Dr Salvador Herrando-Perez
Biography/ Background
+ I am a quantitative ecologist interested in the curation and analysis of biodiversity data. In terms of study taxa, habitat or ecological discipline, I am definitely a generalist.
+ I am proficient in R programming, multivariate ordination and compilation of biological databases. I have published 33 peer-reviewed papers, lectured 15 postgraduate courses on multivariate statistics and described 4 species new to science. I hold BSc in Biology/Zoology (1991), MPhil in marine ecology (1992-1996), PhD in population dynamics (2007-2012), and have completed three postdocs in ecophysiology (2013-2015), palaeoecology (2018-2020) and ecological monitoring (2021). Throughout, I have experienced 12 years of career interruptions mostly due to parenting responsabilities.
+ I write popular science on biodiversity and global change since 2011, resulting in more than 100 printed articles and blogs.
Listen inteviews (in Spanish) here on biodiversity and extinctions (Radio 4: Spain's national public radio/TVE) and here on climate change in the TV program 'Qué Animal' (TV2: Spain's national public television/TVE)I am currently Miguel Araújo's Lab Manager (Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid, Spain)
Below I show some aspects of ongoing research work.Estimation of extinction time of several megafauna genera
Latest conference (Flinders University, 07/02/2020)One of my latest research papers featured in the cover of Journal of Animal Ecology
One of my popular-science papers featured in the cover of Quercus -
$ Project/Lab manager. Global Ecology. February 2024 (present). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales/Spanish National Research Council, Madrid, Spain. Team leader: Miguel B. Araújo
$ Research fellow. Global Ecology. January-Agosto 2023. BioCoRe S. Coop, Madrid, Spain. Research: database building and numerical ecology. Team leader: David R Vieites
$ Research fellow. Fire Ecology. February 2022-January 2023. Desertification Research Centre/Spanish National Research Council, Moncada, Spain. Research: Arthropod community recovery following megafires. Supported by Generalitat Valenciana Prometeo. Team leader: Juli G Pausas$ Research fellow. Community ecology. January 2021-2022. Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales/Spanish National Research Council, Madrid, Spain. Research: Amphibian bioprospection using environmental DNA. Supported by European Union LIFE+. Team leader: David R Vieites
$ ARC Research Associate. September-December 2020. School of Biological Sciences - The University of Adelaide, Australia. Research: Colonization history of dingoes in Australia. Team leader: Kieren Mitchell
$ ARC Research Associate. July-September 2020. School of Biological Sciences - The University of Adelaide, Australia. Research: Multivariate analysis of SNP data. Team leader: Christian Huber
$ ARC Research Associate. 2018-2020. School of Biological Sciences - The University of Adelaide, Australia. Research: Megafauna palaeoecology using radiocarbon dates. Team leader: Jeremy Austin
$ Postdoc Fellow. 2013-2015. Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales - Spanish National Research Council, Madrid, Spain. Team leaders: Miguel B Araújo & David R Vieites. Research: Ectotherm physiology at thermal limits
$ PhD. Demography. 2007-2012. School of Biological Sciences, The University of Adelaide, Australia. Thesis = Resolving conceptual confusion and quantifying cross-taxa patterns of 'density dependence' in population ecology (212 pp) - Excellence Dean Commendation Award. Supervisors: Corey JA Bradshaw (principal), Barry W Brook & Steven Delean
$ MPhil. Marine Ecology. 1992-1996. School of Marine Science & Technology, The University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. Thesis = Initial benthic recovery following fly ash dumping off the Northumberland coast (125 pp). Supervisor: Christopher LJ Frid
$ BSc. Biology (Zoology). 1986-1991. Faculty of Biological Sciences, Valencia University, SpainCareer Interruptions: 1997-1998 (civil service with Red Cross) and parenting (1999-2006, 2016-2017).
Teaching Interests
I am a fan of ordination methods as tools of visualisation of complex information.
