Dr Vinay Pagay

Dr Vinay Pagay
 Position Senior Lecturer
 Org Unit Agricultural Science
 Email vinay.pagay@adelaide.edu.au
 Telephone 831 30773
 Location Floor/Room 4.28 ,  Wine Innovation Central ,   Waite
  • Biography/ Background


    B.Eng. (Hons.) - Computer Engineering, McGill University, Canada (1999)

    B.Sc. (Hons.) - Oenology and Viticulture, Brock University, Canada (2005)

    M.Sc. - Viticulture, Cornell University, USA (2008)

    Ph.D. - Viticulture (w/minor in Chemical Engineering), Cornell University, USA (2014)


    Academic Positions:

    Assistant Professor of Viticulture - Oregon State University, USA (2014-15)

    Lecturer in Viticulture - University of Adelaide, Australia (2015 - present)  

  • Teaching Interests

    Viticultural Science

    Grapevine Biology

    Vineyard Engineering and Technology

  • Research Interests

    Grapevine Ecophysiology and Climate Change

    • Hydraulic and chemical signaling in grapevines under water stress and recovery
    • Mitigation of heat stress in field-grown grapevines
    • Variable-rate irrigation to improve grapevine water use efficiency
    • Modeling grapevine photosynthetic responses to temperature
    • Temperature effects on grape volatile composition

    Advanced Sensing Technologies in Vineyards

    • Biotic and abiotic stress detection in grapevines using proximal and remote sensing techniques
    • Plant sensor-based precision irrigation in vineyards  
      • Continuous thermal (infrared) sensing of plant water stress
      • In situ microtensiometers for continuous stem water potential measurements

    I am currently accepting post-graduate (Ph.D.) students who have a background in either viticulture, biological or agricultural sciences or engineering, and who are interested in working in the following research areas:

    • Environmental stress physiology of grapevines, particularly heat and drought stresses
    • Modeling multiscale and multiphase water transport in grapevines
    • Environmental factors affecting flavour and aroma compounds in winegrapes
    • Application of proximal and remote sensing techniques in vineyards to quantify vine physiological performance and yield
  • Publications

    F. C. Doerflinger and V. Pagay. Objective assessment of dried sultana grape quality using digital image analysis. Aust. J. Grape Wine Res. (2017). DOI: 10.1111/ajgw.12316

    Pagay, V. and Collins, C. Effects of timing and intensity of elevated temperatures on reproductive development of field-grown Shiraz grapevines. OENO One 51(4) (2017). https://oeno-one.eu/article/view/1066

    S. Dayer, S.D. Tyerman, T. Garnett and V. Pagay. Relationship between hydraulic and stomatal conductance and its regulation by root and leaf aquaporins under progressive water stress and recovery and exogenous application of ABA in Vitis vinifera L. ‘Syrah’.  Acta Hort. 1188: 227-234 (2017).

    Caravia, L., Pagay, V., Collins, C., and S. D. Tyerman. Application of sprinkler cooling within the bunch zone during ripening of Cabernet Sauvignon berries to reduce the impacts of high temperature. Aust. J. Grape Wine Res. 23:48-57 (2017). DOI: 10.1111/ajgw.12255.

    Vinay Pagay, Catherine Kidman and Allen Jenkins. Proximal and remote sensing tools for regional-scale characterisation of grapevine water and nitrogen status in Coonawarra. Wine Vitic. J. 31(6):42-47 (2016).

    V. Pagay. Effects of irrigation regime on canopy water use and dry matter production of 'Tempranillo' grapevines in the semi-arid climate of Southern Oregon, USA. Agric. Water Manage. 178:271-280 (2016). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2016.10.014

    Pagay, V., Zufferey, V., and A. N. Lakso. The influence of water stress on grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) shoots in a cool, humid climate: growth, gas exchange, and hydraulics. Func. Plant Biol. 43:827-837 (2016). http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/FP16017

    Habili, N., Wu, Q., and V. Pagay. Virus-associated Shiraz Disease may lead Shiraz to become an endangered variety in Australia. Wine Vitic. J. 31(1):47:50 (2016).

    Jason Cole, Vinay PagayUsefulness of early morning stem water potential as a sensitive indicator of water status of deficit-irrigated grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.). Sci. Hortic. 191:10-14 (2015).

    Byeong-Sam Kim, Vinay Pagay, Kyung-Chul Cho, Yang-Gi Na, Bong-Ki Yun, Kyung-Ju Choi, Seok-Kyu Jung, Hun-Sug, Choi. Effect of oil cake application on soil and leaf nutrition and on fruit yields in non-astringent persimmon (Diospyros × kaki Thunb.) trees. J. Hort. Sci. Biotechnol. 90:203-209 (2015).

    Pagay, V., Santiago, M., Sessoms, D. A., Huber, E. J., Vincent, O., Pharkya, A., Corso, T. N., Lakso, A. N., and A. D. Stroock, A. D. A microtensiometer capable of measuring water potentials below -10 MPa. Lab on a Chip 14:2806-2817 (2014). Here

    Stroock, A. D., Pagay, V., Zwieniecki, M. A., and N. M. Holbrook. The physicochemical hydrodynamics of vascular plants. Ann. Rev. Fluid Mech. 46:615-642 (2014). Here

    Santiago, M., Pagay, V., and A. D. Stroock. Impact of electroviscosity on the hydraulic conductance of the bordered pit membrane: a theoretical investigation. Plant Physiol. 163:1-14 (2013). Here

    Pagay, V., Reynolds, A. G., and K. H. Fisher. The influence of bird netting on yield, and fruit, juice, and wine composition of Vitis vinifera L. J. Intl. Sci. Vigne Vin 47:35-45 (2013). Here

    Pagay, V. and L. Cheng. Variability in berry maturation of Concord and Cabernet Franc in a cool climate. Am. J. Enol. Vitic. 61:61-67 (2010). Here

    Kilmartin, P. A., Reynolds, A. G., Pagay, V., Nurgel, C., and R. Johnson. Polyphenol content and browning of Canadian icewines. J. Food Agric. Env. 5:52-57 (2007). Here

    Huber, L., Eisenbeis, G., Rühl, E. H., Pagay, V., and M. Kirchmair. Distribution and host range of the grapevine plasmodiophorid Sorosphaera viticola. Vitis 46:23-25 (2007). Here

  • Professional Associations

    Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology

    American Society of Enology and Viticulture

    American Society of Horticultural Science

    Australian Society of Horticultural Science

    International Society of Horticultural Science

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Entry last updated: Thursday, 12 Jan 2023

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