Dr Scotte Wedderburn

Dr Scotte Wedderburn
 Position Int Grant-Funded Researcher A
 Org Unit Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
 Email scotte.wedderburn@adelaide.edu.au
 Telephone 831 35690
 Location Floor/Room 123B ,  Benham ,   North Terrace
  • Qualifications

    1998     Bachelor of Applied Science (Natural Resources Management)     The University of Adelaide

    2000     Bachelor of Science (Honours)     The Univeristy of Adelaide

    2009     Doctor of Philosophy (Environmental Biology)     The University of Adelaide

  • Publications

    Wedderburn SD, Walker KF & Zampatti BP (2007). Habitat separation of Craterocephalus (Atherinidae) species and populations in off-channel areas of the lower River Murray, Australia. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 16: 442–449.

    Hammer M & Wedderburn S (2008). The threatened Murray hardyhead: natural history and captive rearing. Fishes of Sahul 22: 390–399.

    Wedderburn SD & Walker KF (2008). Osmoregulation in populations of an endangered hardyhead (Atherinidae: Craterocephalus fluviatilis McCulloch, 1912) from different salinity regimes. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 17: 653–658.

    Wedderburn SD, Walker KF & Zampatti BP (2008). Salinity may cause fragmentation of hardyhead (Teleostei: Atherinidae) populations in the River Murray, Australia. Marine and Freshwater Research 59: 254–258.

    Adams M, Wedderburn SD, Unmack PJ, Hammer MP  & Johnson JB (2011). Use of congeneric assessment to reveal the linked genetic histories of two threatened fishes in the Murray–Darling Basin, Australia. Conservation Biology 25: 767–776.

    Wedderburn SD, Hammer MP & Bice CM (2012). Shifts in small-bodied fish assemblages resulting from drought-induced water level recession in terminating lakes of the Murray–Darling Basin, Australia. Hydrobiologia 691: 35–46.

    Ellis IM, Stoessel D, Hammer MP, Wedderburn SD, Suitor L & Hall A (2013). Conservation of an inauspicious endangered freshwater fish, Murray hardyhead (Craterocephalus fluviatilis), during drought and competing water demands in the Murray–Darling Basin, Australia. Marine and Freshwater Research 64: 792–806.

    Wedderburn SD, Hillyard KA & Shiel RJ (2013). Zooplankton response to flooding of a drought refuge and implications for the endangered fish species Craterocephalus fluviatilis cohabiting with alien Gambusia holbrooki. Aquatic Ecology 47: 263–275.

    Wedderburn SD, Barnes TC & Hillyard KA (2014). Shifts in fish assemblages indicate failed recovery of threatened species following prolonged drought in terminating lakes of the Murray–Darling Basin, Australia. Hydrobiologia: 730:179–190.

    Wedderburn SD, Bice CM & Barnes TC (2014). Prey selection and diet overlap of native golden perch and alien redfin perch under contrasting hydrological conditions. Australian Journal of Zoology 62:374–381.

    Shaw JLA, Clarke LJ, Wedderburn SD, Barnes TC, Weyrich LS  & Cooper A (2016). Comparison of environmental DNA metabarcoding and conventional fish survey methods in a river system. Biological Conservation 197:131–138.

    Wedderburn SD, Bailey CP, Delean S & Paton DC (2016). Population and osmoregulatory responses of a euryhaline fish to extreme salinity fluctuations in coastal lagoons of the Coorong, Australia. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 168:50–57.

    Wedderburn SD & Barnes TC (2016). Piscivory by alien redfin perch (Perca fluviatilis) begins earlier than anticipated in two contrasting habitats of Lake Alexandrina, South Australia. Australian Journal of Zoology 64: 1–7.

    Wedderburn SD, Hammer MP, Bice CM, Lloyd LN, Whiterod NS & Zampatti BP (2017)Flow regulation simplifies a lowland fish assemblage in the Lower River Murray, South Australia. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 141: 169192.

    Halliday BT, Wedderburn SD, Barton JL & Lester, RE (2018). Restructuring of littoral fish assemblages after drought differs in two lakes at the terminus of a heavily regulated river. River Research and Applications 34: 338–347.

    Wedderburn SD (2018). Multi-species monitoring of rare wetland fishes should account for imperfect detection of sampling devices. Wetlands Ecology and Management 26: 1107–1120.

    Wedderburn SD, Whiterod NS, Barnes TC & Shiel RJ (2020). Ecological aspects related to reintroductions to avert the extirpation of a freshwater fish from a large floodplain river. Aquatic Ecology 54: 281–294.

    Thiele S, Adams M, Hammer M, Wedderburn S, Whiterod NS, Unmack PJ, Sasaki M, Luciano & Beheregaray LB (2020). Range-wide population genetics study informs on conservation translocations and reintroductions for the endangered Murray hardyhead (Craterocephalus fluviatilis). Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 30: 1959–1974.

    Wedderburn SD, Whiterod NS & Vilizzi L (2022). Occupancy modelling confirms the first extirpation of a freshwater fish from one of the world's largest river systems. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 32: 258–268.

    Marshall IR, Brauer CJ, Wedderburn SD, Whiterod NS, Hammer MP, Barnes TC, Attard CRM, Möller LM, Beheregaray LB (2022). Longitudinal monitoring of neutral and adaptive genomic diversity in a reintroduction. Conservation Biology 36: e13889.

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Entry last updated: Thursday, 18 Jan 2024

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