POSTGRADUATE (courses lectured)
$ Mutivariate ordination methods for ecology and conservation. National Museum of Natural Sciences, Spanish National Research Council, Madrid, Spain. 3-8 October 2016
$ Mutivariate ordination methods for ecology and conservation. Centro de Ecología y Biodiversidad & Universidad Ricardo Palma, Lima, Peru. 18-23 July 2016
$ Mutivariate ordination methods for marine environmental impact assessment. Aquabiosfera & Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Bogota, Colombia. 11-16 July 2016
$ Multivariate analyses in biodiversity studies for environmental impact assessment and protected areas. Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, Tunja, Colombia. 5-9 February 2008
$ Multivariate analyses: ordination, correlation and difference with biodiversity data. Fundación Omacha, Bogota, Colombia. 5 rounds: 27 June-1 July 2005 + 5-9 July 2005 + 11-15 July 2005 + 9-13 October 2006 + 17-21 October 2006
$ A practical approach to multivariate analyses for fisheries and aquaculture. Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Bogota, Colombia. 7-11 June 2005
$ A practical approach to the study of biodiversity through multivariate methods. Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Lima, Peru. 22-29 November 2004
$ Quantitative zoology: multivariate analyses and aquatic mammal research. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogota, Colombia. 6-27 June 2003
$ Measurements of biological diversity by means of multivariate methods. El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Chetumal, Mexico. Three rounds: November 2001 + October 2003 & 2004. Supported (2001 & 2003) by ‘Cátedras Universitarias Especiales' (Mexican Government - competitive funding)References: Sophie Calmé and Oscar David Solano Plazas
UNDERGRADUATE (courses demonstrated)
$ Research Methods in Environmental Biology III (statistics for ecology). ENV BIOL 3006. School of Earth & Environmental Sciences, Adelaide University, Australia. 2012
$ Ecological issues (statistics for ecology). 3020 ENV BIOL 1002. School of Earth & Environmental Sciences, Adelaide University, Australia. 2011
$ Ecological issues (ecology and biodiversity conservation). 2920 ENV BIOL 1002. School of Earth & Environmental Sciences, Adelaide University, Australia. 2009 -
Research Funding
Others' grants / Review College
I review grant applications biannually for the British Ecological Society since 2015My grants / Competitive funding
$ Prime-XS 275 / European Union 7th Framework. Expression and evolution of heat-shock proteins at the extremes of the thermal niche of Iberian reptiles (Postdoc) = ~EU50K for proteome sequencing at Functional Genomics Centre Zurich, Switzerland (2013-2015)
$ Large Research Grant 4496-5470 - British Ecological Society, UK. Heat-shock proteins as biomarkers of the thermal niche of Iberian reptiles (Postdoc) = £20K (2014-2015)
$ Endeavour International Postgraduate Scholarship (PhD). Australian Research Council and The University of Adelaide, Australia. Factors controlling population size and extinction risk (PhD) = tuition fees + living stipend (2008-2012)
$ Small Ecological Research Grant 1159/1438 - British Ecological Society, UK. Macrobenthic assemblages in an Andean high-altitude lake system from the lguaque-Guantiva-La Rusia Paramo-Montane forest corridor, Boyaca, Colombia (Freelance research) = £2,444 (2007-2008)
$ Small Ecological Research Grant 1897 - British Ecological Society, UK. Ecology and biodiversity of the stygobiont fauna from the Ullal de Cabanes Cave, Spain, Western Mediterranean (Freelance research) = £850 (2001-2003)
$ Postgraduate Grant (MPhil).- Balaguer-Gonel Hermanos Foundation, Spain. Recovery of marine bottoms following fly-ash disposal off Northumberland = EU3K (1994-1995)
My consultancy
$ Unit of excellence application in global ecology (2012-2015 Research Report & 2017-2020 Strategic Program). Duty: writing funding proposal on behalf of the Department of Biogeography and Global Change for the 2016 María de Maeztu program of research excellence (Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness). 2015-2016 (application and rejoinders submitted in October 2016 and February 2017, respectively)
$ Megafauna extinctions from Late-Pleistocene Sahul, Adelaide. The Environment Institute, University of Adelaide (Australia). Duty: Collation of database (‘FosSahul': published in AEKOS & Scientific Data) of Pleistocene & Holocene vertebrate fossil ages from Australia and Papua New Guinea. Two workshops attended in Linnaeus (21-25/10/2013) and Hobart (25-31/10/2014). 2012-2016.
$ Rapid Biodiversity Assessment, Contamana, Amazon. Conservation Data Centre and National University 'Agraria La Molina' (Peru). Duty: Field photography. 2004
$ Environmental Impact Assessment, Unelco Power Station, Tenerife. La Laguna University (Spain). Duty: Invertebrate taxonomy and data analyses. 1997-2001 -
RESEARCH PAPERS (Orcid | GoogleScholar)
In Review
$ Herrando-Pérez S, KJ Mitchell, JR Southon, CSM Turney, TW Stafford (2025) MEGA14C, a database of radiocarbon dates from Holarctic mammal collagen purified with high-quality chemistryPublished
$ Herrando-Pérez S, F Saltré (2023) Estimating extinction time using radiocarbon dates. Quaternary Geochronology 79: 101489. Blog published here
$ Pausas JG, L Álvarez-Ruiz, A Baz, J Belliure, G Benítez, PP Ferrer-Gallego, S Herrando-Pérez, JN Jiménez, E Laguna, E Mínguez, S Montagud, R Outerelo, V Roca, X Santos, AJ Velázquez de Castro, A Viñolas, J Cifuentes, JD Gilgado (2023) Postfire biodiversity database for eastern Iberia. Scientific Data 10: 872. Dataset available here
$ Bradshaw CJA, S Herrando-Pérez (2023) Logistic-growth models measuring density feedback are sensitive to population declines, but not fluctuating carrying capacity. Ecology and Evolution 13: e10010.
