Dr Reza Ghomashchi

Dr Reza Ghomashchi
 Position Associate Professor
 Org Unit Mechanical Engineering
 Email reza.ghomashchi@adelaide.edu.au
 Telephone 831 33360
 Location Floor/Room 1 ,  Engineering South ,   North Terrace
  • Biography/ Background

    Reza Ghomashchi graduated from Iran University of Science and Technology (B.Eng- Metallurgical Engineering,1978), and Cambridge (M.Phil- Materials Technology, 1979) and Sheffield (Metallurgy, 1983) Universities in the UK. After a few years working at universities in the UK , he migrated to Australia to work for BHP Steel in 1988. In early 1990 he joined the University of South Australia and worked as a Lecturer and then Senior Lecturer until 2001 when he was offered a NSERC (Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada) Industrial Research Chair-Tier I (in collaboration with ALCAN, now Rio-Tinto ALCAN) and Professor Position at the University of Quebec in Canada. He has also been a visiting Professor at MIT, 1994, IUST, 1999 and an adjunct Professor at the School of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Adelaide since 2007. In early 2008, he returned to Australia to take up the position of Manager, Materials Research and Development at Sunday Solar Technologies, a start-up R&D company in Sydney and in August 2010 he accepted his current position as Associate Professor and Program leader for Energy Pipeline-CRC at the school of Mechanical Engineering. 

  • Teaching Interests

    The following lectures were delivered at undergraduate and graduate levels;

    Undergraduate Courses

    1.    Diffusion and Deformation

    Third year subject; based on microstructural characteristics of materials on atomic scale, Syllabus were developed and Lectures, Tutorials and Practicals designed and delivered.

    2.    Fundamentals of Composite Materials

    Syllabus was developed and Lectures and Tutorial/Practicals designed and delivered.

    3.    Diffraction

    Lectures and Tutorials/Practicals were designed and delivered on X-ray and Electron diffraction principles and their applications in materials science and engineering.

    4.    An Introduction to Engineering Materials

    First year engineering subject, all disciplines

    5.    Electrical Eng. Materials

    Selection and properties of materials for electrical engineers

    6.    Heat Treatment of Engineering Alloys

    Fundamentals of heat treatment for steels, cast irons and non-ferrous alloys of Aluminum and Copper

    7.    Solidification and Foundry Technology

    Fundamentals of solidification, Principles of semi-finished and shaped casting 

    8.    Manufacturing Processes (mechanical Engineering 3nd year)

    Rolling, Forging, Extrusion, Casting, sheet metal forming...


    Postgraduate Courses

    1.    Advanced Solidification Processing

    2.    Metallurgy of Aluminum Alloys

    3.    Advanced Composite Materials

    4.    Diffusion in solids

    5.    Deformation and dislocations


  • Research Interests

    As a materials scientist, I study the effect of microstructure on materials properties and performance and how materials fabrication processes can be manipulated to achieve the desired microstructure for specific application. My main research area is on solidification and casting of engineering alloys with main emphasis on aluminium alloys and steels.  My research activities in the past thirty years were in the following areas;


    Near Net Shape Forming

    ·         Semi-Solid Processing of Metals    

    ·         Squeeze Casting

    ·         Die-Casting   

    ·         Powder Metallurgy


    Composite Materials

    ·         Metal Matrix Composites, MMC’s

    ·         Intermetallic Matrix Composites, IMC’s


    Thermal, Mechanical and Thermo-mechanical Treatments of Materials

    ·         Forging

    ·         Rolling

    ·         Heat treatment


    Materials Performance

    ·         Wear

    Energy Pipeline weld Metal integrity

    ·         Hydrogen assisted cold cracking

    ·         Pipeline materials, high strength low alloy steels

    ·         Embrittlement of pipeline steels



  • Publications

                   Journal Articles (refereed)

