Professor Timothy Cavagnaro

 Position Professor
 Org Unit Agricultural Science
 Telephone 831 32770
 Location Floor/Room 3 ,  Taylor (CSIRO) ,   Waite
  • Research Interests

    The Soil Ecology Research Group (visit our web page) seeks to discover the impacts of environmental change on soil ecological processes. A key theme in our research is undertaking high quality fundamental and applied research that can be used by policy makers to make informed decisions. Our research involves a number of projects in two main areas:

    • Fundamental soil ecology: linking microbial diversity to ecosystem function. This includes our work on molecular ecology and nutrient release from organic matter in soils.
    • Managing plant-based systems to mitigate climate change and improve plant nutrition. This includes work on mycorrhizas.
  • Publications

    Recent publications from the soil ecology group:


    1.     Little K, Rose MT, Jackson WR, Patti AF, Cavagnaro TR. Do lignite-derived organic amendments improve early-stage pasture growth and key soil biological and physicochemical properties? Crop and Pasture Science, in press.

    2.     Hoogmoed M, Cunningham SC, Baker PJ, Beringer J, Cavagnaro TR. N-fixing trees in restoration plantings: effects on nitrogen supply and soil microbial communities. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, in press.

    3.     Ng EL, Patti AF, Rose MT, Schefe CR, Wilkinson K, Cavagnaro TR. Functional stoichiometry of soil microbial communities after amendment with stabilised organic matter. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, in press.

    4.     Watts-Williams SL, Cavagnaro TR. Exploring interactions between soil and plant nutrients using a mycorrhiza-defective mutant tomato genotype: a meta-analysis. Plant and Soil, in press.

    5.     Hale R, Reich P, Daniel T, Lake PS, Cavagnaro TR. (2014). Scales that matter: guiding effective monitoring of soil properties in restored riparian zones. Geoderma. 228-229: 173-181

    6.     Hoogmoed M, Cunningham SC, Baker PJ, Beringer J, Cavagnaro TR. (2014). Is there more soil carbon under nitrogen-fixing trees than under non-nitrogen-fixing trees in mixed-species restoration plantings? Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 188: 80-84.

    7.     Miller RE, Gleadow RM, Cavagnaro TR. (2014). Age versus stage: does ontogeny modify the effect of phosphorus and arbuscular mycorrhizas on above- and below-ground defence in forage sorghum? Plant Cell and Environment. 37: 929-942.

    8.     Payne EGI, Fletcher TD, Russell DG, Grace MR, Cavagnaro TR, Evrard V, Deletic A, Hatt BE, Cook PLM. (2014). Temporary Storage or Permanent Removal? The Division of Nitrogen between Biotic Assimilation and Denitrification in Stormwater Biofiltration Systems. PloS One 9 (3): e90890.

    9.     Watts-Williams S, Turney TW, Patti AF, Cavagnaro TR. (2014). Uptake of zinc and phosphorous is affected by zinc fertilizer material and arbuscular mycorrhizas. Plant and Soil. 376: 165-175

    10.  Ng EL, Patti AF, Rose MT, Schefe CR, Wilkinson K, Smernik RJ, Cavagnaro TR. (2014). Does the chemical nature of soil carbon drive the structure and functioning of soil microbial communities? Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 70: 54-61.

    11.  Rose MT, Patti AF, Little KR, Brown AL, Jackson WR, Cavagnaro TR. (2014). A Meta-Analysis and Review of Plant-Growth Response to Humic Substances: Practical Implications for Agriculture. Advances in Agronomy. 124: 37-89.

    12.  Minett DA, Cook PLM, Kessler AJ, Cavagnaro TR. (2013). Root effects on the spatial and temporal dynamics of oxygen in sand-based laboratory-scale constructed biofilters. Ecological Engineering. 58: 414-422.

    13.  Mosse KPM, Lee J, Leachman BT, Parikh SJ, Cavagnaro TR, Patti AF, Steenwerth KL. (2013). Irrigation of an established vineyard with winery cleaning agent solution (simulated winery wastewater): vine growth, berry quality, and soil chemistry. Agricultural Water Management. 123: 93-102.

    14.  Mosse KMP, Verheryen TV, Cruickshank AJ, Patti AF, Cavagnaro TR. (2013). Soluble organic components of winery wastewater and implications for reuse. Agricultural Water Management. 120: 5-10.

    15.  van der Geer R, Miller RE, Bain, M, Gleadow, RM, Cavagnaro TR. (2013). Drought adversely affects tuber development and nutritional quality of the staple crop cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz). Functional Plant Biology. 40: 195-200.

