Professor Simon Holford

Professor Simon Holford
 Position State Chair in Petroleum Geoscience
 Org Unit Earth Sciences
 Telephone 831 38035
 Location Floor/Room 124 ,  Mawson ,   North Terrace
  • Biography/ Background

    I am the South Australian State Chair of Petroleum Geoscience in the Discipline of Earth Sciences, School of Physics, Chemistry and Earth Sciences, University of Adelaide. With my colleague Rosalind King, I lead the Stress, Structure & Seismic (S^3) Research Group; this is a multidisciplinary group of academics, research staff and HDR students working mostly on applied GeoEnergy problems related to structural geology and geomechanics in sedimentary basins. Current research foci include the development of rapid methods for evaluating the geomechanical impacts of CCUS at basin scales, the quantification of uncertainty associated with stress magnitude determination and the geomechanical impacts of cyclic hydrogen storage. I have a long-standing interest in magmatism in sedimentary basins, with geographic focus on the rifted margins of Australia and NW Europe. This research seeks to understand the impacts of magmatism on petroleum systems and evaluate the potential for subsurface gas storage, and specifically the permanent storage of carbon, in buried volcanic rocks.

  • Qualifications

    PhD, School of Geography, Earth & Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham. Title: The Mesozoic-Cenozoic Exhumation History of the Irish Sea Basin System, Western UK. Supervisors: Dr Jonathan Turner, Dr Paul Green, Dr Dave Tappin. External examiner: Prof. John Underhill. July 2006.

    BSc (Hons) in Geology and Geography, Keele University, First Class. July 2001.

  • Teaching Interests

    My teaching responsibilities for 2011 include contributions to the following courses.


    This course is taken by 1st year Petroleum Engineering (BEng) students and 2nd year Petroleum Geoscience (BSc) students. I coordinate the practical classes and demonstrate on the associated fieldcamp.


    This course is taken by Petroleum Geoscience Honours students and third year and coursework Masters petroleum engineering students as part of PE3024/7048 Petroleum Exploration and Management. I delivered a series of lectures covering - a review of sedimentary basins, in terms of their geodynamic origins and petroleum geology - an overview of the development of the Australian continent, emphasising the major petroleum systems - Australian exploration and production in a global context - Australian frontier regions.


    I coordinate this course which is taken by 3rd year Petroleum Geoscience (BSc) students, and involves the sedimentological and geophysical characterisation of a working petroleum reservoir.


  • Research Interests

    I have recently been awarded a prestigious four-year Australian Postdoctoral Fellowship by the Australian Research Council (ARC). This Fellowship is tied to an ARC Discovery Project entitled Compressional Deformation and Uplift of Australias Passive Southern Margin which has received funding of AUS$413,000 over the period 2008-2011. My collaborators on this project are Professor Richard Hillis (ASP), Dr Paul Green (Geotrack International, Melbourne) and Dr Martyn Stoker (British Geological Survey, Edinburgh).

    According to classic plate tectonic theory, passive margins remain stable subsequent to their formation in association with continental breakup. However, Australias passive southern margin has been extensively deformed and uplifted during the Cenozoic. This project aims to determine the distribution, chronology and causes of deformation of the southern margin, addressing particularly the roles of plate boundary and intraplate sources of stress and the processes that serve to localize deformation. To achieve these aims we will integrate structural interpretation of seismic data with thermal and uplift history analysis, sediment mass balance calculations and present-day stress data.

    The key benefit of this research will be to advance our understanding of the processes which cause active deformation of continental margins that are predicted by plate tectonic theory to be passive. We will analyse Australias passive southern margin because it is an ideal natural laboratory in which to investigate the causes of deformation of passive continental margins. Hydrocarbon exploration interest and investment has waned along much of Australias southern margin because of lack of understanding of the relative age of the formation of potentially hydrocarbon-bearing structures and the timing of hydrocarbon charge. This project will clarify their relative ages.

  • Publications


    In press

    ROBSON, A.G., KING, R.C. & HOLFORD, S.P. In press. Structural evolution of a gravitationally detyached normal fault array: analysis of 3D seismic data from the Ceduna Sub-Basin, Great Australian Bight. Basin Research.

    KEANY, M., HOLFORD, S.P. & BUNCH, M.A. In press. Constraining Late Cretaceous exhumation in the Eromanga Basin using sonic velocity data. The APPEA Journal.