$ Herrando-Pérez S, DR Vieites, MB Araújo (2023) Novel physiological data needed for progress in global change ecology. Basic and Applied Ecology 67:32-47. Blog published here
$ Herrando-Pérez S, R Tobler, CD Huber (2021) smartsnp, an R package for fast multivariate analysis of big genomic data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 12(1):2084-2093 (journal cover). Blog published here and here
$ Herrando-Pérez S (2021) Bone need not remain an elephant in the room for radiocarbon dating. Royal Society Open Science 7: 201351. Blog published here
$ Herrando-Pérez S, J Belliure, F Ferri-Yáñez, TV van den Burg, W Beukema, MB Araújo, JS Terblanche, DR Vieites (2020) Water deprivation drives intraspecific variability in lizard heat tolerance. Basic and Applied Ecology 48: 37-51. See blog here and press release here
$ van den Burg T, S Herrando-Pérez, DR Vieites (2020) ACDC: a global database of amphibian cytochrome-b sequences using reproducible curation for Genbank records. Scientific Data 7:268. Deposited here
$ Armbrecht L, S Herrando-Pérez, R Eisenhofer, G Hallegraeff, C Bolch, A Cooper (2020) An optimized method for the extraction of ancient eukaryote DNA from marine sediments. Molecular Ecology Resources 20(4):906-919.
$ Herrando-Pérez S, C Monasterio, W Beukema, V Gomes, F Ferri-Yáñez, DR Vieites, LB Buckley, MB Araújo (2020) Heat tolerance is more variable than cold tolerance across species of Iberian lizards after controlling for intraspecific variation. Functional Ecology 34(3):631-645. See press release here and blog here. Dataset available here
$ Herrando-Pérez S, CJA Bradshaw, S Lewandowsky, DR Vieites (2019) Statistical language backs conservatism in climate-change assessments. Bioscience 69(3): 209-219. See press releases here and here, and blogs for The Conversation/Spain and ConservationBytes
$ Herrando-Pérez S, F Ferri-Yáñez , C Monasterio, W Beukema, V Gomes, J Belliure, SL Chown, DR Vieites, MB Araújo (2019) Intraspecific variation in lizard heat tolerance alters estimates of climate impact. Journal of Animal Ecology 88(2):247-257 (journal cover). See blog. Dataset available here
$ Rodríguez-Rey M, S Herrando-Pérez, BW Brook, F Saltré, J Alroy, NJ Beeton, MI Bird, A Cooper, R Gillespie, Z Jacobs, CN Johnson, GH Miller, GJ Prideaux, RG Roberts, CSM Turney, CJA Bradshaw (2016) A comprehensive database of quality-rated fossil ages for Sahul's Quaternary vertebrates. Scientific Data 3(16005):1-7. Dababase published in AEKOS on 19/11/15
$ Johnson CN, J Alroy, NJ Beeton, MI Bird, BW Brook, A Cooper, R Gillespie, S Herrando-Pérez, Z Jacobs, GH Miller, GJ Prideaux, RG Roberts, M Rodríguez-Rey, F Saltré, CSM Turney, CJA Bradshaw (2016) What caused extinction of the Pleistocene megafauna of Sahul? Proceedings of the Royal Society B 283(1824):1-8
$ Saltré F, M Rodriguez-Rey, BW Brook, CN Johnson, CS Turney, J Alroy, A Cooper, N Beeton, MI Bird, DA Fordham, R Gillespie, S Herrando-Pérez, Z Jacobs, GH Miller, D Nogués-Bravo, GJ Prideaux, RG Roberts, CJA Bradshaw (2016) Climate change not to blame for late Quaternary megafauna extinctions in Australia. Nature Communications 7(10511):1-7
$ Rodriguez-Rey M, S Herrando-Pérez, R Gillespie, Z Jacobs, F Saltré, BW Brook, GJ Prideaux, RG Roberts, A Cooper, J Alroy, GH Miller, MI Bird, CN Johnson, N Beeton, CS Turney, CJA Bradshaw (2015) Criteria for assessing the quality of Middle Pleistocene to Holocene vertebrate fossil ages. Quaternary Geochronology 30:69-79
$ Bradshaw CJA, BW Brook, S Delean, DA Fordham, S Herrando-Pérez, P Cassey, R Early, CH Sekercioglu, MB Araujo (2014) Predictors of contraction and expansion of area of occupancy for British birds. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 281(1786):1-9
$ Herrando-Pérez S, S Delean, BW Brook, P Cassey, CJA Bradshaw (2014) Spatial climate patterns explain negligible variation in strength of compensatory density feedback in birds and mammals. PLoS ONE 9(e91536):1-12
