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Martin Fritz Glaessner (1906-1989)

MSS 0088

Series 3: Associations, Societies, Conferences, Consultancies etc 

Occasional files, circulars etc of Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina, Geologische Bundesanstalt, Geological Society of America, Geologische Gesellschaft in Wien, Indonesian Petroleum Association, Ősterreichische Geologische Gessellschaft, Paläontologische Gessellschaft, Royal Society of Victoria, Société Géologique Suisse, Society for Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists (SEPM) and conference circulars have been discarded

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAGP)  0.5 cm
• Newsletters, reprints etc ca. 1973-87 (incomplete). Includes list of AAGP members living in Australia 1985

American Geological Institute  0.5 cm
• Correspondence 1971-72, AGI Translagram August 1971

Australian Academy of Science  12 cm
These papers have been retained in Glaessner’s original files ie:
• 1978 Fellows CV for Glaessner, with request for additional information
• Sectional Committee of Geology and Geophysics decisions on election of Fellows, Glaessner’s confidential reports and CVs and references of applicants 1958-87 (2 folders)
• Also file of correspondence re the Australian delegation to the International Geological Congress, the Standing Committee for the Measurement of Geological Time and the International Geological Union, and re a proposed symposium re Tertiary and Quaternary events affecting soils science in Australia, 1958-1960
• AAS AGM papers, including correspondence, confidential election papers 1958-1968, 1982 minutes

Australian Academy of Science. Australian National Committee for Geological Sciences  11 cm
Glaessner was Chairman of the AAS Australian National Committee for Geological Sciences 1962-77
• Correspondence 1971
• Correspondence / papers re meeting 15/2/1972
• Correspondence 1972-74
• Correspondence and papers 1974-78
• Correspondence 1978-79: includes some IUGS correspondence; paper on ‘The review of IUGS scientific program’; general committee papers; and draft report ‘The Lithosphere: frontier for the 1980s’: a program of international research in the solid-earth sciences as proposed jointly by the Task Groups on Planning of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics and the International Union of Geological Sciences
• File of correspondence / papers re meetings of the 25th IGC Fund Committee and ANCGS in October 1978 and September 1977 meeting of National Committee for the International Geological Correlation Programme

ANZAAS  2 cm
• Folder: circulars, offprints, correspondence, some concerning reviews etc for ANZAAS journal Search, 1964-75
• Folder labelled: ANZAAS 1971 containing typescript papers ‘Palaeontology of the Australian Proterozoic’ / Glaessner (1971), abstracts and rules of the Australasian Palaeontological Society.
• ANZAAS Canberra 1954: Criticism of Carey, Geoflex concept (typescript, 3 p.)
• Abstracts for Symposium on Continental Drift, ANZAAS Adelaide 1969, with associated articles

ANZAAS Section C. Symposium: Subdivision and Correlation of the Australian Precambrian, 1967  1 cm
(Glaessner was Convener)
• Includes correspondence 1966, programme, summaries and abstracts of papers presented

ANZAAS Standing Committee on Stratigraphic Nomenclature 1946-56  4 cm
• Correspondence 1946-1952 particularly with HG Raggatt; articles on Australian Code of Stratigraphic Nomenclature; copies of Australian Code of StratigraphicNomenclature / HG Raggatt; reports by Glaessner and others; memorandums
• Correspondence 1947-49 including correspondents RWS. Warren, Cary(?) Fairbridge, J Warwick, RC Sprigg, NH Fisher, WE Wrather, HG Raggatt, C Teichert, FW Whitehouse, Dorothy Hill; plus profile and ‘Suggested stratigraphic nomenclature for the Adelaide Sheet’, map
• Also ANZAAS Section C Meeting Sydney 1952, Excursion 34: Paterson-Seaham district Programme

Australian /New Zealand Meeting on Decapod Crustacea October 1967 see Series 6: Publications: Manuscripts

Australian Petroleum Exploration Association Ltd (APEA) / Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)  cm
• Notices, some correspondence 1972-75

BAAS Becking Geological Laboratory  0.5 cm
• Registration list; Symposium programme October 1974; Proposed research programme 1974-80; Publications 1970/1974