    MEEUWS, F., HOLFORD, S., FODEN, J. & SCHOFIELD, N. In press. Distribution, chronology and causes of Cretaceous-Cenozoic magmatism along the magma-poor, rifted southern Australian margin: links between mantle melting and basin formation. Marine and Petroleum Geology.

    TASSONE, D.R., HOLFORD, S.P., KING, R.C., TINGAY, M.R.P. & HILLIS, R.R. In press. Contemporary stress and neotectonics in the Otway Basin, southern Australian margin. Tectonophysics.

    BAILEY, A.H.E., KING, R.C., HOLFORD, S.P. & HAND, M. In press. Extending interpretations of natural fractures from the wellbore using 3D attributes: The Carnarvon Basin, Australia. Interpretation.

    SCHOFIELD, N., JERRAM, D.A., HOLFORD, S., ARCHER, S., MARK, N., HARTLEY, A., HOWELL, J., MUIRHEAD, D., GREEN, P., HUTTON, D. & STEVENSON, C. In press. Sills in sedimentary basins and petroleum systems. Advances in Volcanology: Physical Geology of Shallow Magmatic Systems.


    HOLFORD, S.P., TASSONE, D.R., STOKER, M.S. & HILLIS, R.R. 2016. Contemporary stress ortientations in the Faroe-Shetland region. Journal of the Geological Society, 173, 142-152.


    SCHOFIELD, N., HOLFORD, S., MILLET, J., BROWN, D., JOLLEY, D., PASSEY, S., MUIRHEAD, D., GROVE, C., MAGEE, C., MURRAY, J., HOLE, M., JACKSON, C. & STEVENSON, C. 2015. Regional magma plumbing and emplacement mechanisms of the Faroe-Shetland Sill complex: Implications for magma transport and petroleum systems within sedimentary basins. Basin Research, doi:10.1111/bre.12164.

    KIRKBY, A., HEINSON, G., HOLFORD, S. & THIEL, S. 2015. Mapping fractures using 1D anistropic modelling of magnetotelluric data: A case study from the Otway Basin, Victoria, Australia. Geophysical Journal International, 201, 1961-1976.

    BAILEY, A., KING, R., HOLFORD, S., SAGE, J., HAND, M. & BACKE, G. 2015. Defining structural permeability in Australian sedimentary basins. The APPEA Journal, 55, 119-147.

    LLOYD, J., COLLINS, A.S., PAYNE, J.L., GLORIE, S., HOLFORD, S. & REID, A.J., 2015. Tracking the Createcous transcontinental Ceduna River through Australia: The hafnium isotope record of detrital zircons from offshore southern Australia. Geoscience Frontiers, doi:10.1016/j.gsf.2015.06.001

    SWIERCZEK, E., BACKE, G., HOLFORD, S.P., TENTHORY, E. & MITCHELL, A. 2015. 3D seismic analysis of complex faulting patterns above the Snapper Gas Field, Gippsland Basin, Australia: implcations for CO2 storage. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 62, 77-94.

    ROBSON, A., KING R. & HOLFORD, S. 2015. 3D seismic analysis of fault growth and interaction within a gravitational detachment delta system in the Ceduna Sub-Basin, Great Australian Bight. ASEG Extended Abstracts 2015, doi:10.1071/ASEG2015ab008. Awarded Best Student Paper at 2015 ASEG/PESA Convention.

    MEEUWS, F., HOLFORD, S. & FODEN, J. 2015. Geophysical and geochemical constraints on Cretaceous-Cenozoic magmatism along the southern Australian margin. ASEG Extended Abstracts 2015, doi:10.1071/ASEG2015ab298.

    BAILEY, A.H.E., KING, R.C, HOLFORD, S.P. & SAGE, J.M. 2015. Variation of natural fracture orientations in the Carnarvon Basin's Rankin Platform and Dampier Sub-Basin, NWS, Western Australia. ASEG Extended Anstracts 2015, doi:10.1071/ASEG2015ab296.


    HOLFORD, S.P., TUITT, A.K., HILLIS, R.R., GREEN, P.F., STOKER, M.S., DUDDY, I.R., SANDIFORD, M. & TASSONE, D.R. 2014. Cenozoic deformation in the Otway Basin, southern Australian margin: implications for the origin and nature of post-breakup compression at rifted margins. Basin Research, 26, 10-37.

