Dr Wendy Lindsay

Dr Wendy Lindsay
 Position Lecturer
 Org Unit Entrepreneurship, Commercialisation, and Innovation Centre
 Email wendy.lindsay@adelaide.edu.au
 Telephone 831 32564
 Location Floor/Room 9 ,  Nexus 10 ,   North Terrace
  • Biography/ Background


    ·      Associate Dean (IT), Faculty of Professions

    ·         Online Program Coordinator, Entrepreneurship, Commercialisation and Innovation Centre

    ·         Lecturer, Entrepreneurship, Commercialisation and Innovation Centre

    o   Masters of Applied Innovation and Entrepreneurship (MAIE) Program:

    ·      Entrepreneurship and innovation

    ·   Opportunity Assessment


    o   Bachelor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (BIE):

    ·      Foundations of Entrepreneurship

    ·      Opportunity Assessment



    PhD in Entrepreneurship
    The University of Adelaide                                                          

    Master of Advanced Business Practice
    University of South Australia

    Master of Business Administration
    Bond University

    Awards & Achievements

    2007 – 2010, PhD Divisional Scholarship, Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences Faculty, The University of Adelaide

    Winner of Best Paper, Finance Stream Award, International Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference, Belfast, N. Ireland 2008.

    University Service

    Member, University IT Steering Committee

    Member, Faculty of Professions Learning and Teaching Committee

    Member, Faculty Board

    Teaching Interests

    Wendy’s teaching experience over the years encompasses a range of entrepreneurship courses including entrepreneurship and innovation, foundations of entrepreneurship, opportunity assessment, entrepreneurial enterprises, business planning, new venture creation, and financing entrepreneurial ventures.

    Wendy has extensive experience in course development of face-to-face, blended learning, fully online, and distance delivery models, recently completing content development for the Australian eChallenge and the ThIncLab Commercialisation Accelerator Programs.  She has developed courses and taught at a number of institutions including The University of Adelaide, the University of South Australia and Bond University. She has developed course content at vocational, undergraduate, and postgraduate levels.

    Research Interests

    Wendy's research interests include social and business entrepreneurship. Her particular focus is on nascent and necessity entrepreneurs, including gender and family business aspects, in relation to personal values, entrepreneurial attitude, entrepreneurial intention, entrepreneurship education, venture startup behaviour, and well-being.

    Business Experience

    Wendy’s business experience includes general management in the professional practice environment, and through provision of consultancy services to a diverse range of clients. She has founded/co-founded businesses in the areas of financial management and administration, hospitality, tourism accommodation, e-learning streaming media, offshore Indigenous entrepreneurship training, and vocational education. 

    Community Engagement

    Wendy enjoys community outreach through Rotary. She also is Committee Member of the Eastern Districts Little Athletics Club.


    Book Chapter

    Lindsay, Wendy A. (Forthcoming). Investigating the effects of entrepreneurial education
    on necessity nascent entrepreneurs.  In Necessity Entrepreneurs:  Micro-Enterprise and Economic Development, Eds. Jeremi Brewer and
    Stephen W. Gibson. Edward Elgar.

    Refereed Journal Articles

    Lindsay, Noel J., Lindsay, Wendy A., Jordaan, Anton, and Mapunda, Gido.  (2007).  Indigenous nascent entrepreneur self-efficacy and perceived personal success.  International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Vol. 4, No. 5, pp. 605-619.

    Lindsay, Noel J., Lindsay, Wendy A., Jordaan, Anton, and Hindle, Kevin. (2006). Opportunity recognition attitudes of nascent Indigenous entrepreneurs. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Vol. 3, No. 1:56-75.


    Refereed Conference Papers Published in Separate Compendium as Best Conference Papers

    Lindsay, Noel J., Lindsay, Wendy A., and Kropp, Fredric (2009).  Start-up intentions and behaviour of necessity-based entrepreneurs: A longitudinal study.  Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, Babson College, Wellesley, MA, USA.

    Lindsay, Wendy A., Lindsay, Noel J., and Jordaan, A. (2007).  Investigating the values - entrepreneurial attitude - opportunity recognition relationship in nascent entrepreneurs.  Regional Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2007, Vol. 4:562-575.

    Lindsay, Noel J., Lindsay, Wendy A., Jordaan, Anton, and Hindle, Kevin. (2005). Toward an holistic and inclusive theory of opportunity recognition behaviour: Do nascent Indigenous entrepreneurs perceive opportunities differently?  Regional Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2005, Vol. 2:278-298.

    Conference Papers

    Lindsay, Wendy, Lindsay, Noel, Balan, Peter, Balan-Vnuk, Eva (2014). Well-being as an antecedent to entrepreneurial intention and venture start-up behavior: A longitudinal study. BCERC Entrepreneurship Research Conference 2014,  London, Ontario, Canada, June 2014.

