Lancet Commission on Gender and Global Health Seminar Series

Link here to the Lancet Commission 'Event Page' for further information concerning upcoming and past events and seminars. 

Presenter(s) Topic Time & Date Link to Register & Recording 

Simone Diniz, Ana Flávia Pires Lucas d’Oliveira and Daphne Rattner. 

Gender violence in health institutions as a global health issue May 25, 2022


Blog Post

Latanya Mapp-Frett, President and CEO of Global Fund for Women in Conversation with Commissioner Jessica Horn.

Radically sensible: Feminist philanthropy in global health

May 12th, 2022


Blog Post

Commissioner Nina Schwalbe. Panelists include Jamille Bigio of USAID and Mira Johri of University of Montreal.  Vaccinations: Gender in Promoting Immunisation April 29th, 2022


Blog Post