Dr Sabine Schuhrer
Diplom-Kauffrau (University of Mannheim)
PhD (University of Adelaide)
Awards & Achievements
Faculty of Profession Learning Development Grant (2015; with Kate Harris)
Dean's Commendation for Doctoral Thesis Excellence (2014)
Outstanding Contribution Award, Comparative International Governmental Accounting Research (CIGAR) 2011 PhD seminar
University of Adelaide Divisional Scholarship (2009-2012)
Research Interests
Accounting Standard Setting, in particular
- Political aspects of the accounting standard setting process
- Public policy perspectives on accounting standard setting
- Agenda setting
- Agents of the accounting standard setting process
Public Sector Accounting and Auditing, in particular,
- Consolidated financial reporting
- Harmonisation of GAAP (IFRS, IPSAS, EPSAS) and statistical (GFS, ESA) reporting
- Valuation of public sector assets
- Public sector audit
Research Funding
Local Government Research & Development Scheme Category 2 Grant (2015)
Grant of Excellence, Government of Upper Austria (2015)
Journal Paper:
Schührer, S. (2018), “Identifying policy entrepreneurs of public sector accounting agenda setting in Australia”, Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, Vol. 31, Issue 4, pp 1067 - 1097.
Heiling, J., S. Schührer and J. L. Chan (2013), New development: Towards a grand convergence? International proposals for aligning government budgets, accounts and finance statistics, Public Money & Management 33 (4): 297- 305.
Book Chapter:
Schührer, S. (2011), Harmonisation of statistical and external financial whole of government reporting: The Australian approach and issues encountered, in: Accounting, Accountability and Governance in the Public Sector, Schriftenreihe Public and Nonprofit Management, D. Greiling, A. Halachmi and R. Schauer (Eds.), Linz, Trauner Verlag: 85-105
Conference Papers:
Schührer, S. (2015): GAAP/GFS Harmonisation in Australia - An Agenda Setting Perspective, Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand (AFAANZ) Annual Meeting (Hobart, Australia)
Schührer, S. (2015): Who Are the Agents of Public Sector Accounting Agenda Setting? An Australian Case Study, 15th Biennial Comparative International Governmant Accounting Research (CIGAR) Conference (University of Malta, Malta)
Schührer, S. (2013): Development of a theoretical model and propositions to investigate how the GFC might affect the public sector accounting agenda setting, 14th Biennial Comparative International Governmant Accounting Research (CIGAR) Conference (University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK)
Professional Associations
CPA Australia
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