Professor Peter Langridge
Awards & Achievements
Australia Day Ambassador, (2015)
Emeritus Professor University of Adelaide (2014)
Honorary Fellow, James Hutton Insitute, UK (2015)
Honourable Professor, Kazakh National Agrarian University (2014)
South Australian Scientist of the Year (2011)
Biffin Lecturer, UK (2008)
Honorary Fellow, Food Standards Australia and New Zealand (2005)
Honorary Fellow, Scottish Crop Research Institute (2000)
Australian Technology Award for Excellence in a Technology Developed by a University (1998)
Australian Technology Commendation for Excellence in Agrobiotechnology (1998)
Steven Cole The Elder Prize for Scholarship, Adelaide (1997)
Prize of the American Society for Enology and Viticulture, Best Paper of the Year 1995, US (1996)
Prize for Young Researcher, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany (1995)
Media Expertise
Categories Agriculture & Farming, Science & Technology Expertise plant genomics; genetic engineering; cereal genetics
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Entry last updated: Sunday, 3 Oct 2021