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William H. (Henry) Bragg and William L. (Lawrence) Bragg:
A guide to the research records of John Jenkin, 1614-2010

MSS 0144

Series 1: William Henry Bragg: early life, and general files, 1830-2006 71 cm

Series 1 contains material relating to William Henry Bragg and his early life, prior to his departure from the United Kingdom for Adelaide. William Henry Bragg was born in Cumbria, 2nd July 1862 and was educated at Market Harborough Grammar School, King William's College on the Isle of Man, and Trinity College, Cambridge. He departed for Australia on the 14th January 1886 after being appointed to the University of Adelaide.
Material in this Series includes background information on William Henry Bragg's extended family, and particularly his youngest son Robert Charles Bragg who was killed at Gallipoli during the First World War. It also includes information on the ships William Henry Bragg travelled on to and from Australia, places he lived in Adelaide and his Church affiliations, as well as biographical information and William Henry Bragg’s own personal reminiscences. The remainder follows the early part of William Henry Bragg's life prior to his departure for Australia, largely relating to his education. Primary material includes marriage, birth and death certificates, school lists and exam papers. Secondary material includes documents on places affiliated with William Henry Bragg, research notes and John Jenkin correspondence.

00001 James Bragg jnr. (1879–2005) 2 cm
Includes information on William Henry Bragg's two brothers; photocopies of letters from James Wood Bragg to father Robert John Bragg from King William's College, Isle of Man; a copy of a letter from Alice Todd to Charles Todd, with a typed version, and related correspondence; a copy of the marriage certificate of James Wood Bragg and Amy Louisa Nunneley and a hand drawn family tree showing their descendents; and a family tree showing branches of the Hopkinson, Todd and Bragg families.
Also includes correspondence and related notes between John Jenkin and James Bragg jnr., Alexia Cobb (née Bragg), Dr H. G. Prest, Gwendy Black, Louise Bragg; and Sylvia Jenkins.

00002 Robert Charles Bragg: Adelaide, Collegiate School of St. Peter, Oundle School (Peterborough, England), Cambridge (1892–2006) 2.5 cm.
Contains details of Robert Charles Bragg's baptism at the Parish of St Luke, Adelaide, and of the details of his death at Dardanelles as reported in The Adelaide Chronicle; photocopies, notes and other papers primarily related to R. C. Bragg and The Collegiate School of St Peter (Adelaide, South Australia); maps, notes, photocopies and correspondence primarily related to R. C. Bragg and Oundle School (Oundle, Peterborough, England); and correspondence, notes and tables primarily related to R. C. Bragg at University of Cambridge, England.
See also St Peter’s College and Cambridge files in Series 2: William Lawrence Bragg

00003 Robert Charles Bragg: Royal Institution papers (1914–2004)
0.5 cm.
Includes handwritten notes and diagrams, correspondence, and other papers related to material on Robert Charles Bragg in the Royal Institution of Great Britain Archives.

00004 Robert Charles Bragg: Lady Adrian papers (1892-2005)
2 cm.
(Adrian refers to Lady Adrian, the granddaughter of William Henry Bragg)
Typed transcriptions of correspondence including: between W. H. Bragg, his wife Gwendoline Bragg, and their son William Lawrence Bragg regarding the death of Robert Charles Bragg; and Robert Bragg's letters from Oundle, Trinity, from camp with King Edward's Horse, and as 2nd Lieutenant, Royal Field Artillery, primarily written to members of his family.
Also includes notes, a small number of photocopied photographs, emails between Lady Adrian and John Jenkin, and other papers.

00005 Robert Charles Bragg: Darwin 0.5 cm.
Contains photocopies from two books on Charles Darwin (1997, 2001)

  • Adrian Desmond and James Moore, Darwin (title page, publication details, page opposite p. 333, and pp. 289, 363-387, 651)
  • Randal Keynes, Darwin, His Daughter, and Human Evolution (title page, publication details and dedication page, and pp. 196-199, 202-219, 242-243)

00006 Robert Charles Bragg: personal war record (c. 1916–2007) 0.5 cm.
Includes email correspondence between Richard Walding and John Jenkin; a hand coloured map of the Balkans and Lower Danube; correspondence from the Ministry of Defence with handwritten notes by John Jenkin; and other related correspondence and notes.
Also includes an envelope inscribed ‘Gallipoli from Patience Thomson’, containing a letter from Patience (niece of Robert Bragg, daughter of William Lawrence Bragg) to John Jenkin, and three loose colour photographs of Gallipoli sites taken in 2003.

