Associate Professor Rosalind King

Associate Professor Rosalind King
 Position Associate Prof/Reader
 Org Unit Earth Sciences
 Telephone 831 35844
 Location Floor/Room G ,  Mawson ,   North Terrace
  • Qualifications

    Ph.D. Structural evolution of the Cape Fold Belt and SW Karoo Basin: Implications on sediment storage and routeing to the SW Karoo Basin, South Africa. University of Liverpool, UK (February 2002 - May 2005) My project focused of the structural evolution of the Cape Fold Belt, as part of the SLOPE Project, a field based project in South Africa that integrated structural geology, sedimentology and geochemistry to better understand the Permian deepwater systems of the SW Karoo Basin. SLOPE was funded by an oil industry consortium (Chevron, ConocoPhillips, ExxonMobil and Statoil). Supervisors: Professor Stephen Flint & Dr. Graham Potts

    Geology BSc. (Hons) - accredited by the Geological Society, London. University of Liverpool, UK (September 1998 - July 2001) Honours Mapping Project carried out on the Ross of Mull, Scotland. The geology conisted of Neoproterozoic Moine metasediments, Caledonian zoned Ross of Mull granite, the area was effected by four phases of deformation. Supervisor: Professor Tony Harris

  • Research Interests

    My main research interests include Structural Geology, Tectonics and Petroleum Geomechanics.

    I am involved un a large investigation studying deepwater fold-thrust belts, in particular the impact of the detachment lithology, thickness and strength on structural style. I am also working on natural fracture systems and deformation bands and how they influence fluid flow in the subsurfacewith respect tot he present-day stress but also throughout their evolution since initiaition.

    My previous work at the Australian School of Petroleum has been on two ARC funded projects. The first project I worked on during 2005-2008 "Present-day Stress and Neotectonics of an Active Collisional Margin - NW Borneo". The project integrated petroleum geomechanics and structural geology to understand the evolution of the NW Borneo active margin as well as the significant petroleum systems; in the Baram Delta and offshore from Sarawak and Sabah. The second project I worked on during 2008-2010 "Present-day Stress and Tectonics of Delta to Deepwater Fold-Thrust Belt Systems (DDFTBs)". Petroleum geomechanics, structural geology and analogue and numerical modelling were employed in this project to understand the concept of critical-taper wedge theory in DDFTBs, including the geometry and mechanics of evolution of these systems. We studied a number of delta systems worldwide; including the Baram, Gulf of Mexico, Mahakam, Niger and Nile delta systems, as well as the White Pointer and Hammerhead deltas in the Ceduna Basin. My other research interests include:

    Fold Mechanics; Control of Detachment Type/Lithology/Thickness on Structural Style; Deformation Styles in Fold-Thrust Belts; Salt Tectonics; Source to Sink, and; Structurally controlled Sedimentation, Present-day Stress, Fault and Fracture Evolution, Deformation Bands, Fluid Flow in the Subsurface. 

  • Publications

    See file below.

  • Files

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Entry last updated: Thursday, 12 Jan 2023

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