    BAILEY, A., KING, R., HOLFORD, S., SAGE, J., BACKE, G. & HAND. M. 2014. Remote sensing of subsurface fractures in the Otway Basin, South Australia. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 119, 6591-6612.

    TASSONE, D.R., HOLFORD, S.P., STOKER, M.S., GREEN, P.F., JOHNSON, H., UNDERHILL, J.R. & HILLIS, R.R. 2014. Constraining Cenozoic exhumation in the Faroe-Shetland region using sonic transit time data. Basin Research, 26, 38-72.

    TASSONE, D.R., HOLFORD, S.P., DUDDY, I.R., GREEN, P.F. & HILLIS, R.R. 2014. Qunatifying Cretaceous-Cenozoic exhumation in the Otway Basin, southeastern Australia, using sonic transit time data: Implications for conventional and unconventional hydrocarbon prospectivity. AAPG Bulletin, 98, 67-117.


    HOLT, S.J., HOLFORD, S.P. & FODEN, J. 2013. New insights into the magmatic plumbing system of the South Australian Quaternary Basalt province from 3D seismic and geochemical data. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 60, 797-817. Awarded 2013 DI Groves Medal by the Geological Society of Australia.

    HOLFORD, S.P., SCHOFIELD, N., JACKSON, C. A.-L., MAGEE, C., GREEN, P.F. & DUDDY, I.R. 2013. Impacts of igneous intrusions on source and reservoir potential in prospective sedimentary basins along the western Australian continental margin. In KEEP, M. & MOSS, S.J. (Eds), The Sedimentary Basins of Western Australia IV. Proceedings of the Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia Symposium, Perth, WA, 2013.

    MACDONALD, J.D., HOLFORD, S.P. & KING, R.C. 2013. Structure and prospectivity of the Ceduna Delta-Deepwater Fold-Thrust Belt Systems, Bight Basin, Australia. GCSSEPM Foundation Annual Bob F. Perkins Research Conference Proceedings, Vol. 32, 779-816, doi: 10.5724/gcs.12.32.0779

    MILDREN, S., CLARK, R., HOLFORD, S. & TITUS, L. 2013. Characterisation of fracture permeability at Cow Lagoon-1, McArthur Basin, Northern Territory, Australia, and recommendations for development of the Greater Cow Lagoon Structure. Presented at the 2013 SPE Unconventional Resources Conference & Exhibition - Asia Pacific, 11-13 Nov 2013, Brisbane, Australia, SPE PAPER 167087.

    SWIERCZEK, E., ZHEN-DONG, C., HOLFORD, S.P., BACKE, G., KING, R.C. & MITCHELL, A. 2013. Quantifying fault reactivation risk along the Rosedale Fault System, Gippsland Basin, using geomechanical modelling. The APPEA Journal, 53, 255-272. Awarded 2013 Best Student Paper Award by the Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia.

    HILLIS, R.R., HOLFORD, S.P., GREEN, P.F., DORE, A.G., GATLIFF, R.W., STOKER, M.S., TURNER, J.P., UNDERHILL, J.R. & WILLIAMS, G.A.. 2013. "Comment on ‘Crustal structure of the British Isles and its epeirogenic consequences' by M.W. Davis, N.J. White, K.F. Priestley, B.J. Baptie and F.J. Tilmann". Geophysical Journal International, 194, 678-679.

    MACDONALD, J.D., HOLFORD, S.P., GREEN, P.F., DUDDY, I.R., KING, R.C. & BACKE, G. 2013. Detrital zircon data reveal the origin of Australia's largest delta system. Journal of the Geological Society, London, 170, 3-6.

    See also:


    HOLFORD, S.P., SCHOFIELD, N., MACDONALD, J.D., DUDDY, I.R. & GREEN, P.F. 2012. Seismic analysis of igneous systems in sedimentary basins and their impacts on hydrocarbon prospectivity: examples from the southern Australian margin. The APPEA Journal, 52, 229-252. Awarded prize for best paper at the 2012 APPEA Conference - see bottom of page for .pdf

    SCHOFIELD, N., HEATON, L., HOLFORD, S.P., ARCHER, S.G., JACKSON, C. & JOLLEY, D. 2012. Seismic imaging of 'Broken-Bridges': Linking seismic to outcrop-scale investigations of intrusive magma lobes. Journal of the Geological Society, London, 169, 421-426.