Bureau of Mineral Resources (incl. Baas Becking Geobiological Laboratory)  0.5 cm
• Correspondence 1965-81, including invitation to participate in conference on The Earliest Animals (1981)

Congresses, other geological  3 cm
• Mainly flyers, calls for papers, programmes 1971-1989

Eastern Canada Biostratigraphy Seminar ‘Precambrian fossils’ (Laurentian University, Ontario: 1970)  1 cm
• Correspondence, notices 1969-70

Geological Society (London)  0.5 cm
• Correspondence 1972-74 mainly concerning the award of the Lyell Medal to Glaessner in 1974, with copy of his acceptance speech. Routine circulars and notices of meetings were discarded

Geological Society of Australia Inc. (GSA) South Australian Division  0.5 cm
• Council minutes, Annual Report etc 1970/71, 1985-89 (Glaessner was foundation editor (1953-58) of the Journal of the Geological Society of Australia)
• Notices of meetings 1969, 1985-89 (incomplete); letter 1/8/1956 thanking Glaessner for his work on the ‘Geology of South Australia’ volume

Geological Society of Australia Inc. (GSA) / Association of Australasian Palaeontologists (AAP) / Specialist Group on Palaeontology and Biostratigraphy (SCPB)  2 cm
• Circulars, notices, correspondence 1968-88; includes record of the inaugural meeting at the University of Adelaide 28/5/1968 (Glaessner was foundation Chairman of the Specialist Group on Palaeontology and Biostratigraphy in 1969(?))

Geological Society of Australia Inc. (GSA). Deep Sea Drilling Committee  1 cm
• Reports, correspondence 1974; also copy of Deep Sea Drilling Symposium Abstracts of Papers 1974

Geologische Vereinigung (Germany)  0.5 cm
• Correspondence, notices 1969-71

International Geological Congress  8 cm
• 19th (Alger, 1952)-21st (Norden, 1960) Correspondence, general papers etc 1954-1960
• 22nd (India, 1964)-23rd (Prague, 1968) Correspondence, general papers etc 1964-1969
• 24th (Montreal, 1972) Correspondence, general papers etc 1970-1972
• 25th (1976)-27th (Moscow 1984) Papers of the Australian Organising Committee 1971-76 (under the auspices of the Australian Academy of Science); General papers, including programmes, some correspondence re papers etc

International Law Association 1967-1971, 1974-82  22 cm
• Incudes correspondence, conference agendas, association notices etc (Glaessner joined the Australian branch of the ILA in 1967)
• 1967-71 includes papers concerning the Deep-Sea Mining Committee, with correspondence and papers by Professor DP O’Connell; draft and final reports of the Australian Branch Committee on Deep Sea Mining; ‘ILA Deep Sea Mining Committee, Contributions towards a report of the Australian Branch’ by Glaessner; articles and papers re continental shelf law and deep sea mining
• 1971-73 folder includes correspondence, notices etc, reprints, Australian Branch announcement of change from Deep Sea Mining Committee to Law of the Sea Committee
• 1974 includes memorandum from Glaessner to UNESCO seeking funding for the ILA, papers concerning Seminar on the Law of the Sea (London, 1974) (Glaessner was one of the representatives of the ILA at the Seminar)
• 1974 correspondence re UNESCO grants
• 1974-5 folder includes conference materials; 3rd UN Law of the Sea Conference report on Consultancies with Non-Government Organisations and Individuals on British Policy; papers of the Future Planning Committee
• Also papers re the 1978 Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition, Australian Regional Final Programme (Adelaide, 3/2/1978)
• Also Bahamas file 1972-1974. Includes ‘Report on the scientific aspects of the Bahamas related to the Law of the Sea’ / MF Glaessner (typescript) ca 1973; overheads and notes, maps, correspondence with Dan O’Connell and others re Glaessner’s consultancy to the Government of Bahamas to advise on scientific aspects of the law of the sea, and subsequent trip to England to consult with O’Connell
• Folder: Glaessner seminar – Law of the sea material / Timor. Includes notes, typescript ‘Legal, logical and geological boundaries of the Australian continent / MF Glaessner, photocopy of an Agreement between the Commonwealth of Australia and the Republic of Indonesia establishing certain seabed boundaries in the area of the Timor and Arafura Seas … 1971, photographs of rocks from the seabed, maps See also University teaching – Seminar: The Deep Sea Drilling Symposium, Sydney 1974, & Geology of the Bahamas Wednesday 18/9/1974