    1. Ghomashchi, M.R. and Sellars, C.M., "Microstructural Changes in As-Cast M2 Grade High Speed Steel During High Temperature Treatment", Met. Sci. Vol. 18, p.44-48, 1984.
    2. Ghomashchi, M.R., "Strain Distribution Measurement of Interior Grains Due to Forging", J. Strain Analysis, Vol. 19, No. 1, p.71-72, 1984.
    3. Ghomashchi, M.R., "The Morphology of Eutectic Carbides in M2 Grade High Speed Steel", Metall. Trans. Vol. 16A, p.2341-2343, 1985.
    4. Ghomashchi, M.R., "Solid State Precipitation in M2-Grade High Speed Steel During Solidification", Z. Metallkunde, Band 76, Heft 10, p.701-704, 1985.
    5. Ghomashchi, M.R. and Chadwick, G.A., "Cold Chamber Die Casting of Aluminum Alloys”, Metals and Materials, P.477-481, Aug. 1986.
    6. Ghomashchi, M.R., "Intermetallic Compounds in an Al-Si Alloy Used in High Pressure Die Casting", Z. Metallkunde, Band 78, Heft 11, p.784-787, 1987.
    7. Murray, M.T., Chadwick, G.A. and Ghomashchi, M.R., "Aluminum Alloy Solidification in High Pressure Die Casting", Materials Australasia, p.20-23, June 1990.
    8. Ghomashchi, M.R., and Murgas, I., "Effect of Nitrogen Bubbling in the Ladle on Inclusions Growth", J. Iron Making and Steel Making, Vol. 19, No. 1, P.64-66, 1992.
    9. Ghomashchi, M.R., "Sliding Wear of M50 and Tl High Speed Steel at Room and Elevated Temperatures", Surface Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 1. Pp. 55-60, 1992.
    10. Ghomashchi, M.R., "Dislocations in As-Cast M2-grade High Speed Steel", Materials Forum, Vol. 17, P. 431-434, 1993.
    11. Ghomashchi, M.R. and Strafford, K.N., "Factors Influencing the Production of High Integrity Aluminum/Silicon Alloy Components by Die and Squeeze Casting Processes", J. Mat. Processing Tech., Vol. 38, Nos. 1-2, P.303-326, 1993.
    12. Ghomashchi, M.R., "Die Filling and Solidification of Al-Si Alloys in High Pressure Die Casting", Scandinavian J. of Met. Vol. 22, No. 2, P.61-67, 1993.
    13. Ghomashchi, M.R. and Sellars, C.M., " Microstructural Changes in As-Cast M2 Grade High Speed Steel During Hot Forging", Metall. Trans., Vol. 24A, P.2171-2180, 1993.
    14. Ghomashchi, M.R, "Microstructural Observation of M50 and T1 High Speed Steel during Sliding Wear at Room and Elevated Temperatures", Surface Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 3, P 225-231, 1994.
    15. Ghomashchi, M.R., "High pressure die-casting: Effect of fluid flow on the microstructure of LM24 die-casting alloy", J. Mat. Proc. and Tech., Vol. 52, P 193-206, 1995.
    16. Ghomashchi, M.R., "Alumina Reinforced Al/Ni Intermetallic Matrix Composite by Reactive Sintering", J.  Materials Sci., Vol. 30, P 2849-2854, 1995.
    17. Tabrett, C., Sare, I. and Ghomashchi, M.R., , “Microstructure-Property Relationships in High Chromium White Iron Alloys", a review article, International Materials Review, Vol. 41, No. 2, 59-82, 1996.
    18. Spuzic, S., Zec, M., Abhary, K., Ghomashchi, R., and Reid, I., “Fractional Design of Experiments Applied to a Wear Simulation”, Wear, Vol. 212, PP 131-139, 1997.
    19. Ghomashchi, M.R., "Quantitative Analysis of Microstructural Changes in As-Cast M2-Grade High Speed Steel During High Temperature Treatment", Acta Materialia, Vol. 46, No. 14, P. 5207-5220, 1998.
    20. Shahverdi, H.R., Ghomashchi, M.R, Shabestari H., and Hejazi, J., "Aluminides; an overview', Metallurgical Engineering, No. 2, Jan. 1999.
    21. Shahverdi, H.R., Ghomashchi, M.R, Shabestari H., and Hejazi, J., "Aluminides; fabrication routes', Metallurgical Engineering, No. 3, Pp 17-28, April 1999.
    22. Ghomashchi, M.R., Vikhrov, A., "Squeeze Casting: An Overview", J. Mat. Proc. and Tech, Vol. 101, Pp 1-9, 2000.
    23. Ghomashchi, M.R., “Fabrication of Near Net-Shaped Al-based Intermetallic Matrix Composites", J. Mats. Process. Tech., Vol. 112, 227-235, 2001.
    24. Kyriakopolous, A., Lynn, M. and Ghomashchi, R., “Reactive Interaction of Molten Aluminum and Solid Nickel”, J. Mats. Sci. Letters, Vol. 20, p. 1699-1701, 2001.
    25. Shahverdi, H.R., Shabestari H., Ghomashchi, M.R, and Hejazi, J., "Formation of intermetallic compounds at the Al and Fe Interface ", Int. J. Engineering Sciences, Vol. 12, No. 1, P.1-13, Spring 2001.
