Unique forms of continuity in space

Unique forms

International Composition Competition & Workshop

Executive directors:
Carlo Forlivesi | Stefano Fossati | Stephen Whittington

To celebrate the 2012 Week of Italian Language throughout the World, the Italian Institute of Culture, Melbourne, in collaboration with The Elder Conservatorium of Music University of Adelaide, The National Conservatory "Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina " of Cagliari, The INA-GRM of Paris, The J.M. Coetzee Centre for Creative Practice, Soundstream New Music Collective, The Taukay Edizioni Musicali, and The Jeunesses Musicales Italy Modena Section, will sponsor an international competition and workshop for composers.

The title of the competition, FORME UNICHE DELLA CONTINUIT NELLO SPAZIO - or Unique Forms of Continuity in Space - is derived from the famous sculpture by Italian futurist artist Umberto Boccioni.

This international composition competition and workshop is an opportunity for composers to express the originality of their musical ideas and aims to contribute to the creation of a large and eclectic body of art works, with rich implications in the relationship between music and poetry.

Finalists of FORME UNICHE 2012:

  • Ewan Campbell (United Kingdom); Matteo Casula (Italy)
  • Kazue Kaku (Korea); Giulia Lorusso (Italy)
  • Samuel Messer (United Kingdom); Sandro Mungianu (Italy)
  • Mari Ohno (Japan); Sebastian Phlox (Australia)
  • Iran Sanazadeh (Iran / Australia); Tania Sikelianou (Greece)
Tagged in competition, workshop, composers, composition, music, poetry, art