Professor Phil Hynd
Biography/ Background
Professor Hynd completed his first degree (BRurSc Hons 1) at the Uiversity of New England. He then completed his PhD in Animal Nutrition at The University of Adelaide. He was appointed the JS Davies Postdoctoral Research Fellow and together with Prof Adrian Egan investigated rumen function and nutrient yield in grazing beef cattle. During this time he acquired skills in large animal surgery. On appointment as Lecturer in Animal Nutrition at Adelaide University, he established a research group in sheep nutrition and wool biology. He was appointed Professor of Animal Production and Head of the Department of Animal Sciences. He relocated the Department to the Roseworthy Campus and was appointed Director of the Campus. Under his leadership the Department established the successful Animal Science degree and identified the potential for establishing veterinary sciences on the Campus, a potential which has since been realised. Professor Hynd was elected a Fellow of the Australian Society of Animal Production in 2010.
Teaching Interests
Prof Hynd coordinates the courses Comparative Animal Anatomy and Physiology B and Animal Nutrition and Metabolism. He also teaches sheep husbandry and wool production topics in Livestock Production Science, Agricultural Systems, and Animal Handling and Husbandry; courses embedded in the Animal Science, Veterinary Science and Agriculture programs. His teaching philosophy is based on 'learning by doing' so topics are heavily supported by practical application. For example, students in Animal Nutrition and Metabolism are responsible for running a 'commercial' lamb feedlot using best-practice principles.
Research Interests
Prof Hynd's research interests centre on the application of animal physiology to animal production issues. For 20 years his research group has developed an international reputation in the field of wool and hair biology which has had several important outcomes to industry including: (1) the development of a hair growth inhibitor (Vaniqa) based on pioneering work on polyamine metabolism and hair growth; (2) a process for wounding skin based on intradermal injection of necrotising agents, which has resulted in a commercial product to replace surgical Mulesing of lambs (Skintraction); (3) elucidation of the genetics of the 'barebreech' phenotype, to remove the need for surgical Mulesing of lambs; (4) skin analysis for selection of superior sheep and alpacas.
More recently his work has centred on the interaction of nutrition and genes in developing embryos. This so-called 'fetal programming' is increasingly recognised as a critical determinant of the lifetime health and productivity of animals. His group isusing an avian model of fetal programming based on manipulation of chicken eggs via intra-amniotic and intra-yolk injections of potential nutraceuticals. Focus is on the impact of these nutraceuticals on the development of the gut of chickens.
Several projects are directed towards a better understanding of rumen function under conditions of high soluble carbohydrate and high water content of forages. A novel approach to reduce the incidence of 'winter scouring' in sheep (mucosal hypersensitivity) is being investigated.
Research Funding
Prof Hynd's research is funded from competitive industry and commonwealth grants. Since 1985 Prof Hynd has attracted more then $11mill in competitive research grants from the Australian Research Council (ARC), Cooperative Research Centres, Australian Wool Innovation Ltd, Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA), and from private consultancies to various industry bodies and companies.
(peer-reviewed papers)
1. Hynd, P. I. (1984) Effects of starch fermentation products on roughage digestion. J.Agric. Sci. Camb. 103: 469-470. (0.64:11/31)
2. Hynd, P. I. & Allden, W. G. (1984) Effects of high-starch diets on ruminal efficiency and wool growth. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 64: 179-180 (0.64:26/39)
3. Hynd, P. I. & Allden, W. G. (1985). Rumen fermentation pattern, postruminal protein flow and wool growth rate of sheep on a high-barley diet. Aust. J. Agric. Res. 36: 451-460. (ImF:1:6/31)
4. Hynd, P. I. & Radcliffe, B. C. (1985) Isobutylidene diurea as a non-protein nitrogen source for sheep on low-quality roughages. Proc Nutr. Soc. Aust. 10: 88-91.