    26. Shahverdi, H.R., Ghomashchi, M.R, Shabestari H., and Hejazi, J., "Kinetics of Interfacial reactions between Solid Iron and molten Aluminum", J. Mats. Sci., Vol. 37, No. 5, P1061-1066, 2002.
    27. H.R. Shahverdi, H. Shabestari, R. Ghomashchi, and J. Hejazi, "Kinetics and Microstructural Analysis of Solid Iron-Liquid Aluminum Reaction ", International Journal of Engineering Science, vol. 13, p. 102, 2002.
    28. H.R. Shahverdi, R.  Ghomashchi, H. Shabestari, and J. Hejazi, "Microstructural Evolution due to Interfacial Reaction between Liquid Aluminum and Solid Iron", 124, J. Mats. Proc. Tech., P. 345-352, 2002.
    29. Sh. Nafisi, R. Ghomashchi, “Semi-Solid-Metal Processing Routes; an Overview”, Journal of Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, Vol. 44, Issue 3, pp. 289-303, 2005
    30. D. Emadi, L.V. Whiting, Sh. Nafisi, R. Ghomashchi, “Applications of Thermal Analysis in Quality Control  of Solidification Processes”, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Vol. 81, Pp. 235-242, 2005.
    31. S. Nafisi, R. Cox and R. Ghomashchi, Laser Ablation ICP-MS Investigation of Solute Elements Distribution during Al-Si Solidification”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 415, Pp 99–105, 2006
    32.  S. Nafisi and R. Ghomashchi,Combined Grain Refining and Modification of Conventional & Rheo-Cast A356 Al-Si Alloy”, Journal of Materials Characterization, Vol. 57, Pp. 371-385, 2006.
    33. O. Lashkari and R. Ghomashchi, “The Implication of rheological principles for characterization of semi-solid Al-Si cast billets”, J. Materials Science, Volume 41, Number 18 / September, 2006, Pp. 5958-5965, 2006
    34. O. Lashkari, S. Nafisi, and R. Ghomashchi, “Microstructural Characterization of Rheo-cast Billets Prepared by Variant Pouring Temperatures”, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Vol. 441, No. 1-2, Pp 49-59, 2006
    35. S. Nafisi, O. Lashkari, R. Ghomashchi, F. Ajersch, and A. Charette “Microstructure and Rheological Behavior of Grain Refined and Modified Semi-Solid A356 Al-Si Slurries”, Acta Materialia, Vol. 54, No. 13, Pp 3503-3511, 2006
    36. S. Nafisi, and R. Ghomashchi, “Al-B Master Alloys: A Worthy Alternative to Ti-based Grain Refiners for Al-Si Foundry Alloys”, Paper 06-048(02), AFS Transaction, 11 pages,  2006
    37. S. Nafisi, and R. Ghomashchi, ”Effects of Modification during Conventional and Semi-Solid Metal Processing of A356 Al-Si Alloy”, Materials Sci. & Eng.-A, Vol. 415, Pp 273-285, 2006.
    38. S. Nafisi and R. Ghomashchi, Grain refining of conventional and semi-solid A356 Al–Si alloy”, Journal of Mats. processing Tech., Vol. 174, Pp. 371–383, 2006
    39. S. Nafisi, and R. Ghomashchi, “The Effect of Dissolved Titanium on the Primary α-Al Grain and Globule Size in the Conventional and Semi-Solid Casting of 356 Al-Si Alloy”, J. Mats. Sci., Vol. 41, No. 23, Pp7954-7963, 2006
    40. S. Nafisi, D. Emadi, M.T. Shehata, R. Ghomashchi, “Effects of electromagnetic stirring and superheat on the microstructural characteristics of Al–Si–Fe alloy”, Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol. 432, Pp. 71–83, 2006.
    41. Shahrooz Nafisi and Reza Ghomashchi, “The Microstructural Characterization of Semi-Solid Slurries”, JOM, June issue, Pp. 24-30, 2006
    42. Shahrooz Nafisi, Reza Ghomashchi, “Effect of stirring on solidification pattern and alloy distribution during semi-solid-metal casting”, Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol. 437 Pp. 388–395, 2006
    43. Omid Lashkari, Reza Ghomashchi and Frank Ajersch, ‘Deformation behavior of semi-solid A356 Al–Si alloy at low shear rates: The effect of sample size’, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Volume 444, Issues 1-2, , Pages 198-205, 2007
    44. S. Nafisi, and R. Ghomashchi, “Boron-based refiners: Advantages in semi-solid-metal casting of Al–Si alloys”, Materials Science and Engineering: A
      Volumes 452-453, Pages 437-444, 2007
    45. S. Nafisi, and R. Ghomashchi, “Boron-based refiners: Implications in conventional casting of Al–Si alloys”, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Volumes 452-453, Pages 445-453, 2007
