Elizabeth Eleanor Weld
Diaries and lecture notes
MSS 0096
Dr. Elizabeth Eleanor Weld was born on 6 September 1874 at Mt. Barker, South Australia. She studied medicine at both the University of Adelaide (1st, 2nd and 3rd year) and the University of Melbourne (4th year) between 1890 to 1901.
Married Arthur Fletcher on 18th September 1876.
She died in Adelaide on 14 June 1969 at the age of 94.
1. Book of medical certificates up to 1895.
2. Diary dated 1901-1906.
- Contains details of her life in Adelaide in 1902, and trips to London in 1903 and Ireland in 1904.
3. Diary dated October 1895 - January 1896.
- Contains details of her overseas trip to London, and information of opportunities for women in medicine in London at the time.
4. Diary dated February 1896 - December 1897.
- Contains details of her recovery from tuberculosis, as well as notes on medical politics.
5. World diary dated 1899.
- Contains details of her time as a medical student at University of Melbourne.
6. Lecture notes in first year physiology dated approximately 1892.
7. Notes on Pott's disease.
8. Lectures notes written by V. Plummer dated 1897. The notes were loaned to Elizabeth by Plummer.