00007 Robert Charles Bragg: Gallipoli (1915-2004) 2.5 cm.
Papers on Gallipoli, including notes, and photocopied articles and sections of publications with handwritten annotations and highlighted sections. Also includes an envelope addressed to John Jenkin containing correspondence, and photocopies of pages from the War Diaries of the 58th Brigade of the Royal Field Artillery held by the Public Record Office. The photocopied pages include details of locations and mention Lieutenant Bragg's wounding. Also a document entitled ‘Eastern European Holiday, John and Constance Jenkin, Sept./October 2004’ detailing John Jenkin's trip which included a visit to Gallipoli.

00008 Robert Charles Bragg: Gallipoli maps (1901-1915?) 0.5 cm.
Includes various copies of maps of Suvla Bay and Anzac Cove showing the location of British and Turkish trenches, some hand coloured or highlighted. Also half page of handwritten notes by John Jenkin on King Edward's Horse, quoting The Register, 29 November 1901, p. 5.

00009 William Henry Bragg: ships (c. 1893–2003) 1 cm.
Includes handwritten notes and photocopies on ships William Henry Bragg travelled on between Australia and the United Kingdom, including Rome, Australia II, Victoria I and Waratah. The majority of papers, including correspondence, emails, photocopied illustrations and other material, relate to the ship Rome.

00010 William Henry Bragg: Waratah (Ship) c. 1909-1972? 0.5 cm.
Includes copies of articles, correspondence and illustrations related to William Henry Bragg and the Waratah.

00011 William Henry Bragg: sinking of Waratah (Ship) c. 1909-1972? 2 cm.
Includes transcribed correspondence, photocopied illustrations and extracts from publications, emails, notes and journals referring to or related to the sinking of the Waratah in 1909.

00012 William Henry Bragg: Waratah (Ship) Lloyd's and Inquiry c. 1910-1984 1 cm.
Papers related to the Waratah and her disappearance in 1909. Includes correspondence between John Jenkin and Lloyd's Register of Shipping, the National Maritime Museum, P&O, and the Marine Library at the Department of Transport, London. Also includes articles, a copy of the Transcript of Inquiry into the wreck of SS Waratah featuring evidence given by Professor W. H. Bragg, and the Report of Inquiry into the loss of the SS Waratah.

00013 William Henry Bragg: Bragg residences in Adelaide (c. 1933-2006?) 0.5 cm.
Contains a 1933 map of Adelaide with the location of Bragg residences and a small number of additional locations marked in red, and two tables from the Adelaide City Archives containing handwritten notes.

00014 William Henry Bragg: residences in Adelaide: North Terrace (c. 1885-1888) 0.5 cm.
Contains handwritten notes and a hand-drawn map, including notes on material from the South Australian Archives.

00015 William Henry Bragg: residences in Adelaide: LeFevre Terrace (c. 1890-2004) 1 cm.
Includes an uncredited colour photograph of the semi-detached houses at 57-60 LeFevre Terrace, North Adelaide, South Australia (no. 60 was rented by William Henry Bragg from c.1889 to 1897, and was the birthplace of his sons William Lawrence and Robert Charles Bragg). Also includes a copy of ‘North Adelaide: A local history guide’ by R. M. Gibbs, photocopied extracts from publications, a hand-drawn table, handwritten notes, and related correspondence, including a group of emails and letters regarding problems with a heritage plaque on the gate pillar outside the residence.

00016 William Henry Bragg: residences in Adelaide: Centenary of East Terrace House (c. 1999-2009) 1 cm.
Papers related to the house designed and built by William Henry Bragg on the corner of East Terrace and Carrington Street (207 East Terrace), Adelaide, South Australia. The foundation stone was laid by W. H. Bragg's father-in-law Charles Todd on 9 September 1899. Includes printed website pages, an unmarked colour photograph of the unveiling of a plaque commemorating the house, related correspondence and other papers regarding the centenary of the laying of the foundation stone, a transcript of the Certificate of Title, and other papers.

00017 William Henry Bragg: residences in Adelaide: East Terrace (c. 1899-c. 1999) 1 cm.
Papers related to William Henry Bragg's house on East Terrace, referred to in some papers as ‘Catherwood House’. Includes correspondence, a transcription and a photocopy of the Certificate of Title for the land on the corner of East Terrace and Carrington Street, copies of articles, and brochures and papers related to the Public Schools Club Incorporated who owned the property from 1959.

00018 William Henry Bragg: residences in Adelaide: Bragg House (c. 1959-2008) 1 cm.
Includes handwritten notes, ground plans, and a printout of ‘Structural Report on the Movements and Cracking to the Public Schools Club Building, East Terrace, Adelaide, South Australia’, by J. Woodside Consulting Pty Ltd, 22 January 2006.

