The University works with government and industry on a range of initiatives that deliver positive outcomes for students, the business community and communities locally, nationally and globally.
Industry engagement
We welcome engagement in many ways including:
- Access to student talent and benefit from student internships and placements.
- Consultation with us to help shape our program development, ensuring degrees are relevant and that our graduates possess the knowledge and personal attributes required.
- Access to research to solve problems and provide tailored solutions to the challenges you face.
- Provide professional development for your staff.
For more information, please contact Corporate Relations.
Government engagement
We engage with State and Federal Government to leverage the University’s strengths in research, teaching and learning to support priority initiatives in the interest of the communities we serve. We also engage with local governments, vice-regals and foreign government representatives visiting or based in Australia.
By partnering with government, we also increase the impact that our researchers, teachers and students make in their fields of expertise. To engage with the university or partner with us, please contact our Government Relations team.
Pathways to Politics program
Pathways to Politics for Women at the University of Adelaide is increasing the number of women in Australian politics by equipping diverse women to boldly embrace their political ambitions, thrive as leaders and make a profound contribution to society.
Latest industry news
University set to be test ground for Australia’s first lunar rover
The University of Adelaide will be a key partner in a project to build Australia’s first lunar rover. The University’s Exterres Facilities will be used as the testing ground that will expose ‘Roo-ver’ to a simulation of the harsh environment of space.
Thales Australia and University of Adelaide partner to explore laser technology.
Ingenious students’ innovations have real-life applications
Ingenious science and engineering students from the University of Adelaide will showcase their best ideas at this year’s Ingenuity event in Adelaide.