    KING, R.C, HOLFORD, S.P., HILLIS, R.R., TUITT, A.K., SWIERCZEK, E., BACKE, G., TASSONE, D.R. & TINGAY, M. 2012. Reassessing the in-situ stress regimes of Australia's petroleum basins. The APPEA Journal, 52, 415-426.

    BACKE, G., SWIERCZEK, E., MACDONALD, J., BAILEY, A., TASSONE, D., ABUL KHAIR, H., HOLFORD, S.P. & KING, R. 2012. Seismic attributes and structural interpretation - it takes two to tango..... The APPEA Journal, 52, 437-454.

    ABUL KHAIR, H., BACKE, G., KING, R.C., HOLFORD, S.P., TINGAY, M., COOKE, D. & HAND, M. 2012. Factors influencing fracture networks within Permian shale intervals in the Cooper Basin, South Australia. The APPEA Journal, 52, 213-228.

    TASSONE, D.R., HOLFORD, S.P., HILLIS, R.R. & TUITT, A.K. 2012. Quantifying Neogene plate-boundary controlled uplift and deformation of the southern Australian margin. In: Faulting, Fracturing and Igneous Intrusion in the Earth's Crust (Ed. by D. Healy, R.W.H. Butler, Z.K. Shipton, and R.H. Sibson), Geol. Soc. Spec. Publ., 367, 91-110.

    MACDONALD, J.D., BACKE, G., KING, R.C., HOLFORD, S.P. & HILLIS, R.R. 2012. Geomechanical modelling of fault reactivation in the Ceduna sub-basin, Bight Basin, Australia. In: Faulting, Fracturing and Igneous Intrusion in the Earth's Crust (Ed. by D. Healy, R.W.H. Butler, Z.K. Shipton, and R.H. Sibson), Geol. Soc. Spec. Publ., 367, 71-89.

    ABUL KHAIR, H., BACKE, G., KING, R., COOKE, D., TINGAY, M. & HOLFORD, S.P. 2012. Subsurface mapping of natural fracture networks: Case study from shale intervals in the Cooper Basin, South Australia. Proceedings, Thirty-Seventh Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, January 30-February 1, 2012, SGP-TR-194.


    HOLFORD, S.P. 2011. Extending the Australian neotectonic record using the Cenozoic sedimentary archive. In: Forbes, C.J. (ed) 6th Sprigg Symposium: Unravelling the northern Flinders and beyond. Geological Society of Australia Abstracts 100, 35-36.

    KING, R., ABUL KHAIR, H., BAILEY, A., BACKE, G., HOLFORD, S. & HAND, M. 2011. Integration of in-situ stress analysis and three-dimensional seismic mapping to understand fracture networks in Australian basins. In: Budd, A.R. (ed) Proceedings of the 2011 Australian Geothermal Energy Conference, 16-18 November, Melbourne. Geoscience Australia, Record 2011/43, 129-134.

    TASSONE, D.R., HOLFORD, S.P., STOKER, M.S., UNDERHILL, J.R., GREEN, P.F. & HILLIS, R.R. 2011. Late Cretaceous-Cenozoic exhumation of the Faroe-Shetland Basins along the NW Atlantic margin. 73rd EAGE Conference & Exhibition Extended Abstracts, 1-5.

    HOLFORD, S.P., GREEN, P.F., HILLIS, R.R., UNDERHILL, J.R., STOKER, M.S. & DUDDY, I.R. 2011. Reply to discussion on 'Multiple post-Caledonian exhumation episodes across NW Scotland revealed by apatite fission-track analysis'. Journal of the Geological Society, London, 168, 1226-1228.

    HOLFORD, S.P., HILLIS, R.R., HAND, M. & SANDIFORD, M. 2011. Thermal weakening localizes intraplate deformation along the southern Australian continental margin. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 305, 217-214, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2011.02.056

    HOLFORD, S.P., HILLIS, R.R., DUDDY, I.R., GREEN, P.F., TASSONE, D.R. & STOKER, M.S. 2011. Palaeothermal and seismic constraints on late Miocene-Pliocene uplift and deformation in the Torquay sub-basin, southern Australian margin. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 58, 543-562. Nominated for the Geological Society of Australia's Stillwell Award.

