Congratulations to Heather Taylor Johnson, the new Coetzee Centre Writer in Residence!

Dr Heather Taylor Johnson

Poet and novelist Dr Heather Taylor Johnson is the third and final Coetzee Centre Writer in Residence, a generous six-month fellowship made possible by the Copyright Agency Limited Cultural Fund. Heather is the author of two novels, Pursuing Love and Death (HarperCollins) and Jean Harley was Here (UQP), the latter shortlisted for the Readings Prize for New Fiction, as well as four books of poetry, the most recent being Meanwhile, the Oak (Five Islands Press). During her time at the JMCCCP, Heather will be working on a new novel about gun-massacre culture in the U.S. Stay tuned for seminars and masterclasses with this talented writer in the new year!

Tagged in Heather Taylor Johnson, poet, novelist