5. Radcliffe, B. C., Hynd, P. I., Benevenga, N. J., & Egan, A. R. (1985) Effects of cysteine ethyl ester supplements on wool growth rate. Aust. J. Agric. Res. 36: 709-715. (ImF:1:6/31)
6. Hynd, P. I. & Allden, W. G. (1986) Lamb growth on grain legume crops and grains. In "Grain legumes in animal production systems in South Australia". Proc. Aust. Soc. Anim. Prod. 16: 29-31
7. Hynd, P. I., Schlink, A. C., Phillips, P. M., & Scobie, D. R. (1986) Mitotic activity in cells of the wool follicle bulb. Aust. J. Biol. Sci. 39:329-339. (ImF:1:6/31)
8. Hynd, P. I., & James, R. E. (1986) The effect of trenbolone acetate and trenbolone acetate plus oestradiol-17ß on wool growth. J. Agric. Sci. Camb. 108:501-503. (ImF:0.636:11/31)
9 Nottle, M. B., Hynd, P. I., Setchell, B. P. & Seamark, R. (1988). Increases in ovulation rate in lupin-fed ewes are initiated by increases in protein digested post-ruminally. J. Reprod. Fert. 84, 563-566. (ImF:3.136:19/24)
10. Zoltie, N., Hynd, P. I. & Kuchel, T. (1989) The anatomy of the blood supply to the flank of the sheep. Res. Vet. Sci. 45: 307-310. (ImF:1.106:34/129)
11. Hynd, P. I. (1989) Effects of nutrition on wool follicle cell kinetics in sheep differing in efficiency of wool production. Aust. J. Biol. Sci. 40: 409-417. (ImF:1:6/31)
12. Hynd, P. I. (1989) The effects of fishmeal and postruminal glucose on the intake and digestion of low-quality herbages by grazing cattle in Southern Australia. Aust . J. Agric. Res. 40:925-32. (ImF:1:6/31)
13. Sorrel, G. C., Hynd, P. I., Hocking, J. E., Kuchel, T. and deSaram, W. (1990) The use of high-energy electrons to depilate the breech of sheep. Aust. Vet. J. 67: 51-55. (ImF:0.188:63/129)
14. Hynd, P. I. and Everett, B. K. (1990) Estimation of cell birth rate in the wool follicle bulb using colchicine metaphase arrest or DNA labelling with bromodeoxyuridine. Aust. J. Agric. Res. 41: 741-49. (ImF:1:6/31)
15. Hocking-Edwards, J. E. and Hynd, P. I. (1992). Cellular characteristics of wool follicles and fibres in Finewool and Strongwool Merinos. Aust. J. Agric. Res. 43: 355-365. (ImF:1:6/31)
16. Gifford, D. R., Ponzoni, R. W., Walkely, J. R. W., Hynd, P. I. and Ancell, P. M. C. (1992). Wool Technology and Sheepbreeding 40: 114-116. (ImF:0.021:42/43)
17. Scobie, D. R. and Hynd, P. I. (1993). Adrenalectomy of sheep: a novel technique. Aust. Vet. J. 70: 296-298. (ImF:0.188:63/129)
18. Edwards, J. E. H. and Hynd, P. I. (1993). Cutaneous blood flow is related to wool growth rate. Aust. J. Agric. Res. 45: 757-67. (ImF:1:6/31)
19. Hynd, P. I. (1994). Determinants of the length and diameter of wool fibres. 1. Comparison of sheep differing in fibre length/diameter ratio at two levels of nutrition. Aust. J. Agric. Res. 45: 1137-47. (ImF:1:6/31)
20. Hynd, P. I. (1994). Determinants of the length and diameter of wool fibres. 2. Comparison of sheep differing in thyroid hormone status. Aust. J. Agric. Res. 45:1149-57. (ImF:1:6/31)
21. Fratini, A., Rogers, G. E., Powell, B. and Hynd, P. I. (1994). Effect of cysteine supply on mRNA levels for various intermediate filament and intermediate filament associated proteins. J. Invest. Dermatol. 102: 178-85. (ImF:4.406:1/39)
22. White, C. L., Martin, G. B. Hynd, P. I. and Chapman, R. (1994). The effect of zinc deficiency on wool growth and skin and wool follicle histology of male Merino lambs. Brit. J. of Nutrition 71: 425-35. (ImF:2.967:9/53)
23. Scobie, D. R., Hynd, P. I. and Setchell, B.P. (1994). Reduction of synthetic and mitotic activity in the wool follicle by catecholamines. Aust. J. Agric. Res. 45: 1159-69. (ImF:1:6/31)
24. Scobie, D. R. and Hynd, P. I. (1995). Reduction of mitotic rate in the wool follicle by cortisol. Aust. J. Agric. Res. 46: 319-331. (ImF:1:6/31)
25. Gifford, D. R., Ponzoni, R. W., Ancell, P. M. C., Hynd, P. I., Walkely, J. R. W. and Grimson, R. J. (1995). Genetic studies on wool quality and skin characters of the Merino. Wool Technol and Sheep Breed. 43: 24-29. (ImF:0.021:42/43)
26. Fleet, M. R., Mortimer, S. I., Hynd, P. I. and Gallagher, J. R. (1995). Pigmented fibre concentration in the skirted hogget Merino fleece after culling sheep on visible pigmentation. Aust. Assoc. Anim. Breed. and Genetics 11: 318-322.
