Dr Peter Sandiford
Position | Senior Lecturer |
Org Unit | Management |
peter.sandiford@adelaide.edu.au | |
Telephone | 831 32017 |
Location |
Nexus 10
North Terrace
Biography/ Background
Peter Sandiford lectures in Organisational Behaviour, Management and Research Methodology. He joined the Business School in July 2012. Before this Peter worked in a several universities in the United Kingdom and Hong Kong.
His previous career focused on Hospitality, working in hotels, restaurants and bars internationally. He also has experience in accounts and sales.
PhD (Emotion in Organisations: Working in British Pubs)
MPhil (Social and Cultural Impacts of Imported Labour at the New Chek Lap Kok Airport Development, Hong Kong)
Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing
Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching in Higher Education
BA (Hons) Hospitality Management
Teaching Interests
Peter’s current teaching includes courses in management, organisational behaviour and research methodology. He has also taught international and cross-cultural management and various aspects of research methods especially qualitative methods and conducting dissertation research.
He is interested in supervising students across a wide range of subjects including: Emotion in Organisations, working in the Hospitality Sector, the community impacts/contribution of hospitality organisations, volunteering, work-based learning and employability.
Research Interests
Peter’s research can be broadly categorised as the sociological analysis of work and hospitality. His earlier work focused more on the tourism sector and this has led to an interest in the nature of service work and interactions between server and served. His PhD explored the emotionality of work in English public houses (pubs) and this is developing into a broader based exploration of the role of such pubs in modern society.
He considers himself to be an ethnographer, seeking to learn and research through personal experience. His participation has taken multiple forms, as outsider-resident in a Hong Kong village, as employee in a chain of public houses and (of course) as a ‘local’ customer in a sample of village pubs. Plans are also underway for a participant observer study in volunteering and the management of volunteers.
He is interested in learning in HE and at work, particularly in relation to part-time study and internship programmes.
He has also participated in other research projects including a study of older workers and flexibility in small and medium sized enterprises, an investigation of the learning experiences of part-time postgraduate students and a number of other tourism related projects often investigating theme parks.
Robbins, S.P., Judge, T.A., Edwards, M., Sandiford, P., Fitzgerald, M., & Hunt, J. (2019) Organisational Behaviour, 9th Edition, Melbourne: Pearson.
Refereed Journal Articles
Agarwal, A. & Sandiford, P.J. (2021) Fictionalizing dialogue: Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis in organizational research, Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management. DOI: 10.1108/QROM-01-2020-1885.
Sandiford, P.J. & Green, S. (2020) ‘It’s my passion, not really like work and not too precarious,’ Work Employment and Society. DOI: 10.1177/0950017020942052
Sandiford, P.J. (2019) ‘The third place as an evolving concept for hospitality researchers and managers’ Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 43(7), 1092-1111. DOI: 10.1177/1096348019855687.
Sandiford, P.J. & Divers, P. (2019) ‘The pub as a habitual hub: Place attachment and the Regular customer’ the International Journal of Hospitality Management, 83, 255-273. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhm.2018.11.005.
Clare, C., Wright, G., Paucar-Caseres, A. & Sandiford, P.J. (2018) 'Why should I believe this? Deciphering the qualities of a credible online customer review'. Journal of Marketing Communications, 24(8), 823-842.
Atkinson, C. and Sandiford, P. (2016) ‘An exploration of older worker flexible working arrangements in smaller firms’. Human Resource Management Journal, 26(1), 12-28.
Sandiford, P.J. & Divers, P. (2014) ‘The public house as a 21st Century socially responsible community institution’, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 41, 88-96.
Davies, H. & Sandiford P.J. (2014) ‘Legitimate Peripheral Participation by Sandwich Year Interns in the National Health Service’. Journal of Vocational Education & Training, 66(1), 56-73.
Sandiford, P.J. & Seymour, D. (2013) ‘Serving and consuming: alcohol, work and leisure in Public Houses’ Work, Employment and Society, 27(1), 131-146.
