IMER supports gender equity and diversity in mining
The Institute for Mineral and Energy Resources – Modern Energy Resources is supporting women to undertake degrees in mining technology through a number of initiatives led by the PRIF Consortium and the new ARC Training Centre for Integrated Operations for Complex Resources (IOCR).

The PRIF Consortium ‘Unlocking Complex Resources through Lean Processing is funding scholarships for ‘Women in Mining Technology’ at the University of Adelaide and the University of South Australia, to grow the number of talented female students in engineering and technology and support female students in the completion of their educational goals. Selected students work together with high-profile academics, postdoctoral research fellows and higher degree by research candidates to address current challenges in the mining industry.
Nine Women in Mining Technology Scholarships have been awarded in 2020: three Masters by coursework, two Bachelors students (advanced) at the University of Adelaide and four visiting students and winter scholarships at the University of South Australia. The students have been working on projects relevant to the Consortium’s objectives.
The ARC Training Centre for Integrated Operations for Complex Resources is striving to improve diversity and gender equity within the Training Centre and mining industry sector by a range of activities such as:
- Ensuring that the Training Centre operates within an inclusive, respectful and fair environment for all people;
- Offering 16 higher degree by research scholarships with female applicants strongly encouraged to apply. To date, 4 of 7 scholarships awarded have been to females;
- Appointing women on Training Centre Governing panels; the Executive Management, Advisory and Science Advisory Committees;
- Establishing a working group with at least 50 % female membership to promote diversity and gender equality;
- Providing industry training seminars from leading females in the mining sector;
- Establishing a mentor program supported by a diverse range of leading people in the mining sector;
- Providing gender equality and diversity training;
- Delivering cultural awareness and ethics training; and
- Supporting a flexible and family friendly work environment.
Dr Ruth Shaw, Manager of the ARC Training Centre for IOCR acknowledges that achieving diversity and gender equality in the mining industry sector remains a challenge, however is hopeful that such initiatives are making steps in the right direction.
“We have strong intelligent female leaders in the mining industry and I have no doubt that these women will provide inspiration and support to the next generation of engineers and scientists. It’s an exciting time to be in STEM”, Dr Shaw said.