    46. O. Lashkari and R. Ghomashchi, “The Implication of Rheology in Semi-Solid Metal Processes: An Overview”, J. Mats. Processing Tech., Vol. 182, Issues 1-3, Pp 229-240, 2007
    47. O. Lashkari and R. Ghomashchi, “A New Machine to Characterize Microstructural Evolution of Semi Solid Metal Billets through Viscometery”, Materials & Design
      Volume 28, Issue 4, , Pages 1321-1325, 2007
    48. O. Lashkari, S. Nafisi, J. Langlais and R. Ghomashchi, ‘The effect of partial decanting on the chemical composition of semi-solid hypo-eutectic Al–Si alloys during solidification, J. Mats. Processing Tech., Vol. 182, Issues 1-3, Pp 95-100, 2007.
    49. S. Nafisi, and R. Ghomashchi, “Impact of melt treatment on semi-solid metal processing”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 436, Issues 1-2, Pp. 86-90, 2007
    50. Omid Lashkari, Reza Ghomashchi, ’Deformation behavior of semi-solid A356 Al–Si alloy at low shear rates: Effect of Morphology’, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Volumes 454-455, Pages 30-36, 2007
    51. S. Nafisi, D. Emadi, R. Ghomashchi , “Impact of Mg addition on solidification behaviour of Al–7%Si alloy”, Materials Science and Technology, Vol. 24, No. 6, 2008
    52. S. Nafisi, and R. Ghomashchi, “Eutectic Nucleation in Hypoeutectic Al-Si Alloys”, Materials Characterization, Volume 59, Issue 10, Pages 1466-1473, October 2008
    53. Omid Lashkari, Reza Ghomashchi, ”Deformation behavior of semi-solid A356 Al–Si alloy at low shear rates: Effect of fraction solid”, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Volume 486, Issues 1–2, Pages 333-340, 15 July 2008
    54. S. Nafisi, D. Emadi, R. Ghomashchi, “Semi-Solid Processing of Al-Si alloys : The fraction solid dilemma”, J. Mater. Sci. Eng. A, Vol.507, Issues 1-2, pp.87-92, 2009
    55. S. Nafisi, J. Szpunar, H. Vali, and R. Ghomashchi, "Grain misorientation in thixo-billets prepared by melt stirring Materials Characterization, Volume 60, Issue 9, Pp 938-945, 2009,
    56. R. Ghomashchi, "The evolution of AlTiSi intermetallic phases in Ti-added A356 Al–Si alloy", Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 537, 255–260, 2012.
    57. S. Nafisi,  and R. Ghomashchi, “Microstructural Evolution of Electromagnetically Stirred Feedstock SSM Billets During Reheating Process”, Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis, Volume 2, Issue 2, pp 96-106, April 2013
    58. Rumman Md Raihanuzzaman, Tae Sik Jeong, Reza Ghomashchi, Zonghan Xie, Soon-Jik Hong, “Characterization of short-duration high-energy ball milled WC–Co powders and subsequent consolidations”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 615 S564–S568, 2014.
    59. O. Lashkari and R. Ghomashchi, “Evolution of primary α-Al particles during isothermal transformation of rheocast semi solid metal billets of A356 Al–Si alloy”,  Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, Volume 53, Issue 1, 2014
    60. Ugyen Dorji and Reza Ghomashchi, “Hydro turbine failure mechanisms: An overview”, Engineering Failure Analysis 44, 136–147, 2014
    61. Rumman Md Raihanuzzaman, Zonghan Xie, Soon Jik Hong, Reza Ghomashchi, “Powder refinement, consolidation and mechanical properties of cemented carbides-An overview”, Powder Technology, 261, 1–13, 2014
    62. Md. Raihanuzzaman Rumman, Zonghan Xie , Soon-Jik Hong, Reza Ghomashchi, “Effect of spark plasma sintering pressure on mechanical properties of WC–7.5 wt% Nano Co”, Materials and Design, 68, 221–227, 2015
    63. A. Jafarnia and R. Ghomashchi, “AlTiSi Intermetallics:  Morphology and its Role on Nozzle Blockage During Semi-Continuous Casting of Ti Grain Refined Al-Si, International J. of Metal Casting, Volume 9, Issue 2, 61-68, 2015.
    64.  Rumman Md. Raihanuzzaman, Seung-Taek Han, Reza Ghomashchi, Hyo-Seob Kim, Soon-Jik Hong, “Conventional sintering of WC with nano-sized Co binder: Characterization and mechanical behavior”, Int. Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials xxx (2015) xxx–xxx
    65. R.M. RAIHANUZZAMAN, H.Y. PARK, R. GHOMASHCHI, T.H. KWON, H.T. SON, S.J. HONG, “EFFECT OF TI POWDER ADDITION ON THE FABRICATION OF TiO2 NANOPOWDERS”, Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, Volume 60 2015 Issue 2, DOI: 10.1515/amm-2015-0156



