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Success for Adelaide-led medical research
The University of Adelaide has been awarded more than $8.8 million in research grants from the Federal Government’s Medical Research Future Fund’s (MRFF) to support targeted research on new ways to address risk factors for chronic and complex diseases.
[Read more about Success for Adelaide-led medical research ]
Sparc Technologies granted patent for graphene based remediation technology
Sparc Technologies Limited (ASX:SPN) is pleased to announce it has received confirmation that the United States (USA) patent application number 15/578149 has now been issued as a patent.
[Read more about Sparc Technologies granted patent for graphene based remediation technology]
ALHI $28.9M MRFF Grant revolutionises lung function scanning
The Australian Lung Health Initiative (ALHI) has been granted $28.9 million in funding from the Australian Federal Government's Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) Frontier Health and Medical Research initiative, to be provided in tranches over the next five years, to achieve medical breakthroughs with the potential to impact on a global scale.
[Read more about ALHI $28.9M MRFF Grant revolutionises lung function scanning]