records management en Contract Management Essentials AGD identified shortcomings in the University’s contract management and recordkeeping procedures. This article brings essential reminders to comply with the University's Contracts and Agreements Policy. March 21 2024 Fabiano Santos Freedom of Information: Public access to University records The Freedom of Information Act 1991 (SA) (FOI Act) gives anyone a right to access documents held by public agencies such as universities. April 28 2021 admin Sending the wrong message: human error and the risk to privacy When we think of data breaches, we usually think of delinquent hackers exploiting technical or human flaws in IT systems to hunt down the personal information of others. But in many cases the risk that private information will fall into the hands of the wrong person is much closer to home - and more everyday than we would like to think. January 19 2021 admin Keep your records intact while working from home Adaptable technologies have given us the flexibility to easily move between working on campus and working from home. This pattern is likely to be the new model of work into the future. September 23 2020 admin Responding to COVID-19 - Maintain your distance AND your records During recent months, usual work patterns have been disrupted as we’ve adapted our work habits and come to terms with the reality of social distancing. May 27 2020 admin Hosting a Zoom Meeting? Pause before you record Zoom provides an easy and appealing platform to connect with others across different locations. May 25 2020 admin Information: managing a most valuable asset Universities have always been curators and custodians of knowledge and information. As institutions of learning we understand, perhaps better than any other organisation, the value of preserving this valuable asset for the benefit of future generations. September 11 2019 admin Contract management – checklist for ending a contract In most cases, contracts end naturally when the agreed obligations have been performed or the contract reaches its expiry date. February 13 2019 admin ICAC hones in on private email accounts - again Editor’s Note: SA integrity laws were amended in October 2021, which has changed reporting obligations for Public Officers. Further information November 21 2018 admin Want to work more efficiently? Record your “stuff” properly and regularly We sometimes think of recordkeeping as an administrative task that is an addition to the core functions of our roles. You probably never think of it as a way to increase your efficiency…. July 18 2018 admin