    iv) Journal Articles ( Non - refereed)

    1.        Ghomashchi, M.R., "Principles of backscattered electron image", published in Australian EM Newsletter, August, pp 7-11, 1992.


    v) Conference Articles (refereed)

    1. Ghomashchi, M.R., "Sliding Wear", Surface Eng. - Practice and Prospects Conf., Adelaide South Australia, 12-14 March, 1991.
    2. Ghomashchi, M.R., "Dislocations in As-Cast M2-grade High Speed Steel", presented at the International Conference on Fundamentals Aspects of Dislocation Interaction, 30th August - 4th September, Ascona, Switzerland, 1992.
    3. Ghomashchi, M.R. and Strafford, K.N., "Factors Influencing the Production of High Integrity Aluminum/Silicon Alloy Components by Die and Squeeze Casting Processes", presented at Asia Pacific Conference on Materials Processing, Singapore, 23-25 February, 1993.
    4. Ghomashchi, M.R., Tayabnapis, A.S. and Green, L.K., "Al203 particulate reinforced Al-Ni Intermetallic Matrix Composites, Presented at "International Conference on Advanced Composites", Feb. 15-19, 1993, Wollongong University, Australia, Ed. T. Chandra and A.K. Dhingra. TMS-AIME pub., p.1385, 1993.
    5. Tabrett, C., Sare, I. and Ghomashchi, M.R., “ The effect of heat treatment on the microstructure, wear and impact performance of high chromium white irons”, Materials Research 96 Conf., Brisbane-Australia, 9-12 July, 1996
    6. Ghomashchi, M.R., Tayabnapis, A.S., “Interfacial Reaction in Conventionally Cast Al2O3 Reinforced Al-Ni Intermetallic Matrix Composites”, Materials Research 96 Conf., Brisbane-Australia, 9-12 July, 1996.
    7. Sultan-Mamedov, A.  and Ghomashchi, M.R, “Iron-based MMC’s: an Overview”, Materials Research 96 Conf., Brisbane-Australia, 9-12 July, 1996.
    8. Ghomashchi, R. and Nouruzi-Khorassani, A., "Die Casting of Aluminum Alloys: Trends and Developments", pp. 306-329, 13th Int. Symp. ICSOBA, “Development of the Aluminum Industry in Asia”, Tehran-Iran, 13-15 Nov. 2000.
    9. Nouruzi-Khorassani, A., and Ghomashchi, R., “Improving Molten Metal Quality for Die Casting”, pp. 306-329, 13th Int. Symp. ICSOBA, “Development of the Aluminum Industry in Asia”, Tehran-Iran, 13-15 Nov. 2000.
    10. M.R. Ghomashchi, “Interfacial Reaction Between Molten Aluminum and Solid Nickel”, presented at the 41st Conference of Metallurgists (COM 2002), August 11-14, Montréal, Québec, Canada, Light Metal Proc., Ed. T. Lewis, Pp665 –673, 2002.
    11. M.R. Ghomashchi, “Infiltration of Molten Aluminum in Al-Ni Powder Preform”, presented at the 41st Conference of Metallurgists (COM 2002), August 11-14, Montréal, Québec, Canada, Light Metal Proc., Ed. T. Lewis, Pp653 –663, 2002.
    12. M.R. Ghomashchi, “ An Important Quality Issue In Steel Industry; Inclusions Characterization”, presented at the 41st Conference of Metallurgists (COM 2002), August 11-14, Montréal, Québec, Canada, “Ladle and Tundish Metallurgy”, Ed., K.S. Coley and G. Brooks, CIM publication, P. 117, 2002.
    13. M.R. Ghomashchi, “Electrolytic Extraction Of Non-Metallic Inclusions In Low Carbon Steels”, presented at the 41st Conference of Metallurgists (COM 2002), August 11-14, Montréal, Québec, Canada, “Ladle and Tundish Metallurgy”, Ed., K.S. Coley and G. Brooks, CIM publication, P. 195, 2002.