International Paleontological Union  2 cm
• 1959-1981: includes correspondence, constitution and bye laws, programme for Prague 1986, circulars, addresses

International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS)  16 cm

Chronological files, 1960, 1968-86, as received, including various sub-bodies of IUGS ie:
• 21st International Geological Congress 1960
• Project Working Group on Precambrian-Cambrian Boundary
• Commission on Stratigraphy
• Sub-Commission on Precambrian Stratigraphy
• International Subcommission on Stratigraphic Classification
• Subcommission on Cambrian Stratigraphy
• Ordovician-Silurian Boundary Working Group
• Subcommission on Silurian Stratigraphy
• Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy
• Subcommission on Quaternary Stratigraphy
• Working Group on the Neogene-Quaternary Boundary
• International Working Group on the Cambrian-Ordovician Boundary
• Subcommission on Neogene Stratigraphy
• Subcommission on Triassic Stratigraphy
• Subcommission on Cretaceous Stratigraphy
• Subcommission on Jurassic Stratigraphy
• Subcommission on Carboniferous Stratigraphy
• International Subcommission on Paleogene Stratigraphy

Includes circulars, papers, newsletters, membership lists, correspondence, reports, key projects, symposium papers etc. Some papers are grouped by sub-body (listed below). Also IUGS statutes

Subcommission on Precambrian Stratigraphy  1 cm
• Memorandums, questionnaires, lists of members, surveys, minutes of meetings etc 1985-87. Includes: ‘Subdivisions: recommendations and suggestions by the Subcommission on Precambrian Stratigraphy’ / Kenneth A Plumb and Harold L. James ca 1987

Commission on Stratigraphy / International Commission on Stratigraphy  15 cm
• Folders 1976-77, 1977-1983 general correspondence, circulars etc
• Folder 1967-1984 covering Subcommissions on Stratigraphic Classification, Precambrian Stratigraphy and Cambrian Stratigraphy and Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphic Committee. Includes circulars 48 (1975), 62-66 (1982-84), correspondence, working papers etc

Commission on Stratigraphy. International Subcommission on Stratigraphic Classification (ISSC)  21 cm
• Circulars 15-47, 50, 55-55, 61 (1964-70, 1974-77, 1981, 1983)
• Includes International stratigraphic guide: a guide to stratigraphic classification, terminology and procedure (draft, annotated by Glaessner), and copy letter to Professor Hollis D. Hedberg Sept 1974 commenting on draft
• Copy letter to Professor ND Watkins 14/9/1973 re terminology

Commission on Stratigraphy. Subcommission on Geochronology (2 folders)  1 cm
• Includes correspondence 1966-1971, reports, minutes of meetings and associated papers
• Geology Chronology Conference (Edmonton, Canada, 1967). Includes correspondence 1966-1968, associated papers, itinerary and travel details for Glaessner, programme, registrants list

International Commission on Geochronology, Meeting (Kiev 1966) (2 folders)  3 cm
• Correspondence, account of proceedings of first meeting Nancy France, May 1965, Recommendations 3/4/1966 (in French). Also papers presented(?) at Commission by LI Salop; BM Keller; MA Harris & DV Postnikov; NP Semenenko; NP Shcherbak, EN Bartnitsky, GD Eliseeva, HI Kotlovskaya and BB Zaidis; E Gerling, K Kratz and S Lobach-Zschuchenko, NF Semenenko and LG Tkachuk; IP Paley

