisted Waterflood, modelling and simulation, 2014-2016
Coreflooding for Low-Salinity Smart Fines-Migration-Assisted Waterflood, 2014
Fines Migration in Coal Seam Gas reservoirs, 2014
Olympic Dam in a Test Tube: Critical Experiments and Theory, ARC Discovery Grant, 2014-2017
Author of three books in reservoir engineering and 240 papers in international journals and SPE (see the publication list until 2018 attached). Some pdf files are attached to the file section at the bottom of the page.
To download any, please go to:
Professional Associations
SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) -
Community Engagement
Reviewer for Journals:
Society of Petroleum Engineers, SPEJ
Society of Petroleum Engineers, Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering,
SPE REE Society of Petroleum Engineers, Production and Facilities, SPE PF
Transport in Porous Media
Vadoze Zone
Journal of Porous Media
Journal of Transport in Porous Media
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
Canadian Journal of Petroleum Technology
Reviewer for Springer Publishing Co
- power-law for correlation radius ChemEngJ - ChemEngJ_2013_Improved_population_balance_model.pdf [962.4K] (application/pdf)
- A Novel Water-Injectivity Model and Experimental Validation with CT-Scanned Corefloods - Injectivity_model_Pacelli_SPEJ_2014.pdf [1.7MB] (application/pdf)
- exact models for deep bed filtration Polyanin - exact_solution_deep_bed_filtration.pdf [215.5K] (application/pdf)
- Injectivity decline Cake stabilisation - Cake_stabilization_IECR_2013.pdf [1.7MB] (application/pdf)
- Hyperbolic system Riemann polymer-salt EOR splitting - Sara_Rouhi_Analytical.pdf [1.5MB] (application/pdf)
- random walk model for suspension flow - PhysA_2008_Elliptic_suspension.pdf [631.3K] (application/pdf)
- Improving Sweep Efficiency of Edge-water Drive Reservoirs using Induced Formation Damage - LSW_pressure_depletion_water_blocking_JPSE2015.pdf [2.6MB] (application/pdf)
- Deep Bed Filtration Inverse Problem 2 - invpro2.pdf [319.6K] (application/pdf)
- Hyperbolic system EOR waves interaction 1d slug - slug_exact_1982.pdf [818.8K] (application/pdf)
- multiple particle capture mecahnisms - SPE98623_multiple_rafael_journal_090330.pdf [444.4K] (application/pdf)
- micro model for fines detachment - detachment_TiPM.pdf [635.2K] (application/pdf)
- deep bed filtration with diffusion - JPSE_capture+diffusion.pdf [504.6K] (application/pdf)
- Fines Migration skin in oil wells - JPM_skin_in_oilwells_fines.pdf [7.7MB] (application/pdf)
- Sulphate scaling, lab study method - SPE-112500_J_SPE_REFE.pdf [597.5K] (application/pdf)
- Deep Bed Filtration Inverse Problem 1 - invpro1.pdf [419.6K] (application/pdf)
- Deep Bed and Cake Filtration of Two-size Particle Suspension in Porous Media - 2_2size_particle_injection_JPSE_2015.pdf [2.4MB] (application/pdf)
- Asymptotic Model for Deep Bed Filtration - ChemEngJ_Asymptotics_2014.pdf [1.1MB] (application/pdf)
- LowSal Waterflood with fines Eclipse - SPEJ_2013_fines_WF_Eclipse.pdf [1.0MB] (application/pdf)
- LowSal gas recovery - JPSE_gas_depletion_water_blocking.pdf [2.3MB] (application/pdf)
- Injectivity decline Non-linear Analytical model - II_non_linear_Vaz_JERT_2010.pdf [764.7K] (application/pdf)
- Buckley Leverett with capillary pressure analytical model - TiPM_rel_perms_2012_Yildiray_Furqan.pdf [1.1MB] (application/pdf)
- random walk model for suspensions with different partcile sizes - PhysA_2010_Elliptic_suspension_sizes.pdf [1013.7K] (application/pdf)
- Upscaling of suspension flow - TIPM_upscaling_journal_2008.pdf [603.0K] (application/pdf)
- suspension flow model with incomplete plugging - TIPM_2006_journal_incomplete_plug.pdf [331.8K] (application/pdf)
- Buckley Leverett with hysteresis hyperbolic system - hysteresis_SIAM_journal.pdf [315.3K] (application/pdf)
- Analytical Model for Fines Migration During Water Injection - Injectivity_TiPM.pdf [690.4K] (application/pdf)
- Characterisation of deep bed f iltration system from laboratory pressure drop measurements - 3point_pressure_2001_JPSE.pdf [269.3K] (application/pdf)
- Miscible displacement with oil ganglia WAG hysteresis - ganglia_TiPM.PDF [390.5K] (application/pdf)
- Population balance model lab - SPE_J_pop_balance.pdf [1.1MB] (application/pdf)
- Axi-Symmetric Two-Phase Suspension-Colloidal Flow in Porous Media during Water Injection - WF_with_Cake_stabilization_IECR_2014.pdf [1.6MB] (application/pdf)
- Nonuniform External Filter Cake in Long Injection Wells - Cake_in_long_wells_IECR.pdf [495.5K] (application/pdf)
- Multiple particle capture mechanisms - SPE98623_multiple_rafael_journal_090330.pdf [444.4K] (application/pdf)
- 3-point pressure method non-linear case - 2011_SPE_FE_SPE-112509_Vaz_non_linear_3point.pdf [543.1K] (application/pdf)
- Hyperbolic system gas-based EOR elliptic region - spe107886_elliptic_journal.pdf [656.2K] (application/pdf)
- LowSal Waterflood Lab - rel_perms_2013_Hussain_et_al_JPSE.pdf [928.3K] (application/pdf)
- Slow Migration of Mobilised Fines during Flow in Reservoir Rocks: Laboratory Study - JPSE_slow_fines_2014.pdf [3.3MB] (application/pdf)
- Stability of shock waves Hyperbolic system Polymer EOR - Bedr_Lurie_admissibility.pdf [1019.8K] (application/pdf)
- Buckley Leverett with hysteresis analytical model - plohr_dan_pavel_journal.pdf [233.9K] (application/pdf)
- Particle Mobilization in Porous Media: Temperature Effects on Competing Electrostatic - Drag Forces - Geothermal_GRL_J_2015.pdf [499.9K] (application/pdf)
- PWRI Injectivity decline Waterflood sweep enhancement - RWI_sweep_Phuong_JPSE_2011.pdf [2.1MB] (application/pdf)
- Mathematical Modelling of Fines Migration in Geothermal Reservoirs - J_Geothermics_2015_math_model_fines.pdf [1.1MB] (application/pdf)
- publications_140209.doc [149.0K] (application/msword)
- Sulphare scaling Analytical model field case - sulphate_damage_characterisation_from_wells_JPSE.pdf [1.0MB] (application/pdf)
- Injectivity Formation Damage Zone Radius - FDZoneSize_Ben_JERT_2010.pdf [543.2K] (application/pdf)
- A splitting technique for analytical modelling of two-phase multicomponent flow in porous media - jpse_splitting.pdf [316.6K] (application/pdf)
- Fines Migration skin in gas wells - JPSE_skin_in_gaswells_fines.pdf [963.0K] (application/pdf)
- simple suspension flow model - TiPM_journal_2005.pdf [301.0K] (application/pdf)
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Entry last updated: Thursday, 12 Jan 2023
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