$ Herrando-Pérez S, BW Brook, CJA Bradshaw (2014) Clarity and precision of language are a necessary route in ecology. BioScience 64(5):373-374
$ Herrando-Pérez S, BW Brook, CJA Bradshaw (2014) Ecology needs a convention of nomenclature. BioScience 64(4):311-321. See blog
$ Herrando-Pérez S (2013) Climate change heats matrix population models. Journal of Animal Ecology 82(6):1117-1119
$ Herrando-Pérez S, S Delean, BW Brook, CJA Bradshaw (2012) Decoupling of component and ensemble density feedbacks in birds and mammals. Ecology 93(7):1728-1740. See blog
$ Herrando-Pérez S, S Delean, BW Brook, CJA Bradshaw (2012) Density dependence: an ecological Tower of Babel. Oecologia 170(3):583-603. Talk given at INTECOL 2007 (Brisbane, Australia, August 2009) and see blog
$ Herrando-Pérez S, S Delean, BW Brook, CJA Bradshaw (2012) Strength of density feedback in census data increases from slow to fast life histories. Ecology and Evolution 2(8):1922-1934. Talk given at ‘Royal Society of South Australia' Awards - runner-up prize (Adelaide, Australia, April 2011)
$ Brusa F, LHL Negrete, Y Herrerra-Martínez, S Herrando-Pérez (2012) Girardiae festae (Borelli, 1898) (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida: Dugesiidae): distribution extension in a high-altitude lake from Colombia. Check List 8(2):276-279
$ Pesic V, T Chatterjee, Y Herrera-Martínez, S Herrando-Pérez (2010) Wandesia (Partnuniella) lehmanni - a new water mite species (Acari: Hydrachnidia, Hydryphantidae) from a high-altitude lake in the Colombian Andes. International Journal of Acarology 36(1):53-58. Supported by British Ecological Society ‘Small Ecological Research Grant' (competitive funding)
$ Luja VH, S Herrando-Pérez, D González-Solís, L Luiselli (2008) Secondary rainforests are not havens for reptile species in tropical Mexico. Biotropica 40(6):747-757
$ Herrando-Pérez S, M Baratti, G Messana (2008) Subterranean ecological research and multivariate statistics. Journal of Cave and Karst Studies 70(2):120-128. Talk given at ‘I Congreso Valenciano de Espleología' (Alcoy, Alicante, Spain, April 2006)
$ La Torre-Cuadros MA, S Herrando-Pérez, K Young (2007) Diversity and structural patterns for tropical montane and premontane forests of Central Peru, with an assessment of the use of higher-taxon surrogacy. Biodiversity and Conservation 16(10):2965-2988
$ Baquero E, S Herrando-Pérez, R Jordana (2006) A new species of Arrhopalites (Collembola, Symphypleona, Arrhopalitidae) from a cave on the Central East Iberian Peninsula. Subterranean Biology 3:81-86
$ Bruce NL, S Herrando-Pérez (2005) Kensleylana briani, a new genus and species of freshwater cave-dwelling cirolanid (Crustacea: Isopoda) from Spain. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 118(1):74-83.
$ de Grave S, S Herrando-Pérez (2003) A new species of Typhlocirolana (Isopoda, Cirolanidae) from the Ullal de la Rambla de Miravet, Spain. Zootaxa 393:1-11. Supported by British Ecological Society ‘Small Ecological Research Grant' (competitive funding)
$ Herrando-Pérez S, G San Martín, J Núñez (2001) Polychaete patterns from an oceanic island in the East Atlantic, La Gomera (Canarian Archipelago). Cahiers de Biologie Marine 42:275-287
$ Herrando-Pérez S, CLJ Frid (2001) Recovery patterns of macrobenthos and sediment at a close fly-ash dumpsite. Sarsia (Marine Biology Research) 86(4-5):389-400. Talk given at VI International Polychaete Conference (Curitiba, Brazil, August 1998)
$ Herrando-Pérez S, CLJ Frid (1998) The cessation of long-term fly-ash dumping: effects on macrobenthos and sediments. Marine Pollution Bulletin 36(10):780-790
POPULAR SCIENCE (Quercus at www.revistaquercus.es, in Spanish)
Three theme series on conservation biology, animal behaviour, climate change and (current) global changeManuals
$ Herrando-Pérez S, DR Vieites (2019). Uncertainty Handbook (Climate Oureach & University of Bristol, UK) - Spanish translation: free copy available here. Press release (Spanish) here