    Balan, Peter, Balan-Vnuk, Eva, Lindsay, Noel, Lindsay, Wendy. (2014). Identiying the motivations of students in undergraduate entrepreneurship classes. 2014 ACERE Conference, Sydney, Australia, 4-7 February.


    Lindsay, Noel, Lindsay, Wendy, Jordaan, Anton, Xia, Zhiqiang. (2013). What motivates nascent entrepreneurs to establish tourism ventures? 2013 ACERE Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 5-8 February.


    Lindsay, Wendy and Lindsay, Noel (2012). Gender moderating effects on entrepreneurial attitude, intention, and start-up behaviour in nascent entrepreneurs, 2012 ACERE-DIANA Conference, Fremantle, Australia, 31 January – 4 February.


    Lindsay, Wendy A., Lindsay, Noel J., Jordaan, A., and Kropp, F. (2011). Gender differences in family and non-family business nascent necessity entrepreneurs, Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference 2011, Syracuse, New York, USA, June 2011.

    Kropp, Fredric, Lindsay, Noel, and Lindsay, Wendy (2010).  Does entrepreneurial orientation matter in early stage ventures? Strategic Implications, The 4th Israel Strategy Conference, Haifa, Israel, December 27-29, Interactive Paper Session.

    Lindsay, Noel J., Lindsay, Wendy A., Kropp, Fredric, and Jordaan, Anton (2010).  Do what nascent entrepreneurs think others think influence business start-up intentions and behaviour: A longitudinal study, Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference 2010, IMD, Lausanne, Switzerland, June, 2010. 

    Lindsay, N.J., Lindsay, W.A., and Jordaan, A. (2010). Identifying nascent entrepreneurs who follow through, Abstract, 7th AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange 2010, Coolum, University of the Sunshine Coast, February.

    Lindsay, Noel J., Lindsay, Wendy A., and Kropp, Fredric (2009).  Start-up intentions and behaviour of necessity-based entrepreneurs: A longitudinal study, Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference 2009, Babson College, Boston, USA, June, 2009. 

    Lindsay, N.J., Lindsay, W.A., Kropp, F., and Jordaan, A. (2009). Entrepreneurial empowerment and wellbeing in Indigenous nascent entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs, Abstract, 6th AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange 2009, Adelaide, The University of Adelaide, February.

    Lindsay, Wendy A., Lindsay, Noel J., and Kropp, Fredric (2008).  Values, attitudes, and start-up intentions of necessity-based nascent entrepreneurs.  Interactive Paper Session, Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference 2008, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA, 4 – 7 June, 2008. 

    Lindsay, Wendy A., Lindsay, Noel J., Jordaan, Anton, and Dottore, Antonio (2008).  Values, entrepreneurial attitudes, and start-up intentions of Indigenous South African nascent entrepreneurs.  Proceedings of the 5th AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange 2008, Melbourne, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia, February.

    Lindsay, Wendy A., Lindsay, Noel J., Jordaan, Anton, and Hancock, Gary (2007).  Exploring the Values - Entrepreneurial Attitude Relationships of Necessity-Based Nascent Entrepreneurs.  The 13th Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, Verona, Italy, 11-14 July, 2007.

    Lindsay, Wendy A., Lindsay, Noel J., and Jordaan, A. (2007)  Investigating the Values - Entrepreneurial Attitude - Opportunity Recognition Relationship in Nascent Entrepreneurs.  Proceedings of the AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange 2007, Brisbane, QUT, Australia, February.

    Lindsay, Noel, Lindsay, Wendy, and Hancock, Gary. (2006)  Venture Capitalist Entrepreneurial Orientations in Developed and Developing Countries.  Proceedings of the 51st World Conference for the International Council for Small Business, Melbourne.

    Lindsay, Noel J. and Lindsay, Wendy A.  (2006).  Venture Capitalist Entrepreneurial Orientations in Developing Environments.  Proceedings of the AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange 2006, Auckland, New Zealand, February.

    Lindsay, Noel J., and Lindsay, Wendy A.  (2005).  Venture capitalist opportunity recognition differences:  East versus West.  Proceedings of the 50th International Council for Small Business Conference, Washington DC, USA, June.

    Lindsay, Noel J., Jordaan, Anton, and Lindsay, Wendy A.  (2005)  Values and entrepreneurial attitudes of nascent entrepreneurs.  Proceedings of the 50th International Council for Small Business Conference, Washington DC, USA, June.

    Lindsay, Noel J., Jordaan, Anton, and Lindsay, Wendy A. (2004).  Entrepreneurship as the way of the future for South Africa:  Toward a theory of entrepreneurial attitude orientation of nascent Indigenous entrepreneurs.  Proceedings of the 2004 SEAANZ Conference, QUT, Brisbane, Australia, September. (Nominated as a best paper candidate.)

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Entry last updated: Tuesday, 29 Mar 2022

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