International Geological Correlation Programme (IGCP). Folders include correspondence, circulars, minutes, working papers, reports etc  49 cm
• IGCP 1 & 2. Papers re the establishment and working of the IGCP; correspondence 1967-69; travel arrangements; typescript ‘The application and evaluation of methods of time correlation’ / Glaessner (Oct 1968) and copies of ‘The clarification of principles of correlation and the standardization of terminology and means of cartographic representation’ / Glaessner (Dec 1968); IUGS correspondence re other working groups; booklet ‘The Royal Society International Geological Correlation Programme: United Kingdom contribution’ (1968)
• IGCP 1968. Also papers re conference; reports and papers re to IUGS Commission for Marine Geology, IUGS Commission for the Study of Economic Elements in the Earth’s Crust, and IUGS Commission for the Geological Map of the World
• IGCP 1969
• Travel 1969. Also correspondence re travel to Budapest meeting, plus additional meetings eg Colloquium on the Geochronology of the Phanerozoic Orogenic Belts (Switzerland)
• Budapest meeting 1969. Also ms notebook, reports of working groups, other papers of UNESCO Preparatory Meeting of experts for an International Geological Correlation Programme in collaboration with the IUGS Budapest meeting; transcript ‘The clarification of principles of correlation and the standardization of terminology and means of cartographic representation’ / Glaessner (Dec 1968); report of the Preparatory Meeting
• Paris meeting October 1970. Also some reports eg ‘Evolution of the Himalayas ...’ / JA Talent; Project evaluation forms
• IGCP 1970. Also project applications
• IGCP 1971. Also project applications and evaluations; final report of UNESCO Preparatory Meeting of experts for an International Geological Correlation Programme (Paris, 1970)
• IGCP 1972. Correspondence 1971-72; project application and evaluation forms
• [IGCP Board corr.] mainly Board papers and correspondence 1970-73; project application forms; typescript ‘Remarks to the IGCP: its present and future’ / V Zoubek (Chairman of the Panel)
• IGCP-UNESCO. Mainly correspondence 1971-73; also statutes of the Board of IGCP; papers re Intergovernmental Conference of Experts for Preparing an International Geological Correlation Programme (Paris 1971)
• IGCP National Committee 1973/74. Also correspondence and papers 1975 re Australian National Committee for the IGCP Meeting (Canberra, February 1975); project proposals; draft report of Sydney 1974 meeting; final report IGCP meeting (Jakarta 1974); minutes meeting Canberra Nov. 1973
• IGCP meeting of the Australian UNESCO Committee for the IGCP (Canberra 7/6/1976) 2 folders. Also draft article for ‘Australian Geologist’ re the progress, prospects and problems of IGCP; Guidelines for IGCP project leaders (1975); reports of the 3rd meeting of IGCP Scientific Committee (Paris 1976) and final report of the 4th session of the IGCP Board (Nigeria, 1976)
• IGCP National Committee 1975/6 to August 1977. Also project reports, discussion papers, correspondence 1975-78 (Glaessner’s membership of the Australian National Commission for UNESCO Committee for the IGCP ended on 30 June 1977)
• IGCP miscellaneous projects and forms 1974-79. Includes individual project bulletins, project meetings, lists of projects, sundry published reports
• IGCP Archaen Project 92. Mainly correspondence and reports 1971-75
• IGCP Phosphate Project ‘Proterozoic-Cambrian Phosphates’ 156. Project newsletters, correspondence 1973-78
• IGCP publications: IGCP pamphlet (1974); ‘Achievements of the International Geological Correlation Programme as related to human needs: an interim report to the IGCP Board, 1978’ / comp. JA Reinemund and JV Watson, ed. MG Bassett

Working Group on Precambrian-Cambrian Boundary 1974-78  2 cm
• Includes papers from the Paris 1974 meeting, correspondence, circulars, membership lists, reports, papers by others

Pacific Science Congress, 11th (Tokyo 1966)-12th (Canberra 1971)  1 cm.
(Glaessner was Chairman of 12th Congress)
• 1966 mainly comprises correspondence re Glaessner’s participation as guest; 1972-73 mainly correspondence re difficulties of publication of proceedings of congress sessions, particularly ‘The Western Pacific: Island Arcs, Marginal Seas, Petrochemistry’ published by the University of Western Australia Press