Sandiford, P.J. & Divers, P. (2011) ‘The public house and its role with society’s margins’ International Journal of Hospitality Management 30(4), 765-773.
Sandiford, P.J. & Seymour, D. (2011) 'Reacting to the demands of service work: emotional resistance in the Coaching Inn Company' Service Industries Journal 31(9), 1195–1217.
Sandiford, P.J. & Seymour, D. (2010) ‘Exploring public house employee's perceptions of their status: A UK case study,’ Service Industries Journal 30(7), 1063–1076.
Sandiford, P. & Seymour, D. (2007) ‘The concept of occupational community revisited: analytical and managerial implications in face-to-face service occupations’ Work, Employment and Society 21(2), 209–226.
Sandiford, P. &. Seymour, D. (2007) ‘A discussion of qualitative data analysis in hospitality research with examples from an ethnography of English Public Houses’, International Journal of Hospitality Management 26(3), 724–742.
Seymour, D. & Sandiford, P. J. (2005) ‘Learning emotion rules in English public houses: socialization and training’, Work, Employment and Society 19(30), 547-564.
Sandiford, P. J. & Seymour, D. (2002) ‘Emotional labour in public houses: reflections on a pilot study.’ Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research 26(1), 54-70.
Sandiford, P. J. & Ap, J. (1998) ‘The role of ethnographic techniques in tourism planning.’ Journal of Travel Research 37(1), 3-11.
Book Chapters
Antoniadou, M., Sandiford, P.J., Wright, G. & Alker, L.P. (2018) Workplace fear: an iphenomenological exploration of the experiences of human service workers. In, Petitta, L., Härtel, C.E.J., Zerbe, W.J. & Ashkanasy, N.M. (eds), Research on Emotion in Organizations Vol 11, Individual, Relational and Contextual Dynamic of Emotions (pp. 271-297), Bingley, UK: Emerald.
Antoniadou, M., Sandiford, P.J., Wright, G. & Alker, L.P. (2015) Understanding lecturers’ perceptions of workplace fear: an interpretive study in the Cypriot Higher Education context. In, Härtel, C.E.J., Zerbe, W.J. & Ashkanasy, N.M. (eds) New Ways of Studying Emotions in Organizations, Research on Emotion in Organizations Vol 11, (pp. 51-79), Bingley, UK: Emerald.
Sandiford, P.J. (2015) Participant Observation as Ethnography or Ethnography as Participant Observation in Organizational Research. In Strang, K.D. (ed) The Palgrave Handbook of Research Design in Business and Management, (pp. 411-446), New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Invited Papers
Sandiford, P.J. (2015) Space, Place and Peace of mind, SA Humanistic Management Network Workshop, Adelaide, Univerisity of Adelaide, Wednesday, 1st July.
Sandiford, P.J. (2015) Culture Shock, AIESEC, Adelaide, University of Adelaide, 5th June.
Sandiford, P.J. and Seymour, D. (2006) Conforming in the Workplace: Rules for Emotions in Pubs Hospitality and the City Symposium at Leeds University 23rd June 2006.
Conference Papers
Sandiford, P.J. (2016) Conservation tourism and the citizen scientist, paper presented at EuroChrie 2016, Budapest Metropolitan University of Applied Sciences, Budapest, 26-28 October.
Antoniadou, A., Sandiford, PJ., Wright, G. and Alker, L. (2015) The power of Greek ancient philosophy in studying workplace emotions: a theoretical discussion based on some empirical findings from Cyprus, paper presented at the Second Annual Conference of The European Philosophical Society for the Study of Emotions (EPSSE), July, 15-17, 2015, University of Edinburgh.
Clare, C., Wright, G., Paucar-Caseres, A. & Sandiford, P. (2014) “Why should I believe this?” Deciphering the qualities of a credible online customer review, paper presented at BAM 2014, 9–11 September, Belfast Waterfront.
Clare, C., Wright, G., Paucar-Caseres, A. & Sandiford, P. (2014) “Did this help”? Understanding the qualities of helpful online customer reviews: A qualitative exploration of receiver perspectives, paper presented at the Second International Conference of Contemporary Marketing Issues, Athens, Greece, 18-20 July.