    14.  Reza Ghomashchi, “Process Control and Optimization of Near and Net-Shaped Aluminum-Silicon Alloys Premium Cast Products”, Invited paper, "Process Control and Optimization in Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Industry", Chicago, Illinois USA, November 9-12, 2003.

    15.  Abbas Jafarnia, Reza Ghomashchi, Andre Charette, and X. Grant Chen, “Dissolution of AlTiSi Intermetallic Compounds in A356 Al-Si Alloy”, McGill Industry-University Conference, Poster presentation, Aluminum Center Technology (CTA), Chicoutimi, 22-23 Oct. 2003.

    16.  Omid Lashkari, Shahrooz Nafisi, Reza Ghomashchi, Andre Charette, Joseph Langlais, and Bahadir Kulunk Semi Solid Metal (SSM) Casting of Al-Si Alloys, McGill Industry-University Conference, Poster presentation, Aluminum Center Technology (CTA), Chicoutimi, 22-23 Oct. 2003.

    17.  Shahrooz Nafisi and Reza Ghomashchi, Jalal Hedjazi and S.M.A. Boutorabi, ”New Approaches to Melt Treatment of Al-Si Alloys:  Application of Thermal Analysis Technique”, 108th Metal Casting Congress, American Foundrymen’s Society, USA, Paper 04-018(02), June 2004

    18.  Shahrooz Nafisi, Daryoush Emadi, Reza Ghomashchi and Andre Charette, “Semi Solid Processing of Al-Si alloys: Effect of processing Parameters on Iron-based intermetallics”, Int. Conf. Semi Solid Processing, Cyprus, S2P-2004

    19.  Shahrooz Nafisi, Reza Ghomashchi, Andre Charette, and Bahadir Kulunk, “SEED Semi-Solid Processing of A356 Alloy: Morphological Evolution during Grain Refining”, Int. Conf. Semi Solid Processing, Cyprus, S2P-2004

    20.  Shahrooz Nafisi, Reza Ghomashchi and Andre Charette, “Effect of Grain Refiners on the microstructure of SSM A356 Al-Si Alloy using Swirl Enthalpy Equilibration Device (SEED)”, Foundry World Congress, Turkey, 2004.

    1. Sh. Nafisi, O. Lashkari, R. Ghomashchi, A. Charette “Effects of Different Fraction Solids on the Fluidity of the Rheocast 356 Al-Si Alloy”, Proceedings of Multiphase Phenomena and CFD Modeling and Simulation in Materials Processes, TMS publication 2004, P.P.119-128, March 2004
    2. Jafarnia, R. Ghomashchi, X.G. Chen and Andre Charrette, ‘Dissolution of AlTiSi Intermetallic Compounds in A356 Al-Si Alloy’, D. Gallienne and R. Ghomashchi, Ed., Proceedings of ” Light Metals and Metal Matrix Composites”, P.P.315-322, Canadian Institute of Materials publication, 2004
    3. O. Lashkari, Sh. Nafisi, R. Ghomashchi, A.Charette, J. Langlais, B. Kulunk, “Impact of swirling and superheat on microstructural evolution of 356 alloy in SEED slurry-on-demand process”, D. Gallienne and R. Ghomashchi, Ed., Proceedings of ” Light Metals and Metal Matrix Composites”, P.P.315-322, Canadian Institute of Materials publication, 2004

    24.  Shahrooz Nafisi, Reza Ghomashchi, Jalal Hedjazi and S.M.A. Boutorabi, ‘Application of Thermal Analysis in Characterizing Factors Influencing Modification of Al-Si Eutectic Alloys Used for Production of High Integrity Passenger Cars Piston’, SAE, Detroit, USA, March 2004.

    25.  Shahrooz Nafisi, Reza Ghomashchi, Jalal Hedjazi and S.M.A. Boutorabi, ‘Factors Influencing the Modification and Refinement of Hyper-eutectic Al-Si Alloys for Production of Automotive Pistons’, TMS, March 2004.

