Associate Professor Steven Grainger

Associate Professor Steven Grainger
  • Biography/ Background

    Associate Professor Steven Grainger is the Director of Learning and Teaching in the School of Mechanical Engineering and Program Co-ordinator of the Mechatronic Engineering programs.  Associate Professor Grainger's research interests include Nanopositioning and Autonomous Robotics, and he has a particular interest in autonomous underwater vehicles.  He has published many peer-reviewed articles on his research, both technical and scientific, and on engineering education.
    Associate Professor Grainger practised in industry as a consulting engineer before moving to academia.  He joined the School of Mechanical Engineering in 2007 after 10 years as a Lecturer in Engineering at Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland.  He has been a visiting lecturer at institutions in Oman, Russia, Germany and Australia.

  • Qualifications

    BA Computing; BSc Hons Electronic Engineering; PhD (Signal Processing), Glasgow Caledonian University

  • Awards & Achievements

    ALTC Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning, 2010

  • Teaching Interests

    Advanced Digital Control
    Microcontroller Programming

  • Research Interests


    Black-box modelling of piezoelectric actuators, sensorless control

    Autonomous Robotics 

    Constructive neural networks
    Cognitive and Behavioural Robotics
    Autonomous underwater vehicles


    Prof. Malcolm Allan, Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland
    Dr Summet Aphale, University of Aberdeen, Scotland
    Dr Yuen Yong, University of Newcastle, Australia
    Dr Alex Forrest, Australian Maritime College, University of Tasmania, Australia
    Prof. Neil Bose, Australian Maritime College, University of Tasmania, Australia
    Assoc. Prof. Karl Sammut, Flinders University, Australia
    Dr Steve Wiederman, School of Medical Sciences, University of Adelaide
    Prof. David O'Carroll, Lund University, Sweden
    Prof. Ian Reid, School of Computer Science, University of Adelaide 

    Postgraduate Students

    Mr Toby Lightheart
    Mr Mohsen Bazghaleh
    Ms Ladan Sahafi
    Ms Xue Jin
    Mr Boyin Ding
    Mr Di Gao
    Ms Zahra Bagheri
    Mr Francesco Larizza
    Mr Sammuel Sobey
    Mr Alireza Moazen Ahmadi
    Mr John James

  • Publications


    Grainger, S., Kestell., C., (2011), ‘Engineering Education - An Australian Perspective', Multi-Science Publishing 

    Journals (since 2010)

