Dr Todd McWhorter
Position | Senior Lecturer |
Org Unit | School of Animal and Veterinary Science |
todd.mcwhorter@adelaide.edu.au | |
Telephone | 831 37896 |
Location |
Eastick Building
Ph.D. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (minor in Physiological Sciences), University of Arizona, Tucson, USA, December 2002. Dissertation Title: The integration of digestive, metabolic and osmoregulatory processes in nectar-eating birds. Advisor: Dr. Carlos Martínez del Rio.
M.Sc. Zoology and Physiology, University of Wyoming, Laramie, USA, December 1997. Thesis Title: Energy assimilation, protein balance, and water absorption in broad-tailed hummingbirds, Selasphorus platycercus. Advisor: Dr. Carlos Martínez del Rio.
B.Sc. Biological Sciences, University of California, Irvine, USA, May 1995.
Teaching Interests
Veterinary physiology, comparative physiology, vertebrate physiological ecology, environmental physiology, nutrition, conservation physiology.
I am currently the course coordinator for Veterinary Anatomy & Physiology III (VET SC 3520 A/BRW) taken by our 3rd year Veterinary Bioscience undergraduates. Any queries or administrative matters regarding this course should be directed to me.
I also teach into Veterinary Anatomy & Physiology II, Physiology for Veterinary Technologists I and Comparative Animal Anatomy & Physiology IIA/B.
Research Interests
I am an ecological physiologist interested in how vertebrate animals function and how function evolves. As my research program has matured, I’ve become more interested in applied problems. In the past decade my research has focused on the emerging area of conservation physiology and medicine- applying the concepts and methodologies of these fields to pressing problems in conservation of wildlife and biodiversity in general, especially as related to human-induced landscape changes and global climate change. Most recently, my research program has expanded into animal welfare- particularly using physiological and behavioural indicators to study and optimise the welfare of captive wildlife and production animals.
My post-graduate research training and the first 15 years of my academic research career focused primarily on the mechanisms of digestion and nutrient absorption, modelling digestive capacity, nutritional ecology, kidney function, and salt and water balance, research areas for which I am internationally most well-known. Much of this work focused on nectar-feeding birds, including New World hummingbirds, Old World sunbirds and Australian honeyeaters, but it also included marine finfish (aquaculture nutrition/gastrointestinal function).
Research Funding
Competitive grants and fellowships
2010-2013 U.S. National Science Foundation- Division of Integrative Organismal Systems (IOS- 1025886). Collaboration with W.H. Karasov & E. Caviedes-Vidal. $477000 USD
2006-2008 Australian Research Council- Discovery Projects- Research Grant and Postdoctoral Fellowship (DP0665730), Murdoch University, Perth, Western Australia. Collaboration with P.A. Fleming & S.W. Nicolson. $290000 AUD
2005 U.S. National Science Foundation- Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) grant supplement (to IBN-0216709, W.H. Karasov PI). $12000 USD
2003 U.S. National Science Foundation- Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) grant supplement (to IBN-0216709, W.H. Karasov PI). $6000 USD
1999-2001 U.S.-Israel Binational Science Foundation- Research Grant (#98-178). $76510 USD
Holsworth Wildlife Endowment (grant to PhD student Shangzhe Xie). $5000 AUD
BirdLife Australia- Stuart Leslie Research Award (PhD student Shangzhe Xie).
$3000 AUD
Holsworth Wildlife Endowment (grant to PhD student Shangzhe Xie). $5000 AUD
2012 to 1998
Thirteen small grants from 7 funding entities, details on request. $18485 USD
Researcher Profile
Google Scholar profile
Community Engagement
Summer Science Experience 2010-2014: Cardiovascular physiology
University of Adelaide & Roseworthy Campus Open Days, 2009-2013
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Entry last updated: Saturday, 28 Jan 2023
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