    26.  Sh. Nafisi, O. Lashkari, R. Ghomashchi, “New Approach for Semi-Solid Metal Processing (SSM) of Aluminum-Silicon Alloys”, Poster presentation in 16th Canadian Materials Science Conference, Carlton University, Ottawa, Canada, 5 - 8 June 2004

    27.  Reza Ghomashchi, "The Mechanics of Casting Conditions and Quality of As-Cast Products Interrelationships during High Pressure Die-Casting of Al-Si alloys", ICAA9, Brisbane, Australia, 1-4 Aug. 2004

    28.  Reza Ghomashchi, “The Application of Solidification Principles for Near or Net-shaped casting of Al alloys”,  Proceedings of 8th Ultra-Steel Workshop, invited paper,  Tsukuba, Japan,  July 21-22, 2004

    29.  Sh. Nafisi, O. Lashkari, R. Ghomashchi, “Semi Solid of Aluminum 356 Alloy, Effect of Grain Refining and Process Parameters on Microstructural Evolution and Rheological Behavior”, Poster presentation at the REGAL students’ day (Aluminum Research Network), University of Laval, Quebec, October 2004

    30.  H. Blanchette, R. Ghomashchi, A. Charrette and D. Bouchard, ‘Développement d’un système d’assurance qualité pour les billettes d’aluminium semi-solide obtenues avec le procédé SEED’, Poster presentation at the REGAL students’ day (Aluminum Research Network), University of Laval, Quebec, Oct.2004

    31.  Sh. Nafisi, R. Ghomashchi, D.Emadi, M. Shehata, “Effects of Stirring on the Silicon Morphological Evolution in Hypoeutectic Al-Si Alloys”, TMS-Light Metals Conference 2005, San Francisco, CA, P.P. 1111-1116, Feb.2005

    32.  O. Lashkari, R. Ghomashchi, F. Ajersch, “Rheological study of 356 Al-Si foundry alloy prepared by a new innovative SSM process”, EPD congress, Edited by Mark E. Schlesinger TMS 2005, pp.149-156, 2005

    33.  Sh. Nafisi, R. Ghomashchi, J. Langlais, “Preliminary Results on the Effects of Modification during Semi-Solid Processing of Al-7%Si Alloys”, TMS-Light Metals Conference 2005, San Francisco, CA, P.P. 1083-1088, Feb.2005

    34.  Sh. Nafisi, O. Lashkari, R. Ghomashchi, J. Langlais, B. Kulunk, “The SEED Technology: A New Generation in Rheocasting”, COM-2005 Conference proceed., CIM-Light Metals 2005, Ed: J.P. Martin, Pp. 359-372, Calgary, Canada Aug. 2005

    35.  O. Lashkari, R. Ghomashchi and A. Charette, “Application of Rheological study to characterize the microstructure of SSM Rheo-Cast Billets”, COM-2005 Conference proceed., CIM-Light Metals 2005, Ed: J.P. Martin, Pp. 235-243, Calgary, Canada Aug. 2005

    36.  Z. Zhang, X.-G. Chen, A. Charette, and R. Ghomashchi , “Effect of titanium on solidification microstructure of Al-16%B4C composites”, COM-2005 Conference proceed., CIM-Light Metals 2005, Ed: J.P. Martin, Pp. 447-456, Calgary, Canada Aug. 2005

    37.  Reza Ghomashchi, “Wear of high speed steels as materials for bearings in aero-gas turbines”, Materials degradation: Innovation, Inspection, Control and Rehabilitation, Eds. G.P. Gu, M. Elboujdaini and A. Alfantazi, Pp. 287-298, COM-2005 Conference, Calgary, Canada, Aug. 2005

    38.  D. Emadi, M. Shehata, Sh. Nafisi, and R. Ghomashchi, “Effects of Stirring and Superheat on the Morphologies of Silicon and Iron-based Intermetallics in Al-Si Alloys”, Will be presented in 2nd International Conference on Advances in Production and Processing of Aluminum, Bahrain, Dec. 2005

    39.  S. Nafisi, A. Charette, J. Langlais, R. Ghomashchi, Semi Solid Casting of Al-Si 356 Alloy”, Poster presentation at the REGAL students’ day (Aluminum Research Network), University of Sherbrook, Quebec, Nov. 2005

    40.  Omid Lashkari, André Charette and Reza Ghomashchi, “Microstructural Characterization of SSM Prepared 356 Al-Alloy using Parallel Plate Compression Test”, Poster presentation at the REGAL students’ day (Aluminum Research Network), University of Sherbrook, Quebec, Nov. 2005

    41.  O. Lashkari, Sh. Nafisi, J. Langlais R. Ghomashchi, “The effect of partial decanting on the Chemical Composition of A356 Al-Si Semi-Solid alloy during Solidification”, submitted for presentation, 10th International Conference on Aluminum Alloys, to be held in Vancouver, July 9 - 13, 2006.