00019 William Henry Bragg: residences in Adelaide: South Australian Heritage Act (1984-1989) 1 cm.
Includes correspondence between John Jenkin and the Heritage Conservation Branch of the Department of Environment and Planning, nomination forms and related documentation regarding nominations for the inclusion of 58 LeFevre Terrace (Northern half) North Adelaide, and Sanford House [previously Catherwood House] at 207 East Terrace, Adelaide, on the Register of State Heritage Items.

00020 William Henry Bragg: residences in Adelaide: South Australian Heritage Act - East Terrace (2004-2006) 1.5 cm.
Includes emails and correspondence regarding a proposed museum in the house at 207 East Terrace, related material, and a small number of scanned documents related to Wilhelm Röntgen.
Also emails and related papers on the sale of 207 East Terrace by the Public Schools Club Incorporated, and subsequent attempts to ensure its preservation.

00021 William Henry Bragg and Church - Adelaide and United Kingdom (1938?-2006) 1.5 cm.
Includes a hand-drawn graph showing the number of churches in South Australia, correspondence with Christ Church Rectory, and photocopies of extracts from publications on religion and churches.
Also a copy and transcript of William Henry Bragg's writing (notes for a sermon), and three articles by Sir William Bragg entitled ‘Moral Rearmament’, ’Science and Faith’ and ‘Science and the Worshipper’.

00022 William Henry Bragg and Church: M. Gibb's Notes (c. 1907-c. 1984) 1.5 cm.
Includes handwritten notes by Margaret Gibbs (research assistant to John Jenkin) from research into the Braggs' church affiliations, primarily St. John's Church, Halifax Street and Christchurch, North Adelaide. Also related correspondence between John Jenkin and Margaret Gibbs; and photocopied pages from St. John's Parish Chronicle, The Register and The Advertiser with sections related to the Braggs highlighted.
00023 William Henry Bragg and Church: St. Luke's, Whitmore Square (c. 1986-c. 2003) 1 cm.

  • a copy of ‘South Australian History in Slides: Adelaide's Old West End’ by R. M. Gibbs
  • photocopied pages from ‘Heritage of the City of Adelaide: An Illustrated Guide’ edited by Susan Marsden, Paul Stark and Patricia Sumerling
  • photocopy of ‘Class and Control: social reform in the West End of Adelaide in the twentieth century’ by Lee Hammond from the Journal of the Historical Society of South Australia.

00024 William Henry Bragg and Church: St. John's, Halifax Street (1895?–2002) 1.5 cm.
Includes photocopies from publications and newspapers referring to St. John's Church, St. John's Priory and St. John's Church Hall, with notes and related correspondence.

00025 William Henry Bragg: personal reminiscences (1926–1937) 0.5 cm.
Includes copies of three articles by William Henry Bragg entitled ‘In the Days of My Youth’, ‘A Page From My Life: My Adventures Among Atoms’ and ‘The Discovery of X-ray Diffraction’. The latter written with William Lawrence Bragg. Also an article by Wickham Steed entitled ‘Seeing the Invisible: The Gateway of Knowledge: A Talk with Sir William Bragg’.

00026 William Henry Bragg: biographies (1892–2006)
2.5 cm.
Includes copies of letters from William Lawrence Bragg to Marcus Laurence Elwin Oliphant regarding William Henry Bragg and his work, copies of extracts from dictionaries of biography, encyclopaedia and other publications, copies of journal articles and speeches, and other papers.

00027 William Henry Bragg's death (March 1942) 1942–1987 1.5 cm
Includes a pamphlet on Chiddingfold and the Parish Church of St. Mary where William Henry Bragg's ashes were buried, and the Form of Service from Bragg's memorial service, held at Westminster Abbey on Thursday 19 March, 1942. Also handwritten notes, obituaries from various newspapers and journals, and copies of letters and telegrams sent following Bragg's death.

00028 William Henry Bragg: 1965 CSIRO film (1965–1982) 1 cm.
Contains papers related to the CSIRO film ‘Crystallographers in Conference’, made at the International Conference on Electron Diffraction and Crystal Defects, Melbourne, 1965. Includes correspondence, handwritten notes, and typed transcripts from interviews with Mr. Addison, Dame Kathleen Lonsdale, Professor Ewald and Professor Blackman.

00029 Chronology for W.H. Bragg until departure for Australia (31 July 1830-27 February 1886) 0.5 cm.
Single page typed chronology of events in the life of William Henry Bragg, from the birth of his father Robert John Bragg, to his arrival in Adelaide on 27 February 1886.