Papua New Guinea Scientific Society  0.5 cm
• Includes Rules; First Annual Report 1949; Current Affairs Bulletin (May 1949) on New Guinea; typescript history of the Society (lists Glaessner as Councillor 1949-50); South Pacific Commission Research Council Work Programme 1949-50

Pugwash. 1st South East Asian Regional Pugwash Conference (Melbourne, January 1967)  3 cm
Includes Proceedings, press statements, Pugwash Newsletter v. 4 nos 1-2 (July-Oct 1966), associated papers, summaries of background papers, programme, list of participants, some correspondence

Royal Society of SA  1 cm
• Notices, flyers etc. 1974-89 (incomplete). Also 1969 correspondence with RA Callen of SA Mines Dept. re paper on phosphate deposits to be given to the Society with Glaessner’s ‘Notes on slides of colitic rocks from near Hackham SA’. Includes some items from Royal Society of Victoria incl. obituary of Dr Kenneth Washington Gray by Glaessner

Santos (3 folders)  5 cm
Correspondence: re SANTOS/Geosurveys Australia consultancy c 1956-7 (Kangaroo Island)
• Authority to Prospect 11P Frome Broken Hill Co. Pty Ltd: reports by L Dixon, NB Suave, HJ Evans 1955-56
• Sprigg, RC ‘Summary report on the petroleum possibilities of the central portions of the Great Australian Artesian Basin’ (1957) - carbon typescript
• Sprigg, Reg. Quarterly reports on Santos operations (processed). Geosurveys of Australia (Reg Sprigg was Managing Director of Geosurveys of Australia); ie License to Prospect – Wilkatana (to 31 March 1956). Report to the Minister Mines SA; Oil exploration licence no. 7 (to 31 March 1956). Report to the Minister Mines SA; Oil exploration licence no. 7 and Oil prospecting licence in the Wilkatana area (to 30 June 1956)

S.C.O.R. (Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research) Symposium (Cambridge, Eng., Sept. 10-18 1967) 2 folders  6 cm
• Programme, offprints and abstracts (with contents listings for offprints etc)

UN ECAFE (Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East) 1961-74  25 cm
(Glaessner acted as consultant to ECAFE stratigraphic correlation project)
• correspondence 1961-62, with working charts
• correspondence between Glaessner and Leo Strach 1964-73; including Special Service Agreement with UN, Medical clearance certificate, associated circulars, reports etc
• ECAFE / Commission on Stratigraphy of the International Union of Geological Sciences/ UNESCO Working Group on Stratigraphic Correlation between Sedimentary Basins of the ECAFE Region: meetings 1970-73: working papers, reports
• Circulars, ms and typed notes, agendas, reports 1973-74, including typescript ‘Note on a young deposit near Lan Sang village, Tak province, northwestern Thailand’/ H Sawata
• ECAFE meeting Canberra, 1969: documentation and articles in support of agenda items; papers in support of the Committee on Industry and Natural Resources Symposium on the Development of Petroleum Resources in Asia and the Far East; UN publication ‘Stratigraphic correlation between sedimentary basins of the ECAFE region’ (1969)
• ECAFE maps and diagrams

University of Adelaide. Centre for Precambrian Research 1967-1970  1 cm
(The establishment of the Centre was proposed in 1967 as the Institute for Precambrian Research at the School .of Geology)
• Includes 1967 draft proposals for the establishment of the Institute, correspondence and comments 1968-71, tentative seminar programme 1970, application to support a visit from Professor J Sutton, minutes Board meeting 27/2/1970, articles on the Precambrian by Glaessner, ms notes, correspondence re reproduction of illustrations for ‘Life on Earth’ etc
See also Series 5: University of Adelaide teaching etc

World Association of Parliamentarians for World Government. World Conference of Scientists (London, August 1955)  1 cm
• Includes conference programme; list of delegates; text of opening speech by Bertrand Russell; speech by Professor AV Topchev, leader of the Russian delegation; message by Professor Hans Thirring, Director of the Institute for Theoretical Physics of the University of Vienna; issue of ‘World: for world trade and world law’ (Summer 1955) with reports on the 4th World Parliamentary Conference 1954

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