    HOLFORD, S.P., HILLIS, R.R., DUDDY, I.R., GREEN, P.F., STOKER, M.S., TUITT, A.K., BACKE, G., TASSONE, D.R. & MACDONALD, J.D. 2011. Cenozoic post-breakup compressional deformation and exhumation of the southern Australian margin. The APPEA Journal, 51, 613-638.

    BACKE, G., ABUL KHAIR, H., KING, R.C. & HOLFORD, S.P. 2011. Fracture mapping and modelling in shale-gas target in the Cooper basin, South Australia. The APPEA Journal, 51, 397-410.

    TUITT, A.K., HOLFORD, S.P., HILLIS, R.R., UNDERHILL, J.R., RITCHIE, J.D., JOHNSON, H.,  HITCHEN, K., STOKER, M.S. & TASSONE, D.R. 2011. Continental margin compression: a comparison between compression in the Otway Basin of the southern Australian margin and the Rockall-Faroe area in the NE Atlantic margin. The APPEA Journal, 51, 241-257.

    TASSONE, D.R., HOLFORD, S.P., TINGAY, M.R.P., TUITT, A.K., STOKER, M.S. & HILLIS, R.R. 2011. Overpressures in the central Otway Basin: the result of rapid Pliocene-Recent sedimentation? The APPEA Journal, 51, 439-458.


    TASSONE, D.R., HOLFORD, S.P. & HILLIS, R.R. 2010. Quantification of Cretaceous-Cenozoic exhumation in the Otway Basin using sonic velocities and implications for hydrocarbon exploration. ASEG2010 - 21st Geophysical Conference Extended Abstracts, 1-4.

    HOLFORD, S.P., HILLIS, R.R., DUDDY, I.R., GREEN, P.F., TUITT, A.K. & STOKER, M.S. 2010. Impacts of Neogene-Recent compressional deformation and uplift on hydrocarbon prospectivity of the 'passive' southern Australian margin. The APPEA Journal, 50, 267-284.

    HOLFORD, S.P., GREEN, P.F., HILLIS, R.R., UNDERHILL, J.R., STOKER, M.S. & DUDDY, I.R. 2010. Multiple post-Caledonian exhumation episodes across northwest Scotland revealed by apatite fission track analysis. Journal of the Geological Society, London, 167, 675-694.

    STOKER, M.S., HOLFORD, S.P., HILLIS, R.R., GREEN, P.F. & DUDDY, I.R. 2010. Cenozoic post-rift sedimentation off NW Britain: recording the detritus of episodic uplift on a passive continental margin. Geology, 39, 595-598.


    HOLFORD, S.P., GREEN, P.F., HILLIS, R.R., TURNER, J.P. & STEVENSON, C.T.E. 2009. Mesozoic-Cenozoic exhumation and volcanism in Northern Ireland constrained by AFTA and compaction data from the Larne No. 2 borehole. Petroleum Geoscience, 15, 239-257.

    HOLFORD, S.P., TURNER, J.P., GREEN, P.F. & HILLIS, R.R. 2009. Signature of cryptic sedimentary basin inversion revealed by shale compaction data in the Irish Sea, western British Isles. Tectonics, 28, TC4011, doi:10.1029/2008TC002359.

    HOLFORD, S.P., GREEN, P.F., DUDDY, I.R., TURNER, J.P., HILLIS, R.R. & STOKER, M.S. 2009. Regional intraplate exhumation episodes related to plate boundary deformation. GSA Bulletin, 121, 1611-1628, doi:10.1130/B26481.1.


    HILLIS, R.R., HOLFORD, S.P., GREEN, P.F., DORE, A.G., GATLIFF, R.W., STOKER, M.S., THOMSON, K., TURNER, J.P., UNDERHILL, J.R. & WILLIAMS, G.A. 2008. Cenozoic Exhumation of the southern British Isles. Geology, 36, 371-374.

    TURNER, J.P., GREEN, P.F., HOLFORD, S.P. & LAWRENCE, S. 2008. Thermal history of the obliquely divergent Rio Muni (West Africa)-NE Brazil margins during continental breakup. Earth & Planetary Science Letters, 270, 354-367.