00030 William Henry Bragg: Cumberland (1875 – 2006) 2 cm.
Cumberland was a historic county of North West England which, in 1974, became part of Cumbria. Includes maps of Wigton and surrounds, and photocopied extracts from publications.

00031 William Henry Bragg: Cumberland: St. Michael's Parish Church-Workington-Brief history and guide, and other papers (1974-1987?) 1.5 cm
Includes brochures on St Michael's Parish Church, Workington, and St. Hilda's Parish Church, Westward; correspondence with Cumbria City Council and others; and an unmarked envelope containing a tea towel printed for the bicentenary of St. Hilda's Church, Westward, in 1985 which includes a picture with the caption ‘Stoneraise: Birthplace of Sir William Bragg Nobel Prize Winner’.

00032 William Henry Bragg: Cumberland: Robert John Bragg and Stoneraise Place (1987-2004) 1.5 cm
Includes correspondence from 1987 arranging a visit by John Jenkin to Stoneraise Place, original and photocopied handwritten research notes with details of John Jenkin's trip to Cumbria in 1987, hand-drawn illustrations, and other notes. Also an envelope addressed to Dr. John Jenkin containing correspondence, hand-drawn diagrams of a water-wheel at Stoneraise Place, and related papers.

00033 William Henry Bragg: Cumberland: mother's death and other deaths (1869-2005) 1.5 cm
Includes copy of Mary Bragg's death certificate (mother of William Henry Bragg-died 1 March 1869), photocopied extracts from publications on childbed fever, attachment and loss, and related correspondence, notes and papers. Also a list of members of the Bragg and Wood families, their years of death, and notes and correspondence regarding the location of their graves.

00034 William Henry Bragg: Harborough District-Official Guide, and other papers (1963-1984) 1 cm.
Includes brochures on the Harborough District, Market Harborough and its Parish Church, and copies of maps and information re Market Harborough plaque.

00035 William Henry Bragg: Market Harborough-Newspaper Cuttings (JJ, 1984); Correspondence re: photos (1984-1986) 0.5 cm
Includes correspondence regarding photographs, and copies of two newspaper articles:

  • ‘Honouring a scientist’ from the Harborough Mail, January 26, 1984 with a sheet of contact prints showing Dr John Jenkin and Market Harborough historian Mr Chris Davies, outside the Old Grammar School, one of which was used to illustrate the article
  • ‘Digging into a famous past ...’ from the Leicester Mercury, Monday, January 23, 1984 (on Dr John Jenkin's research on Bragg in Market Harborough).

00036 William Henry Bragg: Market Harborough-BMD certificates-Census Data (1828-1987) 0.5 cm
Copies of documents related to William Bragg Bragg (William Henry Bragg's uncle), including the certificate of his marriage to Anne Irving in 1855, and the register of his baptism in 1828. Also handwritten notes on census data, and photocopies of pages from the 1871 Census and the 1881 Census, Public Record Office, London.

00037 William Henry Bragg: Uncle William Bragg (1890-c. 1977) 0.5 cm.
Contains photocopies of extracts from publications, related to, referring to or by William Bragg (William Bragg was William Henry Bragg's uncle and guardian with whom he lived for part of his boyhood).

00038 William Henry Bragg: Market Harborough Grammar School-The Robert Smyth(e) School (1983-1984) 1 cm.
Includes correspondence with John M.W. Hall, Headmaster of The Robert Smyth School, Market Harborough (elsewhere spelt "Smythe"), previously Market Harborough Grammar, attended by William Henry Bragg. Also a brochure entitled ‘Newspapers in the British Library’, and research notes taken by John Jenkin on a visit to the British Library Newspaper Library in January 1984.

00039 William Henry Bragg: Guildhall London re: Market Harborough Grammar School (1837-1984) 1 cm.
Includes correspondence with the Corporation of London Records Office, research notes, and the ‘Scheme for the Government of the Grammar School, Market Harborough. 1868’. Also an original copy of ‘Market Harborough School (Smyth's Charity). Report to the Court of Mayor and Aldermen, from the General Purposes Committee. Presented 22nd October, 1867.’

00040 William Henry Bragg: Market Harborough Grammar School Minutes of Trustee's Meetings (1868-2003) 1.5 cm.
Includes photocopies of various Market Harborough Grammar School trustee's meeting minutes from the years 1868 to 1875, and a small number of related emails, reports and correspondence.