Antoniadou, M. & Sandiford P.J., (2013), Exploring discrete emotions in Higher Education, paper presented at the 31th International Labour Process Conference (ILPC), March, Rutgers University.
Louwerse, S. & Sandiford, P.J. (2012) Resistance to a planned change initiative within a shopping centre environment, paper presented at the Collaborative Action Research Network (CARN) Conference. Towards Creative Action: Transformations and Collaborations in Practice, 23rd - 25th November, Ashford International Hotel: Ashford.
Antonidou, M & Sandiford, P.J. (2012) Nine months of emotions: a phenomenological exploration of Cypriot academics’ emotionality, EMONET VIII: Eighth International Conference on Emotions and UQAM, 2-3 July, Helsinki, Finland.
Sandiford, P.J. & Divers, P. (2011) Demotivation as a problematic concept in business and management, paper presented at BAM2011, 13-15 September 2011, Aston University, Birmingham.
Sandiford, P.J. & Divers, P. (2011) The public house as a 21st Century community institution, paper presented at CHME 20th Annual Research Conference: 20-20 Back to the Future, 11-12 May 2011, Carnegie Pavilion, Headingley Carnegie Stadium, Leeds
Sandiford, P.J. and Divers, P. (2010) ‘Part-time postgraduate study in management education: the student experience,’ presented at the Work Employment and Society Conference, September 7-9, Brighton.
Davies, H. and Sandiford, P.J. (2010) ‘Sandwich year placements as a model for addressing information technician analyst skills gaps within an NHS organization,’ presented at the Work Employment and Society Conference, September 7-9, Brighton.
Sandiford, P.J. and Divers, P. (2010) ‘Professionalism and professional orientation in the workplace,’ presented at BAM 2010, September 14-16, Sheffield.
Sandiford, P. J. and Seymour, D. (2009) ‘Serving and consuming: alcohol, work and leisure in Hospitality occupations,’ presented at the 7th International Labour Process Conference, April 6-8, Edinburgh .
Atkinson, C. and Sandiford, P. J. (2009)‘Working time flexibility for ‘older’ workers in SMEs’, presented at, Age Diversity And Age Management: A Comparative And International Perspective Conference, February 11-12, Middlesex University Business School.
Baldaro, B. and Sandiford, P.J. (2008) ‘The UK Student Experience: part-time work as personal and career development,’ presented at BAM 2008, September, Harrogate.
Sandiford, P. J. and Divers, P. (2008) ‘The military and motivation in organisations past and present: The age of fighting sail,’ paper presented at BAM 2008, September, Harrogate.
Sandiford, P. and Seymour, D. (2007) ‘Employee perceptions of status in pub work’ Paper presented at Work, Employment and Society Conference 2007, Beyond these shores: sinking or swimming in the globalised new economy? September12-14, The University of Aberdeen.
Weatherlake, S. and Sandiford, P.J. (2007) ‘A qualitative study of the different types of training and support provided by multinational enterprises to the spouses of expatriate personnel,’ Paper presented at British Academy of Management Conference, Management Research, Education and Business Success: is the future as good as the past? Warwick University, 11-13 August.
Overend, A.R. and Sandiford, P.J. (2006) ‘Pre-recruitment health assessments as a means of evaluating the potential for, and managing employee absence.’ Paper presented at QMOD 2006, Quality Management and Organisational Development. Liverpool. 9-11 August 2006,
Jones, P.J, Sandiford, P.J. (2005) ‘Using storytelling to investigate the emotionality of the HR profession,’ Paper Presented at BAM 2005: Challenges of Organizations in Global Markets, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford. 13-15 September,
Sandiford, P. Alderson, S., Dennis, J. and Divers, P. (2005) ‘Assessing student competences and skills,’ Proceedings of: The First International Conference Enhancing Teaching and Learning through Assessment, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 13-15 June, ISBN 962-367-460-0.