    HOLFORD, S.P., GREEN, P.F., TURNER, J.P., WILLIAMS, G.A., HILLIS, R.R., TAPPIN, D.R. & DUDDY, I.R. 2008. Evidence for km-scale Neogene exhumation driven by compressional deformation in the Irish sea basin system. In: JOHNSON, H., DORE, A.G., GATLIFF, R.W., HOLDSWORTH, R., LUNDIN, E. & RITCHIE, J.D. (eds). The Nature and Origin of Compression in Passive Margins. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 306, 91-119.


    HOLFORD, S., THOMSON, K. & GAFFNEY, V. 2007. Salt tectonics in the Southern North Sea: controls on Late Pleistocene-Holocene Geomorphology. In: GAFFNEY, V., THOMSON, K. & FITCH, S. (eds) Mapping Doggerland: The Mesolithic Landscapes of the Southern North Sea. Archaeopress, Oxford, 61-66.

    FITCH, S., GAFFNEY, V., THOMSON, K., BRIGGS, K., BUNCH, M. & HOLFORD, S. 2007. An atlas of the palaeolandscapes of the Southern North Sea. In: GAFFNEY, V., THOMSON, K. & FITCH, S. (eds) Mapping Doggerland: The Mesolithic Landscapes of the Southern North Sea. Archaeopress, Oxford, 67-92.

    SMITH, D., FITCH, S., GEAREY, B., HILL, T., HOLFORD, S., HOWARD, A. & JOLLIFFE, C. 2007. The potential of the organic archive for environmental reconstruction: an assessment of selected borehole sediments from the Southern North Sea. In: GAFFNEY, V., THOMSON, K. & FITCH, S. (eds) Mapping Doggerland: The Mesolithic Landscapes of the Southern North Sea. Archaeopress, Oxford, 93-104.


    GREEN, P.F., CROWHURST, P.V., DUDDY, I.R., JAPSEN, P. & HOLFORD, S.P. 2006. Conflicting (U-Th)/He and fission track ages in apatite: Enhanced He retention, not anomalous annealing behaviour. Earth & Planetary Science Letters, 250, 407-420.


    HOLFORD, S.P., GREEN, P.F. & TURNER, J.P. 2005. Palaeothermal and compaction studies in the Mochras borehole (NW Wales) reveal early Cretaceous and Neogene exhumation and argue against regional Palaeogene uplift in the southern Irish Sea. Journal of the Geological Society, London, 162, 829-840.

    HOLFORD, S.P., TURNER, J.P. & GREEN, P.F. 2005. Reconstructing the Mesozoic-Cenozoic exhumation history of the Irish Sea basin system using apatite fission-track analysis and vitrinite reflectance data. In: DORE, A.G. & VINING, B. (eds) North West Europe and Global Perspectives: Proceedings of the 6th Petroleum Geology Conference. Geological Society, London, 1095-1108.

    WILLIAMS, G.A., TURNER, J.P. & HOLFORD, S.P. 2005. Inversion and exhumation of the St Georges Channel Basin, offshore Wales, UK. Journal of the Geological Society, London, 162, 97-110.


    HOLFORD, S.P. 2006. The Mesozoic-Cenozoic exhumation history of the Irish Sea basin system, western UK. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Birmingham.

    Recent Conference Abstracts

    KING, R.C., HOLFORD, S.P., HILLIS, R., BACKE, G., TINGAY, M. & TUITT, A. 2011. Reassessing the in situ stress regimes of Australia's petroleum basins. AAPG 2011 Annual Conference & Exhibition, Houston, April 2011.

    HOLFORD, S.P., HILLIS, R.R., SANDIFORD, M., GREEN, P.F., DUDDY, I.R., STOKER, M.S., TUITT, A.K. & TASSONE, D.R. Plate boundary forces, intraplate stress regimes and episodic deformation and uplift of continental interiors and passive margins. Stress Controls on Faulting, Fracturing and Igneous Intrusion in the Earth's Crust, Glasgow, September 2010.

    TASSONE, D.R., HOLFORD, S.P., HILLIS, R.R. & TUITT, A.K. Quantifying Neogene plate-boundary controlled uplift and deformation of the southern Australian margin. Stress Controls on Faulting, Fracturing and Igneous Intrusion in the Earth's Crust, Glasgow, September 2010.