    Bagheri, Z., Wiederman, S., Cazzolato, B., Grainger, S., O'Carroll, D. (2015) ‘Properties of neuronal facilitation that improve target tracking in natural pursuit simulations', Royal Society Interface
    Ding, B., Cazzolato, B., Stanley, R., Grainger, S., Costi, J. (2014) 'Stiffness Analysis and Control of a Stewart Platform-Based Manipulator With Decoupled Sensor-Actuator Locations for Ultrahigh Accuracy Positioning Under Large External Loads', ASME Journal of Dynamics, Measurement and Control
    Bazghaleh, M., Grainger, S., Cazzolato, B., Lu, T.-F., Oskouei, R. (2014) 'Implementation and analysis of an innovative digital charge amplifier for hysteresis reduction in piezoelectric stack actuators', Review of Scientific Instruments
    Ding, B., Cazzolato, B., Grainger, S., Stanley, R., Costi, J. (2014) ' Active preload control of a redundantly actuated Stewart platform for backlash prevention', Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Volume: 32 Pages: 11-24
    Gao, D., Lu, T.-F., Grainger, S. (2014) 'A new method of feature extraction and location derivation in vineyards using point clouds', Applied Engineering in Agriculture
    Lightheart, T., Grainger, S., Lu, T.-F. (2013) 'Spike-timing-dependent construction', Neural Computation
    Mohammadzaheri, M., Grainger, S., Bazghaleh, M., (2013) 'A System Identification Approach to the Characterization and Control of a Piezoelectric Tube Actuator', Smart Materials and Structures
    Bazghaleh, M., Grainger, S., Mohammadzaheri, M., Cazzolato, B., Lu, T-F., (2013) 'A Digital Charge Amplifier for Hysteresis Elimination in Piezoelectric Actuators', Smart Materials and Structures
    Bazghaleh, M., Grainger, S., Mohammadzaheri, M., Cazzolato, B., Lu, T-F., (2013) ‘A Novel Digital Charge-based Displacement Estimator for Sensorless Control of a Grounded-load Piezoelectric Tube Actuator', Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical
    Bazghaleh, M., Mohammadzaheri, M., Grainger, S., Cazzolato, B., Lu, T-F., (2013) ‘A New Hybrid Method for Sensorless Control of Piezoelectric Actuators', Sensors and Actuators A:Physical
    Willis, C., Kestell, C., Grainger, S., Missingham, D., (2013) 'Encouraging the Adoption of Education Technology for Improved Student Outcomes', Australasian Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 19, No. 2
    Mohammadzaheri, M., Grainger, S., Bazghaleh, M., (2012), ‘A Comparative Study on the Use of Black Box Modeling for Piezoelectric Actuators', Int'l Journal of Advanced Manuf. Technology, Vol.63, Issue 9
    Mohammadzaheri, M., Grainger, S., Bazghaleh, M. (2012), ‘Fuzzy Modeling of a Piezoelectric Actuator', Int'l Journal of Precision Engineering and Manuf., Vol.13, Issue 5
    Mohammadzaheri, M., Chen, L., Grainger, S. (2012), ‘A Critical Review of Neuro-Control', Asian Journal of Control, Vol.14, Issue 1
    Anvar, A., Garcha, M., Saliba R., Singh,T., Anvar A., Grainger, S., (2012), ‘Intelligent Condition Monitoring Systems for an AUV Robot', Journal of Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol.152
    Minase, J., Lu, T-F., Cazzolato, B. and Grainger, S., (2010), ‘A review, supported by experimental results, of voltage, charge and capacitor insertion method for driving piezoelectric actuators', Precision Engineering, Volume 34, Issue 4
    Minase, J., Lu, T-F., Cazzolato, B. and Grainger, S., (2010), ‘Adaptive identification of hysteresis and creep in piezoelectric stack actuators', International J. of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Volume 46, Issue 9, Page 913-921

    Conference Papers (since 2010)

    Mohammadzaheri, M., Grainger, S., Bazghaleh, M., Tafreshi, R., Hassan, M. (2015) ‘Evaluation of the Induced Voltage in Driven Electrodes of Piezoelectric Tube Actuators for Sensorless Nanopositioning', 8th IEEE GCC Conference, Oman
    Bagheri Z, Wiederman S.D, Cazzolato B.S, Grainger S, and O'Carroll D.C (2014) ‘Performance Assessment of an Insect-Inspired Target Tracking Model in Background Cutter', ICARCV 2014, Singapore
    Bagheri Z, Wiederman S.D, Cazzolato B.S, Grainger S, and O'Carroll D.C (2014) ‘A biologically inspired facilitation mechanism enhances the detection and pursuit of targets of varying contrast', Dicta 2014, Wollongong
    Bagheri Z, Wiederman S.D, Cazzolato B.S, Grainger S, and O'Carroll D.C (2014) ‘An Insect Inspired Object Tracking Mechanism for Autonomous Vehicles", ICINCO 2014, Vienna (best PhD student award)
    Bagheri Z, Wiederman S.D, Cazzolato B.S, Grainger S, and O'Carroll D.C (2014) ‘A Bioinspired Facilitation Mechanism Improves the Successful Pursuit of Small Sized Targets", NeuroEng 2014, Adelaide (best student poster award)
    Ding, B., Cazzolato, B., Grainger, S., Stanley, R., Costi, J. (2013) ‘Active preload control of a redundantly actuated Stewart platform for backlash prevention', ICRA, Karlsruhe
    Mohammadzaheri, M., Grainger, S., Kasaee Kopaei, M., Bazghaleh, M. (2013) ‘IMC-based feedforward control of a piezoelectric tube actuator', ISSNIP, Melbourne
    Miri, N., Mohammadzaheri, M., Chen, L., Grainger, S., Bazghaleh, M. (2013) ‘Physics-Based Modelling of a Piezoelectric Actuator Using Genetic Algorithm', ISIEA, Kuching
    Gao, D., Lu,T-F., Grainger, S. (2013) ‘Post identification and location derivation in vineyards through point clouds using cylinder extraction and density clustering', RAM, Manila
    Minase, J., Lu, T-F., Cazzolato, B., Grainger, S. (2012) ‘A comparison between PI & identification based inverse control for precise operation of a piezoelectric actuator for use in micro positioning applications', Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Physics and Technology of Sensors, Pune, India
    Bazghaleh, M., Grainger, S., Cazzolato, B., Lu, T., (2012), ‘Using Frequency-weighted Data Fusion to Improve the Performance of a Digital Charge Amplifier', IEEE CRA, Minnesota
    Mohammadzaheri, M., Grainger, S., Bazghaleh, M., (2012), ‘Intelligent modeling of a piezoelectric tube actuator', INISTA 2012, Turkey
    Kestell, C., Willis, C., Grainger, S., Missingham, D., (2012), ‘Are online learning modules the kiss of life or death for lecture attendance?', AAEE, Melbourne
    Sahafi, L., Grainger, S., Kestell, C., (2011), ‘Highlighting the Practical Limitations of IMUs for AUVs', ICMT, Melbourne
    Jin, X., Kestell, C., Grainger, S., Bridges, G., (2011), ‘Agile Motion of a Differential Thrust AUV', ICMT, Melbourne
    Lightheart, T., Grainger, S., Lu, T., (2011), ‘Constructive Network Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Mobile Robots', ICMT, Melbourne
    Bazghaleh, M., Grainger, S., Cazzolato, B., Lu, T., (2011), ‘Model Based Drift Correction of a Digital Charge Amplifier', ICMT, Melbourne
    Anvar, A., Garcha, M., Saliba R., Singh,T., Anvar A., Grainger, S., (2011), ‘Intelligent Condition Monitoring Systems for an AUV Robot', ICMEM, Melbourne
    Mohammadzaheri, M., Grainger, S., Bazghaleh, M., (2011), ‘A Critical Review on Black Box Modeling of Piezoelectric Actuators', ICMT, Melbourne
    Grainger, S., Kestell, C., (2011), ‘Staff and Student Perceptions of the Effective use of Contemporary Lecture Theatre Technology', AAEE
    Kestell, C., Grainger., S.; "Sustainable lessons through problem based learning", submitted to AAEE2011
    Lightheart, T., Grainger, S., Lu, T. (2010), .'A Constructive Spiking Neural Network for Reinforcement Learning in Autonomous Control', ACRA 2010
    Bazghaleh, M., Grainger, S., Cazzolato, B., Lu, T. (2010), ‘An innovative digital charge amplifier to reduce hysteresis in piezoelectric actuators', ACRA 2010
    Minase, J., Lu, T., Cazzolato, B., Grainger, S. (2010), ‘Inverse Control of a Piezoelectric Actuator for Precise Operation of a Micro-motion Stage', ACRA 2010

  • Professional Associations

    Chartered Engineer

    Member of the IEEE
    Member of the IET
    Member of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education (AAEE)
    Member of the Australian Robotics and Automation Association (ARAA)

  • Professional Interests

    Signal Processing, Embedded Systems, Data Acquisition, Condition Monitoring, Control Systems, Sensorless Drives

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Entry last updated: Wednesday, 3 Jan 2018