27. Hynd, P. I. (1995). Skin and follicle-based selection for wool production and quality. Wool Technology and Sheepbreeding 43: 15-23. (ImF:0.021:42/43)
28. Kelly, R. W., Macleod, I., Hynd, P. I. and Greef, J. (1996). Nutrition during fetal life alters annual wool production and quality in young Merino sheep. Aust. J. Exper. Agric. 36: 259-67. (ImF:0.676:10/31)
29. Hynd, P. I. and Nancarrow, M. J. (1996). Inhibition of polyamine synthesis alters hair follicle function and fiber composition. J. Invest. Dermatol. 106: 249-53. (ImF:4.406:1/39)
30. Hynd, P. I., Ponzoni, R. W., Grimson, R. , Jaensch, K. S. and Smith, D. (1996). Wool follicle and skin characters- their potential to improve wool production and quality in Merino sheep. Wool Technol. and Sheep Breed. 44: 167-177. (ImF:0.021:42/43)
31. Ponzoni, R.W., Grimson, R.J., Jaensch, K.S., Smith, D.H. and Hynd, P. I. (1997). Birthcoat: is it worth taking it into consideration in Merino sheep genetic improvement programs?. Wool Technol. and Sheep Breed. 45(1): 12-26. (ImF:0.021:42/43)
32. Hynd, P. I., Hughes, A., Earl, C. R. and Penno, N. M. (1997). Seasonal changes in the morphology and activity of wool follicles in Finewool and Strongwool Merino strains at different stocking rates in southern Australia. Aust. J. Agric. Res. 48: 1087-1097. (ImF:1:6/31)
33. Bates, E.J., Hynd, P.I., Penno, N.M. and Nancarrow, M.J. (1997). Serum-free culture of wool follicles: effects of nutrients, growth factors and hormones. British Journal of Dermatology. 137: 498-505. (ImF:2.978:3/39)
34. Nancarrow, M. J., Nesci, A., Hynd, P. I. and Powell, B. C. (1997). Variations in the expression of ornithine decarboxylase in pelage and vibrissa follicles during the mouse hair cycle. J. Invest. Dermatol. (ImF:4.406:1/39)
35. Thompson, A. N., Hynd, P. I. and Peterson, A. D. (1997). Wool growth and fibre diameter changes in Merino sheep genetically different in staple strength and fed different levels of nutrition. Aust. J. Agric. Res. (ImF:1:6/31)
37. Hynd, P. I., Hughes, A., Earl, C. R. And Penno, N. M. (1997). Seasonal changes in the morphology and activity of wool follicles in Finewool and Strongwool Merino strains at different stocking rates in southern Australia. Aust. J. Agric. Res. 48: 1087-97. (ImF:1:6/31)
38. Thompson, A. N. and Hynd, P. I. (1998). Wool growth and fibre diameter changes in young Merino sheep genetically different in staple strength and fed different levels of nutrition. Aust. J. Agric. Res. 49: 889-98. (ImF:1:6/31)
39. Thompson, A. N., Schlink, A. C., Peterson, A. D., and Hynd, P. I. (1998). Follicle abnormalities and fibre shedding in Merino weaners fed different levels of nutrition. Aust. J. Agric. Res. 49: 1173-9. (ImF:1:6/31)
40. Hill, J.A., Ponzoni, R. W., Hynd, P.I., Pitchford, W.S. (1998). The inclusion of skin characters in a selection index: How confident are we about their value?. Wool Technol. and Sheep Breed. 46(3): 235-239. (ImF:0.021:42/43)
41. Bates, E.J,, Penno, N.M. and Hynd P.I. (1999) Wool follicle matrix cells: culture conditions and keratin expression in vitro. 1999 British Journal of Dermatology 140 216-225. (ImF:2.978:3/39)
42. Yamin, M., Hynd P.I., Ponzoni, R.W., Hill, J.A., Pitchford, W.S, and Hansford, K.A. (1999) Is fibre diameter variation along the staple of a good indirect selection criterion for staple strength? Wool Technol. And Sheep Breed. 47(3): 151-158. (ImF:0.021:42/43)
43. Sander. G., Bawden, C.S., Hynd, P.I., Nesci, A., Rogers. G. and Powell. B.C. (1999). Expression of the homeobox gene, Barx2, in wool follicle development. J-Invest-Dermatol. 2000 Oct; 115(4): 753-6. (ImF:4.406:1/39)