00041 William Henry Bragg: Market Harborough Grammar School-Oxford and Cambridge Examinations-also relevant to King William's College (1869?-1985) 1.5 cm.
Includes copies of research notes, a two page leaflet on Market Harborough Grammar School (not dated), correspondence related to two examinations taken by William Henry Bragg (Oxford Local Examination, Junior Certificate; and Oxford and Cambridge Certificate Examination) and a photocopy of part of a book by John Roach entitled ‘Public Examinations in England 1850-1900’.

00042 William Henry Bragg: King William's College-Isle of Man (c. 1890-2003) 2 cm.
Includes a fold-out map of the Isle of Man, a chronology for W.H. Bragg until his departure for Australia, research notes and notes for a talk, an article on the Isle of Man, an Isle of Man Post Office Authority Newsletter (No. 35, May 1983), and photocopies of sections of publications. Also two King William's College publications: a booklet to celebrate 150 years of the school (1833-1983), and a prospectus from c.1983. Also a copy of Manx Life (March/April 1983) which includes an article on the 150th birthday of the school.

00043 William Henry Bragg: King William's College-Isle of Man -Correspondence (1982-2003) 1 cm.
Includes correspondence related to John Jenkin's research, primarily between John Jenkin and Dr. P.K. Bregazzi, Headmaster of King William's College.

00044 William Henry Bragg: King William's College from Bragg (Adrian) papers (1878-2003) 1 cm.
Includes copies of six King William's College mathematics examination papers from June, 1878, correspondence, and various research notes (from WH Bragg personal papers in the possession of Lady Adrian, Pembroke College, Cambridge).

00045 William Henry Bragg: King William's College -Victorian English Public Schools (1932-2001) 3 cm.
Includes photocopies of chapters from various books on aspects of public schools in England, with some related correspondence and notes.

00046 William Henry Bragg: King William's College-Hoy and Trustrum (1933-2004) 1.5 cm.
The title of this item refers to Michael Hoy, staff member of King William's College until 2003 and subsequent author of a history of the school, and Brian Trustrum of the King William's College Alumni Office. Includes a print-out of pages from the King William's College website; correspondence and emails between John Jenkin, and Michael Hoy and Brian Trustrum; and an envelope sent to John Jenkin by Brian Trustrum containing various photocopies and notes related to the school.

00047 William Henry Bragg: King William's College (1877-2000?) 3 cm.
Document wallet including photocopies from: the King William's College Register; The Barrovian-The King William's College Magazine (most of which date from 1879 to 1883); and details of Trustees and school lists from 1887. Also related handwritten notes and correspondence.

00048 William Henry Bragg: Cambridge-general (1882-2002) 1 cm.
Includes a pamphlet about the Cambridge University Library, a photocopied section from The Student's Guide to the University of Cambridge (1882), and related notes, correspondence and photocopies.

00049 William Henry Bragg: Cambridge-Trinity College (1881-c. 1984) 1 cm.
Includes booklets on Trinity College Cambridge, copies of the Trinity College section of the Cambridge University Calendar from 1881 to 1885, and related notes and correspondence.

00050 William Henry Bragg: Cambridge-tennis, hockey and lacrosse (c. 1900-1998) 1 cm.
Includes a photocopy of a book chapter on mathematics and athleticism in Victorian Cambridge, research notes, correspondence, and a map of the Trinity College Field Club c.1900.

00051 William Henry Bragg: Cambridge-mathematics (1910?-1999?) 2 cm.
Includes photocopies of sections from various publications on mathematics at Cambridge, mathematics exams, and related topics, with some correspondence and notes.

00052 William Henry Bragg: Cambridge-Tripos exam papers (1884-2003) 1 cm.
Contains copies of three Mathematical Tripos exam papers-Part I and Part II from 1884, and Part III from 1885-with one page of handwritten notes and a letter regarding the exam papers sent to John Jenkin in 2003.

00053 William Henry Bragg: Cambridge-Mathematical Tripos-: Pts I and II June 1884-Part III January 1885 (1879-c. 1983) 1.5 cm.
Includes copies of sections from student guides, the Cambridge University Calendar, statutes and ordinances, and the Cambridge University reporter, related to mathematical Tripos from 1879 and the 1880s. Also pages of handwritten notes.

00054 William Henry Bragg: Cambridge ‘physics’ 1.5 cm.
Includes photocopies from publications related to the emergence of the Cavendish School, Cambridge Natural Science Tripos, and the rise of physical science and physics at Victorian Cambridge and in Britain more generally. Also a small number of handwritten notes.

00055 William Henry Bragg: Cavendish Laboratory (1910?-2003) 2 cm.
Loose papers, including an obituary for Sir Richard Glazebrook, various booklets and photocopied book sections on the Cavendish Laboratory, and related correspondence and handwritten notes.


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