    16.  Watts-Williams S, Patti AF, Cavagnaro TR. (2013). Arbuscular mycorrhizas are beneficial under both deficient and toxic soil zinc conditions. Plant and Soil. 371: 299-312.

    17.  Asghari HR, Cavagnaro TR (2012). Arbuscular mycorrhizas reduce nitrogen loss via leaching. PLoS One 7(1): e29825.

    18.  Burns A, Gleadow RM, Bradbury H, Cliff J, Cavagnaro TR. (2012). Cyanogens in commercial food products of cassava. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. 25: 79-82.

    19.  Burns EA, Gleadow RM, Zacarias AM, Cuambe E, Miller RE, Cavagnaro TR. (2012). Variations in the Chemical Composition of Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) Leaves and Roots As Affected by Genotypic and Environmental Variation. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 60: 4946–4956.

    20.  Cavagnaro TR, Barrios-Masias FH, Jackson LE (2012). Arbuscular mycorrhizas and their role in plant growth, nitrogen interception and soil gas efflux in an organic production system. Plant and Soil. 353: 181-194.

    21.  Cunningham SC, Metzeling K.J., Mac Nally R. Thomson J.R., Cavagnaro T.R. (2012). Changes in soil carbon of pastures after afforestation with mixed species: Sampling, heterogeneity and surrogates. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 158: 58-65.

    22.  Hoogmoed M, Cunningham SC, Thomson JR, Beringer J, Baker PJ, Cavagnaro TR. (2012). Does afforestation of pastures increase sequestration of soil carbon in Mediterranean climates? Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 15: 175-183.

    23.  Mosse KMP, Patti AF, Christen EW, Cavagnaro TR (2012). Physicochemical and microbiological effects of long- and short-term winery wastewater application to soils. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 201/2: 219-228.

    24.  Mosse KMP, Verheryen TV, Cruickshank AJ, Patti, AF, Cavagnaro TR (2012). Thermochemolysis of Winery Wastewater Particulates - molecular structural implications for water reuse Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis. 97, 164-170.

    25.  Rosenthal DM, Slattery RA, Miller RE, Grennan AK, Cavaganro TR, Fauquet CM, Gleadow RM, Ort, DR (2012). Cassava about-FACE: Greater than expected yield stimulation of cassava (Manihot esculenta) by future CO2 levels. Global Change Biology. 18: 2661-2675.

    26.  Smith M, Conte P, Berns AE, Thomson J, Cavagnaro TR (2012). Spatial patterns of, and environmental controls on, soil properties at a riparian-paddock interface. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 49: 39-45.

    27.  Watts-Williams S, Cavagnaro TR (2012). Arbuscular mycorrhizas modify tomato responses to soil zinc and phosphorus addition. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 48: 285-294.

    28.  Asghari HR, Cavagnaro TR (2011). Arbuscular mycorrhizas enhance plant interception of leached nutrients. Functional Plant Biology. 38: 219-226.

    29.  Cavagnaro TR, Martin AW (2011). Arbuscular mycorrhizas in southeastern Australian processing tomato farm soils. Plant and Soil. 340: 327-336.

    30.  Cavagnaro TR, Gleadow RM, Miller RE (2011). Plant nutrient acquisition and utilisation in a high CO2 world. Functional Plant Biology. 38: 87-96.

    31.  Mosse KMP, Patti AF, Christen EW, Cavagnaro TR (2011). Winery waste water quality and treatment options in Australia. Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research. 17: 111-122.

    32.  Burns A, Gleadow RM, Cliff J, Zacarias A, Cavagnaro TR. (2010). Cassava: the drought, war and famine crop in a changing world. Sustainability. 2: 3572-3607.

    33.  Burger B, Reich P, Cavagnaro TR. (2010). Trajectories of change: riparian vegetation and soil conditions following livestock removal and replanting. Austral Ecology. 35: 980-987.

    34.  Cavagnaro TR, Dickson S, Smith FA. (2010). Arbuscular mycorrhizas modify plant responses to soil zinc addition. Plant and Soil. 329: 307-313.

    35.  McKey DB, Cavagnaro TR, Cliff J, Gleadow RM (2010). Chemical ecology in coupled human and natural systems: people, manioc, multitrophic interactions and global change. Chemoecology. 20: 109-133.

    36.  Mosse KMP, Patti A, Christen E, Cavagnaro TR (2010). Winery wastewater inhibits seed germination and vegetative growth of common crop species. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 15: 63-70.

    37.  Tran J, Cavagnaro TR. (2010). Growth and mycorrhizal colonization of two grasses in soils with different inundation histories. Journal of Arid Environments. 74:715-717.


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Entry last updated: Thursday, 12 Jan 2023

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