    1. O. Lashkari, R. Ghomashchi, A. Charrette,  and F. Ajersch, “Effect of fraction solid and shear rate on the viscosity of conventionally cast semi-solid A356 Al-Si alloys”, Aluminum 2006 proceeding, Edited by G. Dufour, F. Paray, J. Tessier, 45th annual conference of metallurgists of CIM, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, pp.451-463, 2006
    2. S. Nafisi, J. Szpunar, H. Vali and R. Ghomashchi, “Impact of grain refining on semi-solid metal processing”, Light Metals 2007, Edited by Morten Sørlie, TMS (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society), Pp. 703-706, 2007
    3. S. Nafisi, H. Vali, J Szpunar. R. Ghomashchi, ”Microstructural improvement of semi-solid hypoeutectic Al-Si foundry slloys through Boron addition”, Light Metals 2008, presented at TMS (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society), March 2008

    45.  I.H. Brown, W.L. Costin, F. Barbaro and R. Ghomashchi, “Application of SEM-EBSD for Measurement of Plastic Strain Fields associated with Weld Metal Hydrogen Assisted Cold Cracking”, Proceedings of the 9th International Pipeline Conference IPC2012, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, September 24-28, 2012.

    46.   W.L. Costin, I.H. Brown, L. Green and R. Ghomashchi, Application of FIB/SEM/EBSD for Evaluation of Residual Strains and their relationship to Weld Metal Hydrogen Assisted Cold Cracking”, Proceedings of the 9th International Pipeline Conference IPC2012, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, September 24-28, 2012.

    47.  Andrei Kotousov, Krzysztof Borkowski, Leigh Fletcher and Reza Ghomashchi, “A Model of Hydrogen Assisted Cold Cracking in Weld Metal”, Proceedings of the 9th International Pipeline Conference IPC2012, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, September 24-28, 2012.

    48.  Houman Alipooramirabad, Andrei Kotousov and Reza Ghomashchi, “Prediction of welding residual stresses in flat plate-X80”, Paper No: 178 (poster), 7th Australasian Congress on Applied Mechanics (ACAM 7), The University of Adelaide, 9th – 12th December 2012.

    49.  K. Abhary, S.Spuzic, and R. Ghomashchi,  “Some Aspects of Design Optimisation in Rolling Technology”, presented at international Conference Materials Innovation in Surface Engineering 2013 - MISE 2013,  19th - 21st November 2013, Adelaide, Australia

    50.  Rahim Kurji, James Griggs, Valerie Linton, Frank Barbaro, Andrei Kotousov, Erwin Gamboa, Reza Ghomashchi, and Nicolas Coniglio, “An improved Welding Institute of Canada test for evaluation of high strength pipeline steel weldability”,  Paper No:S11-03, 6Th International Pipeline Technology Conference, 7-9 October 2013, Ostend, Belgium

    51.  Walter L. Costin, Olivier Lavigne, Valerie Linton, Ian H. Brown, Andrei G. Kotousov, Frank J. Barbaro and Reza Ghomashchi, “Micromechanical Examination of the Relationship between weld metal microstructure and Hydrogen Assisted Cold Cracking”, Paper No:S10-02, 6Th International Pipeline Technology Conference, 7-9 October 2013, Ostend, Belgium

    52.  Rumman Md RaihanuzzamanTae Sik JeongReza GhomashchiZonghan Xie, and Soon-Jik Hong, “Characterisation of short-duration high-energy ball milled WC–Co powders and subsequent consolidations”, presented @ 20th International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials (ISMANAM 2013 http://www.ismanam2013.it) June 30-July 5, 2013, Torino, Italy 2013

    53.  Reza Ghomashchi, “Intermetallic compounds and Self-propagating high-temperature Synthesis”, Invited Speaker, 13th International Symposium on Novel and Nano Materials, June 29 ~ July 4, 2014, Krakow, Poland.

    54.  Houman Alipooramirabad, Andrei Kotousov, Reza Ghomashchi, “Numerical analysis of welding stresses in WIC weldability test”,  8th Australasian Congress on Applied Mechanics, ACAM 8 23-26 November 2014, Melbourne, Australia


    vi) Conference Articles ( Non -refereed)

    1.   P.R. Vince, T.A. Abbott, and R. Ghomashchi, "The Generation of V-Segregates in the Ammonium Chloride - NH4Cl-H2O system,", Workshop on "Modeling of Casting and Solidification Processes, BHP Research, Melbourne-Australia, 10th March, 1994.

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Entry last updated: Thursday, 12 Jan 2023

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