Sandiford, P. J. & Ap, J. (2003), 'Important or not? A critical discussion of Likert scales and 'Likert-type' scales as used in customer research,' Proceedings of the 12th Annual CHME Hospitality Research Conference: Trends and Developments in Hospitality Research, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, 23-24 April, pp. 128-135.
Sandiford, P. J. & Seymour, D. (2003) 'Living-in in small hotels: the public private divide,' paper presented at the 21st International Labour Process Conference, Bristol Business School, Bristol, 14-16 April.
Sandiford, P. J., Macdonald, S., Robinson, I., Davenport, H., Elliott, G. and Hicks, L.(2002) ‘Re-designing and integrating a transferable skills module: reflections on practice,’ paper presented at ELSIN 2002, Gent University, June16-18.
Sandiford, P. J. & Seymour, D. (2000) ‘Learning emotion rules in English public houses: socialization and training,’ Paper presented at the Second Conference on Emotions and Organizational Life, Ryerson Polytechnic University, Toronto, August 10-11.
Sandiford, P. J. & Seymour, D (2000) ‘Designing a methodology for researching emotional labour in English Public Houses,’ Paper presented at the EGOS Colloquium, 2-4 July, Helsinki.
Sandiford, P. J. & Seymour, D (2000) ‘The early stages of qualitative data analysis’ Proceedings of the Ninth Annual CHME Hospitality Research Group Conference, 2000, 26-27 April, University of Huddersfield, 33-41.
Sandiford, P. J. & Seymour, D. (1999) ‘Emotional labour in public houses’ Paper presented at CHME Hospitality Research Conference, 7-9 April 1999, University of Surrey.
Ap, J. & Sandiford, P. J. (1998), ‘Staff and guest perceptions of the importance of theme park attributes in an Asian theme park,’ Asia Pacific Tourism Association 1998 International Conference, Tanyang, Korea, August 18-21.
Wong, K.F., Ap, J. & Sandiford, P. J. (1998) “Professional Tour Guiding: An Exploratory Investigation of Current Practices”, Asia Pacific Association Annual Conference, Tanyang, Korea, Conference Proceedings, August 18-21, 1998, p.256-260.
Sandiford, P. J. (1996), ‘Social and cultural impacts of imported labour at the new Chek Lap Kok Airport development, Hong Kong,’ Paper Presented at Asia Pacific Tourism Association ‘96 Conference, Quality Research - Quality Tourism, Townsville: James Cook University, 14-18 September.
Sandiford, P. J. & Ap, J. (1996), ‘The role of ethnographic techniques in tourism planning,’ Paper Presented at Asia Pacific Tourism Association ‘96 Conference, Quality Research - Quality Tourism, Townsville: James Cook University, 14-18 September.
Contract Research/Consultancy.
Ap, J, & Sandiford P. (1997), Ocean Park Guest Survey Phase 2 and Combined Results 1996/97, Unpublished Contract Research Report, Hong Kong: Department of Hotel and Tourism Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Ap, J, & Sandiford P. (1997), Ocean Park Guest Survey Phase 1, 1997/98, Unpublished Contract Research Report, Hong Kong: Department of Hotel and Tourism Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Ap, J. & Sandiford P. (1997), The Importance of Park Attributes, Unpublished Contract Research Report, Hong Kong: Department of Hotel and Tourism Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Ap, J. & Sandiford, P. J. (1997), Amusement Industry Abstract: Asia 1995, Unpublished Contract Research Report, Hong Kong: Department of Hotel and Tourism Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Ap, J. & Sandiford, P. J. (1997), Amusement Industry Abstract: Australia 1995, Unpublished Contract Research Report, Hong Kong: Department of Hotel and Tourism Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Wong, K. F., Ap, J., & Sandiford P. J. (1998) Study On Service Standards Of Tour Coordinators/Guides: Preliminary survey of professional standards and practices of tour coordinators/tour guides, Consultancy Report, The Department of Hotel and Tourism Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Professional Associations
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
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Entry last updated: Tuesday, 29 Mar 2022
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