44. Ansari-Renani, H. R. and Hynd, P. I. (2001). Cortisol-induced follicle shutdown is related to staple strength in Merino sheep. Livestock Production Science 69: 279-289. (ImF:1.325:11/43)
45. Rogers, G. E. and Hynd, P. I. (2001). Animal Models and Culture Methods in the Study of Hair Growth. Clinics in Dermatology 19: 105-119 (IF = 1.11; rank 26/39)
46. Ansari-Renani, H.R. and Hynd P.I. (2004) Epidermal growth factor, but not cortisol, suppresses fibre growth in cultured follicles. Livestock Production Science 85(2/3): 173-180. (ImF:1.325:11/43)
47. Bray, M., Revell, D. K., Bawden, C. S. and Hynd, P. I. (2005). Keratin gene expression in Merino sheep with divergent wool growth. Aust. J. Agric. Res. 56: 203-210. (ImF:1:6/31)
48. Thomas, N., Tivey, D.R., Penno, N.M., Nattrass, G. and Hynd, P.I. (2007). Characterisation of transport systems for cysteine, lysine, alanine and leucine in wool follicles of sheep. J.Anim.Sci. (ImF:1.36:10/43)
49. Toland-Thompson, A.C., Hebart, M., Penno, N.M. and Hynd, P.I. (2007). Perinatal follicle attrition is associated with elevated perinatal circulating cortisol levels in merino sheep. Aust.J.Agric.Res. (1.0, 6/31)
50. Rothwell, J., Hynd, P., Brownlee, A., Dolling, M. and Williams, S. (2007). Research into alternatives to mulesing. Aust. Vet. J. 85: 1-4. (0.6; 63/129)
51. S.N. Digby, D.G. Masters, D. Blache, M.A. Blackberry, P.I. Hynd and D.K. Revell (2008). l Reproductive capacity of Merino ewes fed a high-salt diet. Animal 2:1353-1360.
52. Thompson, A. N., Hynd, P. I. (2009). Stress-strain properties of individual Merino wool fibres are minor contributors to variations in staple strength induced by genetic selection and nutritional manipulation. Animal Production Science 49: 668-674 (1.0)
53. Hynd, P. I., Edwards, N. M., Hebart, M., et al. (2009). Wool fibre crimp is determined by mitotic asymmetry and position of final keratinisation and not ortho- and para-cortical cell segmentation. Animal 3: 838-843
54. Edwards, N. M., Hebart, M., Hynd, P. I. (2009). Phenotypic and genotypic analysis of a barebreech trait in Merino sheep as a potential replacement for surgical mulesing. Animal Production Science 49: 56-64 (1.0)
55. Golder, H.M., Geier, M.S., Hynd, P.I., Forder, R.E.A., Boulianne, M and Hughes, R.J. (2010). Feed additives influence goblet cell distribution and villus-crypt architecture in broilers after necrotic enteritis challenge. Australian Poultry Science Symposium 21: 211-214.
56. Golder HM, Geier MS, Forder RE, Hynd PI, Hughes RJ (2011). Effects of necrotic enteritis challenge on intestinal micro-architecture and mucin profile. Br Poult Sci. 52:500-6
57. McDowall, M., Edwards, NM, and Hynd, PI. (2011). The Effects of Short-Term Manipulation of Thyroid Hormone Status Coinciding with Primary Wool Follicle Development on Fleece Characteristics in Merino Sheep. Animal 5: 1406-1413
58. Forder, RE, Hynd, PI, Geier, M. and Hughes, R. (2012). "Quantitative analyses of genes associated with mucin synthesis of broiler chickens with induced necrotic enteritis". Poultry Science (in press)
59. Wilkes, MJ, Hynd, PI, and Pitchford, WS (2012). Damara sheep have higher digestible energy intake than Merino sheep when fed a low-quality or high-quality feed. Animal Production Science
60. Plush, K., Brien, F. and Hynd, PI (2012). Genetics of temperament in sheep. Appl Anim. Behaviour (in press)
61. ML McDowall 1*, NS Watson-Haigh 2#, NM Edwards 1, HN Kadarmideen 2+, GS Natrass 3, HA McGrice 1, 3 & PI Hynd (2012). Transient Treatment of Pregnant Merino Ewes with Modulators of Cortisol Biosynthesis Coinciding with Primary Wool Follicle Initiation Alters Lifetime Wool Growth (Animal in press).
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