    BACKÉ, G., HEALY, D. & HOLFORD, S.P. Slip tendency and fracture susceptibility of faults in the Adelaide and Gippsland Basins, Australia. Stress Controls on Faulting, Fracturing and Igneous Intrusion in the Earth's Crust, Glasgow, September 2010.

    TASSONE, D.R., HOLFORD, S.P. & HILLIS, R.R. Quantification of Cretaceous-Cenozoic exhumation in the Otway Basin using sonic velocities and implications for hydrocarbon exploration. ASEG-PESA 2010 Conference and Exhibition, Sydney, August 2010.

    HOLFORD, S.P., GREEN, P.F., HILLIS, R.R., UNDERHILL, J.R., STOKER, M.S. & DUDDY, I.R. Apatite fission-track analysis reveals multiple post-Caledonian exhumation episodes across northwest Scotland. Thermo2010: 12th International Conference on Thermochronology, Glasgow, August 2010.

    HOLFORD, S.P., HILLIS, R.R., GREEN, P.F., STOKER, M.S., DUDDY, I.R., TASSONE, D.R. & TUITT, A.K. Compressional deformation and uplift of Australia's ‘passive' southern margin. Australian Earth Sciences Convention 2010, Canberra, July 2010.

    HOLFORD, S.P., HILLIS, R.R., HAND, M. & SANDIFORD, M. Thermal weakening localizes intraplate deformation along the southern Australian continental margin. Australian Earth Sciences Convention 2010, Canberra, July 2010.

    HOLFORD, S.P., HILLIS, R.R., DUDDY, I.R., GREEN, P.F., TUITT, A.K. & STOKER, M.S. Impacts of Neogene-Recent compressional deformation and uplift on hydrocarbon prospectivity of the 'passive' southern Australian margin. 2010 APPEA Conference and Exhibition, Brisbane, May 2010.

    HOLFORD, S.P., HILLIS, R.R., HAND, M. & SANDIFORD, M. Thermal weakening localizes intraplate deformation along the southern Australian continental margin. Tectonic Studies Group AGM, Birmingham, January 2010.

    HOLFORD, S.P., HILLIS, R.R., GREEN, P.F., DUDDY, I.R., TURNER, J.P. & STOKER, M.S. Distribution, chronology and causes of Mesozoic-Cenozoic uplift of the British Isles. Evolution of the Continental Crust: The Janet Watson Meeting, London, May 2009.

    HOLFORD, S.P., TURNER, J.P., GREEN, P.F. & HILLIS, R.R. Signature of cryptic sedimentary basin inversion revealed by shale compaction data in the Irish Sea, western British Isles. Tectonic Studies Group AGM, Keele, January 2009.

    HOLFORD, S.P., GREEN, P.F., DUDDY, I.R., TURNER, J.P., HILLIS, R.R. & STOKER, M.S. Regional uplift episodes along the NE Atlantic margin constrained by stratigraphoc and thermochronologic data. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 2009.

    HOLFORD, S.P., GREEN, P.F., DUDDY, I.R., TURNER, J.P., HILLIS, R.R. & STOKER, M.S. Regional intraplate exhumation episodes related to plate boundary deformation. AAPG International Conference & Exhibition, Cape Town, October 2008.

    HOLFORD, S.P., HILLIS, R.R., GREEN, P.F., DORE, A.G., GATLIFF, R.W., STOKER, M.S., THOMSON, K., TURNER, J.P., UNDERHILL, J.R. & WILLIAMS, G.A. Cenozoic Exhumation of the southern British Isles. AAPG International Conference & Exhibition, Cape Town, October 2008.

    GREEN, P.F., DUDDY, I.R., & HOLFORD, S.P. Regional Intraplate Exhumation Related to Plate Boundary Deformation. AAPG International Meeting, Athens, November 2007.

    GREEN, P.F., DUDDY, I.R., JAPSEN, P. & HOLFORD, S.P. Synchronous regional kilometre-scale exhumation events around the North Atlantic region. The International Conference on Arctic Margins (ICAM V), Tromso, September 2007.

    HOLFORD, S.P., HILLIS, R.R., GREEN, P.F., DORE, A.G., GATLIFF, R.W., STOKER, M.S., THOMSON, K., TURNER, J.P., UNDERHILL, J.R. & WILLIAMS, G.A. Distribution, Chronology and Causes of Cenozoic Exhumation in the Southern British Isles. TSG Annual Meeting, Glasgow, January 2007.

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