Dr Sunita Ramesh

Dr Sunita Ramesh
 Position Senior Research Associate (Mon to Wed)
 Org Unit School of Agriculture, Food and Wine
 Email sunita.ramesh@adelaide.edu.au
 Telephone 831 36665
 Location Plant Research Centre ,   Waite
  • Research Interests

     I study molecular and physiological basis of plant nutrition and abiotic stress tolerance. My main area of interest is understanding the molecular basis of how nutrients including water are transported by the plants and how abiotic stress affects these functions. My current research involves understanding the function of GABA-gated anion channels in plants and GABA signalling under abiotic stresses such as acidosis, alkalinity, Aluminium toxicity, salinity and drought.  I work in the laboratory of Prof. Steve Tyerman. Our research uses  molecular, physiological and electrophysiological techniques (electrophysiology, patch clamp etc).

    Brief CV


    2014 -

    Post doctoral fellow in the ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology, School of Agriculture, Food and Wine, The University of Adelaide.


    2013 - 2014

    Post doctoral fellow in the School of Agriculture, Food and Wine, The University of Adelaide. ARC Discovery project -"GABA gated anion channels in plants'.


    2010 -  2012

    Post doctoral fellow with Prof. Steve Tyerman in the School of Agriculture, Food and Wine, The University of Adelaide. ARC project "Aquaporins in roots: resolving observations linking them to diverse processes in water relations and plant productivity".



    Research Associate with Prof. Steve Tyerman in the School of Agriculture, Food and Wine, The University of Adelaide.



    Post doctoral fellow with Dr. Brent Kaiser in the School of Agriculture, Food and Wine, The University of Adelaide.



    Post doctoral fellow with Prof. Margaret Sedgley in the School of Agriculture, Food and Wine, The University of Adelaide. Project Titled “Self Incompatibility in Prunus dulcis”.



    PhD (Molecular Biology-"Molecular mechanism of zinc uptake and regulation in cereals"- Adelaide , Australia).

    PhD (Botany -" InVitro morphogenetic studies in Linum usitatissimum and Agave americana"-India).

    MPhil.(In Vitro studies and Cytogenetics) - First Class


    MSc.(Cytogenetics) - First Rank in the University, Awarded 3 gold medals.




        S.A., Ramesh., S.D.Tyerman., Bo Xu., J. Bose., S. Kaur., V. Conn., P. Domingos., S.U. Lehre.,  S. Wege., S. Shabala., J.A. Feijó., P.R. Ryan and M. Gillham. GABA-gated anion transporters in plants: Identification and physiological roles. Nature Comms. 6:7879 doi: 10.1038/ncomms8879 (2015).

      Q. Tian., X. Zhang., S. Ramesh., M.Gilliham., S.D. Tyerman; W.H. Zhang. Ethylene negatively regulates aluminium-induced malate efflux from wheat roots and tobacco cells transformed with TaALMT1. Journal of Experimental Botany (2014).


    Tovkach., P.R. Ryan., A.E. Richardson., D.C. Lewis., T.M. Rathjen., S. Ramesh., S.D. Tyerman, and E. Delhaize. Transposon-Mediated Alteration of TaMATE1B Expression in Wheat Confers Constitutive Citrate Efflux from Root Apices. Plant Physiology 161, 880-892 (2013)


    Z. Kotur., N. Mckenzie., S. Ramesh., S.D. Tyerman., B.N. Kaiser and A.D.M. Glass. Nitrate transport capacity of the Arabidopsis thaliana NRT2 family members and their interactions with AtNAR2.1. New Phytologist 194, 724–731 (2012)

    Thorsten Schnurbusch, Julie Hayes, Maria Hrmova, Ute Baumann, Sunita A. Ramesh, Stephen D. Tyerman, Peter Langridge and Tim Sutton (2010). Boron toxicity tolerance

    in barley through reduced expression of the multifunctional aquaporin HvNIP2;1.Plant Physiology Preview Published on June 25, 2010; 10.1104/pp.110.158832.

     Gruber BD (Gruber, Benjamin D.), Ryan PR (Ryan, Peter R.), Richardson AE (Richardson, Alan E.), Tyerman SD (Tyerman, Stephen D.), Ramesh S (Ramesh, Sunita), Hebb DM (Hebb, Diane M.) Howitt SM (Howitt, Susan M.), Delhaize E (Delhaize, Emmanuel) (2010). HvALMT1 from barley is involved in the transport of organic anions. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY    Volume: 61    Issue: 5    Pages: 1455-1467.    


     Ramesh SA (Ramesh, Sunita A.), Kaiser BN (Kaiser, Brent N.), Franks T (Franks, Tricia), Collins G (Collins, Graham), Sedgley M (Sedgley, Margaret) (2006).  Improved methods in Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of almond using positive (mannose/pmi) or negative (kanamycin resistance) selection-based protocols. PLANT CELL REPORTS    Volume: 25    Issue: 8    Pages: 821-828.    

     Ramesh SA, Choimes S, Schachtman DP(2004). Over-expression of an Arabidopsis zinc transporter in Hordeum vulgare increases short-term zinc uptake after zinc deprivation and seed zinc content. PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY    Volume: 54    Issue: 3    Pages: 373-385.

    Ramesh SA, Shin R, Eide DJ, Schachtman DP(2003).   Differential metal selectivity and gene expression of two zinc transporters from rice.  PLANT PHYSIOLOGY    Volume: 133    Issue: 1    Pages: 126-134.   

    Channuntapipat C, Wirthensohn M, Ramesh SA, Batlle I, Arus P, Sedgley M, Collins G (2003). Identification of incompatibility genotypes in almond (Prunus dulcis Mill.) using specific primers based on the introns of the S-alleles. PLANT BREEDING    Volume: 122    Issue: 2    Pages: 164-168.     

    Mekuria G, Ramesh SA, Alberts E, Bertozzi T, Wirthensohn M, Collins G, Sedgley M (2003). Comparison of ELISA and RT-PCR for the detection of Prunus necrotic ring spot virus and prune dwarf virus in almond (Prunus dulcis). JOURNAL OF VIROLOGICAL METHODS    Volume: 114    Issue: 1    Pages: 65-69.    



  • Media Expertise

    CategoriesAgriculture & Farming, Science & Technology
    ExpertisePlant nutrient transport; Abiotic stress; GABA; Aluminium toxicity; Anion channels; GABA Signalling; Molecular Biology; Xenopus oocytes; Electrophysiology; Zinc; Aquaporins or water channels; Membrane transport
    NotesExcellent Poster Award at 17th International Plant Membrane Workshop, Annapolis, MD, USA, 2016.
    Best paper presentation, CRC for MPB, 2001, University of Adelaide.
    Post graduate scholarship, CRC for MPB, University of Adelaide, 1997.
    First class with distinction in MPhil.

    Australian Society for Plant Scientists (ASPS) - member

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Entry last updated